Author Topic: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad  (Read 2973 times)

Offline republiccommando1164

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Sepratist droid factory, Sector 40, Geonosis, 22bby.....

"Wee" Fi screams.
"I never thought Id be so glad that our suits are sealed" Jay says.
"Just having a little fun vode"
"It dosent phase you that theres a friggin army of battle droids at the bottom of this vent does it"
It bloody well phases me. We found away into the factory via a disused chimney, now we're fast roping down.
"Yu know all they got to do to kill us is light a fire, right" Tam says
"Thanks Ill bear that in mind " I say.
Good old Tam always the optimist.
We continue on our descent until we reach solid ground. The place is dark I cant see a thing and when I turn my NV on, I imediatly wish I didnt.
" What the hell are they!" Fi screams
"Bugs" Tam says.
There they are dozens of them their throats crackle as they sleep. I cant move;. Crap I just lled my men into a friggin bug hive.
"They dont look to interested in us at the moment boss maybe we could just pass through" Jay says
Worth a try.
"Thats what we'll do"
I take the first step and try to walk down the corridor as quietly as possible. Even thou our suits are sealed no one says a word. hell even Fis shut up. Every step I take becomes more and more difficult until eventually after a long and gruelling walk we reach the end. I feel like am gona puke my legs are shaking. I raise my rifle and watch until every one has cleared the corridor.
"That was hard" Fi says in a quieter than usuall tone " Sir I have some incendary bombs the flames would clear out the whole tunnel want me to plant one?"
"Yes burn the fuckers" its harsh and maybe I do feel sorry for the bugs but I dont have time for that I hope they all burn.
While Fi plants the bomb every one watches the sleeping bugs.
"Sir I think thats a bug egg"
'"Who wants scrambled eggs" fi laughs " bombs set chief"
"Okay lets go"
We walk for two kilometers until we can here the machinery in the factory. We turn the last corner and see something I really dont want to. its not droids its worse. In the corner a group of bugs have one of ours their torturing the guy. His blood is all over the floor.
"We have to help him" Jay says but its too late.
bang Bang Bang and a collosol bomb are heard and I go into auto mode. Tam shot all three bugs acuratly and deadly while Fi deotonated the fire bomb. I dive for cover and fire at an approching SBD. Jays over by the wounded trooper. Fi and Tam have disappeared. Then I hear it screaming and yelling from down the tunnel. Then they run out dozens of bugs all of them on fire.
"Fi how big was that bomb?" I ask no one in particuular as I shoot a battle droid.
"Very big boss man a Fi specialty" he replies.
Hard to believe we walked by all them without knowing.  wakey wakey bug boys.
I look around well well what have we here. Beside me there are 4 fuel tanks of liquid tibana. Guess what that means.
" Fi the tanks behind me place a-" he cuts me of
"already did and the ones behind Tam"
"Good man" dont believe I said that " we need a way out of here"
"Sir the conveyor belt we can use that" yells jay.
"Okay get on that belt" so we all run to the belt and take cover behind some moulds.
"Hey guys where does this belt lead?" asks Fi
" It leads to.... Oh osik jay you eijit this thing dumps waste into the smelter" Tam yells.
" Everyone keep fighting we're getting of this thing" I yell as I drop another droid.
Then as if they knew it was a bad time for us bugs hundreds of them swarm down on top of us.
" Where the hell did you come from" Fi yells
" Who cares just blow their brains out" Tam yells back firing his DC.
" Do they have brains" asks fi
" Well I guess we dont either as we're on a friggin conveyor belt to hell. " he sanps back. " wait a second cover me" and with that he runs down the beltas if it where a treadmill.
" "Wheres he going?" jay yells
" Who cares just shoot your god damn weapon commando" I yell back. Its not that I dont care but its that I trust the man.
" Be careful bro" I hear Fi whisper in the comm.
Then click" crap am dry" i pull out my dual blasters from my kama. Still its hopeless. Then bang a sniper rifel bang a DC 17 with sniper attachment bang and the conveyor belt stops.
" tam you genius" I say
"Jealous Jay?" Fi teases as he fires from his pistol .
" Shut up" Jay replies as he tends to the wounded trooper.
So we keep fighting the bugs and droid army that has us cacked up against certain doom. Thank the force that these pistols are rechargable as now all three of us have one each. I had to give Jay one  as he didnt have one for himself. So we keep it up until eventually the enemy stops coming and Tam rejoins us.
" We have to go now" h breaths " I just.... I justt slotted a bug with a very big head so I think we should run now"
" Agreed"
So all five of us start running well four really but as Jays carrying the white job all five of us until we reach the elevator.
" Okay Jay hit the button"
"Yes sir"
"Sir problem seps are back and they aint happy"
I look out of the lift and hes right a whole friggin army is advancing on us droids and bugs alike.
" Well start blasting Jay hit the friggin button"
" Controls are ruined Ill try fixing them"
" Dont try DO" yells Fi as he fires at the droids
I habd the trooper a pistol that Jay wont need and the four of us start fighting. Three republic commandos and a trooper armed with five DC-15 pistols against a thousand biugs and droids seems fair. It takes Jay thirty seconds to get the lift working .
" That was close" sighs Fi.
" Fi the detonator"
"With pleasure sir" and with that he presses it. Suddenly the elevator picks up speed. The blast is driving it up faster. And when it stops the sudden jerk puts us all in the air.
 and we all land with a thud.
" Never again" says Jay
" Awwh come on 79 wheres your sense of humour"
The elevator doors open and reveals a ramp up to the surface we ascend and enter the geonosis sun light again. A clone trooper squad nearby runs to us and relieves Jay of the wounded guy who hands Fi my pistol.
" Good job sergent"says a clone commander nearby as he approaches. "You guys just took out the last factory and the seps are pulling out congratz" and with that he walks of.
" Your welcome" fi says as he hands me my pistol.

Four months later.....
Minchi, 22bby, republic forward base delta 3....
So I lay there the blistering cold wind beating of my armor the rain pelting of it. Even thou the armor is sealed its bloody freezing on this hell hole. The planet is constantly in winter. Snow rain cold more rain. I inspect the robes Ive been given and put them on if anything they distance me further from the elements. The others lay asleep around me  in the troop bay of the crashed gunship. We did our job again and now the battel front has been pushed back 50 miles now the clone troopers have to do there job and finish up. most of the seps are gone now only the tail-head mercs are left. I scan the battle field the burnt out chasis of vechales litter the place the bodies and weapons have been collected evrything has except the troopers taking shelter in the ruins. I look to the sky the cloudy mist dotted with the republic assault ships and other craft. and then at my men all coseily asleep or so I think. Still it dont matter but I wonder do they think theres more to life than war or is it just me. Either way am going back to sleep. So I lean up against the speeder stand and fall back to sleep

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2010, 10:34:10 AM »
Good read!
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline wraithnine

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2010, 03:34:17 PM »
very cool
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline republiccommando1164

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2010, 12:20:32 PM »
TO: The Director of GAR Military Procument
From: The Office of Republic Defence
RE:  Material
Body: Stavos, we cant go on like this. I know the senate has been presurising you to save money but we cant. I dont care what that little bitch from naboo says these men cant continue their lives without reinforcements or weapons. Does the Senate not know that a sepratist victory means death for all these men. look mate Ive enclosed a list of what we need and currently have....
INFATRY: needed:2.5 million currently have 1.79 million casualties 600 thousand. over 58 percent higher than acceptable.
Special Forces. ( completely under manned) 37 percent of commando squads are gone. Most lost at geonosis due to jedi incompeteance. We have resoted to cross training infantry.  ARC Troopers (not deployed) These men have been in stasis for most of the war. Why? The Null batch perform excellantly but are known to go of the rails, Imagine what the well disiplined Alphas could do.
Machinery: Has been inclosed on a second document see file GAR 5097
Weaponary: Troopers prefer the Carbines than rifles apprently dont know why. Increse spending on them. We also have a lack of heavy weapons we need more launchers.
End: Buddy we cant win at this rate. We need more money and I think I know where to get it. Enclosed classified information.....
Banking Clan  Accounts
<irelevant numbers>
Banking Clan store their wealth in a facility on Gi'hadit.
Recommendation- Tiba squad
You know what am thinking my dear friend.

Offline republiccommando1164

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2010, 11:58:36 AM »
"Thats alot of shinies" Fi says
"We need them. To many brothers are dying" Jay replies "hell at this rate am surprised the republic aint looking for their money back"
Here we are sitting on the roof of ARCA company barracks overlooking the main republic base on coruscant. This is one of the most boring assignments ever. In the parade ground below thousands of new guys march in orderly fashion by the sommander in chiefs observation point.
"Palps is up there. I can see him and Yoda and some of those senate commando premadonas" Tam says
"Ever wonder why the seps havent tried to bump him of, it would take like one assassin droid" Jay says.
"Maybe they want him to surrender?" Fi says
"Does it look like the republics gonna surrender" I say. But still Tam did bring up a good point.
"Any bets on how long its gonna take the clankers to reach the core?" Fi asks
"With the rate we're losing men. Hell am surprised they havent had a pop at Coruscant yet" Jay says " Propaganda says they have like a billion droids thats more than enogh to keep attacking the outer rim and invade triple zero"
"Propaganda?" I ask
"yeah thats what it is palps wants to justify such spendingon the war so he makes it sound all gloom and doom"
Ypu know if jay had a different life he could run a friggin planet and the republic even better than palps.
We stand there watching the endless procession of troopers march. After half an hour our comms burst into life.
"Tiba squad this is general Camas you are requested to go to hanger bay 489 "
"roger that Sir Tiba moving"
"Requested what the hell is that about" Fi asks
"Who cares maybe Ill get t kill something" Tam says
It talkes us twenty minutes to reach the hanger once we get there a spook greets us.
"Oh no military intelligence worse mongrel military intelligence" Foi says
"Just watch your manners" I say
"Ill remember to say please and thank you sir" he replies.
Smart Arse.
the mongrel turns to us and says.
"Gentle men as you know the war is costly so to deal with our financial issues you will be sent on a covert opperation to gather resouces. I am spec-ops commander Cryan. You will call me Sir or commander. The Laat behind me will take you to a freighter there you will recieve your orders. Move it troopwers" he says then walks away.
"Mongrel" Fi says and just as he does even in our sound proof suits Cryan looks at him  and continues walking.
Thant shut Fi up for a while anyway.

Offline republiccommando1164

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2010, 09:19:56 AM »
"Would you rather kiss a gungan or go on a date with a wookie?" the pilot asks.
"Probaly shoot myself.... but at a long yard kiss the gungan" Fi replies.
"I wouldnt know what to do on a date anyway"
Great not only is Fi an annoying twat so too is the bloody pilot. Worse hes a mongrel so if anything goes wrong am fully expecting a painfull death.
I look at Tam and Jay. Tams out like a light I think cant see under the helmet and Jays tinkering with the HEV thing. That spook gave us some new toys we're getting dropped in a can onto a planet give me a HALO jump anyday over a thousand kilometer drop. Anyway they want us to break into a Banking Clann facility for some asset liberation. Now am always up for doing my duty but this seems a little extreme.... or welll it did until we were told we'd be workin with a bunch of mandos then it deffinitly seemed overkill. Four elite republic Commandos and an army of Mercs versis a few Munns am realy gonna enjoy this.
"Lads well be there in thirty seconds better strap in"
Thanks for the warning A-Haole. I clamber into the thight compact littel chair. I could barely move to close the door.All four of us were in the paods in twenty seconds. I hear the pilot counting down from ten. Wait how do these things work?
"2-1"  then whomp we fall. I hear Fi screaming in his pod over the comm. My stomach heaves to my chest. I feel like pukeing the pod starts spining. Is that suppose to happen? Then I swee the flames on the pod as we enter the atmosphere. The Pod then stops spining.And Jerks upwards it spins again. What the hell is going on and then it falls only faster this time until BANG. I hit the ground.
I clamber out of the pod my head spining I can hardly see I wait a few minutes for my vision to clear. I didnt notice that Tam and Fi were to my left and Jays pod had landed upside down so when he opened the door he fell out rather comically.
"Never again" he says as he climbs to his feet.
"I thought it was rather fun" Fi says trying to free his DC from the pod.
"You are a nut job seriously dont talk to me again" Tamm says.
I take a drink from my canteen in the hope itll settle me. It dosent but it helps me get rid of the blood in my mouth. I didnt notice that Id done a nasty number to my lip.Then I heard a rustling in the bushs. I turned and aimed only to see the others doing the same.
"Dont shoot ner'vodrika". A mandolorian in full battle armor walked out of the bushs.
"Nice of you to drop in"
Great another wise-arse. Thats it am transfering to the marines.
"RC-1164 reporting are you the mandolorian merc Uist." I ask still with rifel raised.
"I am son and Ill not kill you for using the M word"
"Wheres the rest of your men?" I ask
"Up ahead getting ready for tonights festivities some have gone to sort out a droid patrol coming to check out those meteroites falling from the sky." He seemed to laugh under his helmet " Ive got thirty hired guns and you four so I think well be able to get what we want." he seemed to be distracted by our visors " you know the deal"
"Yes we take what we want and you keep the rest  and we forget we ever met" replied Jay
" Right you are greenie. Now follow me to camp".
So we followed him to his camp about 300 meters away. A collection of mandolorians greeted us.
"Sir the others are at the bank ready when you are" one says.
"Okay well go now better get ready" he replies.
We follow the mandos through the forest up to a river across it we see a huge militaryposition.
"What kind of Bank is that?" Fi asks
"A Munn one" the mando replies "names Trek"
"Nice to meet you am Fi"
Uist turns to us. "Heres the plan a full frontal assault by us you lot sneak in the back deal?"
"Deal" I reply
We then move to am ungarded section of the outer perimeter wall.
"Ready when you are guys" Uist says
"Ready" I reply