Author Topic: The Shi'ido  (Read 2039 times)

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The Shi'ido
« on: December 26, 2009, 07:02:34 PM »
INFO: The Shi'ido were a near-Human shapeshifting species from the planet of Lao-mon. Senior Anthropologist Mammon Hoole was one, and he used his abilities to monitor other alien species.

RACE: Shi'ido
HEIGHT: 1.8 Meters Tall
SKIN: Variable
DISTINCTION: Shapeshifting abilities, long life spans
LANGUAGE: Shi'idese

Lao-mon (or Sh'shuun in Shi'idese) was the jungle covered homeworld of the shapeshifting Shi'ido as well as many large predators. The Shi'ido choose to remain private from the rest of the galaxy and noted that they would contact the New Republic when they felt comfortable doing so.

Shi'ido had very long life spans and could live up to 500 years old. Shi'ido were considered adults at 61 years of age. Their ability to change shape (called "skinshifting") improved with age, as well as the ease in which they changed forms. Young Shi'ido could only change the color of their skin and imitate minor Humanoid species, while individuals past the age of a hundred could change into any small to large alien species or creature within their natural boundaries and were even capable of changing any clothing they wore. If a Shi'ido attempted to change into a species beyond their size limit, they could end up stuck in that form for several weeks to a few months. Senior Anthropologist Mammon Hoole claimed to have taken the shape of a Hutt and a Whaladon, both of which may have exceeded the natural Shi'ido limit, so there may be exceptions to this rule. Unlike Clawdites, Shi'ido were not limited to taking the form of only humanoid species and did not feel pain or discomfort when they changed shape.

Also, Shi'ido did not immediately revert back to their true form when they were fatigued or incapacitated as Clawdites did. Shi'ido also had a form of telepathy. They could project false impressions to most other species. This was extremely useful when studying species that identified each other through smell as well as sight, as a Shi'ido could project the feeling that they had the same exact scent as that particular species. Their telepathy required great concentration, and they would lose control of it if they were distracted.

Shi'ido were also able to shift while storing items inside of their body. Force-sensitive Shi'idos were known to hold multiple lightsaber hilts within their body. Other items, such as pistols, drugs, or com-links could also be stored.

Little is actually known of the mysterious Shi'ido. Hoole once stated that when scout ships arrived on the planet to take surveys, the Shi'ido populace would take the forms of rocks, trees, or monsters to scare the colonists off.

Shi'ido were a shy yet curious species. They preferred to avoid confrontations with other species, especially on their homeworld. Despite their secretive nature, Shi'ido could not resist the urge to travel the galaxy and study other cultures.

Darth Bane: Rule of Two (Appears in holocron)
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
The Bounty Hunters: Aurra Sing
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided (Mentioned only)
Galaxy of Fear: Eaten Alive (First appearance)
Galaxy of Fear: City of the Dead
Galaxy of Fear: Planet Plague
Galaxy of Fear: The Nightmare Machine
Galaxy of Fear: Ghost of the Jedi
Galaxy of Fear: Army of Terror
Death in the Slave Pits of Lorrd
Galaxy of Fear: The Brain Spiders
Galaxy of Fear: The Swarm
Galaxy of Fear: Spore
Galaxy of Fear: The Doomsday Ship
Galaxy of Fear: Clones
Galaxy of Fear: The Hunger

The Illustrated Star Wars Universe
Alien Encounters
The Essential Guide to Alien Species
Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary
Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary
Ultimate Alien Anthology
"Shape-shifters" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 12

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.