Author Topic: spudafett's vehicles (last update: mando speeder video!!!)  (Read 86246 times)

Offline spudafett

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #90 on: October 17, 2009, 10:19:31 PM »
here is some concept artwork I did using my photo-editor to help me decide on a color patern on the viper-x

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #91 on: October 17, 2009, 10:23:00 PM »
thanks nfc, if you loved that your going to use alot more colorful explatives when I get the next one up in an hour or so ;)

man, I can't even imagine what else you've got waiting in the wings

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #92 on: October 17, 2009, 11:18:37 PM »
well.... I officially hate vista and internet explorer.  I had typed up a good long intersting explanation of why I blended together concepts of star wars and battlestar galactica.... and then IE crashed and I lost it...

I guess it's your all's lucky day cuz I don't feel like retyping it all....

basically it was an explanation of my fan-fic idea of the Galactica jumping into the star wars galaxy instead of to earth in it's final jump....

you guys don't care about all that anyway, all you want are the pictures:
Ok... but first... before any of you clowns go saying something about the backgrounds!  I took these on my pool table thinking it'd be a better background... of course I forgot about the crap my sister has decorated the basement with.  Unfourtunately I didn't live here when she moved in and she had free reign to decorate the basement... (what you don't see in the pictures are all the disney posters, the giant coke bottle painted on the wall, and random psycadelically collored geometric shapes spongied onto the walls....  I feel like I'm on drugs every time I come out of my room...)

anyway,  viper-x

well guys?! what do you think!?  I'm realy realy proud of the way this one turned out.  I've had more fun building this custom than I have in a long time.

I think the next project will be customizing that Matt Tracker figure that's in the pictures to be this ship's permenant pilot.  He already looks realy good with the ship as he is! 

after I finish the pilot I think I'm goign to dig out my dad's old cylon raider model and modify it into a one seater 1:18th scale fighter..... 

Offline spudafett

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #93 on: October 17, 2009, 11:38:37 PM »
none of you guys probably realy care about this one as it's not star wars... but to me as a kid it was substitute star wars:

this is an old Gi-joe jet that also was a squirt gun in it's prime... I have had this plane since I was a child, as long as I can remember...  I never had any joes as a kid so the only pilot figure I had was a POTF luke skywalker... as I also never had an x-wing, luke always flew this plane instead.
Back then it was a drab greay collor, over the years it turned yellow.  The squirt gun doesn't work anymore from where as a kid I played with it in the sand box (doh!).

I found it in a box of old stuff the other day and decided it'd look realy good repainted as a stealth fighter.  So a couple coats of spray paint later this is what I've got!

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #94 on: October 17, 2009, 11:49:07 PM »
   WOW, awesome job on the tank and Viper X.  Lovin 'em!

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #95 on: October 18, 2009, 12:17:48 AM »
That is the coolest tank man

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #96 on: October 18, 2009, 01:17:03 AM »
WOW !!! Dev that tank looks super wickered mate you are pumping out the customs
Great work on the viper too you high school musical loving hippy lol  :P  ;)
great job all round did you try the alcohol rubbing technique

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #97 on: October 18, 2009, 02:45:35 AM » we say in england  THATS THE BLEEDIN' NUTS ,SERIOUSLY THE DOGS BOLLOCKS!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline spudafett

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #98 on: October 18, 2009, 05:39:32 AM »
thanks guys.  I realy appreciate it!  Yeah I do feel like I'm just busting them out this week.  Probably has alot to do with the way I feel... I'm like a new man after this surgery! 
I still had a hard time getting down close enough to those last three ships to spray paint them! I was crawling around on the garage floor on my hands and knees cuz I still can't bend over...

I'm realy happy with both the tank and the viper-x.  Both turned out very nice.  I think the tank could have been better though... it's hard to see in the pictures but my black detail lines are horribly crooked.  It looks like a 5 year old drew them!  I wish I had some paint pens, that'd helped alot...  since I tried to follow the preexisting grooves on the plastic I could have just put the tip of a pen inside them and gotten the lines alot straiter.
I honestly didn't want to weather the tank too heavilly but when I started the weathering it covered up some of the sloppiness of everything so I went a little overboard with it!

I realy love the weathering on the viper-x though.  That came out so beautifully if I do say so myself...  now I just need to customize the pilot, because as NFC put it
"the figure looks good with the ship, but custom pilots are prefered!"

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #99 on: October 18, 2009, 06:00:42 AM »
basically it was an explanation of my fan-fic idea of the Galactica jumping into the star wars galaxy instead of to earth in it's final jump....

you guys don't care about all that anyway, all you want are the pictures:
don't care about it?  are you kidding?  THAT would get the BSG universe some RESPECT in my mind finally.  As of yesterday I have zero interest in it or the characters or the show.  but the unexplored idea of those folks being blended into the Star Wars universe?  yeah, THAT has potential now!

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #100 on: October 18, 2009, 07:20:15 AM »
The weathering job on that Viper x did turn out well and was not overdone. It has just the right amount. I like that underbelly shot. Nice job, Spud!

Offline spudafett

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #101 on: October 18, 2009, 08:25:02 AM »
thanks clint...

ok... I guess nfc asked for it so blame him for this! (hopefully my computer doesn't act up again while I type this up)

basically the battlestar galactica theme for every episode was
-hyperspace jump to new location
-explore new location for resources
-cylons jump in and reak havok for the rag-tag fleet
-fleet jumps to new location and it starts all over...

untill in the final episode (now I'm talking classic battlestar, not the crappy reimagined series, the last 2 seasons of that show were a joke and should be disregarded as completely nonexistant!), where the galactica jumps to earth to find a 20th century earth unsuitable for the galactica's integration....  and of cource the cylons come soon after and to save earth from total aniahilation from the cylons the Galacta engages them in combat and again jumps away to lead the cylons off on another whimsical chase...

now... what if we take the Battlestar story line which is stated in the opening theme "that even now brothers of man are fighting for survival somwhere out amongst the stars" and combine that with the reimagined series concept that "the galactica finds earth and begins a new colony there and they were our ancestors..."  From that we can assume that The Battlestar Galactica story took place BOTH a long time ago AND in a glaxy far far away.... If we assume that the same line is literal in star wars then both battlestar and star wars (and our own existance) is in the same universe.


what if the Galactica and the rag-tag fleet of the 12 colonies jumped into the star wars galaxy instead of finding earth?!  What if they jumped into the SW galaxy during or soon after the clone wars had begun?

My thinking is that the galactica, the fleet and their crew would imediately seek out the galactic center (courascant and the republic) and ask for assistance, amnesty and assymilation into the general SW galaxy population.  I think that the republic war generals (as well as palpatine) would see the galactica and it's technology as a new source of battleships and fighters to supliment into the Grand Republic Navy. The great deralict Battlestar would be grounded in a shipyard with it's vipers in tow and subsequently stripped down to be studied.  Admiral adama would be assymilated into the grand republic forces and probably start out as a commander (as his rank would be null in the republic, he'd have to earn it all over again).  The ace pilots of the galactica as well as their engineers would assist in retrofiting star wars tech with galactica tech.  Putting the new "jump" engines in grand republic star destroyers and installing launch tubes for viperesque craft.

now... at the same time, as is always the case, the cylons wouldn't be far behind galactica and they too would jump into the SW galaxy.  Being mechanical beings which love conflict they would immediately asses the Clone War situation and side with the seperatists, using their cylon forces to at first suppliment the seperatist droid armies.  As the cylons are more advanced "droids" the seperatists soon began winning battles and become a force to be reconed with....

of course the cylons wanted control, and eventually took over the seperatist movement for their own and turned it instead into an invasion force....

with Adama's experience fighting the cylons he soon became a high ranking military official in the GRA again... Palpatine begins loosing control of his preplanned take over and fears that his plan is lost....
With the galactica and it's crew now fighting the cylons in a new galaxy with new weopons they are not only fighting for their own survival but the survival of their new home....
Palpatine has already gained emergency power (as this was before the events of the arrival of galactica in the galaxy) and retains control after the cylons are defeated....

eventually the cylons are defeated, but not beaten or destroyed.  Instead they set up their own sector of operations in the outer rim and become their own entity in the first galactic empire.  Palpatine see's them for what they are, great untapped power, and begins to blend them into his Empire.  Using the bio-mechanical knowledge of the cylons he creates better more efficient clone denizens as well as some black book projects such as the Dark Trooper project, which is a fully automated "cylon droid" uber trooper....

of course the rebelion begins soon after and the refugee crew of the galactica and it's fleet being more or less used by palpatine, their ship being taken and their lives at the mercy of the empire begin to have feelings of contempt for the emporer.  As the uneasyness grows in the galaxy Admiral Adama and his crew become a deciding factor in the creation of the rebelion and it's subsequent success...  Technology from the old battlestar and it's fighters once again is grafted onto SW tech with the rebelion's ingenuity.....

so....  things like the viper-x are born.
Entirely new classes of star wars ships are created.  In republic times battlestaresque ships carried troops and space fighters into battle.
cylon basestar like crafts began carying seperatist troops and droids.  A mobile automated carrier of sorts...
Cylon droids in imperial times are disperesed throughout the galaxy.
Cylon technology became a staple part in the imperial arsenal.  The Tie-D, or droid tie, is a specific case of this cylon technology being used by the empire. 

so... yeah, there are countless ways this story arc could be followed.  It'd be fun to write a short story from adama's or appolo's perspective of their assymilation into the star wars universe....   There are so many possibilities and it could be merged so seamlessly I think too! 

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #102 on: October 18, 2009, 08:39:14 AM »
lol Wow dev you have too much time on your hands *joking*

now that sound like a great story arc mate i like it maybe you can start a fan fic in here and do your idea of apollo point of view story, i think you could do brilliantly
i was hooked and i really enjoyed what i just read, and if you did do it you have a reader in me mate

well done  ;D

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #103 on: October 18, 2009, 09:00:31 AM »
Man the Viper X came out great! and the back story was a great idea the first time I saw it. There is some fan fic somewhere of the Star Trek peeps being warped into the Star Wars galaxy.. look for it, it's not to bad.  Of course I think they just reverse the polarity of the warp core to escape :P

Keep up the great work man and don't worry about ppl not liking it, I think we ALL love the customs no matter where they come from.

At least I know I do =)

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Re: spudafett's custom vehicles
« Reply #104 on: October 18, 2009, 09:04:45 AM »
Really like that Viper. You did an excellent job on it, and that overhead pic really shows how straight everything is.
Dude, I've been watching some of your Youtube videos of you working with an Exacto knife. For the kiddies, you may wanna put up a disclaimer as to how sharp that knife is.
I fear for your remaining fingers (yeah, I know that, as I'm typing this, you still have all of them),everytime I see you applying pressure with that thing.
Glad to hear you're feeling better since the surgery. Can't wait to see that Cylon Raider.
