Author Topic: The Gung  (Read 8683 times)

Offline Cimter

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The Gung
« on: January 12, 2010, 08:31:54 PM »
INFO: The Gungans were humanoids native to the planet of Naboo. Prior to the Invasion of Naboo, the Gungans were a largely isolationist society. The Gungans were able to combine machinery with biology. Individuals were called a Gung (eg. Militiagung)

RACE: Gung
HEIGHT: 1.8 to 1,9 Meters Tall
SKIN: Brown to green
DISTINCTION: Extendable tongues, long ears
LANGUAGE: Old gungan, gunganese


Naboo (pronounced /ne'bu/) - was a planet that was the sector capital of the Chommell Sector near the Outer Rim territories. It was a largely unspoilt world with large plains and forests and oceans. It was mostly known as the homeworld of notable historical figures who played major roles in the downfall of the Old Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire, namely Padmé Amidala, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and Jar Jar Binks.

Ohma-D'un - Ohma-D'un, also known as the Water Moon, was the largest moon of Naboo.  Gungans settled it shortly after the Invasion of Naboo. Boss Nass sent Obi-Wan Kenobi, Queen Amidala, Jar Jar Binks, and R2-D2 to the moon prior to the arrival of the Gungans. Obi-Wan and Amidala were to set up a stable ecosystem that could support a Gungan city. Amidala and Obi-Wan went to the moon in a Mantaris-class amphibious medium transport and were given a sacred animal called the Kresch, which acted as a field guide to wildlife. The Gungans packed the transport with many different types of Naboo animals and plants to populate the moon, such as tusk cats, shaaks, and kaadu. Humans also established spice mines on the moon. It was where the defense of Naboo was fought during the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, resulting in the entire Gungan colony almost being wiped out by a poison gas developed by Jenna Zan Arbor. Victor Flight of the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps often made runs out to the moon.

Ohma-D'un, also known as the Water Moon, was the largest moon of Naboo.  

The Gungans were separated into two races: the lanky orange or purple-skinned Otolla race, and the heavier green-skinned Ankura race. However, they all exhibited many of the same physical traits.

Starting life as tadpoles, Gungans developed into tall beings with extremely flexible cartilaginous skeletons (composed of resilient cartilage). Strong leg muscles allowed for powerful and quick frog-kick style swimming through water as well as a remarkable jumping ability while on land. Fin-like ears (called haillu) also aided them in swimming, as well as expressing emotions like aggression, friendship, and fear. They had partially retractable eyestalks with nictitating membranes when underwater.

Expressive faces and long bills with flaring nostrils were signatures of Gungan physiology. Lengthy muscular tongues and large blunt teeth allowed them to eat lesser amphibians, while a layer of tough skin on the head allowed for burrowing. A Gungan's arms ended in four digits, and their feet had three stubby toes. Females were smaller with sleeker faces and tended to tie their ears back. As male Gungans aged some, like Roos Tarpals, developed prominent whiskers, resembling catfish whiskers.
Jar Jar Bink's long tongue.

Gungans had nostrils that sealed when they entered the water. They also boasted very strong lungs, allowing them to both hold their breath for extended periods of time and to withstand the pressure of deep water, along with well-padded kneecaps and powerful calves and legs for increased swimming speed. However, because they were so well-adapted to their watery environment, their skin dried easily in hot and arid climates, which Jar Jar Binks experienced during his visit to Tatooine. The Gungans appeared to be related to the Gungan Glurrgs, whom they used as a worker caste in their society.

Long ago, explorers on Naboo discovered the Gung Slabs, a set of ancient stones engraved with Olys Corellisi on one side and Old Gungan on the reverse. These relics, coupled with the work of philologist Burro Flats of the Baobab Archives, helped the galaxy to better understand the culture and language of the Gungan people.

The later Gungan language was largely a pidgin dialect that most users fluent in Basic could understand. Gunganese, as it was commonly referred to, combined slightly-altered Basic words with the occasional Old Gungan term (i.e. "Seeks doopeewees isa berry good" is translated as "Six landspeeders are very good.")

Utilizing their own unique phraseology, Gungans established a rather successful history of scholarly excellence, albeit unknown to the galaxy at large. Among their achievements include the epic poem Das Depu Epu Sea, or Deep Dark Water. This ode to Da Beauty Al'Round was a source of great pride to these noble beings.

Gungan alpha-males often exhibited a series of oral clicks when aggravated or angered. The Gungan military was made up of mostly male vounteers.

Gungans were basically a generous and peaceful people until the droids came and invaded. They loved to have vistors, and welcomed them with love and kindness; however, Gungans would be suspicious of them until the visitors had earned their respect.

Also, Gungans were not tolerant of anyone who threatened their peaceful culture. They had very strict laws, and would go to the extremes to punish anyone who had committed a minor crime. Vandals, for example, could be given a sentence of exile, caning, or even stoning.

If a Gungan was cast out of society, it was very difficult for them to return. If they did manage to return, they would often be subjected to large amounts of discrimination. This could make life very difficult for them and could go on for months or years, until their past offenses disappeared from memory. Gungans were also known to produce Force-sensitive children, at least one was considered as a candidate for a Jedi Order.

The Gungans worshiped a pantheon of deities, many of which were forces of nature. The chief deity and creator of all life was called Oma-Oma.

Like the Wookiees and Srrors'tok, the Gungans believed in the concept of the life debt. Under Gungan tradition, if the life of a Gungan was saved by another, that Gungan's life belonged to their savior. A known example was Jar Jar Binks' life debt to Qui-Gon Jinn. According to Gungan tradition, the gods lived in a beautiful underwater city called Ossorus, protected by enchanted sando aqua monsters and giant Gungan warriors on their kaadu mounts.

Monuments and ruins, scattered throughout the planet, were built by the Elders. The largest of these ruins, located on the northern edge of the Lianorm Swamp, was identified as the Sacred Place. The Gungans viewed these ruins as sacred, and their builders as "guds". A number of extremist Gungan religious groups existed, such as the Muskegs and the Ultragungans.

The Gungans were believed to be indigenous to Naboo, but this is uncertain. Because of their cloven feet, biologists believe the Gungans, wherever their original home, evolved originally as land-dwellers.

On Naboo, evidence of Gungan habitation extended for ages, as there are records of battles of survival with the woolly veermoks during an ice age around 500,000 BBY. However, the primary reason they developed warfare technology was the threat of the bursas that often attacked their settlements. The Gungans assembled a "Grand Army" to meet this threat, eventually driving the bursas into extinction. Their technology was peculiar in that everything, from tools to structures is not constructed, but "grown", each device being therefore organically unique.

Ancient starfarers told tales of great Gungan migrations across the plains of Naboo prior to their shift to more aquatic environments. The reason most commonly accepted for their flight to the water revolves around an alien civilization of reptilian humanoids remembered as the "Elders", who colonized Naboo around 7,032 BBY. They engaged in warfare with the Gungans, forcing them to retreat underwater, giving rise to modern Gungan civilization. Undoubtedly, the presence of healthful underwater plants and tasty gumfish did much to solidify their change in lifestyle.

The Ankura and Otolla branches of Gungans united, forming a symbiotic relationship. They dominated Naboo for millennia afterwards, though largely keeping to the swamps and waterways; the mountains and grasslands were considered 'desert-like'.

About 3,032 BBY, Gungans were separated in tribes that fought against each other (War of Gungan Tribes), until united under Boss Gallo. Gungans from various cities migrated to a new large city, Otoh Gunga, which was the major and capital city of Naboo (as far as Gungans were concerned).

The Gungans and the Human inhabitants of Naboo did not get along, as the Gungans believed the Naboo to be pompous cowards while the Naboo believed the Gungans to be barbarians. This attitude lasted until Queen Amidala united the Gungans and Naboo to fight the Trade Federation in the Battle of Naboo. Gungans, over the millennia of Human presence, have developed their own dialect based on their language, called Gungan Basic.

After the Battle of Naboo, the Gungans attained representation in the Galactic Republic Senate through Representative Jar Jar Binks. The Gungans also colonized the moon of Ohma-D'un, due to overcrowding on Naboo. A number of extremist Gungans colonized Naboo's other moon, Rori, at about the same time. During the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, a CIS biological weapon known as the "Swamp Gas" was unleashed on Ohma-D'un and wiped out much of the population. Later, a Jedi task force defeated the CIS forces on the moon during the Battle of Ohma-D'un, thus saving Naboo.

Following the end of the war, the newly formed Galactic Empire established a presence on Naboo. Fearing enslavement, the Gungans went into semi-seclusion. However, a few served the Rebel Alliance aboard Tantive V and they did come to the aid of the people of the city of Theed in temporarily ousting the Imperial presence. At least one Gungan worked on the nearby Rori Space Station. After the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Gungans and the Humans of Naboo banded together once more to oust the Imperial presence from their world, reclaiming the world as free for both species. As a result, the species began traveling in much larger numbers, across Naboo and the galaxy. During the New Republic era, the Chommell Sector was represented by a Gungan Senator.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 08:39:10 PM by Cimter »

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Re: The Gung
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2010, 08:32:19 PM »

Naboo was a geologically unique world in the galaxy. A plasmic molten outer core surrounded an inner core, believed to be composed primarily of a nickel-iron alloy, with very small amounts of some other elements. These elements were found in abundance in other chemical compositions in the galaxy, but it is the unique properties of the plasma which interested astrophysicists, plasma which the two primary civilizations harnessed to supply clean and efficient energy highly valued throughout the galaxy.

The plasmic magma "seethes and bubbled" from the center of the planet carving labyrinths of winding tunnels and caverns similar to lava tubes of traditional magma flows. Much of these abyssal labyrinths were submerged in great underground oceans, which were home to immense aquatic animals and creatures that were never seen on the surface. Animals such as the Colo Claw Fish, Opee Sea Killer, Sando Aqua Monster, and others inhabited this underworld realm. Gungans dominated these "underwaterways," using them as a highway of sorts between their surface Holy Places and their underwater cities.

Plasmic eruptions found their way to the porous crust of the planet, affecting geographic features there such as mountain chains and plate tectonics.

The surface of Naboo was covered by dense swamps, rolling grass plains, seas and verdant hills. The largest mountain chain, the Gallo Mountains, bisected the largest continent and divided the great grass plains of the north from the Lianorm Swamp and bayous in the south. South of the Lianorm Swamp was the great Paonga Sea, where at the bottom lay the Gungan city of Otoh Gunga. The Lake Country was an area known for its natural beauty, and was home to many vacation estates.

Bursa (semi-sentient), Gungan, Glurrg, Human, Amaran.

Aiwha, Aquanna, Beck-tori, Blarth, Borgle bat, Bursa, Cerrabore, Clodhopper, Colo claw fish, Duck, Dunsenn, Faa, Falumpaset, Fambaa, Fanback, Fatfish, Galoomp, Goff, Gooberfish, Gorg, Gualaar, Gualama, Guarlara, Gumfish, Hohokum, Igitz, Jaboon, Jimvu, Kaadu, Kreetle, Kresch, Laa, Lerraa, Mee, Mott, Muudabok, Narglatch, Nuna, Nyork, Ollopom, Opee sea killer, Otta, Peko-peko, Pom-hopper, Ray, Recyclopper,   Sando aqua monster, Saw-toothed grank, Scalefish, See, Shaak, Shaupaut, Shiro, Shiro trap, Slaatik hagworm, Swift, Tooke, Tee, Tusk cat, Twirrl, Veermok, Voorpak, Woolly veermok, Yobshrimp, Zalaaca, Zeer

The Gungans were believed to be indigenous to Naboo, but this is uncertain. They have been there a long time, as they engaged in battles of survival with the veermoks during an ice age in some time around 500,000 BBY.

An alien civilization of reptilian humanoids remembered as the "Elders" colonized Naboo. Around 7,032 BBY, they engaged in warfare with the Gungans, forcing the Gungans to retreat underwater, giving rise to modern Gungan civilization. Monuments and ruins, scattered throughout the planet, were built by the Elders. The largest of these ruins, located on the northern edge of the Lianorm Swamp, was identified as the Gungan Holy Place. The Gungans viewed these ruins as sacred, and their builders as "guds". Both Gungan and Human Naboo scientists agreed that the end of the "Elder" civilization, 5,032 BBY, may have been the result of the "Elders" negligence towards their environment.

The Ankura and Otolla branches of Gungans united, forming a symbiotic relationship. They dominated Naboo for millennia afterwards, though largely keeping to the swamps and waterways; the mountains and grasslands considered 'desert-like' for them.

Around 3,951 BBY, prior to the end of the Sith Civil War, Elsinore den Tasia ascended to the throne of the Core World of Grizmallt. She sponsored the Republic explorer Kwilaan, who discovered Naboo with a fleet of three ships—Beneficent Tasia, Constant and Mother Vima. The planet quickly became notorious amongst big game hunters who favored the indigenous veermoks, although it would be five decades before permanent Human settlement.

Eventually, in approximately 3,900 BBY, Human refugees fleeing a violent revolution on Grizmallt, led by none other than Kwilaan, settled in the mountains and great grass plains. Some believe that Naboo was originally a Gungan word for "plainsfolk." Cultural differences led to tension between the two peoples—but direct conflict was rare. Over time, there was more conflict between the various Human settlements than between the Human nation of Naboo and Gungans.

The Gungans long lived in rival cities. In 3,032 BBY, a warlord known as Rogoe destroyed Otoh Sancture using Bursas. Boss Gallo escaped this destruction, being on a hunt at the time to provide food for a feast. Gallo united the thieves under rogue Captain Marsune and the various Gungan cities' defense forces to form the Gungan Grand Army. Gallo and Marsune led the Army to conquer Rogoe's capital, Spearhead, which he renamed Otoh Gunga—a city for all the Gungans. The Bosses of Otoh Gunga, including Gallo's descendant Rugor Nass, maintained a hierarchical leadership over the Bosses of the other cities thenceforth.

Despite the prejudices that existed between the Human Naboo and the Gungans, cooperation was not unknown. Although both civilizations turned a blind eye to it, they came to depend on each other in trade conducted on the fringes, out of sight of "respectable" society. In a progressive move, when the Human city Kaadara was founded in 2,900 BBY, Regent Kallos Sook hired a Gungan security force to protect the city from beasts. While this tradition eventually died out, it was revived in Kaadara after the Battle of Naboo in 32 BBY.

Colonization of Rori
King Narmlé the Explorer colonized Naboo's swampy moon of Rori, c.2,000 BBY. A city there still bears his name. Some scientists contended that earlier colonists settled Rori before the Narmle colony, but if this was true, no trace of them was ever found.

The Jafan dynasty of Theed
In 1,000 BBY, a crisis led to a large scale conflict engulfing all the Human Naboo princely city states, though there was no evidence of Gungan participation. By 830 BBY Jafan ended the conflict, uniting all Naboo under his leadership becoming King of all Naboo, and founding Theed as his capital in 832 BBY. Jafan ushered in the "Great Time of Peace", and established Theed (previously a farming community along the banks of the river Solleu) as his Royal Capital, eclipsing Dee'ja Peak. Jafan established the Jafan royal family which would provide hereditary rulers of Naboo for generations, until the last of their line expired without legitimate issue.

The Gungan Naboo War
The Naboo and Gungans fought an open war between 150 BBY and 121 BBY, and during the conflict, the ruler of Naboo died. Once hereditary within the Jafan royal family, the Naboo elected a new monarch to lead them in the war. The position of monarch has since been an elected post. However, provisions in the constitution allows for the monarchy to become again hereditary once a dynasty worthy enough is revealed; a clause the Naboo attempted to invoke hundreds of years later for Amidala, who had declined the offer, and later with Kylantha, who may have accepted the offer.

The First Invasion of Naboo
In 100 BBY, the Gungan Grand Army fought off unknown invaders of Naboo. As a result, the Gungan tribes were united even closer than they were after the War of Gungan Tribes thousands of years before.

Palpatine's Rise to Power
Palpatine was born on Naboo in 82 BBY. While the circumstances remain unclear, he became a Dark Lord of the Sith secretly known as Darth Sidious, originally the apprentice of Darth Plagueis. In 52 BBY, he arranged for the assassination of Vidar Kim, and was elected as his replacement as Chommell Sector's Senator. Palpatine's manipulations eventually led to him overthrowing the Republic itself, drastically altering Naboo culture along the way. After the formation of the New Order, many Naboo secretly opposed Palpatine's oppressive and humanocentric policies.

Amidala's Rise to Power
By King Veruna's reign (47 BBY) Naboo had become a major player in the interstellar plasma energy trade market. Long known as a source of plasma (the energy source powered everything from simple lights to great Gungan underwater cities and capital starships), high grade plasma veins were discovered below the streets of Theed.

The discovery led to King Veruna and (then) Senator Palpatine to build a great plasma mining and refining facility in the heart of the capital discreetly hidden in a neo-classical Naboo facade, as well as the commercial Kwilaan Starport in Keren, c. 38 BBY. The Intergalactic Banking Clan financed the construction. As the insular Naboo traditionally held an aversion to off world trade they agreed to have the powerful Trade Federation buy the plasma at fixed prices. However, the Federation took advantage of the Naboo's naiveté and sold the plasma for greatly marked up prices, selling the Naboo short.

Once realizing the inequitable trading treaty, the Naboo protested and wished to be free of the contract. King Veruna, never wanting the trade agreement with the Federation in the first place, sensed the upcoming military conflict. Veruna expanded the role of the Space Fighter Corps (a division of the RSF) and founded the N-1 starfighter squadron. Theed Hangar was built next to the refining station to house the new military forces. This move was unpopular on Naboo, as these precautions were perceived as provocative posturing.

With a parochial populace unhappy with the king's military expansion, populist Senator Palpatine orchestrated for the king to become embroiled with an interstellar diplomatic scandal, and Veruna was forced to abdicate in favor of Padmé Naberrie (who took the formal name Amidala). Later, Veruna was assassinated while in exile. Padmé Naberrie became Queen with the promise to end the conflict without violence.

Once in power, Queen Amidala opened negotiations with the Trade Federation. However the Federation was scandalized by Naboo's resistance to its authority, which coincided with a Galactic Republic Senate tax on interstellar trade. Both actions were perceived by Federation leadership as a threat to their commercial interests and power. The Federation answered with a military blockade of Naboo, with the aim of forcing Naboo into subservience and to hopefully intimidate the Senate into repealing the taxation measure. The Federation leadership was secretly advised, and manipulated, by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.

Jedi Involvement
Queen Amidala sent for Galactic Republic mediation to end the conflict and the Republic sent two Jedi Knights as ambassadors. Their mediation was unsuccessful, however, and the Federation prematurely launched their invasion of Naboo. Naboo fell quickly. Though they had a powerful Space Fighter Corps (King Veruna's true legacy), Queen Amidala held off action until all negotiations failed, refusing "any course of action which would lead to war", despite alternate advice from her Governor Sio Bibble.

The Naboo government and citizens were captured and imprisoned in detention camps outside the cities. Eventually rescued by the Jedi Knights, Queen Amidala left Naboo to personally plead for aid in the Galactic Senate. Governor Sio Bibble and others were to organize a resistance movement in the mean time.

Reaching for Help
Once on Coruscant, Queen Amidala addressed the Senate. The Federation had powerful and rich allies, and Senator Palpatine convinced the Queen to demand a Vote of No Confidence in the Senate leadership against Chancellor Finis Valorum. By doing this, she hoped to force a change for a more favorable Chancellorship. The Queen returned to her homeworld to lead the resistance herself. Once home Padmé Amidala sought the aid of the reclusive Gungans, pleading for joint action against a common enemy. The Gungans agreed to an alliance and led an army against the Federation's mechanical forces, primarily as a distraction to lower the Federation's defenses in the capital of Naboo.

Captain Panaka and the RNSF were able to organize the Space Fighter Corps to their fighters, and launch a last effort against the Federation capital ships. Ultimately the Naboo-Gungan Alliance was able to defeat the Federation, when young Anakin Skywalker accidentally flew one of the otherwise unused fighters into the heart of the Federation's Droid Control Ship and destroyed the ship's main power reactors. For her heroic effort the Naboo wished to alter the constitution allowing for Padmé Amidala, and possibly her heirs, to reign for life. However, Padmé Amidala declined the honor, relieved to step down from power.

Aftermath of the Invasion
The Federation invasion and occupation drastically changed Naboo, with the Naboo questioning their role within the Galactic Republic. Many Naboo now believed that the Republic was powerless and unable to protect them, as demonstrated by the events of the Federation occupation.

These Naboo believed that it was now their own responsibility to provide for their own security, and reasoned that revenue from the plasma trade would allow them to pay for it. Free from the one-sided contracts of the Trade Federation, the Naboo fully received the profits from the plasma trade. Other Naboo continued to support the Galactic Republic, consoled that the new Surpreme Chancellor, Palpatine, was a native of Naboo himself.

Both factions of the Naboo political establishment favored a stronger Naboo and increased military expenditures. The budget of Royal Naboo Security Force was greatly expanded and given a heavier arsenal of weaponry and armored vehicles, such as the Naboo N-1T Advanced Starfighter and the Heavy Champion.

New Relations with the Gungans
Amidala, along with Obi-Wan, R2-D2, and Jar Jar Binks, did participate in the Gungan colonization of Ohma-D'un, a result of badly overcrowded Gungan cities.

When her second four-year term as Queen ended, Padmé Amidala abdicated in favor of Queen Jamillia, who asked her to continue serving Naboo as Senator. Padmé "couldn't refuse the Queen", and returned to politics after a brief respite. Jar Jar Binks was also appointed as a specific representative for his species, becoming the first Gungan to be represented off Naboo.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 09:02:18 PM by Cimter »

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Re: The Gung
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2010, 08:32:37 PM »
The Galactic Senate was a new forum for Padmé Amidala. Though some on Naboo and in the Galactic Senate wanted a centralized executive, Padmé Amidala voted again and again against the Military Creation Act, becoming a leader of the opposition. The Act would allow the Senate to raise a standing military to serve at the discretion of the Chancellor of the Senate, while also greatly restricting member planet's military forces, such as the RSF, to mere policing authorities. Padmé Amidala may have opposed the act because of the restictions on home planets.

Senator Padmé Amidala, however, was outmaneuvered, and the Senate voted to create a standing military due to the rising threat of the Separatists, using the ability to give the Supreme Chancellor emergency powers to approve the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic, which was already formed. In the meantime, Palpatine, himself a native of Naboo, successfully became the Chancellor of the Republic, and his hard-line stances were generally supported by Naboo, still rebuilding after occupation.

Endless Invasions
During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems (including the Trade Federation) launched an unsuccessful campaign for Naboo, buoyed by growing support from Naboo Separatist sympathizers such as Queen Jamilla. Durge and Asajj Ventress teamed-up to unleash a biological weapon on the planet, but only succeeded in wiping out the Gungan colony on Ohma-D'un before they were stopped. The event eroded the support once enjoyed by the CIS from Naboo Separatist sympathizers, leading the CIS to adopt a more aggressive strategy of invasion and conquest of Naboo.

In 22 BBY, the CIS established a hidden, underground laboratory in the eastern swamps for Doctor Nuvo Vindi to develop a biological weapon, known as the Blue Shadow Virus, to be dispersed throughout the galaxy in special detonation devices. The laboratory was discovered by Senator Padmé Amidala and Representative Jar Jar Binks who reported its location back to Theed before being captured by the Separatists. Republic forces, led by Generals Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Ahsoka Tano, raided the lab to neutralize the viral threat. In the ensuing skirmish, one of the bombs detonated, releasing the deadly plague throughout the facility and causing the base to go into lock down. Kenobi and Skywalker, who were outside the base when it was hermetically sealed, were able to discover a antidote for the virus and free their comrades from the lab. This not only eliminated a threat to Naboo, but to the entire galaxy as well.

Much later in the war, a small droid army attempted to assassinate Senator Amidala in a Naboo marketplace. The Senator was saved by an artist who was apparently having premonitions of the death of Padmé and the twins she carried in her womb.

At the end of the Clone Wars, Senator Amidala died shortly after the birth of her twins. It is suggested that her death was due to a broken heart, after learning her husband, Anakin Skywalker, turned to the Dark Side and became the dreaded Sith Lord, Darth Vader. The senator's formal funeral was held in the capital of Theed, presided over by Ryoo Thule, Naberrie's maternal grandmother.

Imperial Period
In the following years, Naboo generally supported the positions of Emperor Palpatine, including the establishment of the Galactic Empire, although doing so in a way that attempted to remind the population of the peace it had enjoyed during the days of the Republic. Many Naboo served in the Imperial Services, and Captain Panaka became an aide to the Emperor, later ascending to the rank of Moff of the Chommell Sector.

Assassination of Queen Apailana
During the early years of the Imperial era, Queen Apailana remained loyal to the Empire on the surface but secretly harbored doubts about the new regime. Throughout her reign, government buildings and organizations on Naboo continued to refer to the Republic, not the newly formed Empire. She secretly hid a group of Jedi who had survived Order 66, which would be her undoing, for she was caught in 18 BBY. During the isolated conflict that would later be known as the Fall of Naboo, Apailana and the Jedi survivors she harbored were killed by the 501st Legion.

She was replaced by Queen Kylantha, whom the Empire thought it could control as a puppet ruler. The planet also gained entire legions of troops, which found themselves in guerilla-styled skirmishes with the local Gungan populations. The oppression of the Gungans led them to conduct raids and cover missions from the relative safety of the swamps and forests.

Kylantha's Rule
Kylantha did not favor a return to the Old Republic, neither was she an Imperial proponent. Shortly after ascending the throne she ordered a discreet investigation into the death of her predecessor, learning that the Empire had a hand in her death. Maintaining the status quo, Kylantha was careful not to antagonize Imperial relations, but she refused to alter the democratic structure of the Naboo constitution or relinquish Naboo sovereignty and Law. Like Queen Jamilla, Kylantha may have held Separatist sympathies.

Kylantha was very popular with the people of Naboo, a popularity that insulated her from overt Imperial pressures. However the Queen was often sequestered in Theed Palace by Imperial Admiral Nial Declann. Kylantha reigned for a much longer period than prior rulers. She appointed Padmé Amidala's niece, Pooja Naberrie, to the Imperial Senate. There, Pooja was a contemporary of her cousin (though neither knew of their family ties), Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.

During this time, Rori was the site of a large battle between the forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire. The battle that engulfed the city of Restuss would be the first and last known sighting of Emperor's Hand Aralina Silk.

After the Battle of Endor, when news of Palpatine's death had spread across the galaxy, Naboo saw an uprising against the local Imperial garrison by a combined force of Gungans and Naboo's Security Forces. This attempt at liberation was struck down, as it was on several other prominent worlds in the Palpatine regime, but Naboo would eventually see its inclusion in the New Republic.

The New Republic
After the downfall of the Empire, Naboo ambassadors were sent to meet with the members of the Alliance of Free Planets, and were among the signers of the Common Charter. During the time of the New Republic, the Chommell Sector was represented in the New Republic Senate by a Gungan Senator.

Galactic Alliance
Naboo was not invaded by the Yuuzhan Vong during the war, but Naboo transmission with the armies of the Alliance were severed until the end of the war, due to a Yuuzhan Vong ship in the outer Naboo System. It sent representatives to the Galactic Alliance Senate in 30 ABY and served as a base for the Galactic Alliance Remnant during the Sith-Imperial War. After the war, the citizens of the world was supportive of Roan Fel's Empire-in-exile, but as Naboo was controlled by the new Sith Empire under Darth Krayt, they kept their true allegiance secret. The world was host for one of the largest Imperial Missions in the galaxy. By 137 ABY, a restaurant located on the top floors of Padmé Amidala's old apartment on Coruscant was named the Naboo Queen.

Historically, the Naboo were a pastorial and nomadic people, migrating in tribes and clans on the vast "oceanic" grass-plains, with few settlements of substance. Tribes traced their decent from the colony vessels that brought them to Naboo, and clans traced decent from the founding settlers. The Naboo continued to place great value on genealogical decent, though by the era of Queen Amidala, few families could trace their history to the original colonists with any certainty.

The Naboo developed into a classic feudal society with an hereditary noble class and common folk, though unlike most feudal societies, there was no record of a subservient serf class.

Naboo princely city-states traded with each other and with the Gungans. Generally the city-states acknowledged a ceremonial "High King"—a position that at times rotated between the tribal or city-state princes, though at other times was vested in an hereditary royal house. This ceremonial position was largely powerless and a form of peerage democracy evolved, though by the time of King Jafan, the position became more substantial. The Naboo eventually became known for being peaceful, enlightened, and artistic, among other things.

Adulthood and the right to vote was based on intellectual maturity rather than biological age, hence a reason for so many teenagers being involved in public service. The Naboo displayed a remarkable--perhaps unique--tendency to elect extremely young women to high public office (Queen and Senator Padmé Amidala, Queen Jamillia, Queen Neeyutnee, Queen Apailana, Senator Pooja Naberrie).

Despite nomadic elements in early Naboo society, eventually more substantial settlements emerged along trade routes and river crossings, or at defensible citadels, such as Dee'ja Peak in the Gallo Mountains. As one of the first human settlements on the planet, Dee'ja Peak retained a degree of prestige and reverence long after political power shifted to Theed. Keren and Theed both developed as farming communities whose over-production of foodstuffs provided for a large leisure class. Keren eventually became the commercial hub while Theed became more aristocratic. Kaadara developed as a coastal town for the few Naboo fishermen. Moenia was the first, and only, human colony built in the traditional Gungan homelands of the Lianorm Swamps.

The geographic features of the planet defined the regions of the grass plains in the north, the mountains in the center, and the swamps and bayous in the south.

The northern grass plains bordered the northern ocean, and were divided into regional provinces of the Great Grass Plains with Theed the major city, the Eastern Great Grass Plains with few settlements, and the Western Great Grass Plains with the seaside community of Kaadara and the commercial center of Keren. The Gallo Mountains regional province contained Dee'ja Peak and the Varykino, known as the Lake Retreat in the Lake District, while the vast Lianorm Swamp dominated the south with the city of Moenia the regional capital. Emperor Palpatine maintained an Imperial Retreat on a dormant plasmic volcanic caldera in this region.

The polytheistic Naboo worshipped many allegorical deities, such as the Goddess of Safety. The deity of Shiraya reflected many aspects common to lunar worship found in many human cultures. However, the Mother Vima occupied the paramount throne in the pantheon of Naboo gods as the Mother Goddess, common in many religious traditions.

Naboo Ancient philosophers were revered and honored as enlightened gurus, and with the reverence of family ancestors, formed an important aspect in Naboo religous traditions. Paired statues of semi-legendary or archtypical gurus were prominently displayed in ranks on either side of the steps leading to the Theed Royal Palace.

Many devoted holymen and holywomen formed monastic communities and orders, such as the Brotherhood of Cognizance, which focused on a particular deity or an enlightened guru. These religious orders were governed by a pontifex, and had a monastic heirachy typical of many human religious orders. Often the more ascetic orders were found in remote and isolated locations, preferring a life spent in solitude, without worldly distraction and centered on peaceful contemplation.

Being a relatively peaceful planet, Naboo only maintained light security forces during the decades leading up to the Clone Wars. The defense of the world mainly consisted of N-1 starfighters, which had the support of tankers during longer journeys, short-range Gungan G-1 starfighters following the unification of the two species and militarized speeders for land warfare. The Gungans aided the Naboo in installing a planetwide shield network designed to protect against invasions after 32 BBY.

Names of State
Often when a Naboo entered into political life he or she adopted a 'Name of State'. This name of state was used for public occasions and represented the honor and dignity of the office one chose. Padmé Naberrie adopted the name of Amidala. Palpatine is sometimes thought to have been a Name of State.

Naboo's main export was the plasma that flowed from below the surface of the planet. The plasma trade on Naboo began during the reign of King Veruna, and cornered by the Trade Federation, eventually leading to the Blockade of Naboo. Blossom wine was also one of Naboo's exports, along with fine art and architectural influence.

The footwear industry in Naboo was known to be specifically scarce, mostly because locals, particularly Gungans, were prone to go shoeless. Gungans wanting to work in footwear, such as Brute, were forced to relocate.

King Narmlé (c. 2,000 BBY), King Jafan (c. 832 BBY), Queen Yarm (c. 500 BBY), Unknown Queen of Naboo (c. 150 BBY–121 BBY), King Veruna (45 BBY–33 BBY), Queen Amidala (33 BBY–24 BBY), Queen Jamillia (24 BBY–22 BBY), Queen Neeyutnee (22 BBY–20 BBY), Queen Apailana (20 BBY–18 BBY), Queen Kylantha (18 BBY– throughout the Imperial era)

Senator Vidar Kim (—52 BBY), Senator Palpatine (52 BBY–32 BBY), Senator Horace Vancil (30 BBY–24 BBY), Senator Padmé Amidala (24 BBY–19 BBY), Senator Jar Jar Binks (19 BBY–6 BBY), Senator Pooja Naberrie (6 BBY–0 BBY), Senator Arani Korden (sometime during the New Republic), Unknown Gungan Senator (sometime during the New Republic)

Other Governors
Princess Amidala (33 BBY—32 BBY), Princess Apailana (? BBY—20 BBY), Governor Sio Bibble (32 BBY—?), Moff Panaka (sometime during the Galactic Civil War) and also governor of the Chommell Sector, Associate Planetary Representative Jar Jar Binks (24 BBY—19 BBY)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 09:40:56 PM by Cimter »

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Re: The Gung
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2010, 08:32:53 PM »
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Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: The Aurorient Express
The Monster
Episode I Adventures 9: Rescue in the Core
Episode I Adventures 10: Festival of Warriors
Episode I Adventures 11: Pirates from Beyond the Sea
Episode I Adventures 12: The Bongo Rally
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds
Star Wars: Starfighter
"The Death of Captain Tarpals" - Star Wars Tales 3
Episode I: Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars: Episode I Jedi Power Battles
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace novel (First appearance)
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace comic
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace junior novel
Episode I: Queen Amidala
Episode I: Qui-Gon Jinn
Episode I: The Phantom Menace ½
Episode I: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Appears in flashback(s))
Star Wars Episode I: The Gungan Frontier
Star Wars Republic 41: The Devaronian Version, Part 2 (Cover only)
Deep Spoilers
"The Resistance Within"
"A Revelation"
"TopWorld" (Mentioned only)
"Head in the Clouds"
"Clouded Paths"
"Into the Storm Clouds"
"Depths of Dorumaa"
"Something Uffel"
"Cularin's Militia: Exposed!"
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Rogue Planet (Mentioned only)
Outbound Flight (Mentioned only)
Star Wars: Jango Fett
Starfighter: Crossbones (Appears in flashback(s))
Mid Rim Worlds Open Ports to Refugees—HoloNet News Vol. 531 52 (Mentioned only)
RRM Fundraiser a Huge Success—HoloNet News Vol. 531 53
BREAKING NEWS: Amidala Alive—HoloNet News Vol. 531 56 (Picture only)
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Star Wars Republic: The New Face of War
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The Clone Wars: Agenda
The Clone Wars: Departure
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Bombad Jedi"
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Dooku Captured"
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Gungan General"
The Clone Wars: The Valley
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Blue Shadow Virus"
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Mystery of a Thousand Moons"
The Clone Wars: No Prisoners (Mentioned only)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Children of the Force"
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Senate Spy"
Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:3:22 (Mentioned only)
MedStar I: Battle Surgeons
MedStar II: Jedi Healer (Mentioned only)
Jedi Trial
Labyrinth of Evil (Mentioned only)
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith / comic / novel
Star Wars Republic: Into the Unknown
Echoes of the Jedi on (article) (Appears in hologram)
The Last of the Jedi: Death on Naboo
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Coruscant Nights II: Street of Shadows (Mentioned only)
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Death Star (Mentioned only)
Tantive IV
Star Wars: Empire at War
Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption
Star Wars Rebellion: The Ahakista Gambit
"Being Boba Fett" - Star Wars Tales 18 (Mentioned only)
"Lucky Stars" - Star Wars Tales 15
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Star Wars Adventures Volume 2: Princess Leia and the Royal Ransom (Mentioned only)
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (DVD)
Fists of Ion
Star Wars Invasion 2: Refugees, Part 2
Inferno (Mentioned only)
Millennium Falcon
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Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook
"Peril in the Ionosphere" - Star Wars Gamer 1
"Bartyn's Landing" - Star Wars Gamer 7
"Rogues Gallery: Fringers" - Star Wars Gamer 7 (Picture only)
"Special Ops: The Battle Empath" - Star Wars Gamer 9 (Picture only)
Threats of the Galaxy (Picture only)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Champions of the Force (Card: Gungan Hermit)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Champions of the Force (Card: Gungan Priest)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Champions of the Force (Card: Gungan Vendor)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Squadrons Over Corellia (Card: Gungan Captain)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Squadrons Over Corellia (Card: Gungan Scout)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Galactic Hunters (Card: Gungan Guard)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Galactic Hunters (Card: Gungan Hunter)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Galactic Hunters (Card: Gungan Light Scout)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Galactic Hunters (Card: Caltrops) (Picture only)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Galactic Hunters (Card: Gungan Smuggling Gang)
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
Rebellion Era Campaign Guide
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Visual Guide
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – The Nightsister's Revenge (Card: Gungan Councilor)
A99 aquata breather in the Databank
Aiwha in the Databank
Ascension gun in the Databank
Been in the Databank
Bespin in the Databank
Jar Jar Binks in the Databank
Peppi Bow in the Databank
Colo claw fish in the Databank
Crab droid in the Databank
Durge in the Databank
Falumpaset in the Databank
Fambaa in the Databank
Gragra in the Databank
Gorg in the Databank
Gungan in the Databank
Gungan battlewagon in the Databank
Gungan bongo in the Databank
Gungan energy catapult in the Databank
Gungan Grand Army in the Databank
Gungan weaponry in the Databank
Qui-Gon Jinn in the Databank
Aguara Jowil in the Databank
Kaadu in the Databank
Mott in the Databank
Naboo in the Databank
Narglatch in the Databank
Rugor Nass in the Databank
Nym in the Databank
Otoh Gunga in the Databank
Sando aqua monster in the Databank
Roos Tarpals in the Databank
Teers in the Databank
Trade Federation Droid Control Ship in the Databank
Asajj Ventress in the Databank

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 08:38:17 PM by Cimter »