Author Topic: The Ailon Nova Guard  (Read 1421 times)

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The Ailon Nova Guard
« on: December 30, 2009, 02:27:47 PM »
INFO: The Ailon people were sapients indigenous to Ailon, all of them were members of the Ailon Nova Guard (women and children as well).

RACE: Ailon Nova Guard
HEIGHT: 2 Meters Tall
SKIN: Unknown as they are never seen without their armor
DISTINCTION: Militaristic traditions
LANGUAGE: Ailonese

Ailon was a heavily fortified planet in the Ailon system of the Inner Rim. Ailon joined the Galactic Republic in 22,000 BBY. It was the homeworld of the Ailon, who were known for their Ailon Nova Guard, established 13,000 BBY. It would go on to join the Galactic Empire upon its formation in 19 BBY, and later the New Republic.

The Ailon people were sapients indigenous to Ailon. They were famous for their military tradition, which dated back to at least 13,000 BBY. To them, military training was a form of religious devotion, all Ailon belonged to the Ailon Nova Guard in one way or another.

The Ailon Nova Guard had a rich history that dated as far back as 13,000 BBY, with many successes and battle honors and consisted nearly exclusively of non-Humans of the Ailon species. They were long allied with the Galactic Republic and joined during the administration of Supreme Chancellor Affeltelti. They believed in the concept of survival of the fittest and as such they often trained—almost religiously—to the highest possible standard. The Guard used a wide variety of weaponry, most notably the Eklot.

The reputation of the Ailon Nova Guard was so impressive that they were often compared to the Mandalorians and the Emperor's Royal Guard. Their annual Ailon Military Celebrations were a major tourist attraction for the Ailon system, and were broadcast galaxy-wide. During the reign of the Empire, elite Imperial units also participated in these parades and ceremonies.

During the Clone Wars, the Nova Guard fought for the Galactic Republic and participated in at least two battles, the Battle of Ord Canfre and the Battle of Bassadro. The Nova Guard was also said to have participated in the slaughter of the Mandalorian Protectors at Norval II.

The Nova Guard believed that Galactic Emperor Palpatine embodied their belief, and supported him however they could. The Humanocentric Empire took advantage of this, and often hired them for "glorious" battles which were really suicide missions. Two notable missions by the Nova Guard during this period were the toppling of King Satyr Azzlectico and the Sundering of Slession.

After the Battle of Endor, however, they worked to eliminate any Imperial threats. The Nova Guard started by fighting Imperial forces in the Inner Rim and, due to their high success rate, later targeted fortress worlds in the Mid Rim.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Ailon Nova Guard switched its allegiance to the impressive Yuuzhan Vong and aided the alien invaders in conquering the Inner Rim most notably Cona, Manaan, and Zeltros.


Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim
"Special Military Unit Intelligence Update" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 15
Galaxy at War

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.