Author Topic: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office  (Read 53671 times)

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #45 on: May 25, 2009, 04:50:15 PM »
this time of year when the pollen is in full swing allergy pills are all that work for me.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #46 on: May 25, 2009, 05:04:47 PM »
All I can say is hooray for Excedrine.  Brendan painted like a fool on his bounty hunters today.  I drilled a hole in one for a jetpack for him and painted a little on a baby Tredwell.  I did get some fit-testing done, too, on my sniper team.  Proof of Concept stuff.  I'll have pics up later - gotta take pics of the new figs first.  Curto doesn't even have pics of them up on RebelScum yet!   :o

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #47 on: May 25, 2009, 05:17:44 PM »
Lets see em, buddy!

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #48 on: May 25, 2009, 06:38:42 PM »
Got some up over in the New Legacy Figs thread.  Gotta go put up some sniper pics in the Gallery now...

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #49 on: May 27, 2009, 08:09:23 AM »
The latest, greatest craze to hit the 'Station is gravcycling.  I bought Rebe a new gravcycle the other day and she and Bren have taken turns trying to wear the poor machine out!  Well, I decided to give it a try myself today.  There's no danger of me wearing it out any time soon.  None whatsoever.  Since Rebe runs for her normal exercise, the 'cycle will provide a good cross-training platform.  Bren needs it to build up his endurance for grappling.  Me?  I need it to keep from keeling over from a coronary.  KeKe has her own gravcycle, so she and Bren have become regular riding partners.

Bren is off on a Zoological mission on the other side of the 'Station this morning.  He's also been tasked with a bit of espionage on my behalf.  We'll see if he's able to bypass the security on an occupant's warehouse.

I've got to help Maintenance out with some cooling duct repairs.  We think damaged ducting it prolonging the Spewkworm infestation.  I've also got a doorway to finish building for the 'Yards.  The frame is already cut, now I just have to fab up the actual door and details.  I need to write up a fig review - two, actually - for the 'Yards, as well.

Guess I better shove off and get busy or nothing will get done.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #50 on: May 27, 2009, 09:27:59 AM »
Sounds like a busy day. Hope you don't have a coronary. LOL. Easy with the new gravcycle!

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #51 on: May 28, 2009, 04:06:45 PM »
Not a bad couple of days on the 'Station!  Despite Assembly Platform-1 still not being moved, we've put it into production.  Yesterday saw the creation of the machinery needed to turn out fusion lamps and holocam droids.  Then, last night, I finished up the prelim door design and fabbed up the doorway itself.  Today, I made test-runs of the door and performed minor adjustments to it.  I made a final print, trimmed it up, and have it glued into the frame, drying as I type.  

I failed to mention that Station Security was activated during the night-shift two nights ago.  Security failed to find anything beyond a loose 'Cauna Hen in Zoological.  I think now it was an AFFA guerilla on the prowl.  Why?  Well, three packages arrived by courier today, 15 cinema-scene bases, a BBI Modern Elite fig, and three droids.  The droids - a TC14 and two DUM4 pit droids - had been advertised as MOC.  They arrived loose in shipping baggies.

I queried the vendor, who claimed someone from Station Purchasing had commed him and requested they be shipped loose - "to save on shipping."  I went back thru the station comm-logs and someone had indeed sent just such a message, signing off as "Affa Betteo" all official-like.

AFFA - Because toys were meant to be played with!

Then, to make matters worse, someone plastered propaganda over on RebelScum, trying to draw traffic to the 'Station!!  The "Society for the Preservation of AstroMechs" - yes, SPAM - ran their propaganda supporting the non-customizing of astromech figs & advocating the use of BAD parts.  By the Maker - have they *seen* how much a single astromech part sells for on the 'net?  I went out and bought a Wioslea fig for the R2 dome and paid less for the entire carded fig than what most of these scalpers are charging!!  And now I have a decent figure to work with, as well.

SPAM, sheesh.  Oh, and respondents are supposed to comm someone named "Justa Jokkin" at the 'Station.  You've got to be kidding me.

So - the BIG thing!!  We turned out our first holocam droid and first fusion lamp!  They weren't perfect, but still.  Look out folks, we are on our way!

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #52 on: June 02, 2009, 03:08:56 PM »
Y'know...this is getting ridiculous.  The "Outlands Station" has always been a part of my Fixer SW setting.  I had the idea to post the blog in the voice of the station's administrator and from that developed a bit of his character and some of the other folks on the station he'd interact with, partly based on my family members.  Then I figured I'd have him acquainted with Fixer.  Then I developed a couple of silly joke-level action figure "resistance movements" tied to the station.  Started working out customs of some of the characters, since they're tied to Fixer.  Then started looking at what vehicles might be around the station.  THEN had an idea for a station denizen for Fixer to tangle with somewhere in a future story and started wondering about a custom-fig for him.  Worked out a station-side diorama as part of the contest - which will be revisited later, once I have the proper materials to realize my vision.  And now I've gone and developed ANOTHER denizen complete with place of business, fictional "voice," a secret, *and* found a pic to serve as him - just for listing items I have available for sale or trade on the 'boards!!!  Oh, and he'll no doubt be a custom project one of these days.  Prolly with a store dio of his own, too.


As I-5YQ said - "Organics are endlessly amusing.  Even if only to themselves."  Hope y'all enjoy my trip into madness as much as I am!

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #53 on: June 02, 2009, 03:55:48 PM »
I think that it's all pretty cool, myself. You do have imagination and talent at creativity both with text and tangible visual creation. It's a killer combo.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #54 on: June 02, 2009, 04:44:18 PM »
Thanks!  I know it is definitely entertaining on THIS side...

I took an intro to filmmaking class in college wherein we had to make two 3-5 minute long movies, using 8mm film cameras.  I made a C on both of them.  Given the fact that I was working solo as opposed to everyone else partnering up *and* that this class was my *first* class in that part of the college and thus I didn't know where ANYTHING was (sound studio, editing studio, etc etc), *and* that I was clueless with more than general point-n-shoot photography, the fact I got an "average" grade on my VERY FIRST FILMS EVER was pretty exciting.

I'm a writer - go figure, eh?  I took loads of creative writing classes at the colleges I've been to.  One of my teachers - a published fiction writer type - made a comment about my piece that was under review by the class.  Attempting to be disparaging, he said, "I read this and it's like I'm watching it on a movie screen!"  To which one of the other students replied, "Yeah I know - innit GREAT??"  The face he made was priceless.  I then asked him if a writer had to pick between writing a novel he knew would be a technical masterpiece of literature but would be read and reviewed only by the literary elites or writing a novel that would be not technically brilliant but would be read, enjoyed, and talked about by commonplace people around the world ... which novel should he write?

As I recall, the subject was changed in short order amid much hemming and hawing.

I don't need drugs - I have imagination.  Maybe one day I'll figure out how to get it hooked to a paycheck.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #55 on: June 03, 2009, 04:14:54 AM »
Couple of ships came in yesterday and left the most awful mess of scum and villany I've seen in ages.  One K-3PO protocol droid came in, along with three bounty hunters (Djas Puhr, Bossk, 4LOM), three rebels (beardless Endor Rebel, blue-coat Hoth Han, Bespin Luke w/ bloody stump), and one member of Joker Squad (Hondo Karr).

Someone on RebelScum posted pics of the Q7 droid he made.  The Q7 is the droid that rides in the Clone V-wing and is, according to the Incredible Cross-sections holocron he referenced, a spherical droid with repulsorlift flight.  He made it using the recipie Bren suggested to me for the ball-droid James posted from the "Droids" cartoon - an R2 BAD dome with the bottom half of Vader's IT-0 droid.  It works and works WELL!  I'll have to see if I can pull it off for the DD-droid with a leg.  I have a couple of the IT-0's around, so fodder for casting isn't an issue, like the R2 dome was.  I'm hoping to work out a way to hollow-cast the BAD domes so that installing the foot doesn't involve cutting thru an inch of resin, but experiments will have to wait until Manufacturing gets more HS3.

Which reminds me - I found a supplier that sells HS3 and resin for a fairly reasonable price.  The 'Station could even end up making a few credits off it thru their affiliates program.  It wouldn't be enough to sustain Manufacturing's parts-making process, but it would reduce operating costs at least a little.  I'll have to look into it more.  Maybe if I put my affiliate-link in my sig on all the customizing messageboards I'm on, I'd get a few (2-3??) casters to order.  Narceron keeps making noises about trying it out...

And in the realm of casting, I spoke by comm with a manufacturer's rep about materials that can be used to make flexible belts for figs.  He recommended three products they carry.  The company was recommended by members of a costuming community who use their products in almost industrial quantities.  So that bodes well for expanding out of just rigid pieces and into the more flexible stuff.

Farzel Kenn finally got his store opened on the 'Station's holonet.  So far, his only offerings listed are a bunch of low-tech dirtside military replicas.  It's nice to see that ugly Ugnaught finally participating!  Now if he'd just learn that holo's of his items are valuable selling tools!  I think once Manufacturing starts turning out usable pieces in decent quantity, we'll look at listing production thru him.

The Spewkworm infestation has been brought mostly under control - the 'Station still has one lingering case.  Now, however, someone brought in a case of Formellan Lung-rot.  This has, of course, compounded the Spewkworm case as well as laid into some 80% of the 'Station's occupants - including me!  I need to talk to someone in Medical about improving our decontamination procedures, it seems.  Maintenance repaired the airducts and we installed new filters in the primary atmospheric processing plant, so maybe we'll start seeing an improvement from those efforts.  In the meantime, the pharmaceutical suppliers on the 'Station are doing a brisk business.

I'm up entirely too early today.  Rebe had the early shift, so I got up and had caf with her.  Figured I'd just stay up and enjoy the quiet while it lasted.  I'm sure I'll end up taking a nap later today.  Maybe no major crisis will develop.

I need to work on painting the camo on the Sniper cloaks.  If Maunfacturing has enough HS3, I need to pour up some more molds.  Can't make any creds if the raw materials sit around in storage vats!  I think I'll suggest going after some generic heads.  Might see if we can get an Endor Rebel cap out of it, too.  Reminds me, I need to post some links on the 'Yards boards for the folks to check out the resin suppliers and more info on Fixer.  Farzel comm'ed me to see if I could take some holo's for an interested client!  Well, well - so I need to have Marketing do that.  Lonnie put together a dio she wanted me to holo and post.  Lotta fiddly stuff to do today.  Reckon I best get after it!

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #56 on: June 03, 2009, 04:39:24 AM »
I'm anxious to see Lonni's dio and those model kit pics, as well.
Lung rot, yuk. I have a variation of that illness called butt rot.

You are up early, this morning.
  I have to go to the dodge dealership to get the Magnum's clogged oil cooler checked and I have a trip to make to the PO but other than that, I will be home, all day.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #57 on: June 03, 2009, 04:51:24 AM »
Yeah, Bec had to be at work at 5:30 today, so I got up about 4am with her and just stayed up.  Somebody brought home a cold and it is making life miserable!!  Plus we are pretty sure she's developed allergies to the cats.  And what little girl can resist snuggling three adorable kittens??

Wow is it quiet!   ;D

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #58 on: June 03, 2009, 04:58:56 AM »
Enjoy it, my friend. Dude, I just checked out that Old Republic trailer. MAN!!! that's the coolest thing that I have seen in a while.

Gotta go. I should be back in 2-3 hrs.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #59 on: June 03, 2009, 05:17:24 AM »
The second pot of caf just finished brewing.   ;D  I should have another hour or so before the minions start getting up.....