Author Topic: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)  (Read 6442 times)

Offline zedhatch

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Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« on: January 08, 2012, 10:46:50 PM »
Orignally posted at:

For a long time many in the GI Joe communities have labeled me a "Hater."  Why you might ask?  Well I tend to speak my mind on issues like over-abundance of Duke's, Snake Eyes, ect.  I also tend not to just accept anything at "face value" nor do I buy into excuses for crap (that often get repeated to death by certain segments of the Joe community).  I don't accept the "rose colored glasses" look of the product.  That's not to say I don't enjoy some elements of GI Joe's recent releases, bur that not everything has been gold as some might lead you to believe.  

I have had many GI Joe reviews on this site, and gotten plenty of heat for my views.  From "City Strike" Snake Eyes to POC Duke I have taken heat for saying "this isn't the gold that some have said it is."  I have been called "subjective" (which is weird to begin with as reviews are subjective by their nature) to a jerk or some other words I won't repeat.  What I find unbelievably odd is sometimes (not always) I will say something and get such responses and years later the same people who have trashed me publicly and privately will actually change their tunes and say exactly what I have said years earlier.  It's a funny thing, really and I never see this kind of behavior in any other fandom, then again maybe it's because I am not nearly as entrenched in any other fandom too.  While I love Star Wars and Marvel Universe those communities are not nearly as tight nit as the Joe community tries to be (but often is not).

But the fact is I love GI Joe, specifically the ARAH era of GI Joe vs. Cobra (With Iron Genaders and Dreadnoks, ect tossed in for good measure).  Some call me nostalgic, but honestly I just really enjoy the aspects of basic "good vs. evil" in a setting that is believable but also fantastic.  I've never been a huge fan of the comic book, there are some good issues but mostly it just seemed to be "How do we connect this guy to Snake Eyes" after a while.  The cartoon from the '80's is entertaining to that kid side of my brain, as long as you take it as fun and not the "uber serious" idea some try to take GI Joe too.  Often I do think some Joe fans have lost track of being a kid at heart and approach the toyline with the clinical coldness of an engineer rather than the wonder of a fun loving child.  This is where I sometimes think that "Slap a GI Joe Logo on a turd and I will love it" mentality comes from.  Star Wars has it's factions too but it seems they are more accepting of one another's views sometimes.  It's perfectly fine to love the Original Trilogy and not the Prequels as long as someone doesn't try to say "you must like them or you're not a true fan."  Unfortunately, that line of thinking has been said a few times too often on GI Joe message boards.

But the reality is for years I have said "Bring it Hasbro!"   There was a point with the 25th anniversary collection that I think Hasbro was bringing it, but then it faltered.  This year though Hasbro really and honestly brought something to the game and really re-invigorated a great deal of my love for the GI Joe franchise.  It wasn't a perfect year but I have to say that most of what was done had some merits and is one of the best years I remember for GI Joe since the 25th.  

The 30th Anniversary collection has given us some very interesting ideas and most of them have been great.  While they have been reusing molds at the same time there has been an inspiration behind this set of figures, much more than in past years.  While the endless Snake Eyes and Dukes still march out, they have been very balanced out by characters we have barely seen or haven't seen in many, many years.  

What you see above is the GI Joes I got for Christmas, and if I were to be nostalgic I would have to say it did have some of the feelings of Christmas when I was 12, a bunch of cool Joes and Cobras that it took time for me to get to know and understand but ultimately love.

Still with all the great feelings I have about the figures in this series of reviews, there has to be a stinker, so here we go:

Yeah, it's the big cheese once more, but my word he's had better representations.  OK let's just start off with the big elephant on the living room couch, that head looks like a gimp.  I swear I think I saw a mask like that in Amsterdam once, it belongs in a German video if you get what I mean (not that I know anything about that).  Seriously is that supposed to be an eye patch and a mouth cover?  It's horrible.  On top of that the exposed flesh is the most PASTY skin ever recorded.  I mean there are people in sensory deprivation chambers with more color.  Am I being cruel, YES, but it's seriously that lame a design.  But there is another head, right?

Well yes, and the alternate head is a bit more traditional, but the problem is the back of the head shows pasty boys noggin once more.  OK so he isn't all bad, but that set of heads is horrific.  The trench coat is kind of cool, however the gimp head gives you the impression that CC might be a flasher of some sort.  The staff and gun are alright, I've seen the staff with CC before but I don't ever remember it being in black before.  The gun is also cool, I know I have seen it before but I have no idea where.  Still it's cool too.  But that isn't enough to make those head work, sorry hardcore fans it's just ludicrous, see you in a few years when you agree ;-).

So what can I say, I can't recommend getting the figure, it's a poor design.  I can get some comedic use out of it sure (I mean this thing was built for abuse in Scale Wars as you can see here, if you're so inclined, shameless plug of course), but the average collector could pass it up and not miss a thing.  I suppose he might be good for customs too, but not being a customizer since the change over to the new style I really don't look at a figure like that.  

Next up is the James Brown of the GI Joe Universe, Snake Eyes version 574834.  

So when I opened this on Christmas morning I said "OK no one needs another Snake Eyes."  Really they don't.  This is version 56 I do believe, I personally have over 30, and that's after unloading a few.  I like Snakes and all, but my goodness I have a few too many of him.  But still why does he get such high marks?  Well I have to admit he isn't bad, just unnecessary.  

I have some minor knocks to the figure, first is the way the wrist articulation is done, it leaves odd humps on his wrists.  This is especially bad considering most of the figure in this review have similar articulation without any problems with the wrists like this.  I think I might have liked some better details in the weapons, but it's not something absolutely necessary for the figure.  However it does make him look a bit cheap.  The blocky nature of the gun is a bit undesirable as well.  I know they are shooting for futuristic in the renegades line but honestly it comes across as childish.  Sorry no other way to put it.  

But even with those minor knocks he's a good and solid figure.  The color is great, the mold overall works and there is just enough color change to bring out details but still not violate anything established with Snake Eyes.  Granted the pallet does seem to be borrowed a bit from previous releases, but it's still not bad at all.  

He doesn't beat POC Wave 3 Snake Eyes by a long shot, but he is good.  I suppose if you somehow missed the POC version this is a good sub.  I guess if you're a Snake Eyes nut this one is necessary too.  Otherwise I think you can safely skip it and not worry.  

Now on to a figure that I have had a great affection for over the years:

In 1987 I was 16 years old, that's when you are supposed to be over toys and focused on girls.  Well I was focused on girls but that toy part stuck with me.   While I wasn't as active of a collector at that point as I had been (more on that later), I was still picking up figures here and there.  One of the figures I picked up from GI Joe that year was the Techno-Viper.  The reason was simple, Cobra needed a battlefield tech, it's a great specialty and I have often wondered why the Joes never got one of their own.  Some were turned off by the purple and I admit it bugged me a bit at first but once I had the figure I got over it fast.  He had a ton of cool accessories and honestly his look grew on me in a very short time.  So at last we have an update in modern style, how does he compare, well simply awesome.  

His laser welder is more streamlined, his tools look like they match dead on with the originals and one ultra nifty part is he gets his own Cobra laden road cone.  It's simply a near perfect update.  I always felt Techno's never got the credit they deserved, they have tough job and served a cool function in the Cobra corps.  I liked the figure had such an oddness to him, cause really Cobra would go that route when you really think about it.  I will grant you there is a ton of stuff from 1987 that I don't like but Techno is not one of them.  This figure brings almost everything cool from that figure into the modern era.  While some question the details like the odd tubing ect, I have always thought they were cool mystery additions to a figure that just rocked.  

If I had to knock the figure, it would be that the details of the paint don't exactly match the original and I think if they did the head sculpts details would probably stand out more.  It works as it is though and that is what's important.  Purple never set me off the way it does some in the world so that has never been an issue for me.  The silver chest emblem just shines nearly perfectly on his chest.  This is a rockin' figure no two ways about it.  

I would HAVE to say grab this one, who else is going to fix those messed up HISS tanks on the battlefield.  Seriously this figure is well worth the time for the gear alone, but more than that he is what I really wanted to see in an update of a figure, take the basics and make improvements where necessary.  A great addition to the collection.

Now we move on to the copyright infringement portion of our review:

Sometimes it's great to get an update with details from the original and sometimes it's great when Hasbro takes the essentials of the character and plays around with them until you have something that carries the essentials of the character but makes something different.  The later case is what happened here with Law and Order.  His red and bright blue aren't present but his essence is there.  Best part is that an MP is a pretty important part of a military organization.  

His Shotgun is very cool, but he does have a hard time holding it due to his chest gear, it can be done but it's difficult.  He also has a nightstick that harks back to his original release, a face mask for those riots, and a set of handcuffs.  The handcuffs do make me think back to Chap Mie sets that had some hand cuffs for 1:18th scale figures.  Those had a longer chain but these seem a bit more realistic.  

A strange part of the figure is the extra accessory of the dog AKA Order.  Something seemed very off about him and it took me a bit to figure out.  Unlike Timber there (or even Junkyard) Order seems a bit more tame.  Order kind of looks like my dog when I go to feed her, happy and excited.  I'm not sure if the designers were attempting to go for a happy dog look with him, but that is the result.  Maybe it was something warped like "OH BOY, I GET TO BITE SOMEBODY!" either way it is strange for what is essentially a guard dog.  It's odd but not so much so that I would knock the figure for it.  

Overall I have to say get this figure, The Joes need an MP, but beyond that he's just cool.  Don't let the "Renegades" logo turn you away either.  Unlike most of the Renegade Joes he mixes just fine with the other figures and isn't so bland as the others either.  The fact that most of his parts are reused makes the figure even better, while it's easy to recognize where this all comes from its put together in a way that makes him a bit more unique than most figures that rehash parts.  

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Offline zedhatch

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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2012, 10:48:09 PM »
Moving on to another necessary specialty, we go to Lifeline:

"BUT I THOUGHT LIFELINE WAS A PACIFIST!" the GI Joe community screamed when this figure first appeared holding a big honking gun.  First off, Lifeline's filecard never even mentioned the fact that he was a pacifist.  Second his original figure came with a pistol (Check out both facts at Yo Joe if you need confirmation), as did is Version 2, from there on (1991 on) he came with a flair gun (Usually the one from Stretcher) if he came with any type of gun.  I suppose that was when Hasbro decided to go with the pacifist angle.  However, the cartoon gave us a curve ball with Lifeline and apparently tacked Doc's personality to him.  Personally I think this is only because they had ignored the pacifist angle with Doc (Watch "Countdown to Zartan" to see Doc clearly packing a rifle, in several other episodes he also was seen in the background firing a gun).  For whatever reason the comic followed suit with this claiming Lifeline had a black belt in Aikido (A fact that made me laugh a bit as the selling line for Steven Segal in "Hard to Kill" was the fact Segal had a black belt in Aikido, didn't seem so peaceful a discipline when Segal used it).  As a result I never labeled Lifeline a pacifist (which I will get into right now). 

1986 was a very odd year for me as a GI Joe fan, from out of nowhere came a bunch of guys who blatantly were replacing my favorites.  Beachead for Stalker (as a Ranger), Wet Suit for Torpedo (as a SEAL), Leatherneck for Gung-Ho (as a Marine), Dial Tone for Breaker (as a Communications Officer) and so on.  Eventually I resolved this by adding the idea that as the team needed to expand they needed some redundancy in the roster and thus multiple guys with the same specialty.  Lifeline seemed like a replacement for Doc but after looking you realize he really is a Rescue Trooper, not a medic (although he ended up replacing Doc in the comic as medic once Doc died, but that is a whole other story).  This makes him a slightly different specialty than Doc and his inclusion helps expand the roster of the core group of GI Joe.  At least that's how I justified his existence.  Now he's finally been updated for the new century.     

A neat addition to the figure is the inclusion of a hypo-gun (for lack of a better term) in the holster of his chest.  He also comes with a bunch of new gear that helps him in his paramedic duties.  This includes an IV and tube (that wraps around the wrist) a gas mask and tank, a stretcher, and a set of deliberators.  I would be remiss if I didn't mention the fact that these accessories remind me of a Chap Mie rescue set from a few years ago.  These are almost exactly what was included with the set.  I don't say this as a knock as Lifeline's versions are much better (and smaller which helps as well).  As such they are a welcome addition. 

Some fans have been struggling with the guns included with Lifeline but as I have never followed any of the continuities as "cannon" I really don't feel that problem.  I've always had Lifeline as armed and ready and reserved the pacifist angle for Doc (although I admit I wasn't as asinine about it as the cartoon often was).

This figure also includes a removable helmet which is a great idea, however the head kind of looks, well, nerdy.  Maybe this is on purpose but it was kind of surprising when I saw it.  I guess I wasn't expecting Lifeline to be quite so nerdy looking.  Something else that surprised me was when I realized the legs are reworked from Snake Eyes POC (which became apparent when I removed the kneepads).  However underneath the "Rescue" on the leg is not painted, so that might be a minor knock to the figure. 

Still the figure is great, if I HAD to knock it, I would have to say the lack of wires on the deliberators would be it, but that is minor really as he is an awesome figure and I would have to say grab him if you can.  The fact that he hasn't been overdone like Duke or Cobra Commander is a huge plus as well, this is only his seventh version which is much better than the high fifties we are getting into with some of the "core" characters.  He seems fresh and new in comparison even though he really just updates the original mold. 

Now on to a figure many say they struggle with in the GI Joe Universe but has long been one of my favorites. 

Speaking of fresh, Airtight has BARELY been seen throughout the GI Joe line.   This is only his THIRD version to date and the second was a bit hard to get a hold of (well at a decent price since he was an overpriced exclusive at the GI Joe Collectors club and really wasn't too great a figure anyway).  Airtight is defiantly in my top ten favorite figures, that might throw some of you reading this off.  So give me a moment to explain.

First, he is one of the few GI Joe figures that can get away with color.  Truthfully of the brightly colored Joes Airtight is probably one of the few that actually looks great in yellow and also his specialty calls for him to wear such colors.  After all a hazardous materials trooper in olive drab seems as natural as an oral bowel movement.  Second, and perhaps most important, is the fact his original figure caused me to have to think outside the box a bit.   What many fans struggle with in dealing with Airtight is how to use him, beyond removing hazardous chemicals what else can Airtight do?  When I got him for my birthday in 1985 I struggled with this idea as well, for a bit he just sat in the background and I eventually got tired of leaving him there.  I liked his colors, even though they are bright I think they work really well and made for an overall cool looking figure.  Thus, I really wanted to use him, but again how?

So instead of just saying "Oh, he's haz-mat and is useless" I came up with an idea.  Airtight not only got rid of hazardous materials by vacuuming them up, he also came up with creative ways of disposing of them.  Some of these ways had practical applications on the battlefield.  One example is when I came up with an idea for what I called "Flash-Fry" disposal.  Airtight came up with a chemical that could be blasted into the air and exploded creating a fireball that burned many hazardous chemicals (thus creating a huge gap for the Joes to march through).  The battlefield applications of this are pretty obvious cause while it was hard to spray the gas close enough to actually hurt the Cobra Troopers, it did serve as a distraction and often startled the troops who were not prepared for such a display.  Airtight would deliver the gas from his vacuum system, set it off and give the Joes an chance to advance or often overtake a Cobra position.  That's just one example of how I would incorporate Airtight into battles, but I always liked it. 

His new figure is very cool, a great update.  I'm not 100% sure why he is labeled as a "Renegades" figure.  To be honest I couldn't stand the show (I gave it 6 episodes and it just didn't appeal to me, sorry hardcore fans) so I never saw him on the show, but my understanding is he looked a bit different (although I did see one post that claimed he was a bit more familiar at the end of the episode).  Still he looks a great deal like his classic look and to be honest he is one of those characters I feel that too much deviation from his original figure would be a disservice.  His gear is nearly perfect, his old vacuum is present as is the pack (Although it isn't a solid piece like the original and is hollowed out in the back), he also has a removable helmet, an oxygen tank, and what I assume is a containment unit but looks more like some kind of detector to me.  His one knock of an accessory is probably the shotgun, its a mold I have never been fond of as I think it looks tiny and somewhat "toyish" (for lack of a better term) and the Joe line has produced plenty of better shotguns, but being as I have collected for so long I have plenty of extras I can give him once I decide on what to give him. 

The new figure has a brighter green for some reason than the original, but it's not so bad to worry about and is still a good compliment to the base yellow.  Again this is only Airtight's third figure so he seems fresh in comparison to many of the rehashes over the past few years which works in his favor greatly with me. 

So really, you have to ask, GET HIM.  His a great figure of a great character.   Some have said they are getting him to army build, it's probably me but I have never been a huge fan of Joe army building plus I think Airtight is a bit to distinct to be anything but an individual, but that's me talking too. 

That's it for part one of the review of the latest and greatest GI Joes, in just a bit will be Part 2 which will look at Renegades Scarlett, Renegades Firefly, Zombie Viper, Sci-Fi, and Storm Shadow. 

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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2012, 10:19:56 AM »
A very colorful and detailed review, once again.
Don't listen to the haters. You tell it like it is.

Offline zedhatch

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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2012, 12:23:55 PM »
Thanks, I rarely listen to them, but I thought it would illistrate the point to them that I loved these figs even though they think I'm a hater, they are that darned good.  LOL

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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2012, 01:31:02 PM »
Zed, keep on shooting straight from the hip. I do enjoy reading your reviews.

On the front page.

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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2012, 05:42:33 PM »
Another round of great reviews, love your style man, don't change a thing!

Offline zedhatch

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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2012, 07:04:41 PM »
Zed, keep on shooting straight from the hip. I do enjoy reading your reviews.

On the front page.

Ah thanks, that's good to hear.

Also thanks for the FP, I always appreciate that a great deal. 

Another round of great reviews, love your style man, don't change a thing!

Well I might change the subjects of the review (after all reviewing the same fig over and over would be dull LOL) but beyond that no changes planned.   ;)

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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2012, 06:54:25 PM »
Cool review! Please keep 'em coming.
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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2012, 05:04:57 AM »
Thanks and thanks for reading.

Part 2 is up BTW. 

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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2012, 10:38:58 PM »
Man I wish I could find some of these joes

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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2012, 01:59:32 AM »
hey zed, do ALL of the newest line of joes have the ball jointed wrists?!  I'm seeing it on most of them... and I'm very impressed, I didn't even REALIZE it until I read your reviews.  I saw a few of these in store and passed on them, had I known that articulation was there I'd snatched every one of them up!  I love those wrists for customs....

Offline zedhatch

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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2012, 09:38:54 PM »
On the wrists, it's actually a mixed bag, many have the up and down wrists (similar to Wave 3 SE or Jedi Luke from last year) while others have the side to side (hard to describe I realize, but I am looking at them faceing forward with hands at side to help my description there). 

I should have been a bit more descriptive but I took for granted the articulation having been talked about so much, sorry.  I generally don't touch on it due to so many sites already listing it (but those are also slow with these waves). 

Off the top of my head (keep in mind I am out of town at this moment) I think Renegades scarlett is the only one totally without wrists (other than standerd swivil of course) but I will try to tell you which does what after I get home and look them over again (I would list now but it would be from memory and I think I might get a few wrong). 

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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2012, 01:21:05 AM »
THANKS!  dang, I wish I hadn't passed up on a few of those figures now...
And the side-to-side and up/down references I understand completely.  I wish there was a way for them to get both those axis of movement out of the figures... I know I've seen ball joints used in the past, but I really don't like the way those wind up looking...  I actually worked out a way to custom build a ball jointed wrist using push pins a while back but never perfected it... i might re-visit that just for S and G's now that i think about it....

Offline zedhatch

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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2012, 07:04:55 AM »
I have noticed the axis shosen does seem to reflect what they do, clearly Stormy has the side to side but it fits his ninja movies, I am 90% certain sci-fi has up and down which helps him hold his gun properly (now look Sci-Fi will have side to side LOL). 

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Re: Bubch of GI Joe 30th waves 3 & 4 (Part 1)
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2012, 09:58:10 PM »
I saw the leavins of this wave the other day....I was holy crap ran over looking for sci-fi....and nothing that I wanted.

Hey Zed is there any chance of getting of us getting Scoop, Chuckles, Jinx, some of the odder characters.