Author Topic: Aude's Workshop  (Read 37875 times)

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #75 on: March 29, 2020, 06:57:52 AM »
Got you. So, I am assuming this came from a 3D Printing probably?

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #76 on: March 30, 2020, 10:12:48 PM »
That's right! Hasbro are supposedly revealing some toys today. Maybe they'll show us a 3.75" blurrg so that I can just paint this one up and forget about casting more. :)

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #77 on: March 31, 2020, 12:15:29 AM »
The Mandalorian Wave 3/20

I haven’t posted any customs since the beginning of the year for various reasons, some of which were health related. Thankfully everything is fine now. Before we begin I just want to say this: whether you’re voluntarily self-isolating, on lockdown, or still going in to work regularly, I hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.

That said, this is shaping up to be a rancor of a post, and there will likely be plenty of reading material for those with some extra time. If you’ve been following these latest customs, you surely know that I love The Mandalorian. Not an unpopular opinion, of course. You may also know that I have been interested in employing 3D printed parts for quality portraiture at reasonable cost. Well, good news, everyone! This post is a marriage of both. I want to thank Shawn Fear of Watto’s Scrapyard for making these figures possible through some truly exceptional designs, and encourage you to browse his work and give him your business if you are so inclined. His prints are available on eBay at 1/12 scale, but you can request custom sizing through FBM (I created a FB account solely for this reason). If more people request and purchase 1/18 scale prints from him, it will likely encourage him to scale down more of his designs for the 3.75” customizers among us. His prices are very reasonable considering the quality of the work ($12.50/ea + $4.50 shipping), and it’s always great to support fellow creators!

Disclaimer: I am uniquely, acutely aware that this post is outrageously lengthy. If you're into reading about the builds and anything I've done here benefits your future customs, that's fantastic. If not, no worries- I hope you enjoy the photos. ;D Without further ado, let’s get on to the customs! I’ve been looking forward to this.

Covert Mandalorian (aka Miss Funko POP!)
Predator and Prey

“This is the way.”

Composition: Bo Katan 1.5cm resin print from Watto’s Scrapyard (dremeled/sanded like mad)*, TVC Dr Aphra torso & legs, TVC Island Journey Rey upper arms, TVC Rey forearms, TBS Deathtrooper hands, TLC Han Solo Hoth boots. TVC The Mandalorian chest armor & pauldrons, TVC Boba Fett gauntlets. Chopped credit card rangefinder stem. Leather neck wrap, armor vest, kama, belt, pouches and boots. TVC Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight cape (distressed).

Process: I stumbled upon this character while searching the Funko products for basic design elements of the costumes from the show since they were one of the few companies early on actually revealing and releasing content from The Mandalorian (looking at you, Hasbro). It seemed like a fun design and pose with definite CW/Rebels/Boba homage, and I saved a photo of it at the time for later. When I revisited it this past week and decided to actually make the custom, I scoured episodes 1 & 3 for any sign of the actual character on screen... but only ever found a frame of a seated mandalorian with similar boots in ep 3. Is the character ever truly visible on screen? I couldn’t tell you. If you find her, let me know! What I can say is that she has arrived in 3.75” SA action figure form.

I began with the basic pieces listed, disassembling and fitting, sanding joints, etc to make sure everything fit together well. The full TVC Island Journey Rey arms would have worked just fine, but I blew out the upper arm sockets experimenting with a different forearm (DSG I believe) and decided I’d prefer to find another forearm that fit rather than attempt to fix them. Enter TVC TFA Rey, or some pieces of the figure I hadn’t yet used. Her forearms have a larger peg that worked great. Once I had everything sanded and fitted with base paint down, I realized that the covert mando’s helmet used Sabine’s design rather than Bo’s. I could have left it as it was… but I couldn’t, so I dremeled out the cheeks and basically completely reshaped it. *Shawn’s CW Bo Katan helmet is a beauty, but it wasn’t right for this character.

Since pauldrons are almost always articulation restricting, I tried something new with this pair and attached them to the trunk’s shoulders with small pieces of leather. This way, covert mando can move her arms freely without issue! I love the way this turned out, and I’ll likely be doing the same with future customs. I’ve also considered additional magnetization to the upper arms, although the pauldrons seem to stay in place well enough with the leather piece at the moment. Something else I tried for the first time here, as you can see in the earlier progress pics, was to sculpt some folds onto the shins with epoxy clay before applying the leather sheets that would become the boots to give the actual leather a nice creasing effect.

The kama initially looked very graphic/cartoony, almost like something out of Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars (great show, some of my favorite prequel-era content). The Funko POP!’s had more texture, so I attempted to simulate that with globules of glue spread separately over the four cords lining the kama. I had never tried that one before, and I’m pleased with the texture the glue achieved! From there on out it was left to paint weathering and her cape, a generous donation from Jedi Luke that I cut up and distressed.

Oh! And of course, the EE3. I’ve always wished Hasbro would release a proper SA RotJ Boba with the correct rifle (how they have failed to do this remains a mystery to me…). The Funko design seemed to have one, so I took the opportunity to splice one together using Force Link 2-pack Boba’s stock and sight, a fodder 6” D H-17 barrel, and some various other small pieces. I think it turned out great, but I could have really nailed it with two 6” D H-17s. Next time.

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Incinerator Trooper
Pyrotechnic Professional

“Burn them out.”

Composition: TVC RO Stormtrooper, TLJ Flametrooper tank pack (chopped). Rubber tube flame hoses, leather rank pauldron, harness and clasps. Chopped fodder, sculpted epoxy, and leather flamethrower and magnetized backpack. Magnetized flame from FL 2-pack Boba Fett; raging flame cameo by ? Burning Flame Effect. Imperial Crest waterslide decal from Bad Mother Tattoos & Customs.

Process: First, a considerable thank you to JDeck for the flametrooper pack idea. I was debating how to tackle this character, and he did an excellent job with it previously. Painting up the flametrooper was simple enough- the challenge came from the additional gear. I decided to make the rank pauldron from scratch, using a TVC Shadow Stormtrooper’s gear for reference.

The TLJ Flametrooper pack is awesome, but I realized that I would need to chop it up to more closely reflect the equipment seen on screen. I also added a backing to the flame pack, and sculpted the valves and circular attachments at the bottom that hold the harness. I magnetized the pack, but after attaching the straps it was basically held in place regardless. The harness straps actually have a semi-functional shoulder padding on both sides, but the smaller adjustment clasps are just for show.

The flamethrower itself was a beast to put together. The stock is from an earlier DLT-19; a thinner version, perhaps from the later PotF2 stormtrooper? Some of the barrel is from a weapon that came with Ishi Tib (?) while the front bit is from Vizam’s cannon. The rest is either sculpted or composed of fodder parts so tiny I cannot place them. Two of the flame nozzles are magnetized to accept the fireball effect from FL Boba. I’m happy with the way it turned out!

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Edit: Added!


IG-11 Assassin Droid/Nurse Droid with “The Child”
Unlikely Ally

“Subparagraph sixteen of the bondsman guild protocol waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset.”

Composition: VTSC IG-88, Baby Yoda reaching out resin print by Watto’s Scrapyard. Epoxy clay sculpted shoulder and chest plates. Leather satchel and bandoliers. Removable magnetized torso, detonator, and bacta nozzle.

Process: It’s just a repainted IG-88, right? Well yes, but also no. The VTSC IG-88 is the best version of an IG droid Hasbro has ever created, so I had to go with him. When I began to work on the figure, I realized that there were many subtle differences. Colors, wiring, chestplate, etc. One thing I knew I wanted to do right away was to improve the sensor array on his head: the base version is woefully underserved in this area. So I added tiny fodder bits to more closely reflect the sensor array, painted him up, strapped on the bandoliers, and thought, “yeah, he’s pretty much done.”

He wasn’t. I looked at him again and realized that the wiring in his legs was basically opposite that of IG-88: he had two wires running down the right leg and one on the left. He also had some additional greeblies on both thighs and two prominent casings positioned laterally on his shins. His chestplate was also entirely different. All of this would need to be fixed if I was to truly have created IG-11. And so it was.

But something small was still missing. Something tiny. Why only have IG-11 Assassin Droid when you could also have IG-11 Nurse Droid? I acquired the asset, and repositioned his arm with some epoxy clay so that he could fit into the scout satchel. In order for the child and satchel to sit flush against IG, I cut out the droid’s midsection greeblies and magnetized them so that they could be removed to accommodate the bag and baby. I couldn’t stop there. I also drilled out a hole in his chest, dropped a magnet into it, covered it with a tiny epoxy plate, and magnetized a detonator to sit on top. Additionally, I magnetized a bacta nozzle to attach to his left hand for those times a friend might get his bell rung. Was he “pretty much done” now? From a certain point of view.

My one regret is not making his shoulders ball-jointed, which I may still attempt to do with the CW IG-86.

Edit: Not exactly progress pics, but IG-11 disassembled:


“The Client”
Imperial Remnant

“Greef Karga said you were coming.”

Composition: The Client 1.4cm resin print by Watto’s Scrapyard, TBS Han Solo w/ Carbonite Block torso, upper arms, legs & boots, TVC Lando Skiff forearms, TVC Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight hands. Epoxy clay sculpted shirt, belt buckle & medallion. Leather jacket & belt with faux fur lining; fabric & thread medallion cord. Returning cameo by TLC Willrow Hood's camtono. *sigh*

Process: It’s funny to think about looking back on this custom, but this build came together like a dream. No issues, no problems. The base TVC Han Carbonite body worked out perfectly, and I would have used the forearms as well if they hadn’t had rolled sleeves. Thankfully, I had a few TVC Lando Skiff arms in the fodder bin that fit the Solo upper arms just fine. I sanded down both to account for the added thickness of the coat, sculpted and textured the chest, and moved on to paint. This was the first portrait I painted up, and I think it turned out great with the print. The details are super sharp in resin!

The jacket I cut from the same .4mm leather I’ve been using after plotting a pattern on some lesser material. I had recently picked up a few bottles of Angelus brand acrylic paint for leather, and mixed a flat black and navy for a sort of midnight blue color. The sleeve details were added with some smaller bits of leather and thread, and the collar shearling was made from a small faux fur fabric. The medallion was actually pressed into epoxy using the top of Willrow Hood’s camtono (there’s also a rebel alliance symbol on the bottom!). His tracking fob and beskar ingot are sculpted epoxy clay.

My one regret sharing this figure is that he’s not quite as complete as I would have liked. In January, I placed an order for a 1:18 scale printed camtono with removable lid, doors, and beskar ingots. Nine weeks later I do not have it. I will not mention the seller’s name, but I would like to see it soon...

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The Armorer 2.0

“This is the way.” 2.0

Composition: The Armorer 1.5cm resin print from Watto’s Scrapyard, TVC Enfys Nest body, TVC Luke Skywalker X-Wing gloves. Epoxy clay sculpted breastplate, shin wraps & hammer pieces. Stainless steel belt equipment. Leather gloves, skirt, boots & trim with faux fur cape.

Process: As you may remember, I built this character once previously, hence the 2.0 designation. I ended up selling that one (the only custom that I’ve sold to date), and I love this character so damn much that I wanted another crack at it. One thing you always learn as a creator is how to improve something you’ve made. After a build is completed, I always assess the finished project and consider what I could have done differently to improve it. We’re all working at that; we’re passionate about our hobby, and I think that’s one of the greatest drivers, at least for me, when creating something new.

For Armorer 2.0, I began with what worked great the last time. The Enfys Nest body is amazing for this character, so I began there again, sanding down the shin pad and chopping off the extraneous pieces on the shins. From there, I built her up much like the first version, only with improved materials. This time I went with more leather, reversing and cutting a pattern into the gloves and adding a lip to each fold of the skirt. Thanks to the Funko and standee, her boots were clearly revealed and I went with a leather wrap there as well.

I really wanted to clean up the chest plate this time, so after sculpting it in a few layers I sketched on the contour lines and got to shaping the facets through sanding after the last epoxy layer had hardened. After sanding up with various grits to smooth out her armor, I dropped in a sternum plate from FL Boba fodder and finished the edge trim with wire. You may also catch some concurrent projects and experimental sculpts in her progress images.

Any decent Armorer must have her tools, which I created through both epoxy sculpts and various SW weapon fodder (also a paper clip). I am glad to report that her hammers and tongs are absolutely canon once again ;), and ready for both beskar forging and stormtrooper annihilation. I love this character so much, and cannot wait to see her again whenever S2 arrives.

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Moff Gideon
Defiler of Mandalore

“You have something I want.”

Composition: Moff Gideon 1.4cm resin print from Watto’s Scrapyard, TVC Luke Skywalker X-Wing gloves, TLC Bespin Security boots. Epoxy clay sculpted chestplate, pauldrons, gloves, belt & darksaber. Leather skirt, holster, chestplate fasteners and cape trim; wired cloth cape. Magnetized darksaber hilt.

Process: If there was ever a post about how NOT to make an action figure, this would be it! Why I opted to build this figure on an X-Wing Luke body, I cannot tell you. But I did. Actually, I do know why: for the height and articulation. However, if he ever gets into a serious scuffle, his true orange colors will be revealed as a rebel alliance/new republic pilot! I originally intended to use the Luke torso for my Greef custom, so I had begun to sculpt the midsection as you will see in progress pics. When I abandoned this base in favor of the JoyToy body for Greef, the torso, along with the legs and joints, required sanding down for Gideon.

There is considerably more sculpting on this figure than some of the others because his belt and gloves have intricate line patterns which I could not accomplish with the leather. Both belt and gloves had a once-over that I was not satisfied with, and were cracked off and stripped in favor of a second attempt. The chestplate and shoulders were sculpted and then sanded down in a similar fashion to the Armorer’s breastplate. I attached the pauldrons with bits of leather to allow for freer articulation; this implementation was the precursor to the covert mandalorian’s pauldron attachment. Gideon’s boots, from what I could tell (there is not a Funko or standee of him that I am currently aware of) had straps running horizontally with a vertical split down the middle, so I did my best to emulate that design through epoxy sculpts and leather strips.

For some unknown reason, the cape here also gave me trouble. In theory, the construction is simple: black cloth backing, wire skeleton, red cloth lining, leather/thread trim. In practice, it just was not happening. The first cape was not the right shape; the red of the second cape was too bright; the third cape didn’t drape properly. The cape you see on the finished figure is iteration #5 I believe, which is absurd. Thankfully, fabric is ~75 cents for ? yard…

Of course, you cannot make Moff Gideon without his darksaber. I picked up a hilt print from a Shapeways vendor, then replicated it in epoxy clay. The blade I then cut from epoxy clay, shaped, and sanded down. If I’m completely honest, I think it’s a bit too long. I may remake it. For the unlit hilt, I carved out a hole in one of the epoxy clay hilt duplicates and magnetized it so that it can hang from his belt on the left side. I also put together a pair of death troopers for him with updated paint and leather rifle straps and holsters.

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Greef Karga
Disgraced Magistrate

“It's over.”

Composition: Greef Karga 1.4cm resin print by Watto’s Scrapyard, JoyToy mold color army soldier (blank) body & legs, TVC Vizam arms. Epoxy clay sculpted body portions (torso, knees). Leather outfit basically, belt, holsters, boot wraps, etc. Wire & metal casing belt details, stainless steel chest strap clasp.

Process: I think I had the most fun making this figure; he was just a ton of fun to continue adding to. I began with a Luke X-Wing torso but soon abandoned that build because the body was too small. When the JoyToy base arrived, I knew that it would become Greef. In addition to some excellent articulation (the figures can be a bit finicky at times, but overall I find them to be fantastic to work with), I found that the JoyToy also had a much closer build and height to Carl. There were a few Vizam arms in the bin, and they looked to be just the thing (the base color and shape were close) after sanding down and rounding out the delts, forearms, and joints.

With the base body ready, I began sculpting. As you can see in progression pictures, I ended up going with a second layer of epoxy through the abdomen. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, the JoyToy had a thin neck that I revisited a couple times later on in the process with epoxy. He also has some piping that runs along each pant leg which I tackled with thread glued directly to the plastic. With the forearms sanded down to account for the added bulk of leather gloves and all base elements of the trunk complete, it was time to build the rest of the getup.

Next was the leather, which in a few cases I decided to adhere directly to the base figure as well. His entire outfit on the show is leather basically, and I think the blend of leather with sculpt and color matching on the figure from leather paint to regular acrylic turned out well. Thanks to a couple reference images and mainly the Funko (I love that the POP!s simplify the characters’ outfits down to their basic elements), the design elements of Greef’s belt were clearly legible. I constructed the belt and hardware from leather strips and some copper wire with a 3mm porcelain rhinestone in the center. I love how the holsters of his outfit wrap around the protruding metal bars to hang from the belt.

His dual pistols are chopped from a pair of DDC Defenders from the fodder cache (Leia’s sporting blaster, although these came from Yavin Ceremony Lukes I believe). I used pairs of various small bits and wire and a couple strips of leather to complete the look of his weapons. His makeshift bandage was cut from a Tusken(?) garment and magnetized to snap together on the right forearm, and his Calamari Flan currency was cut in thin slices from a lightsaber blade.

If I have one complaint about this figure, it's that the cape/half coat doesn’t have the nap I had planned it to have. The only way around this would be to find an ultra-thin leather with an exact color match to eliminate the need to paint.

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Group Glam Shot

And that is all for now. I still plan to update two versions of the Mandalorian and definitely want to make a Kuiil, so those customs will likely be coming later this year. I would love to find a high quality print of beskar chest plate and pauldrons in 1:18 scale to save time with the mando build. If anyone is able to do that, let me know! Also, if I could find a brave soul willing to mold and cast the blurrg print I’ve got (I’d absolutely love to have a trio- see details in previous post), that’d be fantastic. As always, thanks for checking out my customs! This post spiraled out of control, so if you actually read it, any amount of it, you are a champion.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2020, 09:23:52 AM by Aude »

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #78 on: March 31, 2020, 06:30:37 AM »


Pardon my french, but this is immaculate work! I love how you detail everything you did and how well these turned out. I am flabbergasted for words here. And here I am excited to get my TVC mando here soon.

Star Wars Fan. Action Figure Customizer/collector. Favorite Star Wars Time Period: The Clone Wars.

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #79 on: March 31, 2020, 06:44:31 AM »
I am not one for profanity myself, but dropped one when I saw how awesome this was. I am speechless! Just speechless!

All I will say now, till I can recompose myself to leave some better comments, is that this is going at the top of our pages today and I will give a shout out to your eBay person.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2020, 06:55:27 AM by Tamer »

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #80 on: March 31, 2020, 06:07:28 PM »
Mate you have absolutely put Hasbro to shame with these figures, they are brilliant.


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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #81 on: March 31, 2020, 07:52:48 PM »
Wowzas, great job!

Love the detail on Greef’s right arm!

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #82 on: March 31, 2020, 10:44:30 PM »
This is truly inspirational work! I love the many pictures and the explanations of how you built these figures. I've been watching Watto's scrapyard, I just never messaged him about scaling things down, so that was a good tip. I'm amazed at the detail you managed to get into each of these figures. The different mediums were an excellent approach and look really good.

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #83 on: April 01, 2020, 12:14:57 AM »
WOW, just WOW!!!!!

Just started watching the series and these are absolutely awesome!

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #84 on: April 01, 2020, 10:15:04 AM »
These are really fantastic! Glad I could inspire your Flame trooper, you put way more detail into it than I did. Great job on all of them! I'd buy any of them up in a second if they were produced. I was browsing the eBay seller you referenced, geez he's got a lot of stuff.

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #85 on: April 01, 2020, 08:36:54 PM »
Dude @$#=/$,
These are the bomb.
What can I say. Just a wonderful and creative project you have provided us. Top notch work.
I love all the process steps you shared.
Like Hembel said, u put Hasbro to shame. They need to get your figures on line asap.

By the Knights of Mandalore, our Quest will ring true

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #86 on: April 02, 2020, 03:18:21 AM »
Okay, the work you've put into sharing this on here alone makes it worth to hold on for a minute. I'm reading through all the lines as I'm writing this comment as it is time to fire back and drop some words of appreciation.
First off: Thanks for the good wishes. I'm glad you're doing well, again, and back aboard!

The short story? Ron is right.

Here's the long version: I've enjoyed every second of this series. FINALLY we got some good content from Disney since 2016, again. But more on that on the other thread.

Mandalorian Wave 3/20: It's a shame alone that Hasbro discontinued the 3 3/4" line completely. How nice would it have been if they dedicated an own toy line to The Mandalorian with articulation "where it makes sense" like we saw between 2002 and 2005.
I think we all agree here and take this as a result of the last trilogy, which was just an insult to the franchise. (...)

Thanks for including the link to Watto's Scrapyard! Since I'm not on facebook that often, I would've probably never found him! The links look nice embedded in your post! Wish I knew how to do this.

I think I'm Ready for this rancor of a post, just grabbed my morning coffee and am Ready to rumble. I think I owe you this comment and hope you enjoy reading it. No warranty for any misspellings.
Thanks for the disclaimer by the way! I still have no clue what I'm doing here, but hey, I got time, now! And a drink! So cheers!

Covert Mandalorian: Didn't know this character/Design before. I'm not that much of a fan of those POP! figures. Therefore I'm not following what they got on shelves. To me they all look the s(l)ame. But no offense here. I know how popular they are among fans, so I keep quiet.
It's even smarter that you look at their figures for ideas and parts. And Looking at your figure now, I can say, it really paid off to get some inspiration there! Helmet, pouches, belt, choice of Colors - everything Looks stunning on this custom! And thanks for the detailed info on the blaster! Something I didn't know before. The recipe alone blows my mind! One thing is for sure: It's not easy for copycats to re-make your customs. Awesome work on scultping - you'll read that a few more times down below…
The skirt and boots look fantastic, too! So much to appreciate on this Mando alone!
Your skills of kit-bashing and tooling look for equal exceptions.

Incinerator Trooper: Well, what else is there left to say? You burnt it! Like most of us on here, I'm a big fan of troopers as well. Perfect shade of red, brilliant paint apps and man, his equipment is on point! The design of the belt alone is magnificent and the flamethrower looks just...WOW!

IG-11 & The Child: Saw The Child in Watto's Scrapyard. Sculpt looks great! Neat paintjob, mate! Love the belts for the Assas...I mean nursing droid *sigh* - and I abolutely LOVE the fne work you did on the lil' bag! SO tiny! And even the buckles - blow my mind!
The magnetic detonator is a nice touch, too!

The Client: I'm not even reading the process anymore. I give up! There's no way I can reach this level of epicness!
The client is one of my favorite designs! Love all the accessories you gave him. Speaking of which: You made this "Wave" of figures one of absolute perfection! No doubt, Hasbro are put to shame here, but even Boss Fight Studios or Bandai would've trouble to compete with you here.
Again, brilliant work on sculpting! Love all the leather straps, the collar and medal you gave him! His coat in general looks priceless!
Nice w.i.p. pics, too! You did an outstanding paintjob on his head, based on another incredible sculpt from Mr. 3D Watto.

The Armorer: As Clonehead said already while I'm writing this: when you think it cannot get any better, well, there comes Aude! Sure, do I hold your beer! Man, your skills are beyond limits! Skirt, straps, tools, paintjob - you nailed them all! I think the work on leather/softgoods is most impressive on his one of the wave. Her chest plate Looks so brilliant the way you sculpted and painted it! She looks abolutely stunning! Much much respect on your sculpting and tooling all the details! If I was Hasbro I'd stop reading here and give you a call ask "what can we give you to work for us? - A Star Destroyer? That's it? We expected you asked for more...but thanks. You'll get the Death Star as annual bonus on top."

Moff Gideon: He is probably one of the most mysterious characters of the first season - they all are...but I can imagine that it's quite a challenge to find detailed reference material to his character/costume. His sculpted chest plate looks phenomenal! Again, your skills…good greef!
I like all the red details on his costume. His bi-colored robe looks amazing with two different fabrics! Much respect on this one - paint on head - this makes a custom figure a character really. Jaw unhinged!
And you even sculpted the darksaber? I'm outta here...nice feature with the invisibe blade! Is this a photo edit or is the blade really removable? And even more magnetic features. You just killed me! Imagine how mad all the collectors would be after this figure!?

Greef Carga: Okay, one more Paragraph before I finally faint. Greef probably received my favorite voice actor in the German Translation s of Season 1. My favorite detail? That you even included his belly! Once again, belt, buckley, straps, headsculpt, accessories - you've taken them all beyond this universe!

LOVE the beskar bars so damn much! You got such an eye to detail, man!

MUCH RESPECT FROM GERMANY! I now fall off my Chair and take a long nap. This is too much to comprehend at once. 

This is over the top!

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this MASSIVE udate with all the recipes and work in progress pictures! We all appreciate that you put so much effort into your projects and posts! Again, it's a Blessing to haveyou here!

- Philipp *passes out*
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 05:19:22 AM by Darth More »

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #87 on: April 02, 2020, 04:15:04 AM »
Good god, Aude! That post was a head spinner.
It’s so great seeing all the pics and reading thru the trials and tribulations of a custom builder.
There is too much here to really approach at once so I’ll comment on the 2.0 Armorer. A vast improvement on an already impressive build. In the past, I have done that and just made a straight copy for myself. Your rebuild took it to a whole new level.
  Just this one figure is quite bow worthy.
The whole gargantuan post, just blows me away
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 04:16:37 AM by Clonehead »

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #88 on: April 02, 2020, 06:57:05 AM »
I just can't decide on a favorite yet, but man that Armourer is just tops. When Hasbro makes her she will never be that good or look as tough.

I just don't know what comments to give that express how fantastic I think these are. You really epitomize what customizing is all about. You are creating works of art here. Thank you so much for sharing these with us!

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Re: Aude's Workshop
« Reply #89 on: April 02, 2020, 03:56:14 PM »
Thanks all for the kind words. :) These customs were a riot, and it has been great to have a community to share with! Specific comments & replies to follow.

RC-1136: Haha Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the build section, but I realized with posting that some critical steps or details were missing. Sometimes I made a ton of progress, other times hardly any; sometimes I didn't take any photos of the process at all. The TVC Mando is a nice figure for sure, definitely worth picking up. Imagine though if they had a more complete lineup of characters from the show available.

Tamer: Thanks! You know I absolutely love the Armorer: her stoicism, forging ability, armor, the whole deal. I had to do her full justice if I was remaking her, and I think I managed to do that. And even though I've made her, I would still buy an official 3.75" release as well. If only there was one available or even announced.

Ron: I really feel that Hasbro have done that themselves with a lack of focus and available product. :( Seriously though, thank you. I've been loving testing myself to see just how far these customs can go.

Mauldalorian: Thanks! I think with the Greef figure I'm most proud of how the belt hardware came together. His little accessories were fun to make as well, and of course the bandage had to be detachable. ;)

Starchaser: Thank you. :) Favreau and Filoni seem to love and respect the universe that they're creating in, and it shows. Definitely contact Shawn to ask about head prints if you've been considering it. Sometimes it takes some persistence and may not happen right away (he told me recently that he had a hd failure and was just getting back up and running), but if he sees that there is more demand for 3.75" it can never hurt.

RCW: Thanks! You will love the series. Definitely content there for everyone to enjoy.

JDeck: Thanks, and yep- the flametrooper pack was great! Yeah, how none of them have been produced or even announced (with the exception of a possible incinerator trooper coming at the end of the year?) is absurd, if expected. It seems like Shawn is always working on something. Definitely contact him if you want a custom size.

Nickel: Thanks! I hope to continue building more figures from the show in the coming months. And yes, I absolutely wish they would make these, any number of them, but here we are.

Clonehead: Thanks! haha I'm glad you enjoyed the expanded process section and photos. Armorer 2.0 is definitely a favorite not only because of how much I love the character but also because of how I was able to refine the build. You can see about halfway through the construction process that I stripped both the gloves and boot wraps when I realized that they had more of a suede texture with visible nap. Another thing I've grown to appreciate is that epoxy clay surfaces can be smoothed and contoured through sanding. That coupled with the leather apps and steel solidified this one as definitive for me.

Philipp: Hope you had a good nap and have another coffee on deck. ;) I'm glad to be up and about again, even if that means up and about in lockdown.

As I'm sure you know, I must agree with you about articulation and more broadly on the state of 3.75". Without getting too much into it here, I think the line is in much worse shape today than it was even a year ago. Instead of producing more content for a legacy line that has existed for 40+ years, they're experimenting with 2.5", 5", 8", 9" figures; 7.5" or 11" will be next when those fail. From what I've heard, at least a Gideon and Armorer from The Mandalorian will be coming to 6" later this year (and yet another Fett variant, while the best Fett sculpt in 3.75" is in a 5 PoA 2-Pack); for TVC... maybe a trooper?

Anyway, let's move on from that. I don't collect the Funkos either, but I guess they're pretty popular. My favorite thing about them is the simplified design language! I've searched them multiple times to have a look at some area of a character that isn't necessarily clear to get a feel for what's actually going on; the Greef Funko was where I first realized what was up with the metal holster belt attachments. Their Covert Mandalorian definitely had a striking color block design. I would still like to know if someone there just thought, "ok, we have some extra Sabine helmets- someone create a design!" or if they were actually provided a reference photo of this character by LFL.

Putting together the flamethrower and harness was a process, but I think worth it in the end. I'm still waiting for matte and satin varnishes for pieces of the harness that were coming out of NYC and were held and diverted a few times. No idea when they'll arrive. The Child print was awesome, if delicate. I dropped the poor little guy a couple times and paid for it each time, having to replace both a finger and ear tip. That child is scaled down by Shawn from a design by Geoff Wicks of Hex3D. From what I've seen, he does awesome work and I'd totally subscribe if I had/knew how to operate a 3D printer. And yeah, the satchel turned out great! The one you see in the photos is actually version 2; the physical satchel worn by the scout trooper at the start of Ep. 8 has a slightly different design than the cg satchel worn by IG-11. :o

I agree with you about the client. He's not a super dynamic character, but Werner is excellent in the show and the character design has a decent amount of interest with the shearling collar and medal. He did turn out great (I'm tickled by the liver spot paint apps), but I'm still a bit let down that the camtono hasn't arrived yet haha. Same with the armorer, and I'm happy to see everyone enjoying her in v2. I was enjoying visiting the fabric store with some frequency before everything got shut down and her cape is trimmed from a buffalo print fleece fabric I found there at the end of last year.

Gideon's darksaber is actually two darksabers: one with the ignited blade, the other the magnetized hilt that attaches to the belt (I guess I failed to photograph that, didn't I). No industrial light and magic in those photos. ;) I briefly considered fabricating a detachable blade, but took a hint from Hasbro's more recent offerings with both ignited/unlit lightsabers and also remembered the times I wished my Saga AotC figures' saber blade "tangs" hadn't cracked off in the hilts. :'( And yes, collectors would love him. Instead, Hasbro are repacking TBS General Lando. Makes sense. Greef is one of my favorites in this wave, if that can even be possible. His belt hardware just makes me so happy. And of course I modeled him after Carl as seen in the show as closely as I could!

Again, thank you all for the feedback! I'm excited to get started on the next customs- have them planned conceptually, just waiting on bodies to arrive.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 04:02:23 PM by Aude »