Author Topic: In My Father's Footsteps  (Read 18578 times)

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #30 on: July 28, 2010, 05:31:33 PM »

As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline beige-4

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2010, 09:00:24 AM »
holy f............... that was the most awesomeness read in my whole life

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #32 on: August 01, 2010, 08:24:01 PM »
     "You have sent for me, Father" asked Darth Leia from one knee.  Word had come from Vader's 501st Stormtroopers that the Dark Lord had ordered her audience immediately.  Even Leia knew better than to ignore such a demand.  She made her way to Vader's flagship Super Star Destroyer and hurried to his quarters, where he waited for her.  Darth Vader, imposing as ever, stood by the window of his cabin and looked out over the stars.  His rhythmic breathing echoed through his amplifier in his helmet, menacing with each inspiration and expiration.  His fists rested on his hips, while he stood tall and rigid.

     Vader turned to Leia, looking down at his daughter.  Though he'd never admit to it to anyone, he had grown quite fond and proud of his offspring.  She had become incredibly powerful in the Force, her abilities manifesting themselves in ways that were both terrifying and awe inspiring at the same time.  She had led some of the most vicious campaigns against Rebel forces throughout the galaxy, every one of them ending in complete slaughter.  Her name struck fear in the hearts of entire star systems.  Even her personal garrison of stormtroopers, nicknamed the Feartroopers, rivaled his own Vader's Fist legion in unprecedented terror.  Beneath his ominous black helmet, the man once named Anakin Skywalker couldn't help but smile, a cruel, wicked smile.  "You may rise, girl.  You have done well, in your latest assault on the Rebel forces.  Your most recent annihilation of their base on Brigia brought the death of Garm Bel Iblis.  I am most pleased," voiced the Dark Lord.

     "His death was a sweet one, Father.  He begged for his life, the pitiful mongrel.  His blood tasted sweet as I cleaved him into pieces with my lightsaber.  I scattered his remains along the battlefield, making sure his troops saw them.  I could taste their fear and despair in the Force, and it gave me chills!" exclaimed Leia, almost rabid in her joy at the misery she had inflicted that day.

     "I have a new mission for you, my daughter.  However, this one will be a simple, easy task.  You will not need your garrison, nor will you need your personal bodyguard, Smashbolt.  I only need you to hunt one man and bring him to me," said Vader.

     "Your will be done, my Lord.  Who is the target?" inquired Leia.

     "In due time, child.  First, I have a gift for you, one that you've earned many times over.  Come, walk with me to the docking bay."

     "I had found this one when I visited an old Republic base from years past, in search of an old Jedi Master that had eluded me.  Next to the Jedi starfighters of old, this was one of the fastest, most maneuverable ships in the Republic fleet.  I took it upon myself to upgrade it with only the best in avionics, as well as weapons and shielding suites.  I had it custom painted, to match your  I do hope you like it, Leia," said Vader wistfully.  Leia detected a hint of emotion in Vader, which pleased her.  Emotion brought with it weakness.  Her time as Vader's apprentice was coming to an end sooner than she had imagined.

     The V-Wing fighter had been painted a pearlescent shade of amaranthine, almost as if it were captured from the hues of her own lightsaber.  In fact, the Hurrikane Chrystal was taken from the blade of the great Mace Windu, Her father's first Jedi slain during Order 66.  Her twisted desires had darkened it's hues to the shade it is now, and this new craft was shaded the same way.  It's gold plated accents glinted in the dim light of the docking bay of the Super Star Destroyer, while it's jet black wing panels seemed to swallow up that same light.  The craft pulsated with power, emanating a certain menace that struck even Leia.  "Father, it is a brilliant ship.  I look most forward to using it to do battle in the skies for once.  I've long tired of watching the TIEs of other garrisons swoop in the sky, lighting up enemy fighters.  Now, I can also do aerial damage!"  Leia's excitement was palpable.  She walked along it's hull, stroking it's armor plating with her gloved hands.  Her eyes sparkled in delight at her gift.  "I need to find a suitable astromech for my new ship, Father.  Do I have time to peruse the Imperial droid shop on board before I venture out?"

      "Yes, Leia, you may.  You will have a couple of days before you need to depart on your journey, as you are more than capable of tracking down your quarry.  Seek me out in three days time," said Vader as he turned away, walking out of the docking bay.

     Leia had selected an R2 unit, designated R2-P8.  She had it specially plated in the same purple as her starfighter, complete with black and gold accents.  Leia had taken the astromech to her quarters, where she spent two days straight, without sleep or break, upgrading the droid's systems to a host of utilities and suites that were unseen in any other droid out there.  Leia herself had designed and programmed the operating system that her droid would use.  The software she installed allowed the droid to calculate hyperspace jump coordinates based on known Rebel jumping protocols, Rebel flight plans and records, and ion trails, as well as known star ports throughout the possible hyperspace lanes.  This would allow Leia to follow a target, no matter where he ran.  The upgrades also allowed for changes in control, switching from droid to Leia and back again in a mere nanosecond, to give Leia control when the Force spoke to her.  Additionally, she had uploaded the complete mechanical specs of all known Rebel star ships, as well as her own, to give the droid the ability to calculate potential attack patterns, which would allow for greater maneuverability while she piloted her ship.  Her defenses were greater than any other ship in the Imperial fleet.  Perhaps even greater than her father's TIE Advanced.  Finally, the droid would be able to compliment the ship's weapon systems, anticipating flight patterns and tactics that the Rebels employed, allowing the droid to shoot a fighter out of the sky before it even arrived at it's intended destination.  Leia shook with excitement, unable to contain her desire to engage the enemy with her new toys.

     "Let's see how you operate, R2," Leia said aloud as she fired up the newly constructed astromech.

     The droid twitched to life, it's servos and processors whirring and buzzing as the droid came online.  It's 'eyes' came online, showing it's green and red lights.  The droid begain to warble and beep, communicating in it's own electronic way.  Leia placed the processor in her ear, which would translate the droid's beeps, chirps, and warbles into Galactic Basic for her.  Again, the droid sounded off in a melodic chime.

     "Greetings to you as well, R2.  You will call me Mistress, and you will follow my every command.  Do you know your edict?" asked Leia

     Again, the droid chirped and beeped in response.

     "You are correct, droid.  Whatever I command.  You are also to serve my servant, Smashbolt.  Her command carries as much weight as mine, when I am not present.  Now, I have work to do, so make your way to The Viloaceous Spur and ready it for take off.  We have work to do," commanded Leia as she turned to the door.  It was time to meet with her father, Darth Vader.  She was due to undertake yet another mission for her father.  While she grew tired of constantly running errands for her father, she had to admit, she enjoyed the death and chaos which she spread throughout the galaxy.  It would almost be a shame to crush this Rebellion for good.  As Leia strode through the metal hallways of The Executor, she found herself wondering who was so important that she had to bring back alive.  Stormtrooper and Imperial officers alike threw themselves to the walls, standing at attention and saluting Leia as she passed them.  She loved the power she wielded, and the fear she inspired.

     Leia had arrived at her father's quarters.  Even the walls were black on this end of the ship.  Leia knocked, and was immediately greeted with the opening of the door.  Leia entered the room, and saw her father at the other end, sitting on his throne.  He sat back in his chair, his hands wrapped over the end of the arms.  "Come in, my child.  Are you ready for your next mission," asked Vader?

     "Of course, Father.  How may I server you now," purred Leia.

     "A situation has been bought to my attention, that requires a very public response.  It would seem, a lieutenant in the Imperial Navy has broken protocol and abandoned the Empire, taking with him a slave owned by the Empire.  This act of treachery cannot go unpunnished," growled  Vader.  It was clear, he was angered by the defection of an officer.  "Commander Nyklas has informed me that an impetuous upstart has hijacked a slave and deserted the Imperial Navy.  I want this man brought back here for punishment and execution.  He is to be brought back here, alive.  Failure will not be tolerated, young lady."

     "As you wish, Lord Vader.  Who am I pursuing, and where shall I begin," asked Leia, annoyed at the fact she couldn't kill this man herself.

     "You are to travel to Corellia.  There, you will hunt for the human male named Han Solo.  Bring him to me, and destroy any who get in your way," said Vader.

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #33 on: August 02, 2010, 02:43:02 AM »
man you have seriously gotta send this in when you have finished it!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline CaptainLux

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #34 on: August 03, 2010, 07:51:41 PM »
great man!

Offline Phatty

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #35 on: August 05, 2010, 09:03:34 PM »
     'Move your butt, fuzzball!" shouted Han Solo.  The strange black clad woman was aafter him, and she wasn't looking for a date, either.  One act of kindness, and now he was being hunted like an animal in the streets of Corellia.  It was less than a month ago, when Solo had stopped the beating of a Wookiee slave by a senior Imperial officer.  Han himself had been a rising star in the Imperial Navy.  Aimless in his youth, he had sought some kind of purpose in his life.  He thought the Empire would offer that, but he had quickly discovered the mistake in his thinking.  He remembered that day well, when Commander Nyklas had decided to take his frustrations out on a weakened Wookiee by the name of Chewbacca.  Han was a lieutenant at that time, and couldn't stand by any longer and allow the brutality to continue.  He hadn't signed on for that, and without even thinking, he stopped the Commander's hand and smuggled the grateful Wookie off of the ship and fled to Corellia, Han's home planet.  "I'm not sure who this woman wants more, me or you, but move it!"

     The Wookie let out a string of growls and howls, that Han loosely translated to "Let her come, I don't fear one woman."  Chewbacca was brave and a proud warrior, but even he wasn't going to stand up to this strange woman with her apparent Force powers.  The Force.  it wasn't something Han had ever believed in, but if the tales were true, this woman was as lethal as she was beautiful.  Had seriously doubted that his usual charm would win her over.

     "Don't argue with me, and don't be stupid, Chewie.  I know this part of Corellia well, and there are places that smugglers use to hide themselves, and I don't even think this chick is going to find us there.  It's not much farther, it's just up ahead," panted Solo as he continued his pace.  He had his Imperial issue blaster pistol drawn, hoping to fire off a round if the girl poked her head around the wrong corner. 

     The immensely tall, incredibly muscular Wookiee, covered head to toe in thick brown fur, hustled down the streets, taking large strides while turning occasionally to search for a glimpse of the small female pursuing them.  His crossbow at the ready, even Chewbacca's hair stood on end.  He watched this girl use the same powers that Master Yoda and Master Vos had displayed at the Battle of Kashyyyk during the Clone Wars.  She was like them, but different.  Full of hate, full of anger.  Black clad and lethal, he had witnessed her destroying ships and crumbling buildings, focused only on he and Han.  Chewbacca owed Han Solo a life debt, and it looked like that debt would be paid sooner rather than later.

     '"Quick Chewie, duck in here behind this false wall.  It's an old storage warehouse for one of the oldest Smuggling operations in the Corellian Sector," shouted Han as he engaged the secret lever, opening a section of wall in a dilapidated building that would normally not get a second glance.  They hurried in, and Han hit the secret lever again, and the door swung shut once more.  "Come here, there's a secret stair case hidden in this big crate.  There's ten feet of ferrocrete between the floors, so we should be fine," whispered Han.  He wasn't sure if any of the smugglers were in the warehouse, and he didn't want to find out.  They'd be less than sympathetic towards an intruder fleeing from an Imperial Assassin and hiding out in their 'hidden' base.  They stealthily slunk down the winding staircase encapsulated inside of the crate, reaching the cold stone floor.  A dim green glow from the hall lights lit the way to the main chamber.  There didn't appear to be anyone here, which was good.  At least here, they could funnel their pursuer down the narrow hallway, giving them the advantage.

     A loud explosion rocked the floor above them.  Dust and rock crumbled and fell over their heads as something caused utter chaos in the warehouse above.  They didn't have to do much guessing; it was her.

     Insignificant peasants.  Her quarry wasn't far, she knew.  These insects who thought they could stop her, were nothing but an annoyance.  Their bloody bodies littered the ground around her, their blood dripping from her bare skin.  Her purple lightsaber glowed bright in the dark warehouse, a beacon to their deaths.  Darth Leia hadn't even broken a sweat thus far.  The least these morons could do would be to give her a workout, or even at least die with honor.  Such was not the case today.  The man she hunted was below her, she could feel his heart beat racing in her mind.  She grew tired of this game, and it was time to end it.  Reaching out with the Force, she projected a holographic map in her mind of the room below.  The fool had actually trapped himself along with his pet in a sealed room, with only one way in or out.  Why did her father want such a foolish human brought back alive?  It was no matter, he would have his prize soon enough.

     She easily found the 'hidden' staircase to the room below.  For dramatic effect only, she obliterated the giant crate into millions of tiny splinters, revealing the winding staircase.  Using the Force, she dimmed all of the lights below, silenced her movements, and lowered herself down the stairs.  She glided down the hallway, each step as silent as a black hole.  She could hear the breathing of her targets echo in the dark, and it thrilled her.  She could taste their fear, and it was rich.  The Dark Lady of the Sith reached the end of the hallway and reached out again with the Force, taking in a view of the room shrouded in darkness.  The human was directly ahead of her, on top of a stack of crates, his gun aimed at the entrance.  The Wookiee hung from a rafter by his legs, six meters to her left, with his crossbow trained on her position.  Leia could feel the Wookiee reaching out with his senses to find her.  He was confused by the void she left in the environment, but was afraid to act if he was wrong in his guess.  Since the human was wanted for freeing this creature, and was not required to be brought back with the human, Leia decided to have fun with the Wookiee.  With her lightsabers in hand, Leia reached out with the force and pulled the Wookiee violently from the rafters where he lied in wait and flung him hard to the floor, and then against the wall behind him.  At the same time, she dove to her left, avoiding a blaster shot from Solo aimed into the dark where he guessed she might be.  Leia gripped his throat tight with the Force and smashed him downward through the stack of shipping crates, crashing into the thick ferrocrete floor.  The audible crunch of his bones in his legs as they broke against the ground sent a tingle through Leia's psyche.  His cries of pain and fear only excited Leia further.

     The Wookiee howled in shock and anger as it struggled to gain its footing.  His new friend was injured and he needed to end this assault.  Suddenly, a blinding flash erupted as the entire room was bathed in electronic light.  Chewbacca looked to his friend's position, only to find him lying in a heap in the ground, unable to move his legs, cries of pain dribbling from his lips.  The rage overtook Chewbacca as he launched himself up off the floor and at the woman in black.  He swung fist after massive fist at the sprightly woman, who dodged every attack and returned her own flurry of punches and kicks, each landing an annoying blow on the Wookiee.  All the power and strength Chewbacca could muster could not combat the speed and ferocity of the tiny woman as she continued to rain blows upon him, stunning and disorienting him as he struggled to maintain control of the situation.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Han raise his blaster at the woman, only to have it magically snatched from his hands and hurled across the room. 

     Leia allowed her Force powers to manifest themselves in their own strange way, the amaranthine flames enveloping her body, pouring from her like flowing water.  She relished the emotions that echoed from her foes when this happened, the terror it brought was priceless.  She glanced over, reveling in the shear horror that reflected off of Han Solo's face.  Leia again turned her attention to the Wookiee as he staggered against her continuous assault.  With a mighty Force push, Leia shoved Chewbacca against a wall, crumpling into a pile of fur on the ground.  "Was he worth it?" asked Leia to Han.  "Was he worth the pain and misery, the inevitable torture and agony?"

     "Leave him alone, Witch!  He's done nothing.  It's me you want, just take me and leave him be," begged the pitiful human.  "Just don't hurt him."

     The begging only spurred Leia on, and she once again focused her attentions on the Wookiee.  Using the Force, she lifted the creature back on to his feet.  A Force Choke brought the howling beast back to consciousness as he struggled to free himself from the invisible grasp holding him just far enough off the floor to prevent him from steadying himself and restore air to his burning lungs.  Leia grinned an evil grin, giggling an evil giggle as she toyed with the hairy creature.  She released the beast, allowing it to fall to the ground, gasping for air to fill it's great lungs.  With a flick of her arm, a shower of Force Lightning leaked out from her fingertips, wrapping themselves around the Wookiee, causing it to howl and cry out in intense pain.  The smell  of burning hair filled the air, and Leia let out a loud, long string of vicious laughter.

     "Please, I beg you, stop!" screamed a sobbing Han Solo.  His heartache was palpable on her tongue, and it only fueled her more.  She sent an enormous Force Push at the Corellian, slamming him against the wall, and then grabbed him with a Force Grip and pulled him towards her.  Leia wanted her prey to have a front row view of what was to come.  Once again, she turned her attentions on the whimpering Wookiee.

     "I didn't know Wookiees could cry," spat Leia.  "Have you had enough pain?"

     The Wookiee only responded with a series of growls and whines.  She could feel his agony in the Force.  It was delicious, to say the least.

     "Rise to your feet," said Leia in a low, focused voice.  Chewbacca did as he was commanded, staring a blank stare at Leia.  "Take hold of your right arm, and tear it from it's socket," commanded the Sith.  Chewie grabbed hold of his right arm with his left.

     "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" screamed Han.  His plea was answered with a backhand from the Princess of Darkness, breaking his jaw.  The gutteral sobbing and garbled words trailed off in Leia's ears.

     Without hesitating, the Wookiee, as if in a trance, calmly and cleanly pulled his arm clear of his socket, tearing the limb from his own body.  The intense pain, like a dagger of fire, jolted Chewbacca back to reality.  His excruciating pain sent him into a spiral of dread, no sounds able to escape his lips.  Leia ignited both of her lightsabers, and in two separate sweeping arcs, severed his other arm and both legs of the huge beast.  Even as Chewbacca fell to the ground, unable to catch himself, his eyes drifted to his new friend.  The wails of pain and sorrow emanating from the former Imperial Lieutenant, along with the streaming tears, broke what was left of Chewbacca's heart and resolve.  His last words to his friend were, "Do not despair for me, my friend.  Even in the Great Afterlife, I shall always treasure your friendship."

     With Chewbacca's last words echoing in Han's mind, all he could do is watch in horror as the Dark Lady of the Sith set his friend aflame with a mesmerizing purple fire, brought upon by the woman's use of the Force.  Chewbacca didn't even cry out.

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #36 on: August 06, 2010, 06:52:42 AM »
that was evill !!  >:D   you are one good writer that was gigantly herfereshoses goodly awesomeness of epicness

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #37 on: August 06, 2010, 12:58:56 PM »
its greeeat mannn!

Offline Phatty

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #38 on: September 11, 2010, 08:16:41 PM »
     The trip back to the Galactic Core, to Vader's Super Star Destroyer, was filled with intense feelings of both power and excitement.  Her complete victory in the hunt her father had placed her on had resulted in the excruciating annihilation of a dirty Wookiee, as well as the utter humiliation and painful beating of a traitor to the Empire.  The delight she felt as she hurtled through hyperspace reverberated against the canopy of her ship, The Violet Storm.  Darth Leia reveled at her abilities, her strength in the Force.  She still did not understand why her father had sent her after one, useless human, even if it was to make an example of him.  Any of his Stormtroopers could have accomplished that task, yet he sent her.  While fun, it was still a waste of time, in her opinion.  Her quarry lay bound and suffering in the cargo hold of her ship, a packaged prize for her Dark Lord.  R2-P8 warbled to Leia, signaling it was time to exit hyperspace, their destination having arrived.  As Leia brought the ship down in speed, the stars reverted back to pinpoints, decorating the blackness that surrounded The Executor.  Her father was waiting for his prize, and she didn't want to keep him waiting.

     Leia had docked her ship in The Executor's bay and opened her cargo bay.  The worthless human, known as Han Solo, lay bound and gagged, bleeding and bruised on the cold metal floor.  She made sure to keep the climate in there livable, though she didn't care about his comfort in the least.  All that mattered was that he was delivered alive, as her Lord commanded.  He looked at her through squinted, swollen eyes, a look of fear, dread, and despair leaking from them as readily as the blood from the same orbs.  Using the Force, she lifted the man from the hold and tossed him onto a hovercart to deliver him to her father.  As she did so, she was approached by her servant and aide, Smashbolt, along with an Imperial officer.  His rank indicated he was a Lieutenant, though she could care less.  She only answered to Darth Vader and The Emperor himself.

     "I'm pleased to see you return, my Mistress," purred Smashbolt.  The woman who had become as close to a friend as Leia would allow did not like to be separated from her Mistress, especially when there was battle to be had.  The had shared many a battle together, and she felt closer to Darth Leia than she may have ever felt to anyone.  "I trust your mission ended in your favor, as usual?"

     "Of course, my dear.  This one gave me very little trouble," said Leia, indicating to the human captive lying in the hovercart.

     Smashbolt looked upon the man her Mistress had been sent after, and was surprised at the sudden jolt of emotion that rang out in her.  So alarming in fact, that Smashbolt could not help but recoil at the sight of the bloodied and battered man.  Never had she seen a person in such beaten and broken condition alive.  Something stirred in her, yet she did not know what.  Smashbolt had a hard time taking her eyes off of the man, who despite his savage and almost unrecognizable condition, had an alluring charm unto himself.  Suddenly, Smashbolt became all to aware of her thoughts and surroundings.  She looked up to find her Mistress peering at her with a questioning look upon her face.

     "Something interesting you, girl?" asked Leia with a hint of menace in her voice.  "Do you take pity on this traitor to the Empire?"

     "Of course not, my Lady, he is scum and deserves all that he has brought upon himself," said Smashbolt, almost convincingly.  Her voice was steady, her gaze solid, but her emotions could not be fully hidden in the Force.  Still, Smashbolt did have a great deal of control of her mind and emotions, and would not be swayed by Leia's Force persuasions.

     "I should hope so.  Have you tracked down the next Rebel base for assault, my young protoge?" inquired Leia.  Her cold tone was enough to instill order from her subordinate.

     "I'm still tracing several leads on their latest hiding ground, my Lady.  I have several leads out and should have a solid location within a week's time," said Smashbolt, fully at attention.

     "Make it three days, no more," snapped Leia as she turned to the Imperial officer.  "Inform Lord Vader that his prize has arrived and we see audience with him immediately."

     "Um, I'm s-sorry, Mistress Leia.  Lord Vader is away on Coruscant at the moment and he has commanded that you take the prisoner to the cell block and await his return in your quarters," stammered the Lieutenant.  His fear of Darth Leia was quite evident.  Leia drank his dread like a rich cup of caf.  "Shall I call for your escort to lead you Mistress?"

     "Do you honestly believe that I need you to do anything, worm?  I am more than capable of handling myself aboard this ship, and I do not need you to presume to tell me what to do.  You are dismissed, and I don't wish to see you in my presence again," commanded Leia coldly.

     "Yes M-Mistress Leia, r-r-right away," sputtered the Lieutenant as he quickly bowed and took his leave.

     Leia spun to her young aide, catching her staring at Solo as he laid in the bed of the hovercart.  "Dear girl, since you seem so enamored with the piece of bantha fodder, you can take him to the cell block.  Do not converse with him, do not untie him, and do not under any circumstances, make him comfortable in any way," spat Leia, clearly annoyed with her assistant.  "I shall be in my private quarters meditating, and I do not wish to be disturbed.  Do I make myself clear?"

     "Perfectly, my Lady," said Smashbolt,  "Your will be done."

     Leia turned away and strode across the flight deck towards the aft wing of the immense ship on her way to her private den.  Her anger was evident, as anything within five meters were pushed aside as though she were pushing a plow.  Stormtroopers moved back in fear, droids scurried to hide, and even the most seasoned Imperial officers knew better than to look her in the eye.  Smashbolt turned to the prisoner, and again could not help but feel pity.  Where were these feelings coming from?  She had placed more blaster bolts through the skulls of countless Rebel soldiers and officers, never once feeling an ounce of emotion.  Their pitiful cries for mercy and pleas for their lives never once registered as anything other than contempt with her, yet this man gave her pause.  She found herself staring at him again, and he back at her.  All she could see in his eyes was pain and sorrow, which is perhaps what made her stop.  The pain was evident, and perhaps she expected to see the typical despair, but never sorrow.  "You, trooper," shouted Smashbolt to a random stormtrooper.  "Bring this prisoner to the cell block."

     "Yes ma'am," answered the Stormtrooper immediately.  The trooper got behind the controls of the hovercart and headed towards the cellblock as Smashbolt followed behind, lost in her thoughts.


     "You are walking a thin line, my apprentice," seethed The Emperor.  "You have defied me by training another in private, and to make matters worse, she is your offspring!  Do you think to overthrow my rule?"  The Emperor threw an incredible wave of Force energy, throwing Vader to the floor of The Emperor's throne room.  "Perhaps I should kill you now, and flay the skin from your daughter!  Or better yet, perhaps I should kill you and make her my apprentice!"

     "My Master, you misunderstand my intentions," said Vader with no hint of fear.  Though his Master was the more powerful of the two, he did not fear Emperor Palpatine.  If he chose to end Vader's life now, it would be so, but he would not go down without a fight.  "I do not seek any such thing, Master.  I discovered my daughter on a raid of a Rebel cruiser, and felt her immense Force potential.  In training her, I only seek to strengthen your Empire.  Her decisive victories over the Rebellion have spread fear and panic throughout their ranks, dividing them all and driving them to the most remote parts of the galaxy."

     "The true power of the Sith comes from our cunning, our ability to subvert even the most powerful.  How do I not know you are doing what all Sith must do?" asked The Emperor through clenched teeth.  

     "You have freed me from the shackles that the Jedi imposed upon me, and for that, you have earned my respect.  I have no lust for your power," replied Vader, lying all the while.  Fortunate was he that he was as strong in the Force, for otherwise The Emperor would see through his ruse.  Leia was his key to overthrowing the wrinkled codger and ruling the galaxy for himself.  "As the code says, 'Through Passion, I gain strength; through strength I gain power; through power I gain victory; through victory, my chains will be broken; The Force shall set me free.  My daughter is my passion, my strength is in the Force, and the power I gain is the power to crush the Rebellion, which brings my victory, breaking the chains that prevent me from assisting you in fully molding this galaxy to your whims.  I only seek to serve you, My Liege."

     "You had better be right, my old friend.  If I sense one thread of treachery from you, one hint of betrayal, I will cause you more suffering than you've ever known," said The Emperor with a chill in his voice.  "Go now, and do not return until you are called for."

     "As you wish, my Master," said Vader as he turned and left the throne room.


     "What is your name?" asked Smashbolt, talking to the battered prisoner.

     "Han Solo," replied the man through clenched teeth, in a great deal of pain.

     "What have you done to bring this misery upon yourself?"

     "What is it to you?"
     "Because I've never seen my Mistress track down one man and bring him back alive.  Not to mention she seems particularly unhappy with you."

     "I was once a lieutenant in the Imperial Navy," gritted Han Solo through his broken jaw, anger welling up in his eyes.  "I could not stand by while another officer abused and tortured a group of captured Wookiees just because he felt like it.  I stopped him from killing one in particular and we ran, but that bitch found us.  She tortured and mutilated that poor Wookiee worse than anything I've ever witnessed.  That poor Wookiee never did anything to anyone, and had a fantastic heart, and that sadistic wench slaughtered him with a smile on her face.  I will see her dead at my feet if it's the last thing I do."

     "Oh, dear boy, I don't see that happening," chided Smashbolt.  "You do know, Lord Vader himself has ordered you brought back, alive, to make an example of?"

     "I don't care.  I've gotten out of tougher jams than this, and when I do, I'm going to kill her, and anyone else who gets in my way."

     Smashbolt's red hair fell over her left eye, shining an auburn glow in the bright lights of the cell block.  Her sparkling green eyes had a hint of amusement in them at the Corellian's anger and threats.  Her pouty red lips widened into a sly grin, and she found herself fidgeting slightly, her hips rocking for the man to witness.  Was she feeling something?  Was she feeling warm in her face?  She was!  She was blushing!  What the Hell was coming over her?  She immediately corrected her body language and put her game face back on.  "Don't get your hopes up, Solo.  Lord Vader is going to crush the life out of you before you have the chance to even look at my Mistress."  Smashbolt took that opportunity to leave the man in his cell.  She was very disappointed in herself.  She let one man whom she'd never met bring about emotions she had long buried.  worse yet, she didn't know why.

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #39 on: September 11, 2010, 08:22:51 PM »
aweeesome chapter man, incredible!

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #40 on: September 11, 2010, 09:02:57 PM »
Thanks Lux! I have a lot planned for this book, potentially becoming a series...

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #41 on: September 12, 2010, 02:20:05 AM »
why are you not earning your living as an author!     that was fantastic Pat   !
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #42 on: September 12, 2010, 08:56:13 AM »
uhhhhhh that was better than stuff in the bedroom with anjelina jolie ,, mate that was awesome

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #43 on: October 11, 2010, 08:25:29 PM »
   Another day in the cell block, another round of torture.  Any other man would have begged for death, would have succumbed to the brutalities shone onto him.  Yet Han Solo remained.  Day after day, he endured, through gritted teeth and blinding pain.  And once again, Han Solo would not give in.  He would not relinquish his life's essence today, nor any other day, until that woman suffered defeat and death at his hands.  He would have his revenge for Chewbacca the Wookiee.  The tree tall warrior with the heart of a poet, slain so savagely, would be remembered in her blood.  Han strained to open a swollen eye to look around his cell.  It had gotten quiet again, and he wasn't sure if the torture was over for the day, or if it was time to reload the sadistic torture droids.  His vision was clouded and blurry from the intense trauma to his orbs, not to mention blinded by the blood resting behind his retinas, yet he could make out a few shapes here and there.  The torture droids had left, but once again, the red haired woman stood outside the cell block door, watching.  Every day, she was there to oversee the bouts of torture, and every day, she stayed behind while they patched him back up again.  For whatever reason, regardless how hard Solo worked to sustain himself, the Empire continued to patch his broken bones, torn tissues, and stemmed the flow of blood, all in efforts to keep him alive.  While it made no sense, it did make Han's job easier.  

    The woman was beautiful, Han had to admit.  Her long, flowing red hair, crimson like the fires of Mustafar, hung over her shoulders, shielding her eyes from his sight.  Her pouty red lips were full and enticing.  She was tall, with a slender waist and perfect curves over her hips and chest.  Incredibly athletic, Han had no doubt that she was full of stamina and vigor.  He couldn't help but be attracted to her, despite the fact that he knew he'd have to kill her to get to that Sith wench.  The black and violet armored woman was the right hand of the Sith lady, known now as Darth Leia, and where her mistress went, the woman would follow.

     "Why do you feel the need to watch me while I die?" mumbled Han at the woman through a swollen jaw, minus a few teeth.  "I'm sure you would get just as much pleasure watching the holovids of the torture sessions."

     "You shouldn't speak," purred the woman.  She stepped closer to the cell doors, allowing the bright lights to wash over her body.  Her pale alabaster skin washed out more than usual in the harsh lights, but it was still very appealing to Han.  "You'll need your strength.  Lord Vader and Mistress Leia have not called for your death as of yet, so they will continue to torture and heal you, keeping you alive, until they've tired of this.  Each session has been recorded and been mandated for replay for all of the ranks, as warning for any others who seek to betray the Empire."

     "The tighter they tighten their grasp, the more that will slip through their fingers," said Han with a painful chuckle.  "I told you, I won't die until that mistress of yours does.  Bring on your worst, I can take it."

     "No, Han Solo of Corellia, you can not.  Just give in already!  What more do you have to prove?" pleaded Smashbolt uncharacteristically.  She suddenly shied away, aware of her display of emotion.

     "What do you care?  You know as well as I do, I'll have to kill you to get to her, so you may as well stop playing nice," gritted Han.

     "Oh, dear boy, I've slain more so-called soldiers in more ways than a scruffy looking nerf-herder like you can imagine.  Do you really think a beat up, crippled, broken traitor like yourself has a chance?"

     "Yeah, I do.  Just wait and see, girl.  As soon as the chance presents itself, I'll put a blaster bolt right in between those bright green eyes of yours," spat Han.

     The woman's lips widened into a grin, as sexy as it was evil.  "You are most certainly welcome to try."  Smashbolt turned slowly, allowing Han to view all of her curves as she did so, and strode off down the hall.

     "And who's scruffy looking?!" shouted Han as the woman left his line of sight.

     The intense lightsaber training had lasted for hours now, innumerable in Leia's mind.  There had been no break, no pause, since her father ignited his ruby bladed weapon.  Leia responded in kind with here amaranthine sword, matching Vader's blows with her blocks, brushing aside his arcing swings with her parries.  Her return assault wasn't nearly as savage or brutal as her father's, but the speed and ferocity more than made up for it.  While her muscles were burning from deflecting Vader's power, his lungs were surely burning from defending her speed.  Sweat poured from her body, her hair was soaked and stuck to her skull, but she drew upon the Force, and continued to fight her father.  All the while, she continued to look for flaws in his style, for openings in his stances, searching for anything she could use when the time came to slay the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader.  While today was not that day, it was another day closer to her goal.  Today's training prohibits use of the Force as a weapon, only as a means of strengthening the body.  While it was natural for Sith to find any and all uses for the Force to defeat their enemies, that was only one use.  Sith of the past had fallen because they relied on one facet of the Force, and Vader would not rest until Leia became greater than those who came before her.  He would prepare her for her battle with the Emperor, prepare her to be more than the Emperor had ever faced before.  His overuse of his Force Lightning would prove to be his undoing.

     With a sudden wave of his hand, Vader pushed at his daughter with the Force in an effort to stop the sparring session.  However, despite Vader's vast strength and power, Leia hadn't moved an inch.  Her Force bubble, along with her own Force abilities, proved to be a dead match for his.  Neither combatant budged from their spots, though both had lowered their weapons, extinguishing their blades.  "You have done well this day, dear daughter.  You are growing stronger in the Force, and faster with your lightsaber.  I am most impressed with your abilities, but you are not ready as of yet."

     "What makes you so certain I am not, father?" asked Leia, barely out of breath, all appearances to the contrary.  I've matched your lightsaber play, thrust for thrust, blow for blow.  I've fought you for hours already without giving any ground, all without using the Force for an advantage.  Even your attempt to push me away was countered easily enough for me.  She stood tall, her chest rising and falling as she took in deep, slow breaths.  "I say we take the Emperor soon, and then we shall rule this galaxy as Father and Daughter, as we see fit!"

     "As I have said, you are not ready," rumbled Vader.  With both hands and with a ferocity that surprised Leia, she was picked up off the ground and thrown against the nearest wall with enough force to blur her vision.  As she fell to the ground without any thought of the Force to catch herself, she fought against the impending blackout.  She struck the floor hard, and was very slow to move.  "Your arrogance will be your undoing, young lady.  You disappoint me.  Do not ever lower your defenses like that, or you will be dead."  Another move of his arm, and she was again yanked off of the floor and flung to the far side of the training room, striking the wall with intense impact.  

     As she struck the floor for the second time, Leia had no choice but to fall into the darkness, despite her best efforts to draw upon the Force.  The last thing she saw before the blackness overtook her was her father storming from the room, his onyx cape flowing angrily behind him.

     The black began to lighten into a mild grey, eventually giving way to a blinding light that hurt Leia's eyes.  Her senses were quick to return to her, and she immediately felt a presence.  It was her servant and assassin, the woman known as Smashbolt.  She stood at attention above her master, helmet cradled under her arm, not uttering a word.  "You may speak," uttered Leia as she moved into a sitting position, legs crossed, falling into meditation to regain her strength and composure.

     "I only came to see if we had another assignment after your workout," said Smashbolt mater of factly.  She did not look down at her Mistress, did not give any hint at her master's apparent failure.

     "We do, my pet.  Soon.  I've been given word that the Rebels have a new leader in their midst, a woman called Mara Jade.  She leads them into battle, and has been doing well in her own right.  I high think it's time to end her streak," said Leia in a hushed tone.  "Yet you have another question.  I sense some confusion in you, my dear girl.  I pray it has nothing to do with the pitiful male who betrayed our Emperor?"

     "It does, Mistress, though I believe you misunderstand my feelings on the matter," said Smashbolt.  She knew she was treading on thin ice.  Even though she was strong minded, she was no match for her master's wits.  "Is there really anything to be accomplished from his continued torture?  I know we're broadcasting his pain for the entire Empire to see, as a warning, but perhaps it's having the opposite effect on them.  Perhaps, the fact that he is still alive, shows the Empire doesn't have the resolve to destroy their enemies quickly and cleanly.  I've even heard that an entire garrison of Stormtroopers have fled the Empire, joining the Rebels."

     "Are you questioning the wisdom and resolve of our Emperor and Lord Vader?" asked Darth Leia, eyes suddenly open and ablaze with anger.  She rose smoothly to her feet, almost as though she had floated upwards.  Leia moved close to her minion and stared into her eyes.  "Do you dare question the orders you've been given?"

     "No, Mistress Leia, of course not -"

     "But you do, child.  You do, and you have taken pity on that Rebel scum," seethed Leia.  "Do you wish to throw your lot in with that traitor?  Would you prefer to suffer along side him?"

     "No Mistress Leia."  Smashbolt stood still, fully at attention, not flinching at her master's threats.

     "LIAR!" roared Leia as she backhanded the red haired woman across the mouth, sending her careening backwards, falling onto her buttocks.  By the time Smashbolt had picked her head up, her mistress was already upon her, grabbing at her through the Force, lifting her high off the ground in a Force Choke.  Smashbolt's hands immediately came up to her throat, fighting unsuccessfully against the invisible grasp that restrained the air from filling her lungs.  Leia hurled the girl aside into a wall, and then again into the opposite wall.  She was dropped to the floor, and once again, Leia was upon her.  The Dark Lady of the Sith grabbed at Smashbolt's collar and hefted her to her feet and punched her square in the mouth, just as she drove a knee into the girl's abdomen, driving out the precious air she had retained.  As Smashbolt fell to the floor, on her hands and knees, gasping for air, Leia raised her boot and brought it down hard on the back of the young woman's skull, driving her face first into the floor.  Leia rolled the weak body over onto her back and leaned down to the fallen woman's face.  "I highly suggest you reevaluate these thoughts I sense inside of you.  You are an Imperial Soldier and my personal assassin.  If you aren't those, then you are dead to me, and I'll make sure that is more painful, more brutal, than any you have witnessed before.  Now get your pitiful excuse for my Assassin off the ground, get yourself cleaned up.  We leave for Ithor in sixteen hours.  You had better remember who you are, and where your place is, child."

     Leia stood and stalked away to her quarters, her entire body slowing a deep purple in response to her rage and anger.  Smashbolt watched until her Mistress left the training room, leaving her alone to herself.

     "My name is Thena Skyblade," muttered the battered woman as she stood up.  Smashbolt picked up her helmet, staring into the empty eye shield, viewing her own warped reflection.  Thena turned and walked down the hall, hips swaying as she did so.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 08:30:13 PM by Phatty »

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #44 on: October 12, 2010, 09:27:59 AM »
this is incredible man, getting better and better each chapter!

amazing work!