Author Topic: jlw515 Custom Figures Update 1-16-2024 Custom TESB BOBA FETT  (Read 53885 times)

Offline jlw515

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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #30 on: March 28, 2012, 01:26:07 PM »


The head was made from a resin cast of one of the ewoks that came with in the comic 3pk. The mold builder I used is a latex mold builder that is pretty plyable once it dries. The two-part resin cast I use actually expands a bit when it cures. So, with the mold be a softer latex, the resin cast headsculpt actually came out a little bigger than the original (which usually with a 2 part mold builder you get a little "shrinkage" with the resin cast)

The fact that the resin cast head came out a little bigger worked perfect for both the body and the POTJ Teebo skull hat.

I trimmed down the skull hat from the POTJ Teebo to be more movie accurate. Production photos show Teebo wearing a skull hat like the POTJ version, but this was not exactly what he wore on the film.


Group photo of Teebo and a few friends to show the better scale of the custom


Offline jlw515

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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2012, 02:11:56 PM »
To, me the 300th Boba Fett helmet is the best to date. Some of the paint applications could have been better, but as far as sculpt goes and over all paint, this was the choice for me. Along with the helmet, I also opted to use the backpack and wrist gaunlets from the 300th Fett. These also seem like the best to offer.

So, here are some pics of the final custom with some comments with each picture. I apologize for the terrible lighting, it is something I struggle with.


I dremeled out the helmet to fit the ball joint. I dremeled out a small "cone" shape to allow the helmet the full effect of the ball joint. I dry brushed some orange paint on the right shoulder armor to match the orange of the knee pads. Speaking of knee pads, I actually bought two different TVC Boba Fetts to work on this custom! One had the right shade of "green" for the chest armor, and the other had the right shade of "orange" for the knee pads.

The feet are from the Saga "Pit of Carkoon" Boba Fett.


I trimmed the "cape/poncho" closer to knee length. For the backpack, I basically followed Darklord1967's recipe. I really struggled on this backpack, because the Kamino Jango Fett uses the same PVC backpack as the 300th Fett, but attaches similar to the "evo" Fett. So, I almost just painted that backpack to match (and drill a hole lower in Fett's back), but in the end decided against it. Possibly use that backpack for another Fett custom (with all the Fett parts I have left over!).

Only thing I didn't like about using the 300th Fett backpack is that the missle seems a little thicker.


With the wrist gauntlets, I cut the right one off the 300th Fett and dremeled it out to fit TVC Boba Fett. I simply glued the gauntlet "hose" from TVC Fett to the bottom of the 300th Fett gauntlet. I cut and glued the hands from TVC Fett to the gauntlets from 300th Fett. The right gauntlet is actually glued in place. The swivel articulation wasn't as important to me as it fitting tight against the elbow joint. The left gauntlet from 300th Fett works fine with TVC Fett's elbow, but the socket isn't identical, so it's easy to pull off.


I actually attempted a couple of times to customize Boba Fett's rifle to look more movie accurate, but then just gave up on it, because the pieces were too small to work with. I figure I'll check out a website that sells a rifle that's more movie accurate.

Thanks to Darklord1967 for all the work he's done on his custom, which has greatly inspired my "kit-bash" version of his "better Boba Fett."


Offline jlw515

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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #32 on: March 28, 2012, 02:14:04 PM »
This is sort of an update to some customs I made some time back.

My favorite pilots are Y-Wing "Grey Squadron" pilots. Hasbro has attempted two or three times to produce a Y-Wing pilot, but has messed it up each time. The first time was with the old POTF2 Rebel Pilots Cineman Scene. The sculpt and helmet is that of a ROTJ Y-Wing pilot, but the color scheme was wrong, and he was mislabeled as an A-Wing pilot. The helmet that came with that figure, although it appears in the Chronicles (coffee table) book, it never appears in the movie (unless in the briefing room scene).

The next attempt was in the Saga line with Tycho which they put in a green A-Wing suit, but gave him a helmet that looks similar to "Grey Leader's" helmet in ROTJ. The paint scheme was great on the helmet, but the sculpt was terrible.

The third attempt has been with the recent Battle over Endor set, in which Hasbro basically gave us a B-Wing pilot molded in light grey. So right off the bat, the chest boxes are incorrect. Secondly the head sculpt is incorrect to the helmet that is offerred. If you watch the scene from ROTJ closely, the pilot who wears the "batman" helmet isn't Asian at all.

So, anyway here my customs of Grey Squadron. Grey Leader is actually an update to a custom I made from an A-Wing pilot and Imperial Scanning Trooper. I changed out the chest boxes and painted the helmet to look similar to the one in ROTJ. With the rest of the pilots, I Dremelled off the B-Wing chest boxes and glued pieces from the POTF2 figure (or resin cast made from that figure). The "batman" helmet was dry brushed to make it look weathered, and then I painted another helmet to look like the Asian pilot that says, "There's too many of them!!"

And I also made a Mon Cal Y-Wing pilot. These guys will definitely show up in chapters of my photonovel Vader's Quest.

"Grey Leader standing by"

Mon Cal pilot fits in new cockpit. Tight fight, but he's there.

After seeing the Sullstian pilot from the deleted scenes, I new I had to make one! Helmet is made from parts of Nien Numb helmet and A-Wing helmet. Not exactly happy how helmet turned out, so if anyone has an extra Nien or Ten Numb helmet they are willing to part with, let me know.

"Royal with cheese" (if you've seen Pulp Wars, you know the reference! LOL!)

And Green Squadron all together.


Offline jlw515

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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #33 on: March 28, 2012, 02:15:36 PM »
This is sort of an update to some customs I made some time back.

My favorite pilots are Y-Wing "Grey Squadron" pilots. Hasbro has attempted two or three times to produce a Y-Wing pilot, but has messed it up each time. The first time was with the old POTF2 Rebel Pilots Cineman Scene. The sculpt and helmet is that of a ROTJ Y-Wing pilot, but the color scheme was wrong, and he was mislabeled as an A-Wing pilot. The helmet that came with that figure, although it appears in the Chronicles (coffee table) book, it never appears in the movie (unless in the briefing room scene).

The next attempt was in the Saga line with Tycho which they put in a green A-Wing suit, but gave him a helmet that looks similar to "Grey Leader's" helmet in ROTJ. The paint scheme was great on the helmet, but the sculpt was terrible.

The third attempt has been with the recent Battle over Endor set, in which Hasbro basically gave us a B-Wing pilot molded in light grey. So right off the bat, the chest boxes are incorrect. Secondly the head sculpt is incorrect to the helmet that is offerred. If you watch the scene from ROTJ closely, the pilot who wears the "batman" helmet isn't Asian at all.

So, anyway here my customs of Grey Squadron. Grey Leader is actually an update to a custom I made from an A-Wing pilot and Imperial Scanning Trooper. I changed out the chest boxes and painted the helmet to look similar to the one in ROTJ. With the rest of the pilots, I Dremelled off the B-Wing chest boxes and glued pieces from the POTF2 figure (or resin cast made from that figure). The "batman" helmet was dry brushed to make it look weathered, and then I painted another helmet to look like the Asian pilot that says, "There's too many of them!!"

And I also made a Mon Cal Y-Wing pilot. These guys will definitely show up in chapters of my photonovel Vader's Quest.

"Grey Leader standing by"

Mon Cal pilot fits in new cockpit. Tight fight, but he's there.

After seeing the Sullstian pilot from the deleted scenes, I new I had to make one! Helmet is made from parts of Nien Numb helmet and A-Wing helmet. Not exactly happy how helmet turned out, so if anyone has an extra Nien or Ten Numb helmet they are willing to part with, let me know.

"Royal with cheese" (if you've seen Pulp Wars, you know the reference! LOL!)

And Green Squadron all together.


Offline jlw515

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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2012, 02:18:11 PM »

Lirin Car'n

Head/hands - Cantina band
Arms - ROTS Obi-Wan Kenobi
Body - TVC "Brainiac"

Head/hands - Rodian pod racer mechanic
Body - VOTC Greedo
Vest - commtech Greedo


Offline jlw515

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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #35 on: March 28, 2012, 02:18:41 PM »

Danz Borin
Head - Evolutions Bob Fett
Helmet - vintage GIJOE Ace
Upper body - Nabrun Leids
Pelvis/Legs - Rodian pod racer mechanic


Offline jlw515

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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #36 on: March 28, 2012, 02:20:26 PM »

Head - Ep. 1 Ric Olie
Body - ROTS Agen Koller
Hands - fodder ben, look like old man's hands
Robe - ROTA "Map Room" Indy

Garouf Lafoe
Head/Hat - GIJOE 25th Gung-Ho
Body - Moisture vaporator Luke
Vest - VOTC Greedo

Garouf is actually suppose to have goggles on his hat, but every pair I tried were just too big and looked goofy.


Offline jlw515

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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2012, 02:21:01 PM »

Merc Sunlet

Head - Gen. Reeikan
Body - TVC Ben Kenobi
Soft-goods Skirt - fodder bin, probably some Ep. 1 figure.

Jawa (soft-goods, articulated)

Head - POTF2 Jawa
Upper body/Feet - Jawa that came with "mining droid"
Legs/Skirt - TVC Plo Kloon (upper thighs only)
Belt - ROTS Plo Kloon
Vest - Kabe


Offline jlw515

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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2012, 02:21:47 PM »
Growing up as a child of the 1980s, I was a big fan of GIJOE comics. I always loved the idea that each member had their own specialty ex. Machine Gunner, Commando, Medic, Laser Rifle Trooper, etc. Although Star Wars never really explored this venue in the movies West End Games kind of incorporated this into their role playing games. So, from these thoughts I've made some simple customs based upon the Rebel Commandos.


Offline jlw515

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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2012, 02:22:24 PM »
This custom started out as being a custom Princess Neesa, but when the Ewok pack pictures leaked out, I decided just to throw an extra hood on this figure and have an extra background, generic ewok.

Head: Comic pack ewok
Body: Wicket
Hood: Wicket/Comic pack ewok


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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2012, 02:23:12 PM »
Here is a custom I really like! Apparently there is a rumor that Hasbro is going to do a Lar's (vintage) Power Droid later in the year. Until then, here is my custom of the "vintage" Power Droid. I call him "Power Droid 5000."

Body: Battlefront II Gnk Droid
Black piece on top: Tip of Hoth Luke grapple gun.


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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2012, 02:24:21 PM »
Whew!! Ok I think I've got my custom figure thread up to date! Again, sorry I've been absent from the forums. Will not happen again. I plan on being a regular on these forums!


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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #42 on: March 28, 2012, 02:31:41 PM »
Wow Jason, these are some excellent creations!! :)

Offline YakFace

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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #43 on: March 28, 2012, 03:06:16 PM »
Jason really like your figures you have posted. There are so many that I really liked but the Boba Fett caught my eye for sure. Im currently working on a movie accurate ROTJ Fett and made a proper blaster for him so maybe I can share some tips on how to make one. Anyway great stuff can't wait to see more!

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Re: jlw515 Custom Figures
« Reply #44 on: March 28, 2012, 03:20:56 PM »
Your custom Emperor Palpatine from the fist page is the best Emperor I've ever seen.  Seriously; hands down.

Why is it so hard for Hasbro to make the headsculpt for that figure?  I've never seen a convincing Emperor from them.
I have altered the action figure. Pray I don't alter it further.