Author Topic: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!  (Read 3704 times)

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new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« on: July 02, 2009, 12:22:27 PM »
The shrill whine of blaster-fire filtered into the landing bay from the passageway beyond, distracting Fixer from the loading process it was supervising.  One of the smaller exit doors slid open slid open to reveal two men in nondescript workman's coveralls, firing holdout blasters at an unseen target.  A blue bolt clipped one of the pair, sending him to the ground.  His partner triggered a couple more shots then grabbed the wounded man and dragged him into the bay.

“Droid!  I've got an injured man here.  Help me with him.”

Fixer issued a hold order to the load-lifter moving crates onto the ship.  “Certainly, sir.  If you will bring him over here where I can better examine...”  Fixer trailed off as its optical sensors took in the two men.  They were both wounded, one more severely than the other, but the one still conscious moved to protect his brother.  Fixer realized with a start that the two before him had more than just common familial features.  They were identical twins.  Fixer recognized their faces, even if they had never served together on the same ship.

“T-t-trooper.  How can I assist you?”

The clone trooper glanced over his shoulder.  “There'll be more looking for us.  I need a medpack and transport out of here.”

Fixer accessed the tell-tales it and the chief engineer had placed throughout the area when they had first landed.  “I don't believe you will have the time, sir.  It appears there is a squad of port police working their way toward us.  They've left little available for escape vectors.”

The trooper slumped against a crate and closed his eyes.  “Osik.  And I almost had him clear.”  He looked down at his unconscious comrade.  “I'm sorry, ner vod.”

“Sir, do you need to avoid the local authorities?”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“Then p-p-please climb aboard the lift-platform.”  On the far side of the bay, a garbage lorry stopped to empty a cluster of overflowing garbage skips along the street.  “That lorry will pass just inside their search perimeter.  It would be feasible for you to have dragged your injured companion through the bay and out the far side in time to hide yourselves in it.  They will then most likely follow that trail as logical.  I will have the platform in the air and out of their sensor range.”

The trooper considered the droid's words for a moment.  “Right.”  At that moment, a small MSE droid rolled up from the ship, carrying a medpack on its shell.  The trooper slid his companion up onto the freight platform and took the medpack.  “Thank you.”

“Hold on, sir.”  Fixer reactivated the lift, picking up the platform and its load.  Just as the platform reached its zenith, a group of port police burst through the door.

“Droid!  Two armed men in spacer coveralls.  Where did they go?”

“Armed?  Oh!  Oh, my.”  Fixer flexed a number of arms in a show of alarm as it halted the loader, leaving the cargo platform – and the two clones – suspended high in the air.  “They were armed?  I had heard the shooting, but they didn't say anything about being part of that.”

One of the uniformed men was carrying a small scanner and was slowly sweeping the docking bay.  “Where did they go?” the officer asked again.

“Oh!  They went out the delivery door and climbed onto the garbage lorry.  I suppose they were in a bit of a hurry.”

“You could say that.  Than?”

The officer with the scanner shook his head.  “Bay reads clean, Lieutenant.  They aren't in here.”

“Stang.”  He lifted a comlink to his mouth.  “Quarry escaped via garbage lorry.  All units regroup in vehicles at the delivery door for bay 2037 for pursuit.  Lannik, pull the roster and find out what that lorry's route is.”  He continued muttering orders into the comlink as they moved through the bay and out the delivery door.  Fixer restarted the loader and allowed it to continue its task of transferring the cargo crates into the ship's hold.  Tell-tales in the hold allowed Fixer to see the clone moving his unconscious teammate out of the way of the loading operation. 

The droid opened a comchannel to a speaker near the clone.  “Sir, how is your companion?  Do you need my assistance?”

“No, I think we are alright for the moment.  I take it you've had to, ah, misdirect authorities before?”

“I understand it is one of the hazards of life as a free-trader, sir.  Most assuredly a different world from life on a fleet vessel.  Oh, my apologies, sir.  I have failed to introduce myself – I am FX-0R8, however the crew commonly refers to me as Fixer.  I assist the chief engineer.”

“I wish we were to meet under better circumstances, Fixer, but we've met at just the right time.  If you don't mind, I would appreciate your professional opinion on my brother – I mean, assuming you have your medical banks intact.”

“Of course, sir.  I should be done out here in a few minutes and will be inside shortly thereafter.”

Fixer studied the readings from its med-sensors.  “I believe this trooper will make a full recovery.  It seems his current state stems more from simple exhaustion that from the blaster-bolt.”

The clone chuckled.  “You mean he just needs to sleep it off?”  He reached out and lightly knuckled his companion's head.  “Di'kut.  Had me worried about getting you to your ship and you are just taking a nap.”

“Sir, I have to assume you are on an undercover assignment here based on trying to avoid local authorities and your reluctance to identify yourself or your partner.  I assume ARCs?  And I also assumed you were hunting holdout Seps, but if you are trying to get him to a ship, that calls my entire analysis into question.”

“Your analysis is close enough, Fixer.  I am undercover and letting you know any more than that is dangerous to a great number of people.  My friend here needs to keep a specific rendezvous in order to progress with his own mission.”

Fixer's biomonitors suggested the clone was not exactly lying, but was instead giving the truth as wide a berth as possible.  Fascinating.  This is almost like a sabacc game.  Fixer sat quietly and processed the situation for a couple of seconds and wished – not for the first time – that slicing hardware and programming had been part of the upgrades.  As it was, Fixer had to rely on sorting through only what information was publicly available with little more than mechanical instinct and medical-database algorithms.  Which meant, of course, there was no help to be had in making quick decisions from that quarter.

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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2009, 03:07:09 PM »
awesome Doc, Front page bound this one is.

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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2009, 03:08:34 PM »
awesome Doc, Front page bound this one is.

Speaking of that do you have a graphic you want me to use for it? I will peek back here after the Correlian dinner run.

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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2009, 03:19:54 PM »
Naw... I haven't started making customs to fit this era of Fixer's life yet.  Oh, and I'm still writing.  Will be another post later tonight...sometime...

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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2009, 04:18:58 PM »
“Sir, while I wish I could be of more assistance, Captain Wran has little love for the Empire.  Finding two of its agents onboard his ship would no doubt incur his ire.  And given a Wookiee's propensity to dismember offending parties, well, perhaps a stimulant for your companion is in order.”

The trooper leaned against the ship's bulkhead and closed his eyes, laughing softly.  “Oh, that's just kriffing perfect.  I suspect your Captain might well just shoot first and not bother with any questions afterward, even if we are on the same side.  Yes, go on and wake my brother up.  The sooner we get clear, the better.”


“Aw, somebody's in deep trouble now,” said Trav.  The work-party looked up and eeryone cringed slightly at the sight of a [green-trimmed] ARC trooper in full battle array entering the bay.  “Who-”

“Can it, Trav.”

They watched in silence as the trooper finished his approach and stopped in front of them.  “I need to speak with your captain, please.”

Aistley, the navigator, shook her head.  “Sorry, sir.  Captain's not aboard.  Lieutenant Dane is.  I can comm him, if you'd like.”  At the trooper's nod, she pulled her comlink from her belt.  “Lieutenant, there's a trooper here who is asking to speak to the ranking officer on site.”

”I'll be right out.”

ARC troopers had a nasty reputation, so no one kept them waiting.  Dane was outside the ship in short order, tugging on his jacket as he went.  He nodded a greeting to the trooper.  “[Sergeant].  How can I help you?”

“Yesterday afternoon, your medical droid was a witness to an incident I am investigating.  I need to review what it saw and make a copy of its sensor intake for my records.”

“I...see.  The droid belongs to Chief Engineer Z'zik.  I'll have him bring the droid out here.”  He touched the comlink's button on his earpiece.  “Chief?  We need Fixer out here on the pad, please.  Posthaste.”  He looked back at the trooper.  “It will take a few minutes, sir.  Fixer isn't exactly fast on his feet.”

Fixer had picked up the majority of the conversation and had its medical systems up and running.  As the droid and Z'zik made their way out of the ship, Fixer considered what it had heard.  The port police knew about it, of course, as did the two troopers it had helped hide.  Why would an ARC be investigating an incident involving two undercover troopers being shot at by local port authorities?  That should be handled by Naval personnel, shouldn't it?  In addition, if the troopers had been undercover, would this ARC trooper even know about it?  Fixer wondered whose side the ARC was even on.  A sensor dump would expose the two's subterfuge in no time.  But helping Fleet took precedence over the locals.  Maybe the ARC wouldn't melt Fixer where it stood.

Finally, the two of them reached Lieutenant Dane and the ARC trooper.  “Fixer, I think we'll need to talk after this trooper finishes up his business with you.”

“Y-y-yes, Lieutenant.”  Fixer's scanners picked up on the ARC's armor tag, automatically checking it against old databases last updated on the Dauntless.  No match, but Fixer didn't exactly expect one.

The ARC trooper pulled a datapad from his beltpouch and uncoiled a patch cable.  “I need to plug this into your scomp-port please.  I need a copy of your sensor inputs from yesterday's incident.”

“Yes, sir.”  Fixer opened its dataport and the trooper plugged in his datapad.

Immediately, Fixer heard a voice inside its audioreceptors.  “My brother and I thank you for your help yesterday.  I ask that you trust us today.  I am not copying your sensor inputs – instead, I am giving you a message recorded earlier today.  I ask that you pass it on to your captain as soon as possible.  I have provided contact information in the message.”  At that, the voice stopped and the ARC trooper disconnected the cable from Fixer's dataport.

Fixer launched the message internally as the rest of the assembled crew watched the ARC trooper leave.  As he cleared the bay, Lieutenant Dane turned to the droid.  “Fixer, we need to talk.”

Slowly, Fixer rotated its head-dome to look at the First Officer.  “Yes sir, we do.  Please find Captain Wran, because I've just been given something in which I believe he will be most interested.”

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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2009, 05:11:42 PM »
loving the story. Can you shoot me some type of graphic I can use, around 160 pixel width, to use when you post updates? I am hoping this is gonna be a long thread!

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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2009, 02:58:12 PM »
I freaking love this, doc! I read all of it to the wife on the deck, last night. More, please.

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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2009, 03:04:35 PM »
Rebecca says it has the making of a powerful book - or three...

Check out my dio's thread for an illo of the tail-end.

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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2009, 03:33:49 PM »
Dang, Tamer - I hate to admit I didn't see your request until JUST NOW!!  Yeah, I'll work up a piece of "cover art" for the FP that we can use to alert on updates.  That'll be *tonight's* project.

Ideally, it would be a pic of Fixer with all the odd arms, but *that* custom is a loooong way from happening yet.

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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2009, 04:21:54 PM »
wow! doc with you and HB94 we now have two great stories on the go!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2009, 04:49:31 PM »
I was just commenting that I am really looking forward to you making Fixer. I sure do hope we keep getting updates on him too. Pretty daggone nice story arc (no pun intended), with the clones!

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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2009, 11:22:21 PM »
Ok, I'd written a chunk of story last night - 300-ish words - when a new twist hit me.  Some of the very last words from the last update are now...wrong.  I've gone back and copied part of that scene to set the mood, but things have changed - and I think it is for the better.  Yeah, y'all are basically getting to see a story grow almost from the ground up.  So, anyway, here's the next installment...


“Aw, somebody's in deep trouble now,” said Trav.  The work-party looked up and everyone cringed slightly at the sight of a [green-trimmed] ARC trooper in full battle array entering the bay.  “Who-”

“Can it, Trav.”

They watched in silence as the trooper finished his approach and stopped in front of them.  “I need to speak with your captain, please.”

Aistley, the navigator, shook her head.  “Sorry, sir.  Captain's not aboard.  Lieutenant Dane is.  I can comm him, if you'd like.”  At the trooper's nod, she pulled her comlink from her belt.  “Lieutenant, there's a trooper here who is asking to speak to the ranking officer on site.”

”I'll be right out.”

ARC troopers had a nasty reputation, so no one kept them waiting.  Dane was outside the ship in short order, tugging on his jacket as he went.  He nodded a greeting to the trooper.  “[Sergeant].  How can I help you?”

Fixer was certain the ARC trooper was the same one from the incident of the day before.  During military service, the clones had been as distinct to Fixer as had any other two beings of a given species. The vitals – what readings Fixer could take from a distance and through the trooper's armor – were close enough to those of the other trooper for the droid to feel certain they were the same person.

Interesting.  I wonder what he is up to.

“Lieutenant, I understand you are scheduled to make a port-call on Dundraaken.  I have a cargo I would like to ship to a friend there.”

“Ah. Oh.  What manner of cargo?”

“A live specimen in its own sealed enviro-crate.”

Something in the ARC's vitals caught Fixer's curiosity.  He is definitely up to something.  The droid opened its research channels and connected to the planet's local holonet to scan local news and information sources.  It quickly worked its way back through a number of databases to discover a certain Olimaa's Ktish had been impounded shortly before the incident involving the two clones.  The light freighter's next port of call was listed as Dundraaken.  Oh, yes.  Definitely up to something.

Lieutenant Dane cocked an eyebrow at the trooper.  “Live creature?  We're two weeks away from our call at Dundraaken.”

“All its needs will be provided for inside the crate.  It is a nesting blistmok, so it needs very little food for now.  I'll provide a complete file for your medical droid over there, in case of an emergency.”

“A blistmok.  Are they dangerous?”

The ARC trooper chuckled.  “Only if they are awake or untrained.  My friend is interested in training this one's young, once they hatch as a hunting pack.  However, this specimen will pose no danger to your ship.  A nesting mother is interested in little more than protecting and hatching her babies.  Of course, if you were to enter the container, she would eat you.  Or kill you and save you for the hatchlings.”

Fixer was convinced from his readings of the trooper's vitals that he wasn't telling the crew everything.  However, the combat aggression tags weren't showing, so he wasn't trying to harm the ship's crew.

“Droid.  Are you former military?”  The question came across a receiver that Fixer had almost forgotten existed.  It was set to short-range shipboard frequencies used on Fleet ships.

“I am.  My last posting before being sold for scrap was a secondary medbay on the Victory-class Dauntless.  Is your companion recovering, sir?”

“Ah, carrying a dangerous cargo normally incurs additional charges.”

“Very good, droid.  I wasn't entirely certain you would recognize me in uniform.”

“I understand there will be a hazardous cargo fee, of course.  That isn't a problem.  Getting the clutch deliered before they hatch is the main concern.  Two weeks is beginning to stretch the window.”

Fixer had pulled an Encyclopedia Galactia article on the lizards.  Training needed to begin for the hatchlings almost as soon as they broke out of their shells.  Yes, time would be of the essence for this delivery.

The droid listened as the two men settled the terms of the shipment.  When they finished, the ARC trooper came oer with a datapad.  “Here's the bio-files on the shipment.”  He connected the 'pad to Fixer's scomp-port and examined its readout for a moment.  ”FX-0R8, initialize security protocol Bevin-Four-Hesk-Lott and authenticate.”

Fixer responded, as required, by the same method of communication.  “Protocol initialized.  I authenticate Takk-Mandin-Zero-Gall.”

”You are receiving a data-dump on the blistmok and the crate will provide sensor-readings as if it were actually occupied by one sitting on a clutch of eggs.  However, my brother and I wanted someone to know the real situation in case of an emergency.  The ship my brother was supposed to leave on was impounded.”

”The Olimaa's Ktish, I believe.”

”Droid, if you didn't have the lockdown proided by that security protocol, I'd order you in for a memory-wipe.  You are entirely too perceptive.  In my world, that makes you either extremely useful or exceedingly dangerous.  However, I'm having to hope 'useful' wins.  My brother is in that crate your ship will be carrying.  He should have all the supplies he'll need for the trip, but in case he doesn't, someone will need to be able to access his compartment.  The information on how to do that is in the second set of files you are receiving.  Your mission is to make sure that crate reaches Dundraaken safely with no one finding out what is really inside.  Pick-up is already arranged.  Een with the lockdown protocol, I can't provide you with any more information than that.”

”Did he really go insane?”

”What?  Where'd you hear that?  Listen, droid -”

”My name is now Fixer, trooper ARC-9904.  Or if you prefer, FX-0R8.  I have done my best throughout my service to provide the best care possible to both the clones and the non-clones – who you refer to as mutts – within my dutystation.  I now serve Captain Wran and his crew and if your companion did indeed become unstable, then he poses a threat to my current dutystation.  If I am to carry out my duties properly – to eeryone involved – I need an answer.”

“I... I apologize.  His name is Liin, trooper RI-8270.  I go by Jux.  No, the insanity bit was something that got cooked up in order to let me pick him up so I could make him disappear.”

”Disappear?  I thought that was what Kessel was for.”

”No, that's how the Empire makes people disappear.  Clones... look, when a droid is obsolete or severely damaged, it can be sold as surplus.  You can't exactly sell a clone that way.  And there's no end of contract, either.  We're not in the army, we ARE the army, from incept until the day we die.  Us older clones, we're beginning to wonder about a lot of things and a lot of the answers aren't adding up.  And now, well, there's no Grand Republic like we were originally taught.  We're being used in ways that don't exactly fit well with our original training.  So, some of us hae decided we want out of the army.  Liin will be killed trying to eade capture by me and I will turn in his armor tag.  He will cease to exist and no one will eer look for him as RI-8270 ever again.”

”I see.  And, because of the security protocol, I assume you will make all this into unshareable data?”

”Yes.  You will be able to act on the knowledge you'e gained under the protocol, but you won't be able to communicate with anyone other than myself or Liin what you have learned.”

”Very well.  I certainly understand the need for security.  Perhaps our paths will cross again, sir.  Clear skies and may the Force be with you.”
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 11:25:44 PM by DocOutlands »

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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2010, 07:05:06 AM »
Can a mod kick this over to the Novels and Photonovels forum for me?  Thanks!

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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2010, 08:34:30 AM »
i have tried to move this topic but its got lost somewhere   :( but i have copy/pasted all the parts into word pad
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Re: new Fixer material - ISY exclusive sneak-peek!
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2010, 08:19:02 AM »
Doc, as one of the forums most active members how could I not have seen this before. I apologise for not commenting on this sooner. I'll be reading this tomorrow and will let you know what I think!