Author Topic: In My Father's Footsteps  (Read 18525 times)

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2010, 09:47:31 AM »
Good read Pat!

As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline beige-4

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2010, 10:41:57 AM »
oh .... my .... holy...... shizen ... THAT WAS BLOODY AMAZING!!

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2010, 01:21:04 PM »
Thanks Jack and Wattoh!

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2010, 01:50:02 PM »
When is the next Chapter?

Offline Phatty

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2010, 02:52:13 PM »
Not sure yet.  I've been super busy, and I've stalled a bit on my tale.

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2010, 08:54:17 PM »
     "NO!  Please, no," sobbed the Rebel trooper.  His wounds, precise in their incision through his vital arteries in his arms and legs, lied on the ground, bleeding profusely.  His eyes filled with tears and blood, he begged his assailant for mercy.  Mercy that wouldn't come.  Not at the hands of the woman once named Thena Skyblade.  No longer was she known by that name, not since her transcendence from Rebel Sniper to the Lethal Hand of the Dark Lady.  Now known only as Smashbolt, she was the right hand of Darth Leia.  Through pain and misery, despair and horror, Skyblade was stripped of her former life, shown the error of her believes, and remade even more lethal and cunning than ever before.  There wasn't a gun, rifle, cannon, blaster, or similar weapon made that Smashbolt hadn't become an expert in using.  While her favorite instrument of death was her BlasTech Model E-17d sniper rifle, highly modified and highly deadly, she had become quite fond of her pair of BlasTech DL-44 blaster pistols for close up killings.  The pair of blasters were a gift from her Mistress upon completion of her training at the hands of the Dark Lady of the Sith.  Smashbolt stared down at the Rebel trooper, his pitiful sobs muted by her own thoughts.  She rasied her boot high, bring it crashing down into the face of the trooper, ushering a torrent of blood and teeth erupting from the impact.  The gurgling from the trooper as he tried in vain to beg for his life was silenced by the blaster bolt that was spent point blank into the forehead of the pitiful excuse for a soldier.  Her blonde hair blew gently in the breeze, dancing along with the song of warfare as she surveyed the death and destruction her fellow Feartroopers were causing on Dantooine now.  Smashbolt was now the head of the Feartroopers, the 818th regimen, answerable only to Darth Leia, Darth Vader, and the Emperor themselves.  Her black and purple armor was a fearsome sight, standing apart from the rest of her Feartroopers.  She was meant to be noticeable on the battlefield, meant to instill fear at the mere sight of her.  She loved that power.  She relished it.  She craved it.  And Leia gave it to her.  Leia had tortured her, choking the life from her body, only to be brought back with torrents of Force Lightning.  She had her bones broken and mended with the Force, only to be broken again.  She knew agony well.  Hatred was her friend.  Misery kept her warm on those cold nights in her barren cell, where she would often lay naked and crying after hours upon hours of abuse.  It was then, when she preferred death at the hands of the Sith over more torture.  She plotted and shemed, in between being conscious and not.  She had feinted oblivion, allowed her breathing and heart rate to plummet, almost to the point of no return, and when the vile woman let her guard down momentarily, the woman formerly known as Skyblade struck out with everything she had in her, assaulting Leia with a myriad of punches and kicks, using every technique she knew of.  While it proved to be no where near enough to overcome the highly trained and skilled Dark Lady, it did earn her her life.  While pressed against the walls of the torture chamber, unable to move in thanks to the Force applied to her, Leia offered her a chance to return to the battlefields, on the winning side of this pitiful Rebellion.  Not seeing any other choice, Skyblade had agreed.  Over the next few months, while her energy and strength had returned and she was given a proper living quarters on Leia's personal Star Destroyer, The Starkiller, Smashbolt was born.  She trained alongside Leia, honing her skills to a lethal edge she'd never known.  Smashbolt discovered in her, an inherent thirst for torture and delight in evil.  She found she craved death, she lusted for blood, and leading the 818th into battle against those she once called her comrades, brought her a joy she'd never known.  Her bold blue eyes sparkled in the fires that burned amid the battlefield.  Her porcelain facial structure was a perfect facade for the baneful soul.

     "You seem rather pleased with yourself," mused Darth Leia, as she strode up to her protoge.  Leia carried herself with a confidence unmatched by any of these Rebel scum.  She strode up, her hips swaying with each step, an evil grin plastered across her black lips.  Her eyes glowed with a violent purple, evidence that her Force powers were at critical mass.  It was truly terrifying to behold when she would unleash those powers from within.  Smashbolt couldn't help but stand in awe of Leia's glory.  Leia's body glistened with wet blood, evidence of her slaughter through the ranks of lower level soldiers in the Rebellion.  Her two lightsabers, glowed with their mulberry blades ignited.  It was such a joy to fight alongside her mistress and the Feartroopers, who were handpicked by Leia herself from the most brutal and evil Stormtroopers among the ranks.  "Are you having fun, killing these little maggots?"

     "Yes, Mistress Leia.  These new blasters you blessed me with are terrific!  Highly accurate and incredibly deadly.  I'm getting plenty of use from them today.  How goes the push for the headquarters?  Have the Commandos breached their defenses yet?"

     "Ah, so eager my young friend," smirked Darth Leia.  "The Commandos have indeed breached the front lines and are destabilizing the integrity of the base.  We should have the leaders of this world in our grasp in no time.
     "How may I serve you, my Mistress?  How can I bring you joy," pleaded Smashbolt.  "Shall I slay an entire squad of Rebels single handed?  Shall I slot any trying to escape from the hillside?"

     "You have done well, my dear Smashbolt.  I am most pleased with your progress on the battlefield.  Currently, the Feartroopers are feigning a retreat, drawing out the reserve battalions.  When they enter the field, another garrison of the 818 will come in behind and cut off their escape.   Once that happens, I wish for you to fight along side me, and then we will have some fun!, said Leia.

     "Your will be done, Mistress," purred Smashbolt, as she checked the power packs of her DL-44s and locked them in ready.  It's time to kill more worthless Rebels.  The grin was unstoppable.

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2010, 09:45:55 PM »
woow man this is awesome!!!!

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2010, 02:17:45 AM »
wow words fail me !
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #23 on: July 24, 2010, 06:57:38 AM »
First leia now Smashbolt

Why do the good go so bad???!!!!

Offline beige-4

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #24 on: July 24, 2010, 12:35:41 PM »
better than no 1 bestsellers .!!!!!! ill buy the bloody book

Offline Phatty

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #25 on: July 24, 2010, 04:44:06 PM »
Thanks guys!  I have an endgame in mind for this whole thing, and I'm really liking the direction of this story so far.  The mindset I have for this story is a dark, bloody, violent story.  I may work on more this weekend.

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #26 on: July 25, 2010, 06:59:32 PM »
     The Stormtroopers continued to pour from every nook and cranny along the countryside, an almost never ending hoard of white armor.  Red blaster lit up the daylight sky like a Zeltronian meteor shower.  Smashbolt stood side by side with Darth Leia, cutting down Stormtroopers like saplings being harvested.  Both women were fine tuned killing machines, turning and firing, spinning and slashing, kicking and punching anything that came near her.  Their bodies glistening with sweat, gleaming in the sunshine.  Their cruel smiles could not be ignored, spread across their lips, worn with a delight found in children.

     Leia's twin purple lightsabers arced through the air, the burning ozone roiling into the sky as she slaughtered the puny Stormtroopers by the dozens.  Each stroke of her blades either ended the life of a hapless soldier, or deflected a blaster bolt.  The efficiency of her Force induced battle trance was a measure of lethal not seen since the days of the Great Sith War.  Blood spattered her glossy black garb and dripped off her bare skin as it mixed with the sweat.  "Lord Vader can send as many of his useless soldiers as he sees fit, I will have his head this day!" exclaimed the Dark Lady as she stabbed the tip of her blade through the eye of the nearest Stormtrooper's helmet.

     "Leave these insolent bastards to me, Mistress.  Go after Darth Vader and I'll cover your advancement," giggled Smashbolt as she fired off rapid shots in an ever expanding outwards arc as she mowed down an advancing squadron of Scout Troopers.  Even as they fell, the onyx armored woman spun one hundred and eighty degrees to plant her boot heel in the chest of an advancing Trooper.  A hail of blaster file erupted on her seven, but evem as they left the barrels of their owner's rifles, Smashbolt executed a mid-air barrel roll out of the way and laid down a barrage of return fire.  "I've said it before, my Lady, and I'll say it again: these DL-44 blasters you gifted upon me are stellar!"

     The steady stream of Troopers came to a screaming halt, their blasters silenced across the battlefield.  The lethal ladies gathered themselves, falling into a defensive back-to-back stance, surveying the field for the cause of the sudden cease in aggression.  In unison, their eyes fell upon a black clad figure, standing tall, striding their way.  His visage hidden behind a horrible mask, his black cape flowing ominously behind him.  Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith had arrived.  "Did you truly think you could defeat me, young lady?  Have you learned nothing from our last encounter?" breathed Vader as he ignited his ruby red lightsaber, bringing it's full length to bear on the women.

     "As we've practiced, Smashbolt.  I want the killing stroke for myself. Do NOT fail me," growled Leia.  Her fury began to spiral, her anger growing in intensity, her hatred swallowing the landscape, retaining only the visage of her father.  "It is over now, father.  No longer are you the Master.  I have surpassed you in power, in ability.  It is the way of the Sith, and it is time for you to die!"  The Force poured from her in a terrifying display of raw power.  The purple hue in her violent Force abilities streamed from her eyes like an orchid fire, blazing with intensity.  She focused her energies into a Force Storm of incredible proportions, hurtling a barrage of lightning bolts at Lord Vader.

     At that instant, Smashbolt peeled off from Leia's side to begin a distracting strafing fire alongside Vader's profile, trying to make him decide between deflecting her blaster fire or Leia's Force Storm.  Smashbolt gritted her teeth as she poured her strength into her acrobatic fury of leaps, flips, contortions, and rolls, all in an effort to keep Vader's focus strained to it's limit while she shot off round after round from her twin blasters, reloading new power packs with frightening speed.

     With hardly an effort, Vader used his free hand to deflect every single blaster bolt that came his way, all the while entangling the lightning bolts from Leia's Force Storm with his lightsaber, easily parrying them aside.  With a push from his lightsaber hand, he pushed the Force Storm right back at Leia, who in turn swallowed the energies back into herself.  With the other hand, Vader used a Force grip to grab Smashbolt right out of the air and hurled her into the ground.  "Surely, you can do better than that, daughter.  If that is the best you have, then perhaps I've chosen the wrong apprentice.  This time, I'll do more than crush your bones, I'll crush your life.  But not before I humiliate, break, and kill your pet.  I shall delight in torturing her before your very eyes, and then killing you bo--!"  The air from what was left of Vader's lungs suddenly left him as the boot from Smashbolt came careening into his back, throwing him forward.

     The opening was well planned, and even better executed.  Even before the strike had landed, Leia had built up her Force powers to focus her into muscles, moving with lightning speed.  She leaped into the air, screaming down on Vader with both sabers ignited, all the while Smashbolt rained down a series of punches, kicks, and pushes to distract him.  The ploy worked, and as Smashbolt landed a bone crushing elbow into Vader's ribs, shattering that same elbow, Leia landed in front of her father.  Vader's head rolled across the blood-stained battlefield, his body crumpling to the ground.  Victory was Leia's.  She was now the Master.  Only one man stood in her way, and she knew she had a lot more preparing to do before she could consider that.

     "Computer, end simulation," said Darth Leia to no one in particular.  Suddenly, the scenery disolved, her father's body evaporated.  What was once an epic battlefield, with mounds of bodies strewn about soaked into blood, was now a pristine white training room.  "This simulation went well, Smashbolt, but we were lucky.  Even the simulation was able to shrug off my Force abilities, and your distractions were less than helpful.  We have much work to do before we proceed.  Go and rest, my dear.  We will be leaving tomorrow for a new mission.  You'll need your energy.

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #27 on: July 26, 2010, 11:12:07 AM »
this is a really cool chapter manĀ°

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2010, 12:22:26 PM »
Talk about anger problems.
Great job pat.

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2010, 02:22:30 PM »
Whoa, that was intense!