Author Topic: Boba vs. Predator  (Read 13793 times)

Offline CloneSniper78

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Boba vs. Predator
« on: January 16, 2011, 12:25:34 AM »
Time frame is sometime between episode III and IV. Hopefully this story can turn into a photo-novel or web-comic.

Boba was making his final approach on Kashyyyk. He was flying a ship that he "acquired" from a rival bounty hunter that tried to kill him to claim his bounty. Slave 1 was undergoing some repairs and upgrades back on Mandalore. He was still young and didn't want to wait to go on his big Wookie pelt collecting trip.

He landed the ship in a quiet far away area from one of the Wookie villages. The weather was perfect for summer time anyways. It was a little hot but nothing like Tatooine. He just grabbed his usual gear loadout and started off into the forest.

After a few miles of dense forest he came upon a mutilated wookie carcass. This carcass was different than any other he had seen. Instead of being skinned or partially eaten by a wild animal it had the spinal cord and the skull ripped out.

Boba knelt down and was thinking about what could or would have done this.... He came to the conclusion that whoever or whatever did this was intelligent. It must be some kind of trophy collector. But they weren't in it for the money, they were doing this for the sport of it, like a hunter.

He figured who ever did this might still be close by. So he half way raised up his rifle and started scanning all around the area and up into the trees. He wasn't scared but he was gripping his rifle a little tighter than usual and he didn't feel totally comfortable with the situation.

Offline beige-4

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2011, 04:40:10 AM »
arh sweet !!

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2011, 06:18:39 AM »
Oh yeah this is one story I could get into.

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2011, 06:39:02 AM »
This sounds really cool Tom!

Offline CloneSniper78

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2011, 10:53:52 AM »
I'm glad you guys like it. I've been wanting to do a story for a while now, so I picked two of my favorite characters. I also picked characters that I had made customs of. I want to turn this into a photo novel eventually. I'll probably need some help.

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2011, 11:40:40 AM »
That is raelly intressting!

Offline CloneSniper78

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2011, 06:05:14 PM »
     Boba slowly scanned his surroundings 360 degrees. He then did the same thing back in the other direction, but this time he was looking up into the trees. Out of the corner of his eye way off in the distance he thought he saw a branch move. He snapped his eyes back to that far away tree but he saw nothing. His curiosity was urging him to follow this "thing" that was hunting the wookies, but his better judgement told him to go back to his ship. Once there he could look through all his gear and come up with a plan on how to catch or at least kill this mysterious hunter.
     Boba decided to not directly backtrack to his ship. There were a couple of reasons for this. First, he didn't want to run into this hunter face to face if it was tracking his steps from the ship. Since it could have easily spotted him coming in. Second, if it was waiting for him near the ship he could hopefully get the drop on this hunter if he came back in a totally different direction than he ventured out.
     Boba remembered when he was making his final approach before landing he saw a large rocky area to the west of his ship. He originally ventured out to the east. He decided to make a big loop around and come back through the rocky terrain to get to the ship. This had a few advantages. He would be virtually untrackable through the rocky terrain and if he did run into the hunter there were no trees for the hunter to use to his advantage. This route was a lot longer and time consuming but it was better than getting slotted or worse, ending up like that wookie he found.
     As Boba was making his way out of the rocky area there was one last boulder that was big enough to hide behind. He took cover behind it and peeked around to look at where his ship was. He had a perfect line of sight to his ship. He scanned the area high and low and didn't see anything. He cautiously made his way back to his ship........

Offline CloneSniper78

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2011, 11:59:32 PM »
As Boba came up to the ship he did a quick inspection of the exterior to make sure there were no traps or explosive devices planted. Everything appeared to be normal. Just as he opened the hatch and looked into the ship he heard the thunderous roar of a wookie. It came from the direction that he first ventured out.

Boba started to move faster. He wasthinking either another wookie just got slaughtered or they just found their mutilated brother and would follow his tracks back to his ship. Either way he needed to hurry. He took a quick look at his kit. "Let's gun...poncho...sniper rifle....two days rations...". Boba was interrupted by another loud roar. But this one was different. " I wonder..." Boba grabbed his gear and wrapped it up in the poncho and closed up the ship.

Boba turned around and ignited his jetpack. He thought to himself "two can play the tree game". He was planning to go about halfway to where he discovered the wookie carcass. As he was flying he saw laser fire in the distance. He veered off to the right and landed in a huge tree with very thick branches. He didn't have time to dig out his sniper rifle. He just held on to his modified blaster rifle and observed the two wookies firing into the trees all over the place, but they weren't hitting anything. He saw that a third wookie was lying on the ground dead near the other two that were firing.

Boba looked and looked into the trees but he couldn't see what the heck they were shooting at. The wookies were in a little clearing where a tree had fallen and they were using it for cover. He could tell they were clueless as to where the hunter actually was. They just knew he was out there somewhere.

An hour passed without anything happening. The mysterious hunter didn't fire and the two wookies didn't move either. Boba decided to get his sniper rifle out. He unrolled the poncho and started to reach for the rifle when he noticed three little red dots appear on the back of his hand. "Oh fierfek!" Boba shouted as he jumped straight out of the tree as hard as he could.

He fell about 15 feet before he turned on his jetpack. He was already pointing head first into the ground when the jetpack ignited. He rocketed straight down at first and just barely leveled out before he hit the ground.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 12:23:52 AM by CloneSniper78 »

Offline beige-4

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2011, 09:52:30 AM »
sweet !!!!!!!!!!!! i love love LOVE IT !!

Offline CloneSniper78

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2011, 11:15:06 AM »
A couple of bowcaster bolts went right across the front of his faceplate. The wookies probably thought he was the hunter. Then he heard, and felt, an explosion right behind him from the side the hunter was positioned. He immediately knew his jetpack had been hit because he started to corkscrew. He was spinning so fast he could barely grab the quick release for the jetpack. He managed to release the jetpack about twenty feet before he would have slammed into a big tree. His jetpack did launch straight into the tree and blew up into a big fireball that caught the huge tree on fire.

He must have been knocked unconscious for a few seconds because when he opened his eyes he wasn't sure where he was. He saw that there was a raging fire only a few feet away from him and that jogged his memory. "Bloody hell" Boba said to himself. He searched for his modified rifle but he couldn't find it. All he had on him was his blaster pistol and his gauntlet weapons. He did a quick scan of the area but didn't see anything.

Boba crawled around to the other side of the huge tree that was on fire and waited to see who or what was gonna come after him. A couple of minutes later the two wookies came sneaking up. They were looking at the tree and the surrounding area to see if there was a survivor. Boba slowly unholstered his blaster and was bringing it up to shoot one of the wookies if they noticed him hiding. One of them stopped cold in his tracks and was sniffing the air. Boba thought this is it, I'm gonna have to take out two wookies really quick.

What Boba saw next he hardly believed. A big semi-armored humanoid just appeared out of thin air right behind the wookie that was sniffing the air. The wookie spun around quickly but he wasn't quick enough.

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2011, 11:21:06 AM »
nice cant wait for the next part keep it up  ;D ;D

Offline CloneSniper78

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2011, 11:42:08 AM »
The big hunter had two nasty looking blades that came out of his right gauntlet, and he rammed them right through the wookies chest. The wookie tried to shout but his lungs must have been punctured because no sound came out. With it's last bit of life the wookie tried to choke the hunter. That gave the other wookie just enough time to jump the hunter from behind. Both of these humanoid beasts were roaring like crazy. Boba couldn't believe what he was witnessing.

The first wookie was starting to fade pretty quickly and was bleeding like crazy. The hunter's blades were stuck in the wookie and he was frantically trying to pull them out. The second wookie looked like he was trying to break the hunter's neck but wasn't having very much success. The hunter had a shoulder mounted laser canon that started firing like crazy.

Boba saw the canon fire once into the tree next to him and thought, " I better move!". The hunter's next shot blasted the dying wookie off of it's blades. The second wookie grabbed the shoulder canon and ripped it right off! The hunter let out a loud scream and turned quickly and backhanded the wookie right across the face. The wookie went flying back and hit his head on a tree and fell to the ground in a big heap. The wookie appeared to be unconscious.

Boba knew this was his chance. He fired centermass into the back of the alien hunter. The hunter just turned around and screamed. It appeared his blaster bolt didn't even phase the hunter. He shot two more bolts into it's chest with the same result. The hunter's blades shot out and he started to come for Boba. Boba raised his left arm and fired his grappling dart around the hunter's legs. It rapped around them very quickly.

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2011, 11:45:26 AM »
wow vwer detailed love the wookie pwnige  :D

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2011, 12:17:51 PM »
The hunter was very surprised. Boba knew this was his only chance. He aimed at the hunter's unprotected abdomen and fired another blaster bolt. The hunter ducked down at the last instant and the bolt hit him square in the helmet. The hunter flew back and just laid there. Boba took a couple of steps closer and then the hunter sat up very quickly and slashed off the rope around its' legs in one swipe. Boba was surprised and took a step back. The hunter hopped onto his feet in one quick movement. Boba could see the hunter's helmet was damaged.

The hunter was looking right at him but it was hesitating for some reason. Boba being a helmet wearer himself thought he must be having trouble seeing. Boba raised his blaster pistol and the hunter lunged in his direction and took a swipe with its' blades. It totally missed but Boba's shot missed too. The hunter did a quick backslash after the first swipe and this time connected with Boba's blaster, sending it flying into the bushes.

Boba's hand to hand combat training kicked in and he immediately kicked the hunter with his toe spikes right in the groin. The hunter screamed and went down to one knee. Boba quickly kicked with his other leg right into the hunters jaw. The hunter's head snapped back and fell onto its back. Boba moved in quickly and raised his leg up to stomp on the hunter's throat. Just as his foot was coming down the hunter grabbed his ankle with both hands and twisted. Boba went down to the ground in agony. He knew his ankle was broken for sure. He was more concerned about how he was going to get out of this alive.

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Re: Boba vs. Predator
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2011, 12:27:14 PM »
hand to hand combat FTW