Author Topic: The Enloe Trials Chapter 8 -  (Read 2610 times)

Offline CHEWIE

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The Enloe Trials Chapter 8 -
« on: September 21, 2015, 08:59:37 AM »
I wanted to share another adventure in the story of Rykrof Enloe with my friends here at ISY... read through, and please be sure to share your thoughts! 

For reference, you can catch up on the past chapters at the links below -- plus character profiles too:

The Enloe Trials Prologue: The Baron's Crusade
Chapter 1: Seeds of Insurrection
Chapter 2: Atrocity
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Shadow of Death
Chapter 5: Depths of Despair
Chapter 6:  Seekers of the Dark Relic
Chapter 7:  Veils of Deceit

And the character profiles are as follows...

Rykrof Enloe - Homeworld - Naboo.  Former Republic Commander, who is now an enemy of the Empire.  He has a history of entanglements with the Badoo Corba terrorist organization, dating back prior to the Clone Wars.  He is a former close friend of  Imperial Baron Tylin Gere and has been forced to embark on a desperate mission to acquire an ancient Sith artifact for Tylin - which has recently ended in failure.  He now carries an unbearable burden... the only way to save his family is to betray his Jedi ally, Kala Mly Shundi.

Alyssa Enloe - Homeworld - Naboo.  The wife of Rykrof Enloe, Alyssa has lived a hard life being married to Rykrof, and has been the target of Rykrof's enemies over the years.  She is a survivor, but is now in the captivity of Imperial Baron Tylin Gere.

Caldin Enloe - Homeworld - Naboo.  The son of Rykrof and Alyssa Enloe.  His grandmother was a Jedi Master.  Former Jedi, Kala Mly Shundi, has sensed that the boy is Force-sensitive.  Caldin is now in the captivity of Imperial Baron Tylin Gere and has grown to resent his father.

Freelo Macklar - Homeworld - Dak.  Former freelance scientist who became friends with Rykrof Enloe during the Clone Wars.  Freelo has been known to be timid, but is extremely loyal to the Enloe family. 

Kala Mly Shundi - Homeworld - Coruscant.  Kala was once the apprentice of Rykrof Enloe's mother, who was a Jedi Master.  Kala has flirted with the Dark Side of the Force and experienced terrible visions of the future.  He barely survived Order 66, getting ambushed by clone troopers on Braatos VII.  He now works with the Rebel Underground in the struggle against the Galactic Empire.

Traedon Cusiro - Homeworld - Corellia.  Former bounty hunter who once worked for the Badoo Corba terrorists.  He helped Rykrof escape from Separatists on Dathomir during the Clone Wars, but later attempted to kill Senator Padme Amidala.  After escaping from prison, he swore an oath to bring down the Empire and joined forces with Kala Mly Shundi.

T-3PO - Homeword - Cybot Galactica.  Protocol Droid that has served the Enloe family for years.  He survived an Imperial attack on the Enloe homestead and a terrible ordeal on Dathomir.

Baron Tylin Gere - Homeworld - Naboo.  Former close ally of Rykrof Enloe, the two served as Republic Peace Officers prior to the Clone Wars and later as officers in the Grand Army of the Republic.  Tylin thirsts for power and has become obsessed with acquiring an ancient Sith artifact, which was recently acquired by Darth Vader, who he secretly sees as a rival.  He has taken custody of Alyssa and Caldin Enloe, and ordered the death of Rykrof's father. 

Emperor Palpatine - Homeword - Naboo.  Dark Lord of the Sith and the undisputed leader of the Galactic Empire.  Attempted to mold Rykrof Enloe as the ideal Imperial officer but failed.  He takes great interest in Baron Tylin Gere's personal quests for power and admires his ambition.

Darth Vader - Homeworld - Tatooine.  Dark Lord of the Sith and follows the instructions of his master, Emperor Palpatine.  During the Clone Wars, he was once friends with Rykrof Enloe.  He considers Rykrof a traitor to the Empire but also is fully aware that Rykrof once helped protect Padme Amidala.  However, his loyalties to Emperor Palpatine are secure.

Banyss... a remote world secretly housing a small rebel faction...

...and the temporary residence of Rykrof Enloe.

In recent months, his life has fallen apart...

Beginning with twisted ambitions by Imperial Baron Tylin Gere...

...which led to the brutal killing of his father...

...and the separation from, and resentment of, his son.

Events compelled Rykrof to reunite with former Jedi, Kala Mly Shundi, and his band of rebels...

...soon they found themselves facing perilous dangers on Dathomir!

Horrors beyond imagination...

...and an encounter with Darth Vader!

Now, he must deal with the hard fact that the device given to him by Vader has revealed the secret location of Kala's rebel faction!

Through his mastery of the Force, Kala has been able to sense what has happened...

...and takes Rykrof to explain the situation to former Senator, Tame Heem.

"I'm afraid there isn't much time to discuss options," Rykrof tells the Ithorian leader.
"The Empire is headed this way.  Kala is going to escort you off the planet."

"That is not a rational course of action," Kala says.
"Vader is coming. I must face him... and you must be the one to leave."

Alarmed, Tame Heem disagrees with the plan completely.
"No!  We must alert Ambassador Sulo!"

"I'll speak with Sulo, but you have to leave with Kala," Rykrof insists, turning away momentarily.
"I can't keep you safe... but Kala can."

"But the escape cruiser is not currently space worthy," the Ithorian scowls.
"Everyone else will be killed!"

"I'll make certain Sulo is prepared for the assault," Rykrof counters.
"This place isn't going down without a fight."

"Very well," Kala laments, knowing Rykrof's decision is made.
"I will dump the device to buy you as much time as possible..."

"...and I will do everything in my power to locate your son; and protect him."

"May the Force be with you," Rykrof whispers as Kala closes the hatch...

...and the stolen Badoo Corba shuttle rises toward the atmosphere.

"How far is the commander center from here?" Rykrof requests of the nearest soldier.

"I'll take you there!"

Within minutes, Rykrof bursts into the command center...

"Enloe?" Ambassador Sulo asks.
"You can't just barge in here!"

"Not much time," Rykrof gasps.
"Imperials are on their way."

"What are you rambling about?" Sulo demands.
"Nobody knows of our location!"

"I sense a disturbance in the Force," former Jedi Clorri Lislo says, stepping forward.

"I've dealt with your disturbances all too often," Sulo retorts.
"I need evidence the Empire is coming, not irrational feelings from you Jedi."

"Master Shundi left the planet in a hurry," she says, ignoring the insult.
"Why would he do this without informing us?"

"He needed to get Tame Heem off the planet as quick possible," Rykrof tells her.

"Sir, he's right," a senior technician states.
"A pair of Star Destroyers has just jumped out of hyperspace!"

"This... c...can't be happ...ening," Sulo stutters.

"Get the crews to their fighters!" Clorri shouts as she and Rykrof leave to rally the troops!

Above the base, Imperial TIE Fighters disembark from their mother ships...

...while the rebels hastily scramble their defenses!

Their speeders race above the forest line...

...and take to the air!

The rebel forces are immediately met by enemy fire!

The resistance fighters quickly find themselves outnumbered...

...and are eliminated!

Efficient and determined, the Imperial forces swiftly land their assault troops...

...pressing toward the rebel defenses!

However, Ambassador Sulo's forces are better prepared for a land battle than aerial combat...

...and strike back at the enemy!

But the Stormtroopers quickly surround their adversaries...

...who find themselves under heavy fire!

Several rebel troopers are struck down!

But the remaining forces rally to form a counterstrike!

Hiding behind some ruins, brave Sergeant Trank fires at a passing Imperial walker...

...but is no match for the armored menace, which turns and delivers a lethal blast!

The inevitable then happens... the remaining survivors must fall into a full retreat!

Soon, the compound walls are breached...

...and Stormtroopers pour into the base!

"Hit them with everything you've got!" Corporal Bafrin shouts to his comrades... he strikes down an advancing Imperial!

In the midst of the battle, two Jedi fend off the attacking forces...

...both sensing this day will be their last.

"There is no death; there is only the Force," Paladin Attpo Teacro reminds his Jedi ally.

"Keep telling yourself that!" Clorri yells.

"But I'm killing as many Imperials as I can!"

In spite of the Jedi efforts, enemy forces continue to storm the compound...

...crushing the resistance!

The Empire's numbers are too vast...

...and their war machines are far too powerful!

Meanwhile, the command center is being threatened...

...forcing Ambassador Sulo to attempt a hasty escape!

"Damn you Enloe, where are you?" he growls as his loyal troops defend their position...

...but their efforts are in vain... the Sullustan leader is quickly cut down...

...and lies motionless on the ground!

Nearby, Traedon Cusiro fends off the rush of Imperials...

...who are unable to land a shot on the former bounty hunter!

He efficiently brings down every threat in his sights!

"Traedon!" Rykrof shouts above the thundering blaster fire.

"Find Freelo," Rykrof insists.
"And get him out of here!"

"Are you crazy?  What about you?"

"Don't argue with me on this!" Rykrof pleads.
"Get him to the forest... and stick together!"

"I'll catch up with you!"

Even as Rykrof continues to desperately fend off the Imperials, the enemy continues to advance!

"Fall back!"

"There's too many of them!"

On the southern flank, Freelo and T-3PO argue about the desperate situation.

"We have to find Rykrof," Freelo insists.
"Either you come with me, or I'm leaving you here!"

"I just got repaired, you floundering amphibian!"  the droid snaps back.
"I'm not wandering through this madness only to get blasted into a million pieces!"

Suddenly, a shot shatters the droid's casing!

"Something must have happened to me," the droid observes.

"Oh no!  I'm everywhere!"

Meanwhile, the Imperials continue the slaughter of the rebel faction... only small pockets of resistance remain.

The situation has become hopeless!

Even the command center has been overrun by the Stormtrooper battalion.

Preparations are quickly made...

...for the arrival of Darth Vader.

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 8 -
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2015, 02:38:20 AM »
Thanks for sharing. Time to go get this on the front page.

Offline Kualan

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 8 -
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2015, 08:21:10 AM »
"Oh no, I'm everywhere!" - great line.

Always glad to see another chapter of the Enloe Trials pop up. Things are really building up to an interesting face-off for the leading character, and I'm looking forward to seeing where you take the story next. Keep up the good work!

I particularly like some of your battle shots - such as the two rebel Jedi standing back to back during the Imperial raid.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 8 -
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2015, 06:14:47 PM »
Thank you guys for the support and kind feedback.  I appreciate it.
