Author Topic: The Ongree  (Read 3689 times)

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The Ongree
« on: January 16, 2010, 08:49:12 PM »
INFO: Ongree were vaguely-humanoid amphibious beings native to the planet Skustell in the Skustell Cluster.

RACE: Ongree
HEIGHT: 1.9 Meters Tall
SKIN: Yellow, brown
DISTINCTION: inverted looking face
LANGUAGE: Ongreenen

Skustell was an oceanic planet in the Skustell Cluster of the Outer Rim Territories. It was the homeworld of the Ongree species.

Skustell became part of the Galactic Republic, although its people were not widely seen away from their homeworld. As the Ongree were an amphibious race, the planet was at least partially covered in water, but it is unknown if the Ongree lived in salt- or fresh water.

The Ongree were characterized by yellowish or brownish skin and elongated, tapering heads. Two flexible eyestalks protruded from either side of an Ongree's head, allowing them to see an object from many angles.

Their fanged mouths were located above four nostrils and above their other facial features (giving them an "upside-down" facial appearance), and they had two thick fingers and an opposable thumb on each hand. Despite the apparent lack of dexterity inherent in their makeup, Ongree were nevertheless able to hold even small objects with ease. This natural agility was belied by their humpbacked, awkward appearances.

The Ongree were commonly seen as a diplomatic, measured species. This opinion was fostered by the arrangement of their eyestalks; since Ongree could see an object from multiple angles, it was thought that this ability gave the species a particular mindset, allowing them to examine a situation from all possible perspectives. It was believed that their literal and figurative outlooks were linked by a psychological trait.

This made many members of the species adept negotiators, diplomats, and politicians, though this characteristic was also exploited for less wholesome activities, and many were known to consort with crimelords and gangsters. While Jedi Masters Pablo-Jill and Coleman Kcaj were prime examples of the former, the corrupt Uscru District Mayor Acros-Krik definitely turned his attention to more criminal opportunities.

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (First appearance)
Labyrinth of Evil
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Tag & Bink: Revenge of the Clone Menace (Non-canonical appearance)

Pablo-Jill in the Databank
Acros-Krik in the Databank
Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous
The New Essential Guide to Alien Species

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.