Author Topic: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 4/30  (Read 20331 times)

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 12/26
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2013, 07:32:10 PM »
Wow, just catching up on the last 3 updates. Really great writing. Sorry it took me so long to check in here.

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 12/26
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2013, 10:00:31 PM »
Awe thanks!!! I really appreciate the great feedback!

It refuels my writing to know that my work is read or enjoyed in some regard. ha ha at least I hope :p

 ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr  ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr
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Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 1/16
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2013, 10:02:05 PM »
                                                                                                   Star Wars: The Clone Wars

                                                                                                    Changing Tides: Volume 8

                                                                                   “Every time you win, it diminishes the fear of loss.
                                                                            You never cancel the fear of losing; you keep challenging it.”

      The haze of twilight dwindled above the skyline as the sun of Ator set. The metallic skyscrapers reached high like thorns far into the sky. Citadels, spires, dynamic shaped facades as far as was visibly possible through the crisp air. Atop of several large rectangular buildings, the smooth profile was made rigid with the outlines of numerous gunships which had landed to remain on “standby” for further action orders. Many of the airborne or jet pack troopers had found their way to peruse in to the top levels of these towering structures, however, the gunship pilots and crews remained with their crafts..

      Valkier, captain of the infamous larty squadron known to the grunts of the 501st as “Thunder”, had earned his reputation through frequent deeds of note. The troopers of his wing all decorated their armor, a practice typically reserved for foot soldiers. Though most pilots maintained only decorating their helmets, being as versatile as the 501st meant being ready to hit the ground at a moment’s notice to fight shoulder to shoulder with the mud or sand covered troops they had previously dropped. The captain hated the prospect that some soldiers may confuse his men with “shinies” due to their time in the cockpit. This did not mean his troopers had free reign to customize their armor; they had to earn the right to wear the blue, just as anyone else. For this, Thunder had become a revered, but truly capable fighting group.

      Standing at the cornerstone of the tallest edifice, Valkier stood solemnly looking through his macrobinoculars into the darkness opposite of the falling sun. Stray laser bolts could be seen whizzing from the crowded city buildings. The gray, black smoke was becoming less stark as light dwindled. The Republic’s heavy guns only made soft booms, which loomed over the trained ear, refracted by the buildings surfaces and carried by the wind.

      “When will we hear the word?” said a soft voice from behind the captain. Valkier’s hand rose from its resting place on the wall to behind his head, where he un-easily rubbed the back of his soft brown hair. He turned his head, looking from the corner of his eye just far enough to see his turret gunner, Tag.

“We’ll hear when they need us.” Valkier replied matter-of-factly.

“Which should be soon!” a different voice contributed urgently. Krate, the opposing ball turret gunner strode up, anxiously rubbing his hands together. “Our wing hasn’t been called in for nearly three hours…that’s..well that’s odd for this early in a campaign.”

      Krate though very intelligent, always seemed to read a little too far into suspicious events. He was excellent under pressure, but when the pressure was alleviated, his anxious-ness began to grow. Had he been overlooked for promotions on numerous accounts due to this attribute, but Valkier new just the solution. Turning to face his crew, “We haven’t been called in, because they aren’t in trouble..and that is a good thing for our brothers. Now, double check those cooling filters and belts on the guns. Those have to be in prime condition for sustained fighting. Hop to gentlemen!”

“Yes sir!” the two snapped with a quick salute before moving to ascend the large gunship wings to the missile rack. As the two worked in the dim, their fluorescent green markings seemed to glow. In the 501, green of this sort was reserved for ball turret vets who had flown 50 combat missions.

     Flak approached the captain, “Wound tight again?” his armor speckled with dents and scrapes that would rival any trooper in the legion. Originally his name was Tike, but through his tours prior to a promotion into “Thunder” he became known for the wake of debris he left behind. Having been shot down twice in different Torrent fighters, 8 times in gunships, and twice again as a Y wing gunner. Suffice it to say, “Flak magnet” seemed far more appropriate for the damage his ships sustained.

   “They’re just a little antsy. Happens time and again with idleness” Valkier replied.
   “I’ll head back to the gunship to monitor the comm. chatter.” Flak continued, “Maybe someone will come up with a task like “save my ass” or “shoot here”…well at least those are my favorite of the orders we get.”

    Valkier acknowledged with a partial smile and nod. Reaching down he picked up his helmet, pulling a light blue fiberous towel from his belt, wiping his T visor until the glassy plate became reflective. “Night has arrived.” he said quietly to himself, standing alone on the corner edifice.

   Many of the gun crews sat or lay resting against their ships, their heads resting on helmets as makeshift pillows, or leaning back against the cool metallic armor plating of the hull. Either way, Valkier suddenly awoke, almost leaping to his feet. His dreams causing him to rouse; he double checked his surroundings with a rapid glance.

BeDoo BeDoo  ----- BeDoo BeDoo
      A small yellow light flashed from within the gunship’s troop hold. Wiping his brow, he approached the lit up panel. Stretching his neck, he rolled his head to and fro whilst his finger reached out, tapping a small green, triangular button.

“Good evening captain, this is Major Vallen speaking” said the voice across the line.

“It’s a good evening if you say sir. What’s the sit-rep?” Valkier inquired.

“We’re going to need your wing to run a pick up on Captain Rex located in plaza 342. You will then bring him to the tank group, dropping off Rex while lifting Commander Halifax. Basically it’s an officer swap, but this legion needs both of these men, a task I trust ONLY to the best of the best. You have 1 hour prep. Good hunting Captain! Vallon out.”

   Quietly the captain awoke his crew members, ordering them to do the same for the rest of Thunder wing. As clones ran to each docile crew, the word spread  to circle up on the captain. Captain Valkier stood in an open area lit dimly by the lights of the nearby gunships. Red, green, and white hues illuminating their armor as they stood waiting. Valkier dispelled the Major’s orders which he had learned just moments before. A message had been sent as well, supplying all airborne units with integral knowledge of the ongoing situations.

        Fighting had ceased for the moment which is why now had become the prime opportunity for such a switch. During the briefing, Valkier paused to think about the notes he had just read. Making an addition to the briefing’s orders.

“Wing commanders, Thunder will maintain its flight with me, however, All gunships carrying Jet troopers will shadow the HQ tanks from above as they progress to their zone of departure. Any wings carrying Airborne troopers will continue to be on standby until ordered otherwise. Good hunting gentlemen, Mount UP!”

      The men bolted every-which-way in the direction of their ships. Some prepping order pads while others already  wore their helmets and had climbed up the scrawny latter steps to their cockpits. A low droning hum followed by the guttural throttling up of turbines.

      Dust from the roof tops was hurled into puffs within the air. One by one each ship lifted from the floor, only inches away from the surface. Patiently they loomed as their heavy blast doors closed. Spitfire hopped into the loading deck, punching the large red button to close his doors. In tandem, Tag and Krate pounced into their clear bubble turrets, straddling either side of the craft. Securing the upper window in which they entered, a checklist had already begun over the ship wide comm channel. Thick safety harnesses clicked as each member of the crew secured their thick black belts.
      The gunship became illuminated only by the lights of their on-board computers, lifted off. Low rumbling dissipating above the buildings as the larties lifted up into the air. Though the sky was black, a glowing aura kept the city illuminated with light penetrating down the streets and causeways. With way-points set for Thunder Wing, the mission was now underway. Thrusters engaged lurching the gunship forward. Building momentum, Valkier gripped his throttle, pushing forward enabling his craft to swoop with ease down between the buildings to avoid easy detection above the skyline. Using the buildings as cover the numerous LAATs weaved lumberingly through the plethora of skyscrapers.

      Valkier’s voice came across the income, “Three minutes until touchdown. We’ll be picking up Captain Rex since we’re nearest his position. The principle target is ours; the rest of the wing will run interference.” The way point came nearer and nearer on the computer. The monitor showed the defended square was quickly approaching and was located just past the tremendous statue that stood before them. The LAAT strafed to the right side of a statue, beginning its downward spiral descent. The remainder of the squad formed a large ring that formed a loose perimeter, but remained high in order to not expose their purpose. Valkier’s gunship tightly hugged the statue leaving a spiral of white jet stream as he descended into the smoke laden air which congested the battlefield.
Nearing the contested zone, the ship leveled off and rapidly slowed down, coming to a hover in the center of the defended area.

      Through the smoke a handful of clone troopers became visible, rifles and carbines held to their shoulders. Spitfire punched the green button which enabled the hulking blast doors to slide open. Holding the door he reached down to help pull up each clone trooper. The first had relatively plain armor except for a lone tear drop beneath his T view plate, the next had a backpack with a starkly visible medic insignia. As he climbed up, the clone behind helped lift the backpack, his helm decorated with a large Republic Army insignia.

“Where’s Captain Rex?!” Spitfire shouted above the loud droning of the engines.

      Tup turned to shout back, “He just oversaw the final positioning of the cannons! He’s on his way as we speak! This is the first down time we’ve had all day!”

Through the smoke Rex’s signature helmet and kama could be seen as he sprinted towards the hovering platform.

      A slight whistling turning into a howl immediately prior to a horrendous explosion!

“REX!!” Kix shouted as Jesse leapt from the deck. Jesse grabbed a hold of Rex’s arm lifting him to his feet, “Sir, are you ok?! Are you hit?”

“Thanks Jesse, all good here. Those rockets are all show, but kick a concussive force. Valkier, good to see you again.”

“Always a pleasure Captain, but if you don’t mind, we do have a mission to wrap up. Its imperative we get you to the tanks stat!” Valkier stated with purpose. “Understood, Lets get to it!”

      Without a gap of time between sentences, a hail of rockets fell upon the zone leaving swaths of fire were they slammed. Volatile equipment erupted in flame throwing troopers as ammunition crates burst!

“Close the blast doors! Close the blast doors!” Valkier shouted lifting the gunship from the ground accelerating forward. The doors heaved shut blacking out the room until the dim red combat light engaged. The LAAT was pushed and shoved by the concussive blasts.

      In moments Thunder wing took note of the growing battle, taking note of the rocket launch points the LAAT’s strafed the building decks and windows. Their chin guns and bubble turrets unleashing a hail of green laser beams tearing through the buildings. Glass fell, marble burst, and metal melted as the targeted floors became gutted by LAAT fire.

      The Wing regrouped on their wing leader whose gunship was speeding towards their next objective. Valkier slowed the gunship to reserve fuel. Within the main bay, Rex and his command crew removed their helmets. Spitfire pulled his off after providing the customary salute to his commanding officer. Tup took in several deep breaths, enjoying the reprieve from being smothered in the smoke. Murmuring concealed the silence of the cabin. Rex leaned against the back door. Looking to the ceiling as his mind reflected the previous hours of combat, already beginning to prepare his report for the Combined Strategic Committee.

      Jesse rubbed his raw bloodshot eyes. Softly clicking, he pulled a clear small bottle from his utility belt, leaning his head back while his fingers spread his eye open.  Fighting to resist blinking, the small drop finally fell from the lip of the bottle. The gunship jolted in minor turbulence as the driplette splashed upon his cheek.

“Damnit! I’m almost out again..” “Ha ha ha, THAT is why you need a gunner..ain’t that right Flak?!”

“That’s right brothers! Right on Target’s my motto! I’m sure I could manage a few drops.” Flak’s light hearted voice coming through the speakers.

“We’re about to descend to Major Vallen’s position in 2 minutes. Now is the time to try those eye drops cuz the ride down will be swift. Starting the count now..” Valkier’s voice clicked off the intercom.

“Ahh come on!” Jesse grumbled as he returned to the task at hand.

Rolling his eyes, Spitfire chuckled as he stood up. “Give me that already!” His hand held the back of Jesse’s head, taking the bottle into his own hand.

Kix laughed, “Thank you! ..that struggle was getting a tad painful to watch.”

      Tup contributed to the gallery of comments, “Almost as hard as watching a shiny buff his armor after a direct glance…and THAT is not coming out!” The squad chuckled and smiled knowing they had all been through that exact same moment. Standing to his feet, “Awe thanks! Some think these eyes drops are overrated! These packs work wonders!” In unison, they reached out to hold on to various grab points within the hold as the ship lurched downward.

“Here we go lads! Bonnets on!” Rex shouted as he sat up. Tup tightened his top knot prior to pulling his helmet over his head. Kix checked his carbine before grabbing his med kit, pulling it over his shoulder.

“Lets do this!” encouraged Jesse.

      Approaching the tanks, Spitfire opened the blast doors as the gunship approached the At- Te column from behind. No enemy readings appeared on screen. Slowing to a halt, the gunship landed as the first row of walkers approached.

     Vallen and trooper Hotsh ran up to the LAAT, saluting the cockpit as they passed.

“Rex, good to see you! How was your end of the field?”

“Good sir, but these self detonating droids are ..well they’re quite a havoc mess.”
“We’ll find a way sir, its what we do, or we wouldn’t be the 501st!” Hotsh shouted with a nod of reassurance, knowing that Rex hated to leave his post even for a higher call of duty.

“Very true trooper.” Replied the captain accompanied by a single nod.

      Commander Halifax walked up from behind; his voice, course as always, “Major, captain. Picket lines have picked up traces of several mines and IED’s, but noting too heavy. Keep an eye out for ambushes though; cities are ripe for them!” Halifax patted Rex’s shoulder pad then stepped into the bay with Tank and a handful of troopers following suit.

      Rex looking to the pad then back towards the commander, “Noted!” Saluting one another the clone gazed into one-anothers expressionless helmets.

     Vallen walked towards the cockpit, spiraling his hand at the wrist before motioning forward. Valkier powered up the engines, hovering before moving forward and up into the air.

     Rex accompanied Major Vallen towards the command tank. “Would you mind if I continued to analyze our data?” “By all means captain. I’ll be in shortly after checking the lines. Have your squad join up with the command At-Te’s patrols. It’s time to get the troops in the tanks for some Z’s. Sergeant Kano, post orders to maintain the perimeter and skirmish lines.”

“Yes sir!”

      As troopers climbed into the tank, the white parade dwindled. With the patrol thinned, the soldiers on watch became ever more vigilant, continuing to the landing zone.

      Valkier’s gunship again joined by the others of Thunder Wing flew over the column as they looped across on their journey back to the disputed zone Rex had previously overseen. Halifax and his command crew standing in disciplined silence, not giving Spitfire and opportunity to make a wise crack.

The commander walked to the speaker linked to the cockpit, “Captain, gun it.” “Yes sir!” The growl of the engines heightening with the acceleration of the LAAT. Valkier aimed to take the most direct route after that order, deciding to following a long and narrow line of buildings which drop ends directly in front of the combat zone. As he entered the long lane, the smoke became stunningly visible...
Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 1/16
« Reply #33 on: January 16, 2013, 01:38:51 AM »
absolutley love the focus on the  LAAT crew ,Blake this is truly excellent !
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 1/16
« Reply #34 on: January 16, 2013, 10:02:48 PM »
I've always LOVED gunships so writing this one was pretty fun!

Its sorta fun to exhibit their personalities amongst the mayhem as well. Provides some insight and break in the tension. I'm glad it continues to live up to expectations!

 ()rr ()rr
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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 1/16
« Reply #35 on: January 17, 2013, 06:28:09 AM »
I agree another very enjoyable read. Back on the front page.

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 1/16
« Reply #36 on: January 17, 2013, 04:10:11 PM »
Very nice! Great stuff, can't wait for the next chapter mate.

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 1/16
« Reply #37 on: January 26, 2013, 01:36:10 AM »
 Star Wars: The Clone Wars

                                 Changing Tides: Volume 9.0

                         “To act coolly, intelligently and prudently

                        in perilous circumstances is the test of a man.”

      The avenue became increasingly slender with each passing building. Thunder 01, carrying Commander Halifax, sped relentlessly towards the disputed conflict zone, which from the air was enveloped in smoke. Halifax stood facing the blast door of the gunship. Without looking down, his gloved hand traced his weapon’s sights. Gripping the barrel his opposite hand began unfolding the stock of his DC- 15s carbine blaster. It silently clicked, locking into place.

      Tank stood at the ready behind the commander. His legs moving side to side, keeping his muscles ready to bolt. The rotary canon’s barrels rested on the floor while the grip remained balanced in his palm. Checking their battery cells, the troopers took the remaining moments to wipe their visors and prepare for the enemies attacking the nearby artillery units.

“Commander, we are closing! Arrival pending and red light in 2 minutes!” Pilot Valkier calmly spoke through the gunship’s speaker system.

“Ready up lads.” The commander spoke firmly, his rough voice distinctive to most clones trained on Kamino.

“Yes sir!” the clones shouted. Even Spitfire shouted the trained response, finding the commander silently awe inspiring. Valkier leaned forward studying the rate which the avenue continued to narrow.

“Thunder Wing, split off! 02 and 04 stay on escort.” He commanded to his squadron. They began peeling off, however, the two listed continued to hold their position. “Hold tight wing. This is going to be a squeeze!”

“Need I say more captain?” Flak inquired.

“Stowe it FLAK! Not the time!” Valkier snapped.

      The gunship trio closed distance with the gap. Valkier’s eyes became trained on the visible battle which raged just within sight; flashes illuminating the thick black smoke. A rocket smoke trail streamed by the nose of the gunship.

“What the?!” Flak barely was able to finish as Valkier piloted the ship to dodge the following rockets.  “It’s a missile ambush! Holdfast!”

      Countless missiles criss crossed the small gab between the buildings forming a wall of explosive danger. Valkier pulled back on the throttle, pushing his stick down as he grinded his teeth. The momentum behind the larties made their wings tremble, buckling under the tremendous pressure output.

      A spiny thin missile twisted and turned its path as unpredictable as the missiles that followed. The screaming produced by the missile fins was audible even over the thick engine roar. Thunder 02 strayed to the left slightly, its wing sheering through the glass edifice of the building on the right street. A rocket launched from the right side of the avenue sped across the gap, bursting into flames in front of Thunder 02 as it exploded on impact with the building. The concussion blast shoved the gunship off course further into the building until a second impact tore a gaping hole through the engines. With a barely audible ping, the rocket set off a chain reaction. Engines combined with the crew’s armaments erupted into flames. Leaving no time to crash land, the crew was doom as the shell of the ship glided further into the buildings core. A final boom echoed, propelling glass from every window on the floor.

      Thunder 03 continued straight with no choice for a better course. Their ship overwhelmed by missiles which unleashed a series of pings before releasing their explosive payloads. The bay doors, blown from their hinges pushed clones out of the hold. Falling to their deaths, the clone's screams trailed with every falling moment. The cockpit vacated by a single direct impact. The blue frame remained where the glass bubble previously protected the pilots of the drop ship. Rubble of Thunder 03 slowly drifted, smoldering as it lost altitude.

“They’re gone sir!” Flak shouted to Valkier. A bead of sweat trailed down the pilot’s brow as he utilized the full measure of his talent to keep his crew and commander alive.

“This is not happening now!” Valkier grumbled through his teeth in spite of the present danger.

      Losing altitude he pulled up, leveling off Thunder 01 before getting too close to the ground. Pushing the throttle back to full force, Valkier pushed for the relative safety beyond the avenue. Tag and Krate pressed their hands against the glass enclosure of their ball turret to regain some semblance of stability. Returning fire, their green blasts sliced through the building with ease, but were no match for the output of randomly fired missiles.

       Thunder 01 reached the corners of the avenue, zooming past the cornerstones as they split open from the missiles fired from the opposite buildings. Valkier leaned his head back taking in a sigh of relief.

“Well that was a little disconcerting captain…” Flak remarked rolling his head to stretch his neck. “Can’t say I’m a fan of the whole screeching, ping-ing, pine needles of death while running out of maneuverable room scenario…but good job! We live to die another day.”

“Oh you beseech me with optimistic appraisal..” Valkier’s eyes retrained on the approaching combat zone.

p     pi      ping    PING!

      A screeching whistle followed by a heaving sharp lurch forward! The impact set off a burst so loud, only ringing was left in its wake. Thunder 01 trailed smoke which began behind a blaze of fire in the aft section. The craft’s wings tormented by its weight, flexed as raw heat tested their endurance.

“Commander, brace for impact!” Valkier headed, struggling to control the ship’s maneuvers.

      The ground quickly approached. With no engines there was little the captain could do to control their descent. Thunder 01 listed to the right. In response, Valkier held the pitch as far as the system would allow. The chin of the gunship scratched the hard surface, sending sparks reeling in every direction. As if a force directed it, the ship was pulled into the ground, the chin submerging deeper into the concrete as the ship slowed. Momentum continued to pull the larty until it rolled to its side, the left bubble turret popping off as if it had been connected by a thin stem. The other rolled between the bay door and planet surface.

      The smoldering mass slowed. Though the thunder of war raged a few hundred meters off, silence and the light crackling of fire filled the air surrounding the wreck. Valkier’s hand turned to a fist as he punched out the cockpit window. Rolling out, he swiftly pullout his sidearm aiming it towards the buildings he had moments before just flown through. With one knee folded, he knocked on the window, “Flak…FLAK! Come on..Don’t let a single bloody missile take you out now!”


Part 2 coming very in moments! ha ha ha  ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr
Writer of all things this in that.
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Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 1/26
« Reply #38 on: January 26, 2013, 02:04:03 AM »

      Flak’s helmet dropped. A blue bolt shot through his window. It shattered as he used both hands to punch through the cracked canopy. As Flak fell from his seat to the broken ground he let out a cry of immense pain which he muted beneath his arm. His leg slowly bled from beneath the plating.

     “Shit! That is probably my new least favorite crash..” grumbled Flak.

     Valkier kneeling by his co-pilot, continued to check their surroundings. “Can you walk?”

Flak straightened his arms and began to push up. Shaking his head, “I can feel it bending beneath my weight captain. The damn thing is broken!”

     A few meters away, shifting rubble sounded as though a wheel was rolling over pebbles. From behind a heap of debris the rolling ball turret became vaguely visible.

     Glass panels fell out as a clone boot forcefully kicked. Crawling from the frame, the trooper ran to the mass that was Thunder 01. The light illuminated the bright green gunner paint on his armor exposing an arrow outlined on the front of his helmet.

“Krate!” Flak shouted.

“Alive and shaken!” Krate called back as he ran to duck behind cover, wavering with each step, still recovering from the crash roll his pod had undergone.

“Any word on the commander?” Krate asked with a hushed inquiry.

“Not yet. Just pulled out Flak.” Vallon spoke, tying a rod to Flak's leg.

“I’m on it Captain!” Krate stated, boldly crawling up over the broken cockpit towards the bay door.

     His hand armor clinked against the metal door as he tapped a friend identifying pattern learned from the Kamino days of basic training. “It’d be a shame to get shot by one of ours after coming out of that” he lightly spoke to himself.

     The door cracked as the seal became broken. A rough deep voice from inside spoke, “Help us with this door.”

“Yes sir!”

     A red blinking light protruded the crack as the door widened. Tank and Spitfire pushed the door as Krate pulled from above. It slid half way over until their strength had been exerted. This now allowed the city lights to illuminate the bay.


     The carnage contained in the bay had no descriptor. Three troopers clearly gave their lives to absorb the crashing shock to Commander Halifax by wrapping themselves around their officer as the crash occurred.

“Their embrace...we should all hope such a measure is within us.” Halifax solemnly acknowledged as he gripped the wall, lifting himself out of the hold.

     Tank, Spitfire, and Sloga gathered their weapons as they crawled out. One by one, Krate grabbed a hold of their armor or forearm to heave each from the tomb. Upon the last trooper being lifted out, Krate looked down into the bay to take a final glimpse for his fellow gunner, Tag. The opposing blast door and been mostly peeled back during the hurtling collision with the ground. As a brightly lit advertisement over head changed from deep red to light green, the smashed glass of his turret became visible. Bright hues of the art above reflect clearly off the shattered glass pieces. A solemn armored arm rested beneath the tremendous shell of the gunships hull. The sheer weight of the gunship crushed the bubble during its listing impact with the ground. Looking closer, Krate noticed the mirror like glass, speckled with the blood of his comrades. Though he knew Tag's fate before opening the door, the trooper could at least have hoped for a better death than this. His armor shin plates clicked as he collapsed to his knees, letting out a blood curdling shriek, “RaaAHH, NOOOO!!”

     Halifax and the remaining crew turned as Krate’s voice reached their ears.

“HOLDfast trooper!” the commander ordered with a raised whisper.

     The emotionally bewildered clone stood to his feet, turning to his comrades as he walked down the side of the gunship towards the cockpit. His gloved hand clutched his helmet, pulling it from his sweaty hair, his other hand raised up and pressed into his wrinkling forehead. Krate looked towards the bay before continuing forward. “They killed him! We are going to show these blasted insurgents or DROIDS OR WHATEVER THE HELL WE ….”

     One single smoking hole appeared through Krate’s chest plate, breaking his sentence. His hand moved from forehead to trace the new hole which had made its way through his armor and body.  He turned slowly towards the building where the shot had originated, “Now they’ve…” cut silent by a second sniper’s bolt through his neck, Krate’s body toppled lifelessly backwards down towards the shattered cockpit. Landing on its back plate, the body slid for a moment before coming to a halt. The two holes smoked while the survivors sought immediate refuge in a shallow crater at the behind the nose and collapsed wing of Thunder 01.

“We’ll mourn for them later troopers! At the time, we have to stay alive. Make their sacrifice worth something, THAT’s an order!” Halifax encouraged the beleaguered squad.

“Yes sir!”

“Valkier, use any transponders we have available to make contact with that defensive position just across the causeway! They’re close enough to support us.”

“I’m on it sir!”

     The captain pulled off his helmet, frivolously setting to work removing plates and wiring from covered areas of the gunship. The remainder stayed vigilant, leaning against the wing, raising glass fragments only far enough to make sure no enemies were sneaking upon them. Moments turned to minutes while Valkier worked, rewiring and cutting as he needed. Halifax crouched near the captain,


“I’m close..just need to route 2 more connections.”

     Sloga’s soft voice spoke up, “It is advisable that those connections get completed asap. Silhouettes on the horizon.” He crawled to the edge of the wing, resting his carbine against it. His armor matched the amount of shine found on Tank’s. This was the first campaign for both of these troopers. Flak pulled a rifle to his side while Tank searched for another vantage point.

Halifax took on the mystery sniper as his current assignment.

“Stay focused lads. Pick your targets.” Halifax coolly states to his men.

“Alllmost..therre.” Valkier stated tying one pair of wires, twisting them with a spark as their exposed fringes met.

“They’re rapidly approaching Commander. Permission to fire?” Sloga asked.


“Closing in fast. Looking to be another batch of those suicidal commandos.” Tank added.


“Sir, they’re 50 meters.” Discomfort became audible in Sloga’s voice.

Halifax encouraged their resolve, “Hold. Being steadfast is the difference between US and THEM.”

The droids picked up their pace, sprinting towards the isolated squad.


“Chose your shots….” Halifax issued the order,


     Sloga’s trigger finger firmly squeezed, seemingly popping the first droids head from its socket. Two droids broke to the left, one continued straight forward, while the last bolted to the hard right. Flak saw the two far left droids sprinting towards their position. He opened fire, but they continued to duck and dodge his shots.

“Ehh, Tank, help here would be hot!”

Tank’s rotary canon powered up, “EAT LASER!!” he shouted tearing the duo apart from limb to limb. His blue lasers hit one of the commando’s destruct mechanisms causing them to detonate suddenly, leaving behind a cloud of black smoke.

Halifax’s eyes continued searching each window.

     The far right droid rolled suddenly and began a serpentine action. Squinting, Sloga pressed his barrel against the wing, slowing his breath. Firing three shots around the droid’s head, the droid lept into another roll on the ground. During this brief moment, Sloga took the opportunity to exploit the droids inability to change direction while in a roll. The blue salvo he fired tore through the weak points near the bottom of the torso.

     The droid rose to continue its stride, but snapped helplessly in half.  Sloga was unable to contain his excitement, celebrating with a clenched fist, “Ha ha, yes!!”

Flak turned his head toward the squad uneasily asking, “Didn’t you say there were five?”

“Commander above!” Tank hollered.

     The lead commando droid leapt and stood at the tail end of the gunship, immediately bolting towards them. “SKRAG!” Flak shouted in response to imminent death, tightly closing his eyes. A single shot rang out shortly after followed by the sound of the droid’s body hitting the pavement. Flak’s eyes opened. Turning he saw Sloga and Tank crouched behind the wing starring at Valkier; standing with his sidearm drawn, still smoking.

“Radio is ready commander.” The clone pilot knelt back down, holstering his pistol.

“Well done pilot. Capable indeed. Well done lads.”

     Halifax slid back from his position putting his search for a sniper on hold. Tapping into the Battle Communications Line, Halifax began attempting to reach the nearby base of operations. “Salvo Battalion, Company B; This is Battalion Commander Halifax, CT 6378. Our coordinates are being sent your way now. We need a heavy smoke screen and a fast pick up.”

Static ensued before the long awaited reply.

“Copy that Commander! We saw your ship go down. Glad to hear you’re among the living sir! Smoke is imminent and a Saber tank squad is being dispatched now.”

“Appreciated trooper.” Halifax replied.

     Soft thuds emanated from the ground while gray and white smoke rose from the ground, shrouding the battered team. Looking through a pair of macrobinoculars, Sloga was able to see the quickly approaching Saber Tanks. “Sir, they’re almost here.”

Valkier tightened Flak's leg brace, “Lets get Flak’s leg bound. We only have a few more minutes before go time.”

     Flak growled as he pulled on his leg, “Oh gahh! Lets just get lifted already.”

Halifax calmly walked among the squad, “In time troops. Though we live war, do not forget what you learned today. Do not forget the motto we live by, Holdfast.”

     The commander strode to greet the tanks as they hovered up. Valkier and Sloga lifted Flak, keeping most of his weight off his broken leg as Tank covered their movements with his canon. Securing their positions on the sides of the lead tank, Halifax paced confidently to the hovering wing. After stepping up to wrap his arm around the large barrel he knocked twice on the plating.

     The tanks looped to turn back towards the Company’s defense zone, the newly rescued troopers starred back as the rubble of Thunder 01 faded into the gray.

     Halifax lifted his arm, his fingers straight extending from the black eye plate of his helmet; saluting the fallen…
Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 1/26
« Reply #39 on: January 26, 2013, 04:57:37 AM »
Blake that was by far the best chapter yet !  Awesome job !
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 1/26
« Reply #40 on: January 26, 2013, 06:34:31 AM »
I agree Jay. Awesome chapter. Back on the front page.

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 1/26
« Reply #41 on: January 26, 2013, 12:15:08 PM »
"One single smoking hole appeared through Krate’s chest plate, breaking his sentence. His hand moved from forehead to trace the new hole which had made its way through his armor and body.  He turned slowly towards the building where the shot had originated, “Now they’ve…” cut silent by a second sniper’s bolt through his neck, Krate’s body toppled lifelessly backwards down towards the shattered cockpit. Landing on its back plate, the body slid for a moment before coming to a halt. The two holes smoked while the survivors sought immediate refuge in a shallow crater at the behind the nose and collapsed wing of Thunder 01."

Ouch. Poor Krate. Still, that little passage was my favourite part of this latest update, because it lets us see the gritty, dark undercurrent to warfare. Life is cheap, and death is cruel. It's not all yelling "For the Republic!" and charging at the droids. What are we, Jedi?  ;)

Very good update, easily one of your best. Glad to see that you're sticking with this story, it's clear that you enjoy writing about it - and why wouldn't you? It's freakin' Star Wars!!

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Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 2/5
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2013, 10:23:06 AM »
                                    Star Wars: The Clone Wars

                                    Changing Tides: Volume 10

                             “Regard your soldiers as your children,
                             and they will follow you into the deepest valleys;
                             look on them as your own beloved sons,
                             and they will stand by you even unto death.”

     The squad of Saber Tanks raced towards the improvised Republic base of operations. Engines hummed as the tanks began to deliberately slow their momentum. Approaching the gate, the troopers who manned their posts on the front lines saluted as the battalion commander rode passed.

     Atar was an urbanized planet much like Coruscant, the capital of the Republic. Unlike the capital, its surface was graced with vast courtyards and plazas which usually extended for several hectares. Major Vallen had plotted to utilize this particular plot of land for its natural rolling hills and plateaus, which formed an ideal staging ground, easily defendable. The core of the base was centered on a hill where heavy artillery units were positioned in conjunction with a landing zone for LAAT’s. The next ring bristled with medium range gun emplacements, improvised trenches/ barricades, ATTE’s, and platoons of troopers. The field once green, decorated with statues, dazzling with fountains, and memorial buildings had been reduced to a war torn no-man’s-land.

     Troopers had been engaged within moments after their initial arrival. Fighting in pitched battle with a faceless, nearly bodiless enemy, enduring heavy bombardments of concussion missiles combined with laser fire. A few times battle droids composed enough force to break the line, only to be pushed back by the heroism of the 501st’s troopers. Sniper shots in conjunction with heavy volumes of laser fire often rained down from the skyscrapers of the numerous buildings surrounding the base; that is until a squad of gunships were called in to suppress the designated floor using their rapidly firing chin guns. The enemy commonly followed by escalating their attack; the next move often utilized rockets and missiles to directly shell the base. Some models caused tremendous explosions tearing through tanks while others only caused concussive blasts which knocked hapless troopers from their feet, disorienting others nearby.

     Upon arrival, Halifax immediately scanned the lines as he passed, searching for weak points that needed to be rebuffed.

     The officer of the Saber tank Halifax was rode opened his hatch, raised himself until he was in a standing position, his torso exposed. “Almost to HQ Commander” he spoke with an assertive gesture towards the hilltop.

     A brief “Hmm” is all Halifax deemed worthy for a response. As the tank came to a halt, clone medics ran from their positions at the side of a large faceless building on the crest of the hill. Bearing stretchers, they hoisted Flak from where he laid on the tank’s left wing.

“Ah, come on! Friggin..GRR!” Flak whined.

“Careful lads, he has become a tad fragile these days! Ha ha” Spitfire spoke in jest.

“Just keep him in one piece and get him back in condition stat guys.” Spoke Valkier, his voice low and slower than usual; the loss of his gunnery crew continuing to weigh heavily on his mind.

“Lads, with me!” Halifax ordered as he stepped down from the tank. Every step he took sank into the ground with purpose. The medics began hurrying the wounded co-pilot towards the medbay shelter in the opposite direction. Valkier and Spitfire followed until they heard the commander’s  coarse voice catch up to them from behind. “Where are you two going?”

“We were just goi..” Spitfire was mid sentence before he was cut off.

“You’re lead pilots of the 501st” Halifax stated sharply.

“Well actually I’m..” Spitfire began before realizing who he was interrupting. Halifax’s helmet barely shifted towards his direction, which was more than enough to put a stop to any remark Spitfire had to offer.

     Halifax continued, “There is a reason we outfit you lads in armor. Because you have pilot status, this does NOT make you any less capable a soldier. If anything, the crash has reinforced that point. Now, ready up and come with me.” His kama caught a gust of wind as he turned and hiked towards the command tank. He climbed into the cabin, Sergeant Appo stopped his briefing, turned and saluted the arriving officer.

     Removing his helmet, his scarred countenance became eerily visible due to the glow from various monitor screens surrounding the room. Appo carried great respect for his commander as did every clone within the 501. He was renowned for completing the task at hand, weighing the balance of life with his objective. Halifax’s scars were a testament to his array of field experience, having fought prior to Geonosis. He rejected a promotion to ARC training in order to maintain a position where he could have an impact on what he thought most important, the training of rookies.

     Approaching the table, the figures of Vallon, Rex, Hett, and Sakiko were visible in hologram form. Rex spoke, relieved at the sight of his comrade, “Hal, it’s good to see you.” Halifax nodded in return providing the captain a two fingered salute.
Appo turned to his commanding officer, “We’re being debriefed. Rex has compiled most of the data gathered from our engagements.”

    Rex continued, “The most effective weapon however, is the use of a modified commando droid model. These droids have upgraded agility making it incredibly difficult to hit them as a case anyone hasn’t noticed. In addition, they are 100% focused on taking out their assigned target often leaving a wake of mortalities. From action reports provided by myself and Battalion Comm. Halifax, we’ve developed the assertion the commando droids of a Atar are running on a different Battle Management System. Their deadly payload is an armored case filled with heavy explosives capable of tearing apart tanks or the interior of a building if provided the opportunity.”

“Damn dangerous.” Halifax added.

     Knight Sakiko picked up, “Their explosives nullify wielding a light saber. The only way to take them down is rapid fire..which in a city is a nightmare in terms of collateral damage.”

     Major Vallen’s arms were crossed in front of him, his hand rubbing his chin as he thought. “This seems to be their field test. If we can knock out their BMS, we will show Dooku his efforts have been futile.”

     Rex turned, nodding in agreement. “We MUST do it quickly though! That is the key! I should spearhead the effort.” Vallen pivoted his head toward Rex, his head lowering with disappointment, “High command has ordered you and the Jedi recalled off this rock.” Surprised, Rex’s face showed a hint of dismay, but his loyalty remained unwavering. Orders… were orders.

“Halifax, we are close to our rendezvous with the Reproach; after that, you and I will focus on eliminating the BMS threat.”

“Yes sir. I’ll look forward to it Major” the commander spoke; he clicked a red button on the side of the table terminating the transmission. The holograms dissipated.

     Appo with a handful of officers present looked toward Halifax for their next move. “Your orders?” the sergeant inquired.

“We hold the line until after the rendezvous. Start working on scans to isolate signals for these commando seps. See what your R2 units can track” the commander stated as he reached for a data pad displaying various positions of the troops with their designations. Unbolting the hatch, he tossed the data pad down to Tank. His command squad waited near the bottom of the ladder, standing at the ready.

    Bowing his head, Halifax pulled his helmet over his charcoal grey hair. The blue jaig eye tattoo over his eye disappeared behind the faceless helmet. Carrying his DC-15s in one hand, Tank passed the data pad to his other. Commander Halifax began to pace down toward the battle lines. Sloga and Valkier followed close on his flanks while Tank and Spitfire followed carrying rotary cannons upon their shoulders. Halifax walked down the primary slope and up the nearest foothill that overlooked 184 degrees of the battle line.

“Take a knee gentlemen.”

    The squad stopped and watched the commander curiously. Halifax sat down on the grass, putting his carbine down by his side before reaching up to remove the helmet. Tank and Valkier walked up before following suit while the other two knelt behind them.

    “Alright lads, any improvements to the line?” commander Halifax solicited from his unorthodox command squad. The troops looked across the trench-work. Spitfire and Sloga remarked to one another; remarks which carried no weight worthy of response by the veteran officer. Silently Valkier and Tank starred, silently thinking deeply.

“Sir, wouldn’t it be a good idea to bring the AT-TE’s back toward the HQ? They can’t provide a broad field of fire from the position where they’re standing. Moving them back will afford them better defense from those berserker clankers for sure.” Tank suggested, squinting his eyes, uncertain of the reaction he might receive.

“What do you think Valkier?” Halifax posed.

Valkier replied, “I’d agree with Tank commander. Shouldn’t we keep the sabers on the front so we can maintain a number of heavy weapons on the field? Prevent the enemy from closing too quickly.”

     Tank respectfully began to answer the questions. The commander sat between the two clones, listening to the evolving tactical discussion. Valkier using his tactics as a trained pilot while Tank utilized the military logic he had learned from Kamino as well as the experience gained from shadowing Halifax. Strategic and tactical theory bounced to and fro as the two used their hands to point out where troops, weapons, and tanks would be effectively placed.

Over the course of 20 minutes, tanks and armaments shifted as the conversation evolved. Tank noticed several AT-TE’s marching backwards to a position on a slope providing them maximum range whilst also a prime position out of the quick reaches of any fast moving droids. Shocked, he glanced toward the commander whose acute smile was barely noticeable. Halifax’s hand was subtly tapping the data pad, reallocating forces to the defenses’ perimeter.

“Rank.. Never assume it indicates intelligence. It’s a calling for you two. Keep it trained; keep it honed.” Halifax’s jagged voice commending the two. Sloga and Spitfire’s witty background banter became hushed as they realized the commander’s shifting of the platoons was solely based off a conversation between their brothers.

“Wow, well done Field Marshall Tank! Ha ha ha!” Sloga jealously joked.

“It’s reassuring those Kaminoans are still managing to create tacticians. Good job Tank and Captain Valkier.” Spitfire wore a genuine smile as he nodded to those in front of him.

    Halifax leaned back on his arms; the sun setting in the distance warmed his face. “I wonder if I’ll miss this when it’s all over.” His squad looked at him wondering what, if any, new lesson was about to be delivered. “Seeing these different planets.. Eh, no worries lads.”

    A panel on the side of the HQ AT- TE opened up, Sgt Appo leaned from the side. His mouth moved, but no sound was reaching the hill where they sat.

“Come on troops.” Halifax spoke, using his carbine to help push himself up to stand; several blades of grass falling from his kama. Jogging towards the tank, the squad carried their helmets beneath their arms. Tank sprinted to the  reach the side of the AT-TE.

“Yes sergeant?” he asked looking up to Appo.

“We’ve got a high surge of signals. Larger than we’ve seen in the past few waves. This may be their push!”

     Tank’s eyes looked towards the twilight sky. A low rumbling filled the distant air. Soon after, clouds of black specs dotted the sky as small dart shapes crested the towering buildings. Tank hurriedly threw on his helmet and ran toward the commander. Halifax still approaching up the inclined slope watched as Tank pointed past the commander shouting as loud as his lungs were capable, “INCOMMING!! BONNETS ON!”

     Instantly they scrambled to throw on their helmets and bolted the remaining distance to the tank. Appo leaned out again, “Heavy barrage and frontal assault from what I see on short-range scanners sir!”

“With me lads!” Halifax barked as he began to charge down the hill, the sound of whistling rockets heightening. Without a doubt, Tank and the others followed suit!
Appo called out, “Where are you going?”

“You can’t lead from behind!” Tank shouted, running backwards to reply.

“Well…technically you can, you just have to scream really loud. Ha ha ha!” Spitfire remarked, chuckling at his own response.

     The squad passed the AT- TE’s, continuing down towards the trench line and defense wall. Sliding down into the trench, Halifax tapped his green comlink button, “Buckle down 501! Fire at anything hostile. Hold fast! HERE THEY COOOME!”

     Whistling of falling missiles was deafening to uncovered ears. Their impacts make brief thuds before creating whirlwinds from the combined force of concussive blasts. Troops caught outside the trench were thrown from their feet. Mud slung into the air. One trooper ran to reach  the trench when his momentum was suddenly interrupted by a blast, audibly shattering his back, propelling him over the trench. His whaling silenced when his helmet impacted the soft soil.

     The barrage worsened as explosions tore through soil and armor without prejudice. Grass smoldered, smoking near the crater which had recently erupted. The streets in front of the gates became cluttered with B1, B2, and droideka battle droids.

     “Fire at will!” was heard across the line as troops and tanks alike unleashed their payloads. The AT TE’s were capable of using their large cannons to cut vast swathes through the separatist advance. Streams of blue lasers cut loose by the clones, tearing into the battle droids. The exchange became just as deadly as the droids approached. Short range anti personnel rockets fired from super battle droids blew apart chunks of wall tossing clones backwards. Cries of enthusiasm became as prevalent as those from wounded brothers felled to the frayed ground. Medics hurried to stabilize their injured brothers, carrying or dragging them to the places of relative safety.

     Halifax held his weapon firmly to his shoulder quickly dispatching anything on the opposing sides of his sites. Valkier constantly relayed line updates to the commander between explosions. The rotary cannons constantly spun, spitting relentless rounds of blue destruction. Halifax paced down the line correcting fields of fire, improving efficiency with morale. Troopers often ducked their heads beneath the precipice of the trench avoiding red blasts that flew at them. The clone’s armor deflected most glancing laser shots with unlucky other troopers suddenly dropping when struck directly. Lasers that directly impacted the white plating instantly turned the surrounding area black from the plasmic flash; in the middle of which an orange circle was the indication of a piercing shot.

     “Keep up the masking fire boys!” Halifax’s voice capable of being heard over all the commotion bolstering his men to focus, to fight harder.
Tank’s cannon stopped firing, but continued to spin only making clicks as a Destroyer Droid rolled through a smoking gap in the wall. Raising its shield the droid created a beachhead for more battle droids to approach safely behind it, opening fire on the exposed trench. The shinie clone trooper remembered a trick General Skywalker had demonstrated on a visit to Kamino.

     He pulled himself over the ledge of the cliff, rolling to the side, pulling his thermal detonator from his back before lightly tossing it. The small white cylinder bounced once, then twice before it delicately rolled through the shield and exploded! The bubble shield of death burst as countless pieces were propelled outward. Valkier lifted his carbine shouting, “Tank, here!” before throwing it to the unarmed clone. Rearmed, Tank rapidly dispatched the large B2 lumbering towards the trench. Quickly regaining his footing, he hopped back into the trench.

     For what seemed like hours the clone bastion fought on.

     With no end in sight, troopers carried crates of cartridges and grenades from the rear lines to supply the battle weary front line soldiers. The haze of battle lingered as the signature black smoke thickened, caused by the smoldering of the ground itself. A handful of ARF troopers dodged into nearby buildings. Climbing the heights, they were able to evaluate enemy strength and redirected fire orders to squads below. In addition to being unable to have a clear visual of the enemy, the smoke worsened the long standing fatigue. Many troops paused their continuous fire to gain control of their coughing, lowering themselves in the trenches seeking fresher air.

     Halifax’s upright stride demonstrated his undaunted nature, defying his emotionless enemy with every fiber. Unflinching, shrapnel darted in every direction, scratching the additional plating lying across his chest. The silent, determined presence inspired the officers and troopers holding their ground.

    “Now is the time! Forward to the wall!!” The rugged voice carried through all communications on the grassy knoll. AT- TE’s began thunderously walking forward, rocking from their main gun unleashing its heavy blast. The four chin guns of each AT- TE loosed their green lasers, matched by the low hovering Saber tanks whose contribution allowed enough cover fire for the platoons to ascend the dirt wall of their trench charging onward. Some on the line were pierced by red bolts through their helmets and chests causing their bodies to crumble.

    Clone troopers surged forward in a thin line of white and blue, laser blasts hurling over their heads. Charging, they’re shots became far more deadly. Often troopers would run firing from the hip until through the smoke a droid became visible. The metal of the machine was quickly torn from piece to limb, collapsing. If close enough, troopers used their weapons in close quarter fighting, dislodging the head of B1’s with a swift smash to the neck. Unfortunately for clone speckled across the advance, some ran headlong into super battle droids whose armor was much thicker. At times B2’s grabbed unknowing clones by the arm, lifting them from the ground,  fired a laser into the chest then cast the body aside.

     Plowing down the separatist machines was the quickest way to reach the marble wall, a task nearly completed. Cheers from the republic lines filled the air! Troopers unable to completely see one another continued their celebration in the smoke, pounding their fists into the air and wall definitely. A breeze minimally pushed the murky haze off of the clone army. The white armor of the soldiers becoming more visible as the fog drifted away with the retreating droid army…

(To be continued in Volume 10.5)


Check out MelHell84's awesome vision of Halifax : [link]

As well as ThomasBlack1's variation of the commander: [link]   

Hope ya'll enjoyed the first part! Your comments and support mean the world to me and help push me forward. Thank you tremendously for your feedback!

Wraith, Kualan, Tamer, and Sprywalker --- Ya'll just kick ass! nough said! 

 ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr()rr ()rr ()rr

Writer of all things this in that.
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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 2/5
« Reply #43 on: February 05, 2013, 01:43:18 PM »
Awesome! Love the descriptions of battle ,Blake just when we thought you could do no better do!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline Kualan

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 2/5
« Reply #44 on: February 05, 2013, 09:05:07 PM »
Quality stuff, as always IrishRogue! The highlight for me was the tactical exchange between Valkier and Tank and how Halifax utilised the experience of the men under his command. A very Rex thing to do, I thought. And speaking of Rex, I can imagine his disappointment at being pulled back, haha. Looking forward to part two of Volume 10!