Author Topic: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View  (Read 113589 times)

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #180 on: October 18, 2012, 02:23:20 PM »
Oh you really are making sense.

You are creating the prequal for adults... for the fans of the OT and I have to say that you are weaving a wonderful new version. It is true to Lucas's original vision, the fact that you are taking the theme back in time by incorporating a Tudor style dress for the Princess would really work. There are so many reasons why your vision is right, and it exaggerates Lucas' flaws in the prequals.

Don't get me wrong, the prequels are good, and I have to admit as time goes by I am enjoying them more and more. My kids prefer them over the OT, so in that sense Lucas got it right. However as someone who has been a life long fan of the OT, I much prefer your take on events.   

Please keep them coming, this is my favorite thread of the year so far.


Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #181 on: October 19, 2012, 08:39:32 AM »
Another stunning creation. I agree 100% with Jules, a great way of conveying what I was thinking too. This is a version of the prequals adults could get into.

Offline DarthSinister

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #182 on: October 22, 2012, 12:11:30 PM »
Sorry I didn't get back sooner, but thanks all!!

Thank you for the FP and the nice comments Tamer.

Jedi 77', I'm gonna stick with it. It's like taking a load off of my chest.

Thanks Jules. I do think that making the whole era of the clone wars look older in style and elegant is the ticket. I would say that anything before WWII is fair game, though you will see a lot of Tudor, Renaissance, and even Crusader influences the most.

Thanks LE. You and Jules mentioned that this PT is something adults can get into more, and you're right. It wouldn't be without it's kiddish fun though, but I do want it to take itself seriously. I think that was missing from the real PT. #1 it didn't take itself seriously and it was more a grab at producing a whole 'new' generation of fans at the expense of the older ones. As someone said above, GL kind of said like it or lump it.

I do have a beef with GL as far as that goes. Star Wars is his #1 money hauling property. The fans have made it so. He made the fans so they're kind of his responsibility. He has on several occasions, alienated those fans. The PT is one thing, and the other is refusing to create anymore movies or letting anyone else take a crack at it. He's very 'cut and dry' when asked if he's doing anymore with a 'NO' and the 'Star Wars dies with me' attitude. It's just plain stubborn. I like to hold him up to Walt Disney, after all he is in a way our generation's Disney. Ole' Walt NEVER gave up. He had great characters... they hauled in the dough, and Walt was all about family fun. He never gave up on the fans... young and old. He was on his death bed and was still planning Disney World. I wish George Lucas was more like Walt Disney...  there I said it.

Offline ShamanLogRay

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #184 on: October 30, 2012, 06:08:26 PM »
ha ha! Very Good! Maybe you had an influence, who knows!?? Personally i suspect it was more to do with buckets full of cash! LOL! ;)

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #185 on: October 31, 2012, 03:43:34 AM »
Good points on Walt Disney. I agree with your points.

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #186 on: October 31, 2012, 06:38:04 AM »
So did you have some inside info or just a hunch as far as this Disney rant goes? Good call my friend.

Offline DarthSinister

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #187 on: November 11, 2012, 11:24:01 AM »
Wow all of this Disney stuff is moving fast. I see on several news sites that the writer has been pinned in one Michael Arndt from "Toy Story 3" and "Little Miss Sunshine". Apparently he is a big Star Wars fan and even lectures on the trilogy. Great choice, me thinks.

Speaking of Disney, the fam and I leave Monday for Disney World. I'll definitely be checking out the re-vamped Star Wars attraction and the shop. Hope to find a few cool scores there. I'll report when I get back. That being said, I wanted to leave with a clear conscience and leave some art work to ponder.

Up next here I have yet another important core character, one Senator Palpatine. In my Episode I he is a Senator representing Naboo, nothing different there... but the difference here is that:

1. He is also on Naboo. Palpatine is taking time out in his campaign for Supreme Chancellor to make an appearance at the Boonta Eve race. The race is a tradition dating back thousands of years signifying the beginning of the Boonta, Naboo's biggest holiday season.

2. Palpatine is already running for Supreme Chancellor. I'd like to see this established at the very beginning of the film. That way we get more time with him as Chancellor, which I think is very necessary for the story.

3. Appearance and personality. In this Episode I, Palpatine appears older with white hair. His style of dress is that of a rich politician, formal and simple. He wears dark clothing and favors blue which signifies strength, importance and confidence. His personality is strong and he comes off a bit arrogant at times and as most politicians he is secretive and manipulative.

 I'd like to add that in the first scenes with Palpatine we become aware that he is on Naboo for other reasons than just Boonta Eve. This is con-vied randomly through whispers and secret conversations, eye contact and hand gestures.

I would also like to run through a list of all the characters on Naboo at the same time. Obi-Wan, Anakin, Qui-Gon, Queen Amidala and Palpatine. All of this, in my estimation, can be solidly con-vied to the audience in the first 15 minuets of the film... maybe less.

Here we see Senator Palpatine in the Royal Palace in the city of Theed. He is flanked by his personal protocol droid and his Elite Guard.

In case anyone was wondering that Elite Guard has a story of his own. You probably noticed a different but familiar look to the Guard helmet. Most Elite Republic Guards look the same as the "Blue Guards" of Episode III. This helmet signifies a Captain of the Guard.  Each planet represented in the Senate supplies it's own 'Captain', all wear blue to show alliance with the Republic but the helmets can vary. This particular 'Captain' has been with Palpatine most of his lifelong career as a politician. Palpatine knew and trusted him and retained his protection as a Senator on Coruscaunt. He is Palpatine's body guard.

He was once a Jedi Knight but decided to leave the order, as some Jedi do, to pursue other endeavors. His name is Mace Windu and it is said that he was very powerful with the Force at the time he left the Jedi.


The droid that can be seen behind Windu is part of his security force. This is a REPUBLIC SECURITY FORCE droid or RSF. These droids have been used by the Republic for thousands of years. They replaced 'living' soldiers and have been protecting the Republic's interests ever since. They are used as common police and soldiers where needed.

I want to say that this droid will vocalize in more of a masculine, authoritative manner when speaking and amongst themselves use a series of clicks and processing sounds.

Some of the droids in service to the Republic are millenia old.


Hope you all like this batch.

Offline XTS_Operative

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #188 on: November 11, 2012, 03:46:58 PM »
I really like the fact that you removed Tatooine from the equation and made the Boonta Eve classic an event on Naboo. I was always really bothered by the fact that so much important stuff took place in episode I and II on Tatooine, and then supposedly Ben brings Luke BACK to Tatooine as a hiding place?? Besides the fact that the Star Wars galaxy is HUGE; they could have made up any sort of planet (much more exciting in my opinion). It's just one of those "coincidences" like Anakin owning both C3PO and R2 that was a little over done.

I think I see what your doing with Mace Windoo and the "captain of the guard" and I like it. I think the idea of "Darth Vader" needed to be established as a longtime companion of Palpatine BEFORE the change from Republic to Empire. It makes Anakin's change to the man behind the mask much more mysterious. Everyone has their suspicions but no one is exactly sure. I mean "Wasn't that Darth Vader guy already hanging out with Palpatine? Surely that's not Anakin..."

Oh yeah, good call. Why in the world would you design a battle droid that is clumsy, and chatters in a goofy way? Your version fits the original trilogy so much better.     

« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 03:49:41 PM by XTS_Operative »

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #189 on: November 12, 2012, 06:51:54 AM »
I really like that new Mace Windu. Back on the front page with more comments.

Offline mr.Jedi1977

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #190 on: November 12, 2012, 09:20:46 AM »
EPIC!!!! you really hit this out of the park !!! I too also like the fact that this important event is held on Naboo . It makes more sense . the royal guard and the battle droid much better I cant wait to see where you take this in the next update .... All the best Art

Offline Mungo Baobab

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #191 on: November 12, 2012, 03:32:35 PM »
You have some great work!

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #192 on: November 15, 2012, 10:39:49 AM »
Very cool! I love your imagination and your story line. Mace Windu threw me for a loop as soon as I read it. I love your ideas and the battle droid is so much better!

Offline Darth Depressis

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #193 on: November 21, 2012, 11:47:31 AM »
Awesome and inspirational

Offline DarthSinister

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #194 on: January 05, 2013, 08:37:05 PM »
Hello everyone. I really hope all had a great holiday season. My family and I had a wonderful time.  We started our season before Thanksgiving by going to Disney World in Orlando and had a blast. My wife and I have two little girls, actually three since my wife is pregnant again with another girl. My oldest is seven and the youngest to date is three, both are Star Wars fans! That’s good for dad!

We spent two days at the Magic Kingdom, two days at Epcot and a whole day at Hollywood Studios. Of course the girls and I rode the Star Tours ride a bunch of times that day. That was the first time I had been on the ride since it was improved and all I can say is it was astounding! We really had fun with it. My girls were also chosen to be junior directors in the Indiana Jones stunt show and got to take to the stage and begin the show in front of a live audience… like I said we had a blast!!

Aside from the Lucasfilm attractions my wife and I love Epcot, especially the different countries. Love the British Isles where I had a few ‘pints’ of fantastic beer and we listened to a great band playing some great songs from the Beetles to Duran Duran and from the Sex Pistols to the Rolling Stones. We also pigged out at an outdoor bakery in France where we sampled Crème Brule, all sorts of tarts and chocolate delights.

So I’ve been working on a few images over the holidays and I think these will be liked by all. As a matter of fact they will probably be some of the most popular that I’ve done because they deal with a subject matter that is most repeated with Star Wars fans. I had some troubles conveying what I wanted here at first but I kept plugging away and just when I thought I was done with one and would move on to another I would start the finished one over. I was really trying to get them perfect for you guys. There is a lot of detail in them and when I post them they tend to be smaller. If you wish to see them better either right click them and ‘view image’ or just copy them to your computer and view them as a jpeg in their biggest form… heck set em’ as wallpapers if you want I don’t care.

Okay we left off on Naboo with a full cast of characters. Now it’s time to shake them up a little and introduce THE VILLIANS. For me the bad guys were very obvious. We waited between the OT and the PT so many years. We poured over Mr. Lucas’s side notes and prescripts, learning the evolution of the characters we knew from the OT. We looked over concept art and notes from Ralph McQuarrie and Joe Johnson and again to me it was laid out for all to see. The obvious trouble makers were the Mandalorians.

The war like planet of Mandalore…


They had stayed silent for millennia. A great war had silenced them long ago, but recently (in our tale) a new leader had been elected by the people of Mandalore with promises of restoring the worlds “glory days”.  In a mere five years’ time the new ruler had re-expanded the Mandalorian Territory to nearly its original boundaries. All that remained lie over the boarder of the Mid-Rim territories where many systems like Rodia and Naboo resided. These Mid-Rim systems where under the protection of the Galactic Republic and had prospered in the democratic society. The ruler of Mandalore knew that if he were to cross the boundaries of the Galactic Republic it would mean a direct act of war.


It was rumored that the new ruler of Mandalore was a Sith Lord but none knew for sure. The Aristocrat turned ruler was not well known by anyone in the Republic. What was known was the retaking of Mandalorian space was quiet and swift alluding to the fact that there was probably a massive military involved.  The Republic was very sensitive to this and had sent a group of Jedi (Obi-Wan) to hold conference with Queen Amidala and assess the situation. With the Republic in the midst of electing a Chancellor the Mandalorian threat had faded into the background of a political circus.

Knowing that the small world of Naboo would never submit to her Mandalorian overlords the order went out for a secret strategic invasion of the planet. Mandalore’s ruler knew the best time to strike was during the Boonta Eve festivities when the entire populace would be distracted. If an invasion army was launched from the other side of the planet to lay siege to military sites while a strategic force of Mandalorian Super Commandos captured the Queen of Naboo and all her secrets would again belong to Mandalore.

Much of the Galaxies Cloning technology came from the Mandalorian Sector. Planets like Mandalore, Kamino and Utapau had been refining the process for eons.  Mandalore’s military force was comprised of Clones created from some of her greatest warriors. One of those warriors was Jango Fett. Jango was still alive and at 142 years old was still young enough by Mandalorian terms to command his squad of commandos. The clones in these squads were looked upon by the original template as sons rather than copies. Jango’s squad was chosen to capture the Queen of Naboo and kill her if she refused to submit to Mandalorian rule.

The Fett’s were able to infiltrate the planetary defenses in their Firespray 31 Interceptor and land near the capitol city of Theed. With this, the Royal court was theirs for the taking. These Mandalorian Super Commandos were the most feared among their enemies. Jango Fett knew that he and his boys would make short work of Queen Amidala’s Royal Guard. Jango led the group and was the most experienced and fierce, Indio and Reza were the oldest of the ‘sons’ and are tactical and merciless, Tuco is a little older than Boba he is brutal, Boba is stealthy and quick.


At this point let me just say I think inventing the Zabrak species for Darth Maul was a complete waste of time.  To me what called for more energy was creating the look for the Mandalorian species. Now before some of you get mad about that statement I’d like to state that in seeing Darth Maul in TPM I thought, ‘wow, he would make a great Mandalorian. So here are the Fetts (Tuco, Jango and Boba) sans the helmets…

I know, the horns. I thought the same thing at first, can’t fit. But be sure, the original five Fett image is done in layers. I proportionately placed the heads on the bodies first as in the above image. I then placed the helmets over the heads in the first image and they fit with room. So the first image actually has these heads under the buckets.

The Master Mind of this raid is the leader of Mandalore himself Count Dooku. He has been behind the rapid growth of the space sector. Dooku was elected by the people of Mandalore on a platform of change and prosperity. His charisma was so powerful his win was a landslide vote. After one year in office his political opponents had all but disappeared and the Count was able to begin his conquest.


Unknown to the Republic or Jedi alike, Count Dooku is actually the master of a group of Sith Lords that have begun to rise to power under his guidance. Dooku goes by the name of Darth Plaguies when he commands his evil agents to do his bidding.  Darth Plaguies has one secret apprentice who is specially trained with techniques known only to Plaguies himself. Darth Maul is his assassin. To coordinate with the invasion of Naboo, Darth Plaguies has instructed Darth Maul to travel to the capitol of the Republic… Coruscant. Here Maul will assassinate the group of candidates running for Chancellor and the Chancellor himself who are all in attendance in the Senate as return votes are read. The only candidate unavailable to attend is Senator Palpatine of Naboo who is present in Holographic form for the vote tally.


That’s it for now. I really hope you guys like this batch so let me know what you think.
