Being a huge fan of space combat/dogfights in the Star Wars universe, I was curious as to what other Shipyarders' favorite battles are. It can be from the Prequel Trilogy, Original Trilogy, EU, etc. I'll start off.
Prequel Trilogy: As many of you know I'm an Original Trilogy guy, but if I had to choose, it would be the Naboo Space Battle. It reminded me a lot of the Death Star space battle. However I wouldn't mind seeing them expand on Battle over Coruscant from Revenge of the Sith.
Original Trilogy: I love all 3, but the Battle of Yavin gets the edge. There was always something about flying down the trench that I loved.
EU: I would have to say Skyhook Battle from the N64 game Shadows of the Empire. It mirrored the Battle of Endor where you have to fly inside and destroy the core. There was no time limit so I would spend hours fighting outside the Skyhook to see how long I could last. This is also the first, and only level, where you get to take full control of the Outrider. There was also a cheat where you could fly an X-wing or TIE Fighter, which was a nice little touch.
I'm eager to hear from everyone else!