Author Topic: The Advozse  (Read 1299 times)

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The Advozse
« on: December 18, 2009, 05:07:55 PM »
INFO: Advozsec (singular: Advozse) were a humanoid species, easily distinguished by the single horn on top of their hairless heads. Their home planet of Riflor was geologically unstable, with frequent volcanic eruptions: a condition which shaped their culture and their place in the galaxy.

RACE: Advozse
HEIGHT: 1.5 to 1.8 Meters Tall
SKIN: Muddy yellow, ruddy brown
DISTINCTION: Large black eyes, single black horn, pointed ears

Riflor was a tectonically active Mid Rim planet located in the trinary star system of Riflorii on the Cerean Reach. It had a tendency to change its gravitational pull; the native population was known for its bureaucracy and engineering accomplishments.

Due to its tectonic activity, the cities on Riflor were constantly being demolished, and the inhabitants were just as constantly rebuilding them.

The planet was the homeworld of the Advozse people, who developed the hyperdrive and joined the Galactic Republic approximately ten millennia prior to the Battle of Yavin. Riflor was represented in the Galactic Senate by Silvu Donte until it joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.

All life on the planet was wiped out by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion of the Galaxy.

Although they were classified as mammals, Advozsec were nearly hairless. They had a single black horn at the crown of their heads, four digits on each hand and foot, pointed ears, and large black eyes. Their skin varied from yellow to dark brown.

The Advozsec home planet of Riflor was geologically unstable, with frequent volcanic eruptions. The large, black eyes of the Advozsec were adaptations to the clouds of volcanic ash which darkened Riflor's skies. Though they were most comfortable in the naturally dim light of their homeworld, Advozsec could adjust to Human-standard levels of light with minimal discomfort.

Advozsec were strictly vegetarian, being unable to properly digest meat.

Since so much of the sunlight on Riflor was blocked by volcanic eruptions, Advozsec tended to settle near geothermal springs for heat. Unfortunately, these springs also tended to be in geologically unstable regions, and anything built near them was often destroyed or abandoned due to eruptions or groundquakes. As a result, the Advozse people ended up having little attachment to material goods or long-term plans, and developed a pessimistic, selfish, and even paranoid outlook on life. This facet of their culture remained long after contact with the Galactic Republic gave them access to modern construction techniques allowing for more permanent buildings.

As part of galactic society, the skeptical and control-oriented Advozse temperament led many of them into bureaucratic careers with large corporations or the Republic. Other Advozsec were enemies of the Republic, however. These included an Advozse Sith Lord who joined the Brotherhood of Darkness, the warlord Tulak who ravaged the planet Koba in circa 300 BBY, and Tulak's son Kalut who attacked Koba a century later.

Under the Galactic Empire, Advozsec were cut off from planetary decision making when the Imperials took control of Riflor's rich mining operations. While most Advozsec supported the Empire, with many serving in its bureaucracy, the Imperial forces on Riflor had to put down several protests demanding a greater Advozse voice. Some Advozsec turned to smugglers or became smugglers themselves to get around high Imperial tariffs. Bom Vimdin, a smuggler who was often seen at the Mos Eisley Cantina, was one of the most prominent Advozsec during the Galactic Civil War. Another Advozsec involved with illicit trade, Gjeel Dhantra, served as majordomo for Pok Nar-Ten, the Klatooinian Trade Guild representative on Boztrok.

One famous Advozse was Grelk Micabra, who was a swoop racing champion of the Corellian Sector.

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Star Wars Republic: Prelude to Rebellion
Episode I: Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars Republic: Outlander
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Star Wars Republic: The Stark Hyperspace War (Appears in flashback(s))
Desrini Plagued by Dianogas—HoloNet News Vol. 531 55 (Picture only)
Star Wars Republic 49: Sacrifice
Star Wars Republic 62: No Man's Land
Star Wars Republic: Show of Force
Clone Wars Chapter 21
Star Wars Republic: Trackdown
Number Two in the Galaxy
Smuggler's Blues (Ambiguously canonical source)
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (First appearance)
Rookies: Rendezvous
The Star Wars Holiday Special
Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand
Tall Tales (Ambiguously canonical source)
Star Wars Legacy: Broken
Star Wars Legacy: Claws of the Dragon

Smuggler's Log
Wanted by Cracken
Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies
Platt's Smugglers Guide
Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook: Special Edition
Star Wars Customizable Card Game – A New Hope Limited (Card: Advosze)
Ultimate Alien Anthology
"University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Advozsec" - Star Wars Gamer 4
The Official Star Wars Fact File 105 (YAD1-2, Yaddle)
The Official Star Wars Fact File 134 (ADV1-2, Advozsec)
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.