man I've got you all beat. I have a freaking zoo, narceron can vouch he's seen it!
lets see. I have:
two morkie puppies, jaina and wookie. jaina just came home with dawn yesterday.... they are crosses between yorkies and maltese.
a fully growm bearded dragon and juvenile
a Nile Monitor (who is a handfull and will bite hard)
a tokay gecko named geck
around 4 green barking tree frogs, and 3 copes grey tree frogs
3 crawdads to clean up after the frogs and gecko.... amazing how clean a crayfish will keep a fish tank!
a red tailed boa named red who has reached almost 6 feet now
a pueblo milk snake named jack (red on yellow kill a fellow, red on black friend of jack)
a black racer which is about 5 feet long
a tiny corn snake that might be 3 feet
last count was 10 red eared slider aquatic turtles
3 black bullhead catfish
a hermit crab
and crickets are usually in the house to feed all my critters.
that covers it, here are some pics of a few:
that is wookie when we first got him, he's gotten much bigger now....
lol we joke that collecting pets is our second hobby... well actually I guess it'd be first cuz i've always had lots of pets....