Author Topic: The Chagrian  (Read 1467 times)

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The Chagrian
« on: January 01, 2010, 05:40:00 PM »
INFO: Chagrians were a species of amphibious humanoids native to the water planet of Champala.

RACE: Chagrian
HEIGHT: 1.9 Meters Tall
SKIN: Blue
DISTINCTION: Horns, lethorns, lack of taste-buds, black forked tongues

Champala, also called "Chagria," was a planet in the Inner Rim Territories. Most of its starports were high and dry on plateaus, but its cities were submerged at high tide. It was a popular resort world.

Champala was considered a water world, though it possessed several small continents covered in jungles and rainforests, with the occasional high plateau. The tidal zones of Champala consisted of long, thin strips of land.

Civilization on Champala originated in these long strips of coastline, where sea levels fluctuated wildly with the tides. Buildings in these ancient cities were entirely submerged at high tide, and Chagrians swam between them. Some multi-story buildings were not equipped with staircases or elevators at all; inhabitants simply waited until high tide, then swam to higher floors. Once the Chagrians made contact with other species, they constructed starports and trade cities on high plateaus accessible by aircar.

Joining the Galactic Republic by 22,000 BBY, Champala would come to be represented in the Galactic Senate; eventually Mas Amedda would be elected senator in the final years of the Republic. Champala was heavily polluted during the rule of the Galactic Empire after a series of mining accidents. The Chagrians played a part in liberating Mon Calamari from the Empire, and their planet was an initial member of the Alliance of Free Planets, remaining part of both the New Republic and the Galactic Alliance. At the end of the Galactic Civil War the Battle of Champala was fought there.

The average Chagrian stood taller than a Human with blue skin ranging in tone from light blue to indigo. They were distinguished by two fleshy growths protruding from the sides of their heads, which they called lethorns. Males also sported two horns growing from the top of their skulls. These were once used in underwater duels to attract a mate, and were seen as a sign of the males' strength and virility. Females lacked the superior cranial horns, but had more pronounced and longer posterior head plates. These could reach halfway down their back. Chagrians also had very long black forked tongues. Chagrians were truly amphibious, retaining their ability to breathe underwater while also able to function without difficulty in air. They also possessed acute low-light vision.

Because of frequent exposure to Champala's oceans, Chagrians lost their sense of taste by adulthood. As a result they regarded eating as an unfortunate nuisance rather than something to be looked forward to and enjoyed. As they had little interest in eating Chagrians consumed nutritional substances to replace meals. They carried sensors designed to scan for maximum nutritional value when forced to eat actual food.

Chagrians had a natural resistance to radiation. This dated back to a period of solar instability coinciding with the early evolution of life on Champala. The entire star system was bombarded with intense radiation, and only those lifeforms most able to withstand the bombardment survived.

Chagrians were born as tadpoles in clutches of three or more, and raised in tubs of water in a family's private home. During this time, their arms, legs, and air-breathing lungs were developed.

As a species, Chagrians were generally peaceful and law-abiding to the point of becoming stoic and obstinate. There was no sense of greed and Chagrians were only motivated by basic desires such as food, shelter, and health-care. Champalan government ensured that every citizen was cared and provided for, so the standard of living for the poorest Chagrian was high compared to the members of other species.

Education was valued in Chagrian society and many Chagrians would travel off-world for advanced university studies. Most Champala-based Chagrians did not speak Basic, however those who travel off-world learned it quickly.

Many Chagrians believed the god-king Aram Acheron would one day burst forth from Logue Rock and lead his faithful to victory over their enemies.

Civilization on Champala originated in long strips of coastline, where sea levels fluctuated wildly with the tides. Buildings in these ancient cities were entirely submerged at high tide, and Chagrians swam between them. Some multi-story buildings were not equipped with staircases or elevators at all; inhabitants simply waited until high tide, then swam to higher floors. Once the Chagrians made contact with other species, they constructed starports and trade cities on high plateaus accessible by aircar.

During the Galactic Civil War, many Chagrians were moved to join the Rebel Alliance. They applied their aquatic expertise to the liberation of Imperial-dominated water worlds and played a major role in liberating Mon Calamari.

Champala was one of the first planets to join the Alliance of Free Planets, and later the New Republic, and remained a staunch supporter.

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I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.