Author Topic: The Tasari  (Read 1225 times)

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The Tasari
« on: December 27, 2009, 06:02:31 PM »
INFO: The Tasari were a species of sentient bipeds that were indigenous to the world of Tasariq.

RACE: Tasari
HEIGHT: 1.4 to 1.7 Meters Tall
SKIN: Dark brown to light brown (FEATHERY CREST: Variable)
DISTINCTION: Scaly skin, superficial resemblance to avians

Tasariq was a planet in the Inner Rim. It was a barren world with atmosphere-filled craters and Tasar Crystals. Tasariq joined the Republic 22 BBY. It was later part of the Galactic Empire. Barimoq Industries, a Tasari-run corporation that produced a variety of personal projectile weapons, was based on Tasariq.

Tasari, native to Tasariq, are hairless humanoids with scaly skin. They have large, beaked noses and feathery crests that give their faces a superficial resemblance to those of birds. They tend to be shorter and lighter build than the average human. Their natural life span is about 120 years.

Tasari history and culture both have been shaped by the disaster that altered their world and destroyed their ancient high-tech civilization. Their history is a chronicle of ingenuity as they adapted to life in the deep craters and underground and struggled to rebuild their lost technology and civilization.

A dark sub current of Tasari culture is a resurgence of primitive blood cults. In the centuries after the meteor shower struck Tasariq, the Tasari reverted to barbaric practices. Among these were blood sacrifices to the tasar crystals, as the Tasari believed only by spilling blood could they unlock the mystical potential of the colorful stones. They also believed the sacrifices would appease the dark gods that had sent destruction from the sky.

Although the Tasari outgrew these beliefs as a culture long ago, a few communities of Tasari still hold them. In recent years, a growing number of Tasari have traveled offworld and have seen the treatment the human-dominated Empire has given other alien races, like the Wookiee and Mon Calamari. This in turn has caused many Tasari to grow fearful for the future of theirspecies and world, and they have turned to the old ways in an attempt to make the galaxy safe for themselves; after all, blood sacrifices to the tasar crystals prevented any further meteor strikes.

The Tasari have not developed blaster technology but instead rely on slug-throwing firearms. At present, the Tasari culture uses an odd mixture of their own fairly primitive equipment and off-world devices, partly due to the heavy tariffs imposed by the Empire imports.


"Tasariq: The Crystal Planet" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 15 (First appearance)
Alien Encounters

I would like to thank Wookieepedia and for this info.