Author Topic: In My Father's Footsteps  (Read 18662 times)

Offline Phatty

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #120 on: May 16, 2011, 07:41:55 AM »
Oh, I definitely know how this will end and who shall survive it.  It's just writing it all down that's taking so long.  It took me 4 hours to write what I had last night, so I'm not sure how long the finale will take.  I'm going to be swamped for the next 2 weeks, so I'm not sure when I'll get to tackle the next chapter, but when I do, I think you'll all like it!

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #121 on: May 19, 2011, 07:10:03 PM »
Pat, awesome work man! I love this story!

Offline Tamer

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #122 on: May 19, 2011, 07:42:34 PM »
Pat, awesome work man! I love this story!

Me too. We talked a bit about this on CAFN tonight! I haven't picked up another SW book since I started reading your novels Pat. Wish someone would hire you full time to write so we could get lots of good stuff. If you do get that novel job though you have to promise to finish the RC novels please.

Offline Phatty

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #123 on: May 20, 2011, 04:44:18 AM »
LOL!  Yeah, I still need to figure out who to submit this to for consideration and whatnot, and that would be AWESOME to get paid to write this stuff.

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #124 on: May 20, 2011, 05:49:08 AM »
LOL!  Yeah, I still need to figure out who to submit this to for consideration and whatnot, and that would be AWESOME to get paid to write this stuff.

Well I hope you know none of us are just doing lip service when we say you need to submit this. I really do enjoy it. When I can envision in my head the scenes and the dialogue trust me you have done a fine job. As everyone knows I have my issues with attention and bouncing all over the place so being able to pull this off with me as an author is an achievement.

I would think perhaps contacting one of the SW Novel Publishers might be an idea or, and this might even get you some quicker communication, email someone on the staff of star wars insider (SW Collecting Magazine) as they seem to be publishing some SW Novellas now. I can get my magazine tonight and send you some email addresses if you would like.

Offline Phatty

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #125 on: May 20, 2011, 07:11:53 AM »
Yes, send me that email address!

Offline Tamer

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #126 on: May 20, 2011, 07:20:16 AM »
Yes, send me that email address!

Count on it, but I want the first autographed copy! LOL.

Offline Phatty

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #127 on: May 20, 2011, 10:04:23 AM »
Done and done!

Offline Phatty

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #128 on: May 28, 2011, 08:19:35 PM »
     Crimson clashed with azure, creating a shower of violet sparks across the grasses of the plains.  The winds seemed to have a life of their own, as their direction changed seemingly on their own whims.  The air crackled and popped with each clash of lightsaber blades, the world surrounding both combatants seemed to fade away as each used the Force in their own ways, both offensive and defensive, in order to gain the upper hand against one another, neither giving pause to the other. 
     "You are as much a fool today as you were all those years ago," bellowed Vader.  "You failed to destroy me before, you failed to hide my daughter from me, and now you will fail in destroying me now."
     "You may look at it any way you wish, my old padawan.  While your discovery of Leia was regrettable, it was her decision to turn to the Dark Side, so she was no better than you.  Neither of you will leave this battlefield today," said Obi-Wan Kenobi evenly.  "Your prattle will not sway me, as Palpatine's obviously did you."
     "You know nothing of what The Emperor can do, or is capable of," growled Vader as he brought his lightsaber down on Kenobi's head with a powerful swing.  The aged Jedi Master sidestepped the Sith Lord's attack, batting it aside with his own lightsaber and returning with a backhanded attack.  "He is more powerful than either of us, and is the supreme master of the Force.  He defeated Master Yoda with ease and brought the end of the Jedi Order."  Vader swatted aside Kenobi's retaliation, stepping sideways, keeping his lightsaber in front of him.  "The few of you who remain will not leave this battle today, thus ending your diseased teachings for good."
     "As long as the Sith remain, so shall those who choose to follow the Light, Anakin," said Obi-Wan.  The venerable Jedi moved in with a flurry of rapid attacks, trying to push the Sith Lord backwards onto his heels.  Sensing the onyx clad combatant's reversal, Kenobi threw up his hand, thrusting with the Force in an attempt to knock Darth Vader onto his back.  Stepping widely backwards to broaden his stance, Vader countered Kenobi's Force push with one of his own.  Both combatants used all of the Force energy they possessed, building up more and more pressure between the two.  If either were to flinch, they would surely be hurled backwards, giving the other the advantage.  Kenobi stared into the dark, empty shells that were the 'eyes' of Vader's fearsome mask, his brow even and calm, his face serene.  Vader loomed over Kenobi, his 'face' not flinching, never leaving the gaze of Kenobi.  Neither man showed any signs of withdrawl, no sign of fatigue.
     A true master of the Dark Side, powerful in the ways of the Force and a student of subterfuge, Vader reached out with the force and gathered a mass of rocks from around them and hurled them at Obi-Wan, sure to split his focus and give Vader the advantage.  "You are no match for the power of the Dark Side, Obi-Wan," chided the Sith.  The shower of sediment rained down upon Obi-Wan with force and speed, randomly assaulting the elder Jedi.
     Yet the Jedi would not be put off by this new attack.  His arm still outstretched, matching the intensity of the Dark Lord's Force push, his other arm skillfully deflected each and every stone.  Much like an artists wields a brush, or an author handles a pen, Obi-Wan flourished his lightsaber.  "Your trickery will only take you so far, Vader," grinned Obi-Wan.  Just then, Obi-Wan sensed through the Force, Vader's release of his Force push.  With that much Force potential built up against Vader's push, the sudden shift would send him headfirst into Vader's grasp, sending all advantage Vader's way.  Immediately, Kenobi released his Force push as well, therefore maintaining his sure footing.  With speed that would rival a podrace, both men were locked once again, lightsaber against lightsaber.
     The ensuing swordplay would be recorded by any who had a brief moment to witness it.  Truly a battle to be inducted into the Jedi Archives, were they to still exist, the engagement was hard fought and versant, both men flourishing their lightsabers with skill and precision.  Each thrust, every parry, every feint was displayed like a finely choreographed dance.  A kick here, a punch there, all countered without a second thought.  Red and blue fireworks lit up the sky like fireworks, the vibrant colors dancing off the armor of Vader and gleaming in the sweat off of Kenobi's skin.

Offline Phatty

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #129 on: October 16, 2011, 08:44:50 PM »
     Luke watched the battle rage before him.  As far as his eyes could see, troopers were clashing with both blaster and blade, fist and boot.  Hundreds, if not thousands, lay dead and dying, while still more battled on.  Air support darted across the sky, brilliant streaks of metal and laser congealing among the clouds and pale blue sky.  TIE fighters roared above as they chased down X-Wings, and vice verse.  Dazzling explosions rocked the treetops as ships on both sides were torpedoed, shrapnel borne of devastated vessels raining down on the battlefield.  Even tuned in completely with the Force, Luke could not discern who was winning and who was losing.  He supposed that in the end, no one really won.  If the Empire were to fall, the Rebel Alliance would then be thrust into a governing body, trying to make sense of the chaos with which the Empire had ruled the known Galaxy.  Their task would be a daunting one, and with their personnel already so thin, battles like this one decimated their ranks even further.  Putting the last of the Jedi on the line, as they were now, only further showed the desperation and earnestness with which the Alliance now approached these battles.  They must give it their all, they must use every resource at their disposal, if they have any hope of winning.  
     Through the Force, Luke could feel the consciousness of many, if not most of the combatants here today.  Those he focused hardest on were the other Jedi and Sith on the battlefield.  He was familiar with those of Master Jade and Master Kenobi.  They were all he knew from the time he was but a small child.  He had no parents, only the Force, and those who trained him to use it.  Both Masters led solitary lives, secluded from most of the Alliance unless they were called upon.  Where Master Kenobi was older, Master Jade was younger by far.  Luke didn't know exactly how old she was, but he can remember her being almost a child herself when she began to assist Master Kenobi in his teachings.  She was distant with Luke, however, as if she were always trying to keep him at arms length.  Luke never really understood why, but he respected her wishes.  He followed her teachings, and as she was a Jedi Master and General for the Alliance, Luke had no choice but to follow her orders.  Obi-Wan often told Luke to do exactly that.  He had insights to Master Jade that Luke never could, so Luke patiently respected both Masters' wishes.
     The other two combatants on the field, the Sith, were strange to him.  Raw, unadulterated, passion, hatred, and rage emanated from the pair in waves that rippled through the Force, lapping at Luke like waves on the shore.  From Vader, immense power radiated off of his onyx armor like solar flares from a dazzling sun.  Yet for as incredibly powerful as Vader was, the sense he got from his Apprentice, Darth Leia was even greater.  Her ability to summon a violet firestorm of Force potential around her was as awesome to behold as he was told his ability to generate his own viridian Force Storm is.  There was something familiar feeling coming from both Sith, something that struck Luke in a strange way that he couldn't comprehend.  He would have to remember to ask Master Kenobi about that, as the constant pull at his psyche through the Force was unshakable.  He continued to watch Darth Leia as she conducted her symphony of death and destruction, slicing through the ranks of Rebel troopers.  Even more disturbing was the fact that as she did so, she never took her eyes off of Master Jade, a wicked smile painted almost permanently across her cruel, black lips.  The foreboding in the Force was mounting.
     Occasionally, a blaster bolt would rip towards Luke as he stood far behind the battle, up on a hilltop.  Growing weary of easily batting them away with his lightsaber, Luke eventually erected a Force Shield of green energy around himself, easily deflecting, and even dissolving the bolts as they struck the jade barrier.  The occasional Stormtrooper or Deathtrooper would take their shots at him, and were quickly felled in battle by one of his fellow troopers, or Master Jade herself.  Luke didn't know how she was able to split her focus as much as she was.  Besides keeping an eye on the battle between Master Kenobi and Darth Vader, she was also watching out for Luke, keeping watch on Darth Leia, the battlefield as a whole, and something else she was keeping a close guard on.  Even for as powerful as Luke was, at least to his Masters, he could not penetrate Master Jade's mind to see what it was she was keeping secret.  Then again, Luke had no reason to tread on his Master's thoughts anyway.  Still, it was quite curious.
     Luke was growing weary of simply watching.  He knew Master Kenobi had his reasons, but he just did not like it.  Why was he special?  Why must he stay behind, watching the epic battle before him unfold?  Every time these thoughts crept into his mind, a familiar warmth covered such thoughts, Master Kenobi's way of reminding Luke to bask in the calm and serenity of the Force.  Luke steadied himself once again and focused his Mind on the battle before him, watching what would one day become an epic tale, worthy of retelling by all who were witness to it.


     Vader continued to rain powerful strikes of crimson upon his mortal enemy.  The hated Jedi before him deflected, defended, and parried every thrust.  Yet while his familiar adversary showed signs of fatigue, Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, fought on with renewed vigor at every turn.  The Jedi relied on the Force to help them in times of need.  Such was a waste of the incredible potential the Force could offer.  Darth Vader commanded the Force to do his bidding.  His anger and passion fueling the storm that was the Force, he willed the Force to renew his tired muscles and aching lungs.  While he didn't know if it were true, Lord Vader was certain that he hadn't even broken a sweat.
     "You know you can never beat me, Kenobi," crackled Darth Vader through the electronic mask he now adorned.  "You grow weak and tired, your command of the Force is nothing compared what the Dark Side can offer."
     "You mistake what your eyes tell you with fatigue, young man," replied Obi-Wan.  "I am no more worn out now than I was at the beginning of our little dance."  Kenobi continued to artfully flourish his azure bladed lightsaber with the same skill and precision of a master artisan, sculptor, or conductor.  His movements were as fluid as were the vast oceans of Kamino, each one as concerted as the next.  "You will not win this day, Darth.  Today, the Sith will be defeated and the Rebel Alliance will be one step closer to overthrowing the Empire."
     "You may be a fool, but surely you cannot be so foolish as to believe that is a possiblitly, old man.  My apprentice and I are more than a match for an old man, a young woman, and a boy," retorted Vader as he moved in quickly and hammered down his blade over Kenobi's head, being batted aside by the elder Jedi.
     The battle continued to rage on, the sharp crackle of their lightsabers as they clashed against each other.  The electric hum of their blades whirred through the burnt air as each thrust, cut, swipe, parry, and riposte filled the airspace surrounding the two swordsmen.  Though he would never admit it to his former protoge, Obi-Wan was wearing down.  He needed to find a weakness in his former pupil's assault and defenses if he were to have any hope of leaving the battlefield alive this day.  Indeed, he had trained this black armored Sith all too well, when Vader was but a student under Obi-Wan's tutelage.  Combined with the twisted and arcane teachings at the feet of Darth Sidious, the new Emperor of the Galactic Empire, Darth Vader was indeed quite powerful.
     Whatever thought that fleeted through Obi-Wan's mind was enough to prove to be his undoing.  His timing may have been off, his deflection slowed by the most minute of fractions, but it was enough.


Offline Phatty

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #130 on: October 16, 2011, 08:45:39 PM »

     The tremor in the Force was unmistakable.  Even before the fateful moment in time happend, Jedi Master Mara Jade could feel its ripple in the Force.  Gathering the Force in one explosive burst, she threw any and all within five hundred feet of her.  She spun around just in time.


     Luke felt the impending horror grip his spine, bathing him in cold, icy fear.  Working hard to cast off such emotion, he shot to his feet, looking with terror across the battlefield at his Master, his mentor, his friend.


     The blood lust gripped Leia as the echo in the Force wrapped itself around her like the finest of silks.  She could feel through the Force what would be the finest day in her father's life.  She viciously cut a squad of Rebel troops in half so that she would be able to witness this moment uninterrupted.


     Lord Vader could taste the blood before he could see it.  As his last swing of his lightsaber was brushed aside, the Force brought to him a momentary lapse in response from the elder Jedi.  That moment was all the Sith Lord needed, as he cut back in a backwards swipe and evaded Kenobi's block.  The resulting momentum carried Vader's blood red blade completely through the venerable Jedi's torso, separating the man in half, slicing his heart clean in half.  Even as Darth Vader's blade emerged from the flesh of his former Master's body, that same body became one with the Force, evaporating from before Vader as if it were the fog being banished by the sunshine.  The green and brown robes that once belonged to one of the greatest Jedi Masters in history wafted to the ground, crumpling into a heap at the Sith Lord's feet.
     Vader reached out with the Force and grabbed his fallen adversary's lightsaber out of the air before it struck the ground, holding it in his off hand in momentary disbelief.  He had done it.  He had destroyed his former master, the self appointed Grand Master of the Jedi.  Today had seen the end of Kenobi, and would soon see the demise of the entire Jedi Order, for if Kenobi would fall to Vader, then none other stood a chance of opposing him.  Throwing his hands up into the air in triumph, the Dark Lord began to bellow with a tremendous roar, his reaction to the victory at hand.


     Master Jade was immediately struck with a sense of grief at her fallen comrade and teacher.  Master Kenobi had been the father to her she never had, the friend she never knew she needed, and the teacher who made her into what she was today.  Reaching out to Luke through the Force, she felt a backlash of grief and anger emanating from the young man.  A dangerous time indeed, she knew she had to retreat.  Already had the Rebels paid a price, larger than they were prepared to pay this day.  They could not afford to lose any more men or Jedi.  Her mission of taking out Darth Leia's confidant and right hand was a success, but they had lost their greatest asset in their struggle against the Empire.  She tried to soothe Luke's anger through the Force, but wasn't making much headway in that effect.
     "Luke, you must not give in to your anger," voiced Mara Jade to Luke through the Force.  "Anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.  Do not become those you have sworn to defend against.  There will come a time when you will face your enemy, but that time is not now."
     "I am trying, Master," replied Luke, gathering his emotions and finding solace in the Force.  He stretched out with his feelings, and could feel that the Force was enriched with his former Master's essence.  Master Obi-Wan Kenobi had become one with the Force, strengthening it in all things, including himself.  "I agree, we should begin our retreat.  Nothing is to be gained from furthering this ba--"
     Luke stopped mid-sentance, a jolt of shock rang out in Mara Jade's mind.  She turned to see what had taken her new pupil by such surprise, and was taken aback herself on what she saw.


     Vader's helmet fell to the ground, rolling away from him and coming to rest up against the rock.  The reflective eyes stared back at the Dark Lord as he stood several feet away.  Yet the eyes would not meet another's eyes this day.  
     Darth Leia stood triumphant behind her father, her violet blade humming at her side.  Her father's weakness had come to light finally, and she had taken full advantage of it.  Her former Master's demise was his emotional link to his former Master, and with the end of Kenobi's life, so came her father's.  The powerful Sith Lord had lowered his defenses, had lost sight of the battle around him, all to revel in the glory of his victory, short as it was.  Leia used that failing to cut her former Master down, just as the Sith Code demanded.  One to possess the power, and a second to covet it.  She slew her father, with no emotion other than elation at his death.  She now only had one obstacle in her way; Darth Sidious was now her Master.  All around her, Stormtroopers stopped their assault in confusion, standing around, hesitant about what to do next.
     "I am now your Master," bellowed Darth Leia.  "I am now the Emperor's Apprentice and you now do my personal bidding.  Destroy the remains of this pitiful rebellion, squash them all beneath your boots.  We shall take no prisoners, we shall allow none to escape.  Any who oppose me will meet the same fate as these traitorous wretches!"  Still glowing in her purpleish, firey form, Darth Leia surveyed the battlefield once again.  She had lost her confidant, Smashbolt, to a Rebel ambush led by that red-haired wench, Mara Jade.  While she had no emotional ties to her former assistant, she had spent quite a bit of time training the girl to become one of the best and brightest assassin in the Empire.  More importantly than that, the girl was Leia's to command, and it was taken from her.  She killed her father in cold blood, and that was demanded by the Sith Code.  She felt no sorrow, no remorse for that.  Vader had earned a worse death than she was able to give this day, but it would suffice.  She could feel events changing, shaping themselves in unforeseen ways through the Force.  She could also feel the presence of her next quarry.
     Turning her head sharply, Darth Leia, the new Dark Lady of the Sith locked eyes with Jedi Master Mara Jade.  Today has seen the end of Kenobi, the end of Darth Vader, and would see the end of the Jedi entirely.  She was certain of it.  The Force said it would be so.  Her cold, dark eyes stared into the brilliant green eyes of the Jedi Master.  Neither flinched, neither batted an eyelash.  Once again, Leia's black lips curled into a sneer, and with that she began to close the gap between her and her adversary.  Cutting a swath through the Rebels who tried to get in her way, all fell from her plum hued lightsaber blade.  She picked up more and more speed until she was only a few yards away, and leaped at the Jedi Master, brandishing her lightsaber before her.
     Mara Jade was prepared for the coming battle, and easily brought her own tangerine colored blade up to block the clumsy advance from the Sith Lady.  Falling immediately into a battle trance, Mara Jade attacked the Sith fast and hard, using every maneuver she had ever learned from Master Kenobi, as well as those she had been taught before she met him.  Kenobi's teachings weren't the only ones she had learned, and she was using those lessons now.  Combining various uses of the Force along with her incredible lightsaber prowess, Mara Jade mounted  a surprising assault against Darth Leia.  The combatants were locked in a furious battle, faster than anything seen before.  But the immediate surprise felt by Darth Leia would fade quickly.  
     "Stupid girl, you won't survive against me," chided Leia.  "I owe you for slaying my Hand.  I put a lot of time and effort into my pet, and she showed a lot of promise."
     "Feeling a little attachment to an actual person" asked Jade.  "I didn't know you Sith cared about anyone."
     "I don't care, bitch.  Caring is better left for Jedi, and other soft minded creatures.  I'm merely annoyed that all that training, all of that time invested in her teachings, was all for nothing now.  I'll have to find a new Hand, and start over, and that's just such a hassle," retorted Leia with heavy sarcasm.  "Then again, once I slay you and the boy over there, there won't be much else to stand in our way.  I'll have plenty of time to do what I please."
     "Even if you were to destroy Luke and I this day, others will always rise to rebel against your tyrannical rule," said Jade as she spun to avoid a thrust from Leia.  She returned with an attack of her own and said, "But your overconfidence is your undoing.  Do not presume to have won already."
     "I grow tired of playing with you, Jade," growled Leia.  "Your kind always believe that you have strength because you believe you are right.  You believe you are just.  You believe in these falsehoods and sleep well at night.  But your beliefs cannot save you from the TRUE power of the Dark Side!"  Erupting into her amaranthine fire, Darth Leia let it flow through her, enriching her muscles and tendons, igniting her neurons and neuropathways in ways that would defy physical descriptions.  Moving faster than than Mara Jade could counter, the tides soon turned against her.  Finding herself at an immediate disadvantage, Mara Jade had no choice but to put herself on the defensive.  Stepping backwards with each attack , Jade trusted in the Force to aid her now against the seemingly inhuman Sith as she attacked with a ferocity and speed that she could not match.
     Yet it was not enough.
     In a blink of an eye, Mara Jade lost her right arm below the elbow.  The searing pain was instantaneous, and just as quickly, was gone as the stump was cauterized by the humming blade of Darth Leia's lightsaber.  Reeling in horror, she gripped her truncated arm, certain of her impending death.  She readied herself and found peace in the Force, just as she sent a telepathic message to Luke to flee.  She could feel the death blow coming through the Force and she steadied herself.  Yet it never came.  Instead, what she felt she couldn't describe.  I swirling mass of confusion, shock, peace, and certainty flooded her senses.  She opened her eyes to see a flash of green as the Sith Lady was knocked back several yards.
     Luke stood before her, blazing in all of his glory.  His green fire roared around him, more powerful than Mara had ever seen it.  She found herself in awe as Luke stood his ground, stronger than she had ever seen him before.  Master Jade looked to find the Sith and found her lying on the ground, dazed and confused.  She hadn't counted on Luke's incredible strength in the Force, and apparently, neither had Mara.
     Using his command of the Force, Luke picked Mara up from the ground and shielded her with his own Force Shield and moved her far away from the battle.  Still taken aback by Luke's mastery of his powers, she wasn't even aware what was happening until she noticed the ground had widened between them.  She tried to struggle against it, but found herself unable to do so.  Luke wanted her away from the battle, and apparently, it would be so.
     Facing the Dark Lady of the Sith, lightsaber ignited, Luke beckoned to her.  "Face me, now," challenged Luke.  "You'll find I'm not such an easy target as you had believed."
     Grinning her evil grin, Leia got back to her feet.  "Boy, you are surprising, to be sure.  The surprise is gone, however, and you have no idea what you're getting in to."  Leia ignited her lightsaber once again and shot herself at Luke, crossing her blade with his.  The sparks showered off of their blades, singeing the ground in purples and greens.

Offline Phatty

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #131 on: October 20, 2011, 01:50:51 PM »
I know it's been awhile since I last wrote for this story, but it's coming to an end soon.  I am thinking I'm going to go back and fill in some gaps, to lengthen the novel and get more in depth with the characters. 

By the way, did you know that a post can only contain 20000 characters?  Neither did I until I tried to post this chapter!  I had to break it up into two parts.

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #132 on: November 25, 2011, 09:20:01 PM »
Awesome man, Kevin Anderson and Kathy Traviss ain't got nothin' on you. smtie Gotta go!  [at1]
Call me master, cause I'm faster on fire.  I no longer have to hotwire, I'm a hunter for hire wit no plans to retire and all the sucka MCs can call me sire!  Screw the Jedi and the Sith.

Offline Phatty

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #133 on: November 25, 2011, 09:59:05 PM »
Thanks!  I didn't know anyone still read this, it's nice to get some feedback.

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Re: In My Father's Footsteps
« Reply #134 on: November 25, 2011, 10:14:58 PM »
Woow pat this is awesome, incredible really!
