Author Topic: The Khommite  (Read 1518 times)

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The Khommite
« on: January 13, 2010, 06:59:00 PM »
INFO: The Khommites were a Near-Human species hailing from the planet Khomm.

RACE: Khommite
HEIGHT: 1.2 to 2.0 Meters Tall
SKIN: Green to grey
LANGUAGE: Galactic Basic Standard

Khomm was a planet in the Khomm system on the edge of the Deep Core with wide blue seas, great land masses, and an abundance of oxygen. It was the home planet to the Khommites and the Khommite striders.

The Khommites possessed a culture of conformity, with a society that had remained unchanged for a millennium. They decided they had reached the pinnacle of their civilization in 990 BBY, so life on the planet remained static. Through the Khomm Central Population Planning, all of the citizens of Khomm were clones of previous generations. A clone of each person of each subsequent generation was created to ensure the continuation of their species.

The cities on Khomm were mathematically perfect grids, with square housing and gardens, all preplanned. The animal population of Khomm was also genetically controlled by the Khommites. If a visitor landed on Khomm, its dullness could literally make one crazy.

After his graduation from the Chandrilan Academy of Sciences, Shi'ido scientist Borborygmus Gog infiltrated the reclusive cloner ranks of Khomm to learn from them.

During the Clone Wars, Khomm remained loyal to the Galactic Republic. However, war-time cloning restrictions were difficult for the Khommites to live with.

One Khommite, Dorsk 81, left Khomm to study at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum because he discovered his Force abilities, doing something that generations before him did not do. When he returned, his predecessor, Dorsk 80, wished him to return to his old job, but he was trying to warn Khomm of an Imperial attack on Khomm. Refusing to listen, the Khommites did nothing until the planet was attacked, killing thousands and reducing their cities to rubble. It is unknown what became of Khomm after the attack, though it is known that two of Dorsk 81's clones, Dorsk 82 and Dorsk 83, came to train at the Jedi Praxeum, it is even more unknown what became of Khomm during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Fauna on Khomm included the Khommite strider.

Circa 1,000 BBY the Khommite people achieved a level of cloning technology far surpassing that of the rest of the galaxy. Believing that their society had achieved perfection, people of Khomm began the cloning of "perfect" individuals, allowing their society to remain unchanged for the next millennium. Khommites' digestive systems were so specified that they could only eat processed food wafers.

The Khommite view Force sensitivity as an undesirable fluke, the Khommites endeavored to remove the trait from their species. Despite this fact the trait would occasionally surface, as in the case of Dorsk 81, a Khommite Jedi Knight. The Khommites were rigidly conformist in their views, and saw any disruption of the status quo as a threat to their way of life.

In 12 ABY, Admiral Daala ordered an attack on Khomm, when it was discovered that the Jedi Dorsk 81 and Kyp Durron had visited the planet. Colonel Cronus carried out the order with Crimson Command, devastating the planet and its population, forcing the Khommites to do something they had not done in centuries—adapt.

CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:7:01 Edition (Picture only)
Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight (Mentioned only)
I, Jedi
Dark Apprentice (First appearance)
Champions of the Force
Jedi Academy: Leviathan
Star Wars: Union
Edge of Victory I: Conquest

The Essential Guide to Alien Species
The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons
Ultimate Alien Anthology
Power of the Jedi Sourcebook
Who's Who in the New Jedi Order
Cloning in the Databank

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.