Author Topic: Making The Band, Part 2 3/1/23  (Read 113522 times)

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (New Jedi of The Old Republic 6/4/13)
« Reply #420 on: June 05, 2013, 05:19:25 AM »
Shawn, Thanks for the FP.

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (New Jedi of The Old Republic 6/4/13)
« Reply #421 on: June 08, 2013, 06:32:42 AM »
WOW! So many great looking Joes!

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (My Verse from The Old Republic 12/1/13)
« Reply #422 on: December 01, 2013, 06:35:00 AM »
Hi Folks!  It's been a while.  Life Happens.  Anyway, I did post on the ISY BDay Contest and now that it's over, I'll be posting what I did for that along with other related customs.

Here are the War Wolves.  The Wolves are an elite mercenary force.  It is a time not long after the Great War (3472 BBY) and throughout the Galaxy mercenary groups are in abundance.  One such group, The War Wolves, have established themselves as one of the best.

General Mer'aet'htorikstir, founder and leader of the War Wolves Independent Military Force.  Raeth left the Chiss Defense Fleet due to "differences of opinion".  He searched out a Republic Officer he once fought against and together they founded a small mercenary unit that eventually became the War Wolves.  Kleese, his loyal companion, was a pup and only survivor of a litter found on one of Mer'aet'htorikstir's first missions as a mercenary.  Kleese has been at Raeth's side ever since.

Commander Wren d'Rex is a former Republic trooper officer.  He and Mer'aet'htorikstir met on opposing forces and due to circumstances were forced to work together.  After his tour of duty, he resigned his commission and joined Mer'aet'htorikstir to form a mercenary group that eventually became the War Wolves.

Captain Myles Weslin was arrested for being drunk and disorderly after he was dishonorably discharged from the Republic Military.  Arrested with him were Raeth and Wren.  They believed his story that although he did what he was accused of, he did it to retain his own personal honor.

Captain Xandria Luxzian was working for her father at his restaurant when theives came in and robbed the restaurant and it's patrons.  She was about to throw a knife at one of the robbers, when his partner shot her arm.  The arm was irrepariable and the robbers got away.  A year later, she came across the theives and unintentianaly killed them both.  She was on the run from the law when she met the War Wolves.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 06:43:19 AM by Jedi Minstrel »

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (My Verse from The Old Republic 12/1/13)
« Reply #423 on: December 01, 2013, 06:41:32 AM »
Sergeant Whuxean Blok has wanted to be a warrior hunter since he heard stories about his ancestors during the last Republic-Sith Wars.

Dargien Zell, Communications.  Zell was an expert slicer that was recruited by d'Rex.  It was when d'Rex's system was hacked into that he wanted to find the person that did it, first to "deal" with him but instead, recruited Zell into the War Wolves.

h'Ran "Beeboo" Chivkina.  Beeboo, short for Big Blue, is from a long line of warriors who has found a group that surprisingly is high in honor.

Col Eligner.  As a teenager, Col watched his parents murdered in the streets of Tyrena on Corellia.  The shooters were caught by CorSec and as they were hauling them away, Col took one of the officers rifle and shot the men with deadly accuracy.  Col was arrested but had a short sentence due to leniency of the court.  Upon release, he had no direction.  He bumped into Zell at a restaurant where they became quick friends.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 06:43:45 AM by Jedi Minstrel »

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (My Verse from The Old Republic 12/1/13)
« Reply #424 on: December 01, 2013, 06:47:14 AM »
Rok Pestin found himself as a recruit with the War Wolves after his sister was recruited to be a computer slicer.  He figured he had nothing better to do espcially after their father disinherited them both for his new wife.

As a former Republic trooper, Dirak learned to love adventure and felt the War Wolves could offer more than military basics and guard duty. 

Braxian "Ax" l'Arey had fought all his life, first on the streets of Pentris City on Gentes.  When the planetary cataclysim destroyed the once lush and beautiful world, he learned to fight for survival for his family.  After a couple of years, he decided to go off planet to find work for his family.  He came across the War Wolves and since then has sent most of his earnings to his family.

Ashlen Giblis enlisted in the Corellian Defense Force and became an expert in desert survival.  After serving a few years, he wanted a change of pace and came across the War Wolves.

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (My Verse from The Old Republic 12/1/13)
« Reply #425 on: December 01, 2013, 06:53:12 AM »
Captain Nhil Tehrin.  A former military strategist for the Republic, Nhil Tehrin was never given the transfer to a combat unit.  He was an expert rifleman, hand-to-hand combatant, and proved to be a good leader.  Unfortunately, a disagreement with a colonel kept him from any further promotions and transfers.  One day, he decided to resign and joined the War Wolves.

Schro may be short but he is a giant on the battlefield.

Ro Pestin, Communications.  Communications and expert slicer.  Ro has been hacking into systems since she was 1- years old, starting with her father's computer.

Mer'akaree'istirnir is sister to Raeth.  She expects no favortism and receives non.  Akareei is an excellent sniper.  She does not care for advancements.  She has a job and she does it.

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (My Verse from The Old Republic 12/1/13)
« Reply #426 on: December 01, 2013, 06:58:41 AM »
Hee Tair Dooin.  Dooin is a joker and prankster.  He once left micro explosives around Sgt. Schro's bunk.  But his skills as a soldier have kept his fellow warriors from killing him.

Ggrihk Kohranish is everyone's friend.  In a jam, call on Ggrihk.  If you're in a bar fight, hope that he's there with you.  Need a couple of credits, he's got you covered. 

Jig'n Pol just wants to shoot at things.  He doesn't mind killing but at least, give him a purpose.

Edinis Buwai, aka Eddy is a heavy drinker, gambler, and ladies man but in the trench he's sober and cunning. 

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (My Verse from The Old Republic 12/1/13)
« Reply #427 on: December 01, 2013, 07:03:39 AM »
Q'uixion "Q" Uyovee.  Q is stoic and reserved.  He does his job and fights with a fierceness unmatched on the battlefield.  No one knows why he doesn't interact as much with the rest of the Wolves but they know he's dependable.

Ground Assault, Wolf and Cub.  Neellan "Wolf" M'pez was fascinated with the wolfmounts of his homeworld of Zhazaq since he was young.  The fabled Guards of Haunin with their tales of great deeds would keep him up at night.  But all that was shattered when after achieving the rank of First Knight, he began to see corruption in the Guard and across his home system of Crixio.  In a battle against some mercenaries, Wolf decided to desert the Guard and join the mercenaries, along with him, his second-in-command, Hen'rae "Claw" Davern.  Strangely enough, they saw honor among not just one but several of the mercenaries.  One in particular, their leader, as he witnessed the Chiss commander rescue some innocent children from crossfire.  And the War Wolves were born.
Cub is the name of Wolf's mount.

Hen'rae "Claw" Davern.  Claw was a Guard of Haunin with Wolf.  During a well deserved rest period, Claw shared with Wolf his concerns about their commanding officer and other officers of the Guard.  Having been raised from a family tradition of Guard enlistment, he had heard grumblings of family members about commanders and politicians.  There was face put on to the general citizenship.  Although it would put a strain on his family, he knew they would understand his reason for desertion.  The opportunity arose upon the battlefield.  Claw and his mount Pup joined Wolf and Cub in desertion and membership with a band of mercenaries led by a Chiss commander.

Nerish G'mar was the aide to a family that ran one of the biggest megacorporations on Coruscant.  It was also a very corrupt megacorp.  When mercenaries were hired to escort a company shuttle with G'mar aboard he had an intriguing conversation with a young lady representing the mercenaries.  Impressed with her and other members of the mercenary unit, he offered his services to the War Wolves.  Several weeks after completing the escort duty, General Raeth contacted G'mar and hired him.

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (My Verse from The Old Republic 12/1/13)
« Reply #428 on: December 01, 2013, 07:27:40 AM »
Mudder, Quartermaster.  Unlike most Xluhga, Mudder is a very social being.  He just likes things a certain way.  One of which is the ship's armory.  When he first came on board, he complained about the condition of the armory and other parts of the ship.  Raeth being a very tidy being to begin with, wanted an explanation.  Mudder went on and on about the dust.  The General allowed him his rants and the ship has never been so clean.  Mudder's species sheds their skin once a month and the skin is stronger than standard leather.  The War Wolves use it as part of their standard supplies.

Upon first glance, TW-74 looks like a typical protocol droid.  Instead he is a versitile and valuable member of the bridge crew.  He is navigator, co-pilot, chief gunner, and emergency med tech all rolled into one.  Expensive modifications have more than once proven themselves.   He also, tells great jokes.

Butro Drefdl, Ship's Pilot.  Ugnaughts were once as tall as baseline humans but due to a planetary catastrophy, Ugnaughts went underground.  Their average height began to shrink over the centuries.  Drefdl loved to fly and as soon as he could leave the caves, the better.  He had been a shuttle pilot for the government but it was low pay for little adventure.  He learned to fly everything from fighters to large starships.  With the War Wolves, there's enough adventure just being part of the Growler's bridge crew.  Every now and then, he does fly a fighter for missions.

Monty Skott.  As a bridge officer, Engineer Skott has no equal.  He can pilot, navigate, and is an excellent strategist but he is most at his game when digging through the innards of Growler, the War Wolf's starship

Offline Darksider80

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (My Verse from The Old Republic 12/1/13)
« Reply #429 on: December 01, 2013, 07:41:23 AM »
Very cool man! I can tell you put a lot of work into this series and it payed off big time! Great work!!!

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (My Verse from The Old Republic 12/1/13)
« Reply #430 on: December 01, 2013, 08:05:26 AM »
Erushazn "Shaz" Nurox.  Shaz is a rogue Jedi that like many Jedi of the time has a wife and children.  When he returned from a mission infiltrating the Sith Empire, he found that his family was missing.  After months of searching, he decided to leave the Order and dedicate his life to find his family.  While in a cantina on Alderaan, he came across the War Wolves.  After speaking to General Mer'aet'htorikstir, he decided to join the War Wolves to refocus and redirect his energies.  Raeth told him that he had resources and contacts the Jedi Order would be impressed with.  Shaz joined the crew as a hand to hand specialist and every now and then act as an advisor to Raeth and his command staff.  There were times where they acted as his conscience.

Shuttle Pilot, Grom "Cruizer" Jaen has always been a laid back person and enjoys flying as much as any other pilot.  Yet, as laid back as he was, he'd still scare the grax out of most of the Wolves.

Shuttle Pilot, Blez "Toonte" Hoto was board with the Tinta Starline company.  Too many promotions were passed up and lack of training against pirates finally pushed him over.  He figured if he had to deal with such problems, might as well join a group that could deal with pirates.  His been with the Wolves ever since.  He would share stories with his son who soon became a member of the shuttle staff for the Wolves.

Trin "Streak" Hoto, Shuttle Pilot.  Streak is a pilot from a long line of pilots.  His father was piloting for an starliner company and got board.  When Blez joined the War Wolves, Trin couldn't wait to join him.  His father told him he had to wait a couple of more years.  His mother told him one year just to shut him up and get him out of the house.

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (My Verse from The Old Republic 12/1/13)
« Reply #431 on: December 01, 2013, 08:09:49 AM »
Very cool man! I can tell you put a lot of work into this series and it payed off big time! Great work!!!

Thanks Darksider80!  And I'm far from done.  Most of them are posted.  I've also got characters from the same time period and prior.  They are all connected from the time of the Cold War (circa. 3653 BBY) and after the Great War (3465 BBY).

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (My Verse from The Old Republic 12/1/13)
« Reply #432 on: December 01, 2013, 08:21:09 AM »
Fighter Pilot, Thome "Maverick" Kriz couldn't just sit around and wait for wars to come to him.  He needed to be there all the time and show off his flying skills.  No family and few friends.  That's the way he likes it.  Unfortunately, the Wolves are becoming more family to him each day.

Fighter Pilot, Fil "Mynok" Nushe is a bit of the prankster among the flight crew.  He has worked out some great pranks.  He's even done some with Jig'n Pol.  But get him behind the stick and he's more serious than anyone out in the black.

Fighter Pilot, Vred "Bantha" Baxtio leads the fighter squadron, Fang, for the War Wolves.  He's become a great leader and respected among the Wolves as a true warrior.  All but the general don't understand his reason for joining the Wolves but they just know that if they're on the ground and know that he's above them, they've got that much less to worry about.

A bit of drinker and gambler, Atohney Starq hit rock bottom hard.  Upon meeting with Shaz, he was a scientist for a small university developing new alloys for combat armor.  On a bet, while drunk, he dropped himself from his office window to the ground in experimental armor.  He survived, the company kept the armor, and Starq was soon fired.  The company's insurance didn't want to cover expenses anymore with Starq.  Starq kept much of his work in the best place he could find, his head.  The Wolves took him in and all their armor and ships have been upgraded since.

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (My Verse from The Old Republic 12/1/13)
« Reply #433 on: December 01, 2013, 08:58:35 AM »
Nice, looks like its time for the front page again. I really do enjoy your back stories too.

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs II (My Verse from The Old Republic 12/1/13)
« Reply #434 on: December 01, 2013, 03:39:27 PM »
Nice, looks like its time for the front page again. I really do enjoy your back stories too.

Thanks for the PM, Tamer!  Much more to come.  Right now, more customs from this time period, as well as, more War Wolves.