Author Topic: The Dug  (Read 2027 times)

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The Dug
« on: January 05, 2010, 12:56:15 PM »
INFO: Dugs were an aggressive mammalian species native to the planet Malastare that used their upper limbs as legs and their lower limbs as arms.

HEIGHT: 1 Meter Tall
SKIN: Brown, purple, gray, and red
DISTINCTION: Arms used as legs and legs used as arms

Malastare was the high-gravity homeworld of the quadrupedal Dug race, on the Hydian Way.

Malastare had a variety of terrains including forests, deserts, methane pools, and rivers. This made the planet a favorite podracing location. There, local and interstellar stars such as the Dug Sebulba competed in events such as the Malastare 100, the Dug Derby, Sebulba's Legacy, the Phoebos Memorial Run and the Vinta Harvest Classic.

Circa 8,000 BBY, the Galactic Republic established an outpost on Malastare since it was located at a key spot along the Hydian Way trade route. Later, in ca. 1,000 BBY, a contingent of Gran colonists settled on the planet. First contact between the Gran and the Dugs was bloody, and a long, brutal war ensued. Because of the power and influence the Gran wielded in the Galactic Senate, the Republic settled the violence in the Gran's favor.

The Gran Protectorate became established circa 1,000 BBY as a consequence, and the Dugs were demilitarized, stripped of political power, and relocated to the western continent of their own planet. They were exploited and disenfranchised by the Gran colonists who ruled Malastare. The Gran ruled Malastare and represented the planet in the Galactic Senate. Dugs were little more than subservient laborers treated as slaves and paid minute wages.

In the Galactic Republic, Malastare was represented in the Galactic Senate exclusively by Gran politicians such as Aks Moe, Ainlee Teem, Baskol Yeesrim, and Ask Aak. In his quest to become the prime clone, the bounty hunter Jango Fett visited Malastare in search of the crimelord Sebolto, thought to be in league with the Bando Gora crime syndicate.

Malastare remained loyal to the Republic during the Clone Wars, its Senators serving on the Loyalist Committee. An organization called Dugs for Democracy opposed the Military Creation Act and fought for the civil rights of Dugs.In 21 BBY, the Battle of Malastare was fought.

Following the Clone Wars and the Great Jedi Purge, Captain Ozzik Sturn was installed as the Chief Magistrate of Malastare after the Galactic Empire took over the planet. An avid hunter, he took to hunting the native non-sentient animals but quickly became bored. Instead, he had political prisoners released into a private hunting reserve, where he stalked and killed them.

Though hidden, the hunting reserve was eventually discovered by the planet's native Dugs and Grans. Outraged, they revolted against Imperial rule, and the Empire suffered a high casualty rate as a result. This resulted in Ozzik Sturn being transferred to Kashyyyk.

During the New Republic era, Dugs were granted equal rights and a Dug represented Malastare in the New Republic Senate.[source?]The planet was conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong, but the invaders did little damage other than destroying the local industrial base. The planet was liberated and had senatorial representation in the Galactic Alliance, but since many worlds had suffered worse damage from the Yuuzhan Vong, the Alliance largely left the planet to rebuild on its own, to the ire of both Dugs and Gran. Prior to the beginning of the Second Corellian Crisis, the planet's methane farms at least had been rebuilt

Dugs were slender, powerfully built beings with a somewhat humanoid build and a unique method of walking that hailed from the high gravity world Malastare. Their primary means of locomotion were their strong arms, and their lower limbs and feet were used for grappling and other fine motor manipulation. They hardly ever walked on their lower limbs. Sebulba was only once seen standing on his legs. Although most Dugs may walk on all four limbs, others liked to use their strong arms as legs and their feet as hands like they would normally do.

Dugs had smooth skin, which hung loosely around their tall necks, only to inflate during mating season calls. They also possessed fin-like ears and pronounced snouts. They lived mainly in the forests of the western continent of their homeworld in primitive tree villages called "tree thorps". On their homeworld Malastare, the Dugs were arboreal beings. They brachiated among the canopies with alarming speed using all four limbs.

Due to their oppression under their Gran rulers who colonized Malastare, many Dugs often felt the need to throw around their strength in bids to establish dominance. As a result, they were known for their ill-tempered demeanor, and many were little more than bullying thugs.

On their homeworld of Malastare, the vast majority of Dugs were little more than laborers toiling for the enrichment of the Gran. With the species excluded from much of the power and money on Malastare, many Dugs, such as Sebulba, turned to podracing as their only means to achieve fame and fortune. In all other areas, the Dugs were exploited and disenfranchised.

Dug mating is very reminiscent of some reptiles, which may indicate their ancestry. The loose folds of skin around the males neck will inflate during the mating season, showing a display of color. An interested female may pester or disturb a male in a few different ways until his balloon-neck deflates with a screech. After this, the two are considered mated. Mates remain loyal to each other, even though they may bully each other through their time together.

Because of their experiences with the Gran, the Dugs are xenophobic and rarely leave their homeworld. If they are seen off-planet, they are often seen in groups of their own kind (and because of their reputation, they're usually left alone). Most Dugs in the galaxy are criminals or risk-takers, leading many Dugs into podracing and gambling.

Circa 8,000 BBY, the Galactic Republic established an outpost on Malastare since it was located at a key spot along the Hydian Way trade route. Later, in ca. 1,000 BBY, a contingent of Gran colonists settled on the planet. First contact between the Gran and the Dugs was bloody, and a long, brutal war ensued.

Because of the power and influence the Gran wielded in the Galactic Senate, the Republic settled the violence in the Gran's favor. The Dugs were demilitarized, stripped of political power, and relocated to the western continent of their own planet. The Gran ruled Malastare and represented the planet in the Galactic Senate. Dugs were little more than subservient laborers treated as slaves and paid minute wages. An organization called Dugs for Democracy protested against this treatment and would go on to oppose the Military Creation Act.

During the New Republic era, Dugs were granted equal rights and a Dug represented Malastare in the New Republic Senate.

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I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.