Author Topic: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 9/25/15  (Read 22905 times)

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 6/17/15
« Reply #45 on: June 17, 2015, 01:30:28 PM »
Star Wars --- The Clone Wars

 Oasis Calm: Volume III

 "We become whatever we are committed to."

 The sand ridden haze hurled itself against the lightly shielded Arquiten cruiser, the Regulator. Its savage gusts remained muted inside the cockpit, however, thunderous clatters of every loose panel inside the ship rattled continuously during the descent. Fear was entirely absent from the deck. Regardless if troopers had their eyes closed or honed into a piercing, fixed gaze; all transformed the fledgling emotion into a sharp focus. Aayla Secura’s crisp blue eyes looked to her left, her body bouncing amid the turbulence. Initially many scoffed at the idea of harnesses for a ship of this size, but when used for rapid insertions, they were all but necessary.

R4-G9 remained by its master’s side, activating its magnetic roller pads. The Jedi’s eyes looked over the crew who managed their stations with severe purpose. To her surprise, the bridge was devoid of all noise except for the clunking and various temporary alarms. Captain Sightreh remained in his stance, his voice alone in its commands. Many of the officers wore headsets that allowed the captain’s voice to be heard whilst alleviating their ears the distraction of commotion. This crew, evidently drilled again and again. The captain looked to General Secura and her clone counterpart, Commander Bly, and with a sly, almost prideful grin said, “She’ll hold together!”

The clone nav- officer shouted, “Captain! 1400 meters to ground. A spire 2200 meters ahead and closing!!”

“Adjust course to port with trim boosters! Bring the nose up 25 degrees and level out at 500 meters altitude. Overlay the nav maps with what we have of the regions topography!”

“Yes sir!”

The ship shuttered and pulled everyone’s bodies to the side during the ignition of the peripheral boosters. “We’ll be out of this shortly! Hold it together lads. Focus determines your reality!” the captain’s voice reaffirmed.  One pilot looked to his captain only for a moment, but long enough to notice a bold vein striking out of his captain’s forehead. The ship took another tremendous series of pelting beats from the torrential, desert winds of Aargonar! Aayla’s lekku jostled about enough for her to feel the need to take them in hand.

Having passed the first test this system had to offer, the golden flashes simmered down. Keeping the shields low prevented the whirlwind of sand from building up on the windows as well as clogging other necessary systems. The captain’s hands relaxed from the vice upon his pilot’s chairs.

“Well done lads! Well done indeed.” Sightreh adjusted the collar of his tunic, righting himself from the tense period recently endured.

“Captain!! Incomi..” The nav officer’s outcry was cut brief with a deafening clap! The ship lurched up from behind. An impact against the bottom hull redirected the ship upon contact. Instantly assessing the situation, an order quickly followed, “Level out! LEVEL OUT! Bow thrusters.. ENGAGE!!”

For a moment the ground below them became visible in the command deck’s windows; spelling incoming disaster! Swiftly the thrusters applied the necessary push, raising the bow and shifting the momentum from near deadly fate.

Commander Bly pulled his helmet over his head. His hands poised to draw his sidearm, simultaneously prepared to disengage his harness. “Captain, were we hit? ARE WE UNDER ATTACK?!”

“Ha ha ha, stave your heated blood commander! Continue the course helmsman.”

Aayla Secura was equally prepared to leap from her seat into the fray of battle. “Then what was th..?”

Sightreh began walking down the command deck towards the hologram table, “Like barrier islands beneath the seas; these dunes often move with the currents of the gales. That was just a really…really big shift according to the last chart we have.” The nav-officer was visibly shaken, “I’ll update the reference point immediately. I apologi..” Sightreh saw no need to chastise his officers when lessons learned were so apparent. “Sharp, if this is the worst thing to happen – then we will be in great shape. Prepare the ship for Stern docking procedures. I want us ready for a quick exit if need be.”

Nearly blended with the desert sands, a series of elegantly woven spires protruded from the dunes then culminating with two adjoining acropolises.  A snake like tunnel seemed to slither to and from an adjacent, equally stunning building.

The transmission line crackled less as the sands died away completely. A high pitched, chirpy voice railed against the eardrums of any within range…which was unfortunately everyone. “Vessel, you are now approaching the immediate air space of his Grand Chairmanship. Cease or Identify and state your intent!”

Sightreh aimed his face toward the comm-station speaking slowly, “This is Captain Sightreh of the Regulator. Carrying the emissary requested by YOUR excellency, Grand Chairman Utak. Patching clearance code now.”

There was a moment of silence. The Regulator lulled its engines, hovering over the shifting desert. Waiting..waiting..waiting. The high voice returned once again, “AH yes, as a matter of fact, we do have you on the register. My sincerest apologies for the wait, but… you could have been clearer. Lowering shields now. Good thing you came after the storm or you’d have to have waited!! Please proceed as quickly through as possible. We’ll be monitoring you! Oh! ..and do make your way to the main hanger.”

The large spherical shield quickly faded from sight when the powerful core was deactivated. “Helm, take us forward.”

The triple engines lowly murmured and pushed the ship toward the hanger. Simultaneously the Regulator began sinking towards the floor. Small boosters activated on the nose, spinning the ship to the right. “Captain! The hanger door is still shut.. If they activate the shield while we are still hovering over the cusp, it is not going to be a pretty sight!”

Sightreh opened the communication channel with the dock master, “Dock master, open the docking gate! Your shield will press us down if you activate it! ..not to mention cause catastrophic damage.” The seasoned captain’s agitation for the juvenile handling of procedure evident in his frustrated sigh. “AH AH AH…of course captain! Opening doors immediately. Landing grid has transferred. We await your dignitary’s arrival!” His high, squeely voice causing several flight officers to press a finger into their ear; attempting to insulate their sanity. “Sharp, bring us into dock. Steady as she goes! General Secura, Commander, it’s all yours from here on out. We’ll be ready for anything.”

Sharp, the Regulator’s clone navigation officer, turned to his captain, “Yes sir! Steady as she goes.” He flanked the helm operators while they made a coordinated effort to bring the ship into the tall hanger. Mostly void of other ships, the docking bay was tremendous inside its walls. Its beams were visible, but its lights bright and pure! The ship reversed slowly making minor adjustments. Indicators bleeped and blinked keeping the officer’s abreast of the ship’s proximity to the walls, ceiling, and floor.

Sharp reached down to the monitor below his immediate left “Deploying landing gear. Settle her down.”

Bellowing, the Regulator’s engines throbbed under low power. The hull of the ship dripped sand to the floor. Bold steel rods of the landing gear flexed under the heavy weight. Dipping momentarily until the suspension activated, lifting the weight into its central resting position. The thumping of the engines lowered. The beating slowed until the propulsion systems flicked off.

Meanwhile Aayla Secura and Commander Bly had made their final preparations aboard the cruiser. The pair walked towards the main lift with G9 in pursuit. Upon reaching the central lift, a small squad of clone troopers stood ready. Their war torn armor shined as much as possible for the occasion. Aayla smiled as she boarded the platform noticing the direction of several clone trooper helmets towards her. “I’ll take that as a compliment trooper” she said in jest. Her hand lightly touched the chin area of a trooper’s helmet, raising his view plate so she could use its clean reflective nature for a last minute mirror check while also sending a “message”.

The lift’s stage nonchalantly shook following Bly’s click of the direction key. Slowly the deck lowered towards the surface. Inch by inch it descended bringing the welcoming party into view, starting with their feet. During the mechanical whine of the winches, Bly place his gloved hands at the sides of his helmet, spiraling off his head it found home beneath his arm. “We’re here General. Eyes sharp men.. We’re deep in Seppie territory.”

“Commander, remember Master Hett’s words of advice: We are what we are committed to… let’s try a different approach this time around.” Each trooper on the platform turned their head to look at one another; snickering under their breath. “Ha, as you wish General.”

The welcoming delegation was made up of three separatist representatives, one of which was VERY well known. She was the first to approach the platform when it touched down, resting against the hangar deck. Her skin was a pale green that dulled against the brightly shinning lights. A pair of vibrant, flaming violet eyes darted back and forth studying the visitors before her. Aayla Secura’s breath shallowed. Was the mission already undermined?

 Behind the committee were two lines of four commando droids, a security detachment. Palms became tense, the troopers clenching their weapons in cloth moist with sweat.

The horned female’s voice was calm and neutral in addressing the disguised Jedi, “Welcome to Aargonar republic advisor..” her voice lulled, a subtle edge growing. “High Chairman Utak extended this invitation - we are here securing the sanctity of this planet’s treaty with the Confederation of Independent Systems. That being said, I am Voe Atell; an affiliate of the Corporate Alliance.” 

Smiling coyly, Aayla began weaving her false identity using her family’s well known clan name, Secura. “It’s good to be on solid ground again Counselor Atell. I’m sure you’re familiar with Clan Secura’s interests. Sadly Ryloth is a disputed system currently.. but that’s another matter.” Glowing violet eyes flared upon hearing the name. The Secura clan had numerous dealings extending far beyond the desert planet of Ryloth; even alleged, discreet dealings with the Corporate Alliance.

Her eyebrows piqued with intrigue, “Ahhh..that name does sound rather familiar. Maybe we’ll discover a thing or two in common during your stay.” Close behind one of her advisors leaned forward, whispering to her ear. “My advisors feel the need to constantly remind me of legalities. Your soldiers are requested to surrender their..” pausing momentarily, Atell quickly selected another word that would not cause consternation among her guests. “..yield.. yield their weapons aboard the cruiser. Only in an effort to maintain neutrality.”

Aayla nodded and signaled to her armored escorts an acknowledgment to the conditions at hand. The clone troopers’ posture initially gestured befuddled disagreement. A brief look at their commander’s stern supportive face and they knew there was no case to object. One by one, each trooper walked to the rack that was attached to the sides of the lift’s cage. -- Tick and clack – the butt of each rifle and carbine tapped the floor before it latched into the carbon metal harness.

Commander Bly then made a note of being the last to lay his rifle down. His thumb disengaged the locks to his sidearm holsters. Slowly he drew both pistols. Bly’s eyes hostilely locked with the Corporate Alliance’s green-horned delegate before placing them on the floor. The commander continued holding the helmet tucked under his arm while he approached Secura’s side. Confidently as if backed by an armada of heavy cruisers, Bly spoke with his masquerading general, “The terms are agreeable. We’ve got this under control.”

Secura’s cheek tightened; her lip curled prior to her head turning back toward the separatist welcoming delegation. Her eyes only met with Atell’s, asserting her dominance over the others, “Shall we? Gee- Nine; come.” Atell smiled, taking a step back before smoothly motioning her visitors to closely accompany.

A rare sight followed; clone troopers wearily marched alongside a squad of commando droid. Metallic feet clanked while the trooper’s rubberized boots thudded against the floor. Soon the metallic grids of the hanger gave way to a highly sought after stone. The tan base of every block fused with swirls of ancient red sand. Opposite the spirals were jagged pebble deposits of dark obsidian. When sliced during the process of creating tiles, brilliant contained colors burst from within each little nugget. Seeing exotic patterns brought out a natural smile from Secura.

Music clung to the warm air the further they weaved through the curving tunnel. Each step elevated the music further. The cold lights of the hanger bay were now very far away. Echoes of music faded in and out, ricocheting off dimly lit smooth walls. Light ovals alternated from ceiling and floor. Tighter and tighter the tunnel became. The clones marched in a single file line beside their droid counterparts. “Well this is a little awkward..” The clone’s shoulder pads grew nearer to the droids. Another of his brothers turned his head to the right, opposite of the droid phalanx, “That and it’s perverse! This better not turn up on the holonet.”

Bly’s staunch voice sharply cut through his comrades jests, “Stow it trooper!” Again, both lines marched in silent tandem, the clone trooper’s fists clenched. Through his visor, Commander Bly looked forward, constantly scanning his surroundings. In front of him General Secura’s dress shifted effortlessly as she glided across the stone. Her skill of engaging others looked effortless.

A tight archway blossomed out into an extravagant formal ballroom, or at least, that’s what came to Aayla’s mind. Crystals dangled from the layers of ceiling, spirals and walkways blended with every subtle edifice. Truly a beauty and structural wonder of the galaxy! The hall was far brighter than the corridor. Music bounced from wall to wall; the sound of chimes echoing. Gee-Nine’s dome pivoted back and forth. Even the droid studied the ancient craftsmanship. The grandiose nature of this getaway must have truly been a wonder during the height of its reign. Worlds tend to dwindle during Separatist involvement, but someone always benefits; but who was the pawn?

The spiraling staircases threaded in and out of the wall. What looked like one staircase was several bound within the rock. Two main pathways from opposing spirals congealed in the center of the atrium. A tall slender man slowly walked down the stairs. With no railing near, an aid provided a hand to stabilize the fragile monarch. His eyes a pastel brown surrounded by slim streaking wrinkles. His hair white, devoid of color for many years. Following in a pack, his court was composed of all sorts of creatures for both for advice and entertainment.

His voice was soft, but still held strength. Nearing the base of the stairwell, the trim robbed monarch looked to the visiting delegation, “Welcome to my domain and home, Aargonar. It gladdens me to see you arrive without incident.”

Aayla Secura smiled lightly, then lowered her head, bowing graciously. His aged voice quickly spoke, almost embarrassed by her formality, “Come friend. The Republic hasn’t always been so distant from my courts. Rise! See yourself among friends fair lady.” Her blue eyes peered from beneath her raising brow, “Grand Chairman Utak, we would not miss a calling of yours, no matter how long it’s been.” Though his smile grew, his eyes shrank with the weight of an unspoken truth. In his youth, the chairmen had been quite the savvy politician, but years of broken promises made him weary of double edged words.

“Come, take my hand. I hear you are of Clan Secura. I knew several of the patriarchs quite well. We have much to discuss.. Tell me, how is your Uncle?” The disguised, azure knight took Utak’s feeble hand, following his lead. The clones followed her close behind, G9 remained even closer.

--- Part 2 coming SOON! --->
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 01:37:09 PM by TheIRISH Rogue »
Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 6/17/15
« Reply #46 on: June 18, 2015, 11:25:04 AM »
New Chapter on the front page.

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 7/05/15
« Reply #47 on: July 05, 2015, 07:30:52 PM »

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Oasis Calm Volume III continued ---- Part 2.

Commander Bly observed the pair while he followed them as a shadow. Each leaned in closely to whisper delicate words, even share several laughs. Looking closer, he saw the Chairman’s robes were not as glamorous as the temple’s initial grandeur. It seemed the prime reached its zenith decades prior; a time before sand, wind, war, and strife had taken its toll.

The growing harem stretched down the hall following the King and his blue female guest of honor. They turned a smooth corner into a large circular chamber with an equally vast round table made of prohibited Kashyyk timbers, taken before the system was declared Republic domain. “Your “summer estate” is quite luxurious your majesty.” His lordship’s eyes blinked slowly, being proud of Aayla Secura's compliment. “Isn’t it? Since I was a small boy, it’s always seemed so incredible. This was one of the original palaces of my people. How far we have come; how far, we too, have stumbled. That is why I invited you.” His court dispersed into the room, breaking into pods of conversations. Droids of a variety rapidly interspersed within the vast dining room; armed with trays of exotic h’orderves and flamboyant drinks.

The royal continued the conversation near the ear of the Republic delegate, “We are a sovereign system in league with the Confederation, but invisible strings are being pulled from off world. My agents are picking up scans from crypts abandoned long, long ago.”

A very tall, thin female approached the conversing duo. She chimed in as if she had been listening from the start of their dialogue, “The most disturbing facts involve communications from Serenno. We have no business connections or cause to be reaching that far. I’ve been investigating this as a possible lead.” Chuckling, Utak looked to Secura before taking the other females thin arm, holding both of them close. “Do excuse Clonna Sin Richodd. Her prowess is impressive, but she insists on demonstrating how effective a Minister of Intelligence she is prior to being introduced.” Secura gave a slight upturned nod, maintaining her false sense of arrogance, “A sound style. Some may find that troubling.” Clonna’s prideful grimace glowed, “Only those who don’t want light being flashed on their dark tasks! Ha, but I’m sure YOU have nothing to worry about.. being from the Republic.”

Nearby a chubby Faust male, crisply dressed, halted a nearby conversation. Standing about 2 heads shorter than Clonna, he turned from his entourage. With large eyes encased in large dark circles, they scanned. His grey skin exquisitely fair, and clothing finely trimmed. The male turned gazing toward the tips of Secura’s lekku, following them up her back toward her strong shoulders. The movement of his head more noticeable due to his elongated neck. When he spoke, his voice wasn’t unpleasant, but his breathing consisted of quick, sporadic inhalations which often interrupted his sentences - causing them to have an abrupt edge, “Excuse me.. your excellency..I have not yet.. the pleasure.. to make the acquaintance.. of your.. guest. I am Science.. Minister Gabrel Kindi.”

Lowering his torso, Gabrel Kindi’s hand quickly grabbed at Secura’s, then raised it to his chapped lips. “Rare.. it is to have such a starlit.. specimen visiting our court.” Secura felt her muscles tighten with distain, but did her utmost to mask her discomfort. The Jedi’s disgust was hidden too well as he continued tracing the crust of his lip up the back of her hand towards her wrist. He spoke simultaneously wetting his lips, “I am truly captiva..”


A chime sounded summoning all to their seats. Aayla sighed with relief, but noticed the king’s eyes looking apologetically in her direction. The Faust stood up, releasing her blue fingertips, “Ooohh..Delicious! What a feast.. we shall have! You are.. in for a treat.. to die for!”

Guests made their way around the table finding their proper places. The king graciously guided Aayla to a chair nearest his. Purposefully, Utak had assigned the most pugnacious separatists' seats intermittently around the table. This was not a time for plotting…at least not for them. Each chair remained vacant; the guests standing behind, waiting for Utak to take his place. Before doing so, he looked around the expansive table. Two seats were void of their occupants. Chairman Utak began an inquiry, “Where are the representatives of Onderon?” Quickly Clonna Sims, who stood to the high chairman’s right, leaned toward him with an answer, “Their shuttle arrived shortly ago. We were just notified Senator Bonteri was recalled for a parliamentary vote. Her husband will instead be accompanied by an advisor of King Demdup, Sanjay Rash.”

High Chairman Utak made a thankful gesture for the update, but his disappointment was palpable. He motioned to his court then took his seat, “What a shame. I always enjoy seeing Mina. Do reschedule another visit with her office after we dine Clonna.” Taking her seat, Clonna acknowledged, “Of course your excellency.”

Now the dining droids were sent about with new purpose. Hustling and bustling effortlessly bringing dishes and beverages to various guests. Clonna popped a bottle of rare Zygerrian wine, her personal favorite. The chartreuse liquid swirled; bubbling within her class. Lifting it, she slowly smelled the sweet aroma. Others spiraled their glasses, each with a different color and equally exotic flavor.

The sound of large doors heaving open sounded the arrival of the two absent guests. They paced quickly passed the squad of troopers and droids standing silently, tense at the entrance. Both men were well quaffed wearing dress uniforms indicating their status within Onderon’s command structure.

“My apologies my liege! The war has the most abhorred tendency to wreak havoc upon even the tightest schedules.” The first man's words were trite and arrogant, qualities Utak seldom sought to include in his own court. These words not only described his voice however, they summarized his entire existence. Standing taller than his station, his beard and hair were dark, raven black and trimmed flawlessly. Every ornament and customization afforded to this man had been taken.

The herald of Utak’s court spoke aloud, “Entering the Grand Chairmen’s presence: Chamber Counselor to King Demdup, Sanjay Rash! Following: General Declan Bonteri of Onderan Military High Command.”

“Ahh..welcome gentlemen! I’m sure you are weary from travelling such a distance.” The Chairmen was as pleased to see Declan Bonteri as he was annoyed by Demdup’s opening remarks.

Declan was a tall, proud, but humble man who stayed true to his purpose. The armor and uniform worn were the epitome of Onderon’s military dress code. His shoulders were adorned with silver armor plates, covered in beautiful etched details. Bonteri’s uniform bore the colors of his family’s heritage. To Utak, the greys and blues always reminded him of the Bonteri family. A big smile contagiously spread across both men’s faces the closer the general came.

Declan knelt to the kings side, “It is a privilege to be here again in such times. Mina sends her deepest apologies and love.” Leaning back in his chair, Utak beckoned the officer to his feet, “We are very fortunate! Ha ha, awe, pay no mind to it. I know Mina would be here in a flash if she could. And how is Lux?!” With the mention of his son’s name Declan’s presence noticeably lightened! “He misses your mentoring, but has grown so much! You’d be proud.. he has higher marks than any classmate when it comes to rhetoric.”

The king laughed, a sound the war seemed to have stripped away for the longest time. “Ha ha ha ha ha! That’s a good boy! ..or man, I should say!” cheeks grew rosier with each growing laugh “..ha, Declan, I want you to meet a very special guest. The shining Aayla Secura of Ryloth!” Declan Bonterri shifted the weight on his feet to turn towards the beautiful Twi’lek. Extending his hand, a polite, but noticeable degree of skepticism did not elude the Jedi. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. It’s been a long time, it seems, since last I’ve dined with a sympathizer of the Republic.”

“Always so civil yet pointed!” Utak lightly joked.

Aayla playfully, yet with equal force replied, “Until now, I never really knew one could dine with a separatist.. unless you had a battery pack.”

“Ha ha ha!! I see your point Madame Secura. Utak always has had a knack for selecting “enlightening” company. Trust this occasion will be no different.” Declan Bonteri made his way towards his seat.

Sanjay Rash by now had reached his chair and grew flustered the attention was no longer focused on his arrival. “Always a heartfelt welcome! A toast: To a dinn ---” The Grand Chairman’s glass rose, silencing Rash mid toast; it being impolite to toast prior to him at any meal. Utak picked up where Rash was stunted, “To a dinner worth remembering, friends worth keeping, and memories that remind us of good times. May this, join those!” Glasses clinked and laughs grew around the table. The room became filled with dozens of different conversations, droning into a light murmur.

Standing guard, Bly and his men stood silently. Still their eyes darted about the room observing every little shift. Having run so many missions together, without a word, they already knew a plan to decommission the commando droids if need be. Bly leaned over to one his men, “I can only imagine how clean those guns are back in the gunships.” He was very right --- While the evening drew on, the troopers within the gunships of the Regulator had cleaned their gear several times. Many didn’t want to risk the fog that accompanies waking up from a little shut eye in case something happened. Troopers stayed quiet for the most part; sitting in the cool red light of the larty bays. Hett continued his meditation.

----------- Some Time Later -----------

The state dinner had gone through several courses prior to the main event. As the premiere dish was distributed, the counselor from Onderon, Rash, sat steeped in malcontent. His eyes and outlook seemed normal to all around him, but Aayla could feel his displeasure with her presence. At a quiet moment, Rash chose to begin a verbal joust, “So what brings a Republic warmonger to the Confederation’s doorstep?”

Instantly the court was silenced! Mixed reactions visible, but all were intrigued for the response soon to follow. Atell’s violet eyes swiftly turned to Aayla’s face while she leaned back in her chair; fingertips pressed against her pursed lips. Eagerly, she prepared to listen.

Aayla looked directly towards Rash. She could feel her lekku tensing. “Families and their connections transcend the fronts of war, do they not? Clan Secura may be from a Republic planet, but we seek to nurture systems of past beneficial relationships. Atell, I’m sure you agree due to your position.” Atell’s pale green face wrenched when she was abruptly dragged into supporting the guest, “In part, but if this is the case, why bring their soldiers? You bringing them implies you bear a Republic agenda! Do you intend to undermine Aargonar’s place among the independent systems?”

Aayla swept her hand across the table in opposition “These soldiers were offered to me by the senate for protection against potential schemes. I came to see what fiscal connections may spawn here. As an optimist, I choose to see good in others even if the Senate disagrees. If my presence alone undermines some cause…perhaps THAT cause is the more fragile one.” Both Atell and Rash scoffed at the notion while others hosted a mix of reactions.

Declan Bonteri’s face remained pragmatically deep in thought. During the lull, he chose to speak, “The war is not simply black or white. There are unseen puppet masters and collaborating vipers behind every shadow. That’s to be expected with expansive governments, even corporations, but the difference is: we tried being a part of your republican government. Taxation, judicial action, coalitions: everything is stagnant or bogged down with deep-rooted corruption.” Around the table, most voices erupted into arguements. Before Geonosis, the debate would have been mostly divided, but here, everyone’s minds were already swayed. They argued about ramping up the war, ways to increase war dividends, or what terms were acceptable for a ceasefire. The room erupted!

Aayla sat mostly silent beside High Chairman Utak. His face heavy from the evening transforming into an unavoidable confrontation. He leaned over raising his finger tips to screen the dialogue between he and Secura. “Even when united, we are divided. I wonder if ever there will come an end. The galaxy is stretched tightly to the brink.” The volume raised far further beyond normal order. Clonna stood from her seat, irritated with the lack of reverence for the prestigious hall.

“Silence!!” she shouted to no avail.

“STRIKE YOUR WORDS!!!” her voice echoed off the walls. “Regain your..YOUR…reg..I….I don’t..”

Suddenly her body straightened! Veins bulged from every inch of exposed skin! Dark ridges protruded in tremendous daftly contrast!

“AHHH!!” her sharp shriek fleeting. Not a moment later her harshly erect body slammed against the table, splashing what remained of her wine and clattering plates. The room fell still in shock aside from gasps. Within moments a handful of others endured the same fate, screaming in an agony they couldn’t control until silenced by death’s tight grip. Their bodies covered in dark exposed veins, outstretched and contorted across their seats. Initially several aids tried to help their figureheads. The slightest contact rendered them the same fate! Leaning in closely they checked the vitals of their representative. Immediately after contact with the ripples or perversely bold veins, the new victim began their own death, falling to the floor shortly after, writhing.

Chairs slid back quickly. Everyone was at their feet! A flurry of questions and accusations had already begun flying to and fro across the table. Atell shouted, "Commando droids, Secure the room!" as Bly and his men made their way to Aayla Secura. “Murder! This is murder!!” one voice shouted. Another inquired, “What plot is this?!” As if a battle had broken out, Declan Bonteri moved swiftly and addressed the captain marked commando battle droid, “Captain, quarantine the sick. I want to know what is causing this. Your eminence, due to your second falling, I request the ability to begin investigating immediately.”

 The high chairman raised his hand, quickly nodded, and spoke shakily, “ General. Do what you need to!” Clearly shaken and disturbed by unfolding events.

“Captain, why aren’t you quarantining them?!” The commando droid turned to Declan and spoke in a low, emotionless tone, “They are already dead sir.” True panic of the unknown set upon the crowd. “Escort everyone to their assigned quarters and post guards in each hall! I’ll escort our guest personally.”

“Roger roger.” Doing an about face, the droid disseminated the appropriate orders to his troops.

Commander Bly rushed to the side of his commander, “General, are you alright?!” Aayla sensed she was untouched by the invisible attack, but looked to her skin which didn’t normally exhibit her veins; the same remained true. “I’m fine commander.” The room’s commotion heightened while droids “escorted” each guest to their quarters under close observation. Declan Bonteri scanned the attendees and crime scene for any overt clues. He pulled his tight fitting glove off hurriedly to see if his hands displayed any signs of the virus or poison. “That’s what it has to be!” he thought to himself; seeing that his hand was clear of any abnormal coloration.

Several meters away a movement piqued his attention – Rash was raising a glass to his lips. Aayla watched Declan leap swiftly, hitting the glass with the back of his forearm armor. The drinking flute was instantly obliterated into dozens of small crystal shards. The liquid splashed away from Rash’s lips. “Are you mad?!” His eyes flared with concern. Rash snidely retorted, “It's only water my good friend..”

“Nearly 15 people just dropped.. DEAD! We have no concept what we’re dealing with here.” The overly extravagant advisor to King Demdup rolled his eyes, “If you insist General Bonteri. I will defer to your knowledge. After all, you are more experienced with matters relating to death.” Declan paused.

The clanking of a commando droid approached. “Sir, I am to escort you to your apartment.” A voice short of breath stepped in, that of the long necked minister of science, “With you permission.. I’ll escort Consular Rash to his rooms.” Within seconds, the droid scanned his voice and had identified him Science Minister Gabrel Kindi. As a superior, the droid didn’t need a further moment to clear his request, “Roger Roger.” His long neck curled as he unnecessarily thanked the droid who had already begun walking away. Declan looked Rash in the eyes, “Please be careful. Onderon needs us now.” He quickly turned his attention to the Republic guest who carried most of his suspicions.

Sanjay Rash’s brow torqued to his comrades back. Turning from his seat, his legs straightened to accompany the male Faust escort.

Hushly beneath his breath Rash muttered, “Onderon needs me…”
Writer of all things this in that.
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Re: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 7/6/15
« Reply #48 on: July 06, 2015, 06:37:28 AM »
Time to get the new chapter on the pages.

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 7/6/15
« Reply #49 on: August 08, 2015, 03:07:38 AM »
excellent chapter!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 7/6/15
« Reply #50 on: August 11, 2015, 10:59:02 AM »
Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Oasis Calm -- Volume IV

“Suspicion is a poison. A small drop makes a deadly weapon of the freshest water; contaminating pure intent.”

The commotion within the great dining hall continued to rise when more commando droids stormed through doors and window slits in the wall. R4- G9 rolled hastily towards Aayla Secura, spinning clockwise around her. The disguised Jedi Knight took the Grand Chairman by the arm due to her protective instinct, preparing to rush him to a place of greater safety. Her eyes peered around the room then locked on a squad of droids rapidly closing in at a full sprint. Their weapons drawn!

Commander Bly and his squad abandoned their position, guarding the main entrance, and bolted to their general. “Freeze! Release the Chairmen!” the lowly pitched droids ordered repeatedly, “Freeze!” Bly couldn’t make it passed the metal squad without escalating the situation; a risk he was not willing to make. “WHOA WHOA WHOA!!” he shouted, the other clones prepped to dismember the clankers if need be, but their commanding officer’s extended hand motioned them to hold.

Aged, but regaining some semblance of his composure, Grand Chairman Utak, reassured the callous, metal faces at his command, “No no no! Put those guns away!” The sight of his closest security advisor expiring in such horrifying display, wrenched his very core. “I don’t Who…why?” the old male’s eyes grew glassy. Aayla turned toward him to aid in his balance. Upon holding him, she felt his frailty through the aged robes; the trembling. The sight of him drew a haunting sadness from within. Utak’s age amplified grossly by the recent moments of pronounced angst.

Onderon General, Declan Bonteri, had assumed the role of security by this time. Squad after squad of droids received orders in quick succession. Each guest was quickly ushered to their prospective quarters for safe keeping. His voice was constant, woven into the disorder as the evening’s company dispersed. Swiftly, Bonteri left his fellow Onderon comrade, Sanjay Rash, under the supervision of Science Minister Gabrel Kindi.

With ease Bonteri located the Republic visitors. He was not surprised to see them closest to the Grand Chairman during such a scattered moment. Running to his side, the salty haired general of Onderon sighed at the sight of his best commando droids encircling the revered leader. “Make way!” The order given not only to the droids, but clone troopers simultaneously. Good thing Bly wore a helmet, for his brow’s crinkled with amplified consternation. Clones and droids promptly parted ways for the military attaché. His body firmly stepped between the white clothed, blue skinned diplomat whose hands wrapped the right arm of Grand Chairman Utak. Secura stepped back. Distrust clearly evident from Bonteri’s posturing.

The man’s stature made a momentary transformation from soldier, to what is best described as that of a nurturing son. Wrapped one arm around Utak’s back, his other arm affectionately assured his mentor, “I will sort this out. Justice will be dealt.” Looking over his shoulder, Declan Bonteri’s eyes met Aayla’s with stern intensity. He was leery and protective, but the Jedi did not sense resentment among his emotions. Declan used the sleeve of his uniform to wipe his eye when guiding the chairmen to a squad of droids. Among them was a T- series tactical droid. The metal was covered in paint reflective of the sand environment of the system.

“TJ- 122, take your squad and escort the Grand Chairmen to the royal chambers. Keep him secure.”

White droid eyes looked toward Bonteri, “Roger. And what of the republ..”

“Leave them under my supervision.” With a short snap, his fingers called the attention of a droid which had been carrying out dinner service moments prior. “Guide the chairman and keep him at ease.” Droids in the royal service had been programmed to deal with the ruler’s growing fragility. Their programming was far more conducive than the callous nature of any battle droid. Slowly the ruler blinked with drawn out and deep sighs. “You’re friendship is dearly appreciated Declan. This evening…this evening has gone woefully awry. Find justice for them!” Utak’s temper flared, but wavered quickly when his strength dissipated.

Lowly the command droid spoke, “Come sir.”

“Ah yes yes.. off we go. Thank you Dec.”

Declan Bonteri simply replied with a slight bow of his head, “Of course.” When his head raised again, his blue eyes locked with a violet pair who watched the exchanges unfold from a distance. Unrelentingly analytical, the Separatist Councilor Atell’s stare was severe. Bonteri paused to prompt a nod. Everyone had something to gain and much to lose during the war. Seldom could any person afford to be perceived as an ally of the Republic, but handling the blue skinned representative himself was the most efficient way to begin solving this crime against the separatist cause! Atell’s green face faded from the light when she turned from the room with her droid escort.

Deeply exhaling, Bonteri’s finger tips squeezed the rigid top of his nose, between his eyes. He motioned Secura to approach. “Let’s walk Madame Secura.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” she replied, beckoning to her droid to follow closely.

“…To say the least” spoke a clone trooper from the 327th. His voice not loud enough to alert the diplomats, but not quite enough to avoid his shoulder being smacked by a comrade. Bly turned to face the direction of the comment. The commander seldom needed to move his head in order to display emotion through his view plate. One by one they fell in behind Bly, mirrored again by commando droids, this time with blasters.


(Voice scarcely echo down the hall, murmuring in the dark. They approach a locked suite door. A light flickers.)

“Well that was an eventful state function for certain! It’s not every day you see people dropping like mynocks for such delicious food.”

“Yes…yes!! That delivery system was.. effective to say.. to say the least. More so.. than the model predicted!”

“He should be pleased no doubt. Now I can be given the position that was promised for my part!”

“Of course! My work is.. close to so many.. MORE breakthroughs! Up up up here is where I stay. Best place.. for reception. Never directly.. never! Too easy to trace.”
“Well I’m sure our worth is well noted.”

“After, after you, future king.” *snickering

“Ha, yes! Onderon will shortly have what it has required for years. Fresh and decisive blood! Not some old pacifist.. I won’t remain on the fence any longer!”

“Heh heh ha ha! Soon!”

“Sirs, he is expecting you. A communique sent from Serenno is being rerouted from “The Cavern”.”

“Well, patch it through!”

“Yes.. yes droid, then put it through! We must not.. keep him waiting.. long.”

A dimly lit Aayla Secura walked in tandem with Declan Bonteri. The echoing of footsteps ricocheted off the hard surfaces and stalactites far above. Bonteri had silently brooded since leaving the dining room. His silence deep in concentration. A light at the end of the tunnel grew. An entrance to the hall from outside led to a large railed balcony. Every surface of the woven rails were etched with finely crafted carvings. Aayla’s shoulders bent to examine closer. She was curious as to how the sand had not worn away the detail to a smooth, marbled finish. Often that was the case on Ryloth.

Bonteri noticed her interest. “Even when the shield is down, the hall never fills with sand. This was always my favorite balcony during our leadership retreats. Barren sand, waiting to be swept up in a gale, as far as you can see. Peculiar isn’t it?”
Aayla looked back at him, “Even in that sand storm earlier?”

A slight chuckle emanated from his slight grin, “Oh.. You had to fly through that too? I haven’t seen Sanjay Rash frightened to that degree! Most don’t choose to fly through em. Too many have crashed with clogged vent reliefs.” His eyes directly peered into hers as if he saw through her disguised vale. “The fact you did, means that you not only had an incredibly trained crew aboard, but there is a tremendously important motive for pushing on.”

“We’re here to assure relations..” Bonteri raised his palm in a non-threatening motion to pause. It barely moved back and forth, signaling his desire for her to drop the act. “Droids – You are dismissed. Leave us and position yourselves outside.”

“Roger roger!” Metallic pads clanked and clattered against the floor, dissipating with increasing distance.

Commander Bly nodded towards his commander, then signaled his troops to take a short walk away from the balcony providing additional space for the pair’s private discussion. Bonteri’s eyes shifted from the clone trooper’s backs to the defined woman before him. “Let’s not play more cryptic games. You are involved with the Republic far more than you put on, but I’m still not sure to what capacity. Madam Secura, your security entourage is that of the Star Corps and that sends much boulder a message than figurehead Senate guards.”

Aayla replied in her typical confident, matter of fact tone, “The guard is tied thin with an array of duties due to the war effort. Clone battalions stand as their proxy.”
A slight nod of agreement followed, but not one of concession. Bonteri’s scrutiny flared without warning, “The Senate is not so brazen with intent. Your gunships, though hidden, didn’t elude me. You came heavily prepared for an “incident”. An assassination with clone troopers in the room…that’s too foolish for an official of your guile. Surprise isn’t a response easily fabricated; so spare us both the continuation of this facade!
Why are you here?!?”

Aayla’s brow tightened with her presence so close to exposure. A very uncomfortable place to be. “I…” She paused. In a classic play of words, the Jedi wove truth while continuing her disguise as an off the board representative. With a breath she began again, “..I received a message from the Grand Chairman himself. The message was coded within a diplomatic packet. His concern heavy due to the recent battles waged on the planet. After the republic vacated, Utak became aware of secret communications that hinted the presence of a secret lab. The purpose continued to elude him. We came to investigate.”

“You mean secure... decommission… neutralize…What you mean is that you’re here to destroy a separatist military asset..”

“Utak hinted that it may be far more devastating than a target. If it’s a lab..” Bonteri swiftly interrupted, “If it’s a lab than its destruction makes this more volatile. If it explodes, who knows what will be unleashed across this system!”

“Then help us be more careful! Secret weapons affect not just soldiers, but the people we fight to protect.”

“Is that not the purpose of war? At the most basic level, war is an implement of politics. Striking the heart of that body is only a tactic.”

Secura’s head shook slowly from side to side. Her hand rose to the corner of her eyebrow. “That tactic nearly killed you mentor and the monarch of this system. Does that help clarify how these Separatists value life? The galaxy no longer stands as it did, but it is times like these that save lives and ensure that the values we hold dear survive this horrific onslaught. Where will you stand? What would Utak’s teachings tell your son Lux?”

Declan Bonteri turned his back to Aayla. One arm remained on his hip. He turned part way around before leaning against the smooth stone railing. Bonteri’s heart and mind staunchly contradicted one another. Lux was becoming an ardent separatist and patriot, but Declan remained haunted by the thought of the post war world. Would laboratory weapons ever be seen as true victory?

Sounds of wind whirled across the walls and floor. Sand ground against floor. Bonteri’s voice was soft and disheveled, “I can’t help you. It would be treason.. My lack of aid doesn’t mean there will be obstructions. Quite the contrary.”

“Was there anyone present at dinner whose behavior was out of the ordinary? You’ve dined with them for years.”

His eyes closed. Memories flashed within his mind’s eye. Persons, events, drinks, food, screams, muscles wrenching…drinks… “..the drinks.” “Something about the drinks about the wine?” Aayla Secura’s eyes widened with the new piece of evidence. “It was the wine that killed?” Their eyes met again. His hand pulled up as if a glass was held between his fingertips. “Sanjay.. When the dead were dying he continued drinking without a care. Normally he’s deep in his glass, but there was no.. There wasn’t any wine in his glass..” Blood boiled under the skin of Declan’s cool calm. “He wouldn’t.. but why?” Motivation bounced without reason.

“Then he’s in league with Gabrel Kindi?” Aayla asked rapidly, her enthusiasm reinvigorated. “They left together without an escort.”

“Why would you allow that?!” Material of her dress swirled away from the floor. Her body spiraled violently when their deductions drew a clearer picture. The culprits behavior gave way to their insidious crime.

“Perspectives.. Your suspicion is naturally far different from my own madam “Republic” representative. Lenses reveal different sights, unfortunately.. I’ve been deceived from within...You’d have done the same in my position.”

Silence prevailed. Crackling, rocks crinkled awkwardly under Commander Bly’s battle-worn boots. “Madam, is everything alright?” A penetrating glare from the clone trooper’s eyes met Declan’s. Dismissively, Declan Bonteri smirked. “There’s no qualm here trooper. Although.. Now that I think about it, we may have to pay a visit to Rash and his new compatriot. This could be treacherous for your position Representative Secura.”

“If we don’t act now, this could be treacherous for all of us.”

Sternly the general of Onderron nodded. After a brief thought of his wife and son, Mina and Lux, his war trained focus returned.

Bly and Secura’s eyes met. Finally things were going in their favor. Secura viewed Bonteri’s hand reach down towards the holster on his hip, “Assemble your troops and follow me.” He quickly walked passed them towards the door and the commando droids that waited on the other side. The general’s fingertips rested on the clasp of his holster.

Renewed vigor flowed beneath the disguised Jedi’s steps while she followed suit. She rapidly inserted herself between the droids and officer, who by now had begun to jog. Slyly, the hand at her side raised to the side, flicking forward. Bly noted her subtle signal.

The jog was a pace the clone troopers were used to during their training sprints. Not a sweat was broken. Bly’s helmet angled to the side watching R4- G9 speeding next to him, “Stay close to Secura Gee Nine.. I mean damn close.” In quick succession the droids dome blinked with a high pipping tone of acknowledgement, “Be-do Be-do!” Its little wheels accelerated against the floor until it’s proximity was within Aayla’s shadow.

Commander Bly raised his comlink. His right hand pressed a button and held until it switched blue. With an internal comm channel activated, Bly’s calm, panting voice reached his men’s ears. “Pick your droid men and stay close. Then wait for the General’s signal.”

“And what signal might that be Commander? She gives a lot of elusive signals.”

“Just a hint, it glows blue! ..and I’m not talking about her skin.”

“You said it boss, not m..”

“– Stow it trooper!” Bly barked severely!

Each trooper’s tempo gained to close the gap with their robotic counterparts. Their boots set a rhythm matching the clankers. All sounded as one.

Down the long hall they sprinted! Criss-crossing corridors and down vaulted stairs the diverse team followed Bonteri without a word. Halls remained empty from the lock down procedures. Only the unbatting white glow of commando droids’ visual sensors watched them pass.

Bonteri looked above the doors he passed then looked behind him to Aayla, “We’re close!”


“Good evening Gentlemen…I trust things go well on Aarognar.”

“Ev.. everything is going better.. than expected!”

“It has been a very hectic night. In synopsis, dinner was certainly a spectacle.”

“That’s an.. understatement! Count.. the compounds Sanjay Rash.. has continued bringing from Onderron have been.. necessary in amplifying the.. compound’s effective use. My labs.. are amplifying the lethality. I’ve been working.. on a new delivery system!”

“Ahh. Very good to hear. You and your cousin have been paid for your biological knowledge and talent. That lab was money well spent!”

“And what of my payment? It’s time Onderron takes its place ‘neath the Separatist fold! I need troops to complete my ascension. For all I’ve done! Then we can field more of the resources the cause needs.”

“I always keep my word Rash. You’d be wise to speak to those who make demands of me then study what they learned from their experience… good luck finding them. The task was done well and you have proven your intent. Avoiding detection as well?”

“In that regard our luck has been fortuitous! We had a very special guest.”

“Hmm. This sounds promising.”

“Yes yes yes! A very.. very pretty one at that!”

“Which is of no concern to me. So who is this guest that has unwittingly turned into our scapegoat?”

“No less than a Republic representative from their senate.”

“You did not think to provide this information when it was pertinent?”

The group slowed when Bonteri stopped running abruptly! His hand rested on the top of his leather holster. “Open the door commando.” Sternly the voice registered in the commando’s recognition software. “Roger roger.”

“Any break… may have aroused suspicion Count Dooku, but we have everything under.. control.”

“Yes Count. Many of the dead include Utak’s Intelligence agents. His investigative wing is riddled with corruption, incompetence, and vigor for our cause. It won’t take much for them to go after the republic dog and her tube bread rats!”

“You’re referring to clone troopers?”

The key pad clicked away while the commando droid hacked the security system. Air in the hall was laden with tension. Troopers looked to one another, stealthily positioning themselves to the closest droid.

“Yes. Golden markings on their armor.”

“Yes Count Dooku! She herself.. a brilliant blue Twi’ lek. I believe her name.. her name was Secura.”

The data pad blipped green with a successful hack.

“…Aayla Secura?”

“Yes! That’s the one!”

The door slid open abruptly! Bonteri and Secura stood in the light of the door way; the room was black except for the light blue glow of a large, proud standing hologram.

“You fools!! She’s a..”

Aayla Secura’s eyes burst wide apart with surprise. Two figures swiveled abruptly in their chairs still cast in dark shadows! Instantly, she identified the hologram! “Dooku!”

Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 8/11/15
« Reply #51 on: August 13, 2015, 03:30:27 AM »
Another great chapter. Time to go share.

Offline wraithnine

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 8/11/15
« Reply #52 on: August 15, 2015, 02:33:17 AM »
woah ! great chapter!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 8/25/15
« Reply #53 on: August 25, 2015, 01:09:54 AM »
Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Oasis Calm -- Volume V    Pt. 1

“The greatest test of courage is to bear defeat without losing heart.”

Dooku’s voice carried over everyone’s state of surprise, “You fools! She’s a JEDI!!”

In that moment existed a brief pause. The separatists’ minds raced to find a next move, Bonteri suddenly bewildered by the revelation that the woman next to him was far more than she put on, then Secura who’s mission was now reaffirmed by the evidence before her.

Bonteri’s voice broke the silence, “I’m placing you all under arrest until we..” his declaration unexpectedly interrupted! Rapid bursts of laser fire broke out! Blurs of red beamed through the door way. Without wasting a second, R4- G9 flipped open a compartment holding Aayla Secura’s weapon, her lightsaber. A click snapped, hurling the Jedi’s silver hilt toward her! In a sweeping motion, her reach through the force pulled the silver to her palm, igniting the blade on contact.

“NOW!” Commander Bly shouted! His hands reached forward to the commando droid taking aim at Secura’s back! Before his hands firmly grasped the cold metal of the foe, Bly summarily wrenched the droid’s head at a sharp upward, right angle. Smoke popped with sparks when its head disconnected cleanly.

His men moved quickly, but held nowhere near the prowess of their commanding officer. Each engaged an enemy, throwing their momentum to topple the droid and gain a new advantage. Their struggle intensified! Each pounded and pulled at metallic limbs, only to receive a reply of hasty, hard hitting jabs.

Cracks of armor were audible. Bly moved to aid his squad; improvising with an E-5 blaster clutched in a hand of his latest dispatched enemy. Taking aim, his trigger finger squeezed. One blaster bolt, then a second, and a third fired into different commando droids giving his troopers the sought after edge.

A loud clap reverberated against the wall! Bly’s waist twisted ‘round to find another trooper suspended against a wall; his neck tight within the vice grip of a battle droid! The commander’s left arm extended, aimed; and then fired a dart tailed by a cable. Within seconds, a flurry of electric current pulsed from his gauntlet down the line to the dome of the droid; overloading its cranial processors! The final droid dropped; his visual sensors smoldered. Each squad mate looked to their commander in awestruck silence, “Arm up troopers!” Bly’s helmet turned to the shinnie rubbing his bruised throat, “You have Captain Fordo to thank for that move…”

Aayla Secura made her way into the dimly lit room. Her blade glowed then flashed brilliantly with every laser bolt deflected. She could still make out the crackling hologram that seemed amused by the situation. Rash continued firing blindly and as quickly as possible. Gabrel Kindi searched for a case he had been compiling moments prior. “But what about our agreement Count?!?” Dooku’s low, steady voice was audible to all, “It depends how you manage to salvage this incident Rash.” The hologram cut, leaving the two conspirators in darkness to fend for themselves.

Their area brightened the closer Aalya’s blade drew. “Don’t you have a contingency plan for this sort of thing?!” Sweating palms made the blaster Rash held continue to slip; every shot less accurate than the previous. “I.. have this! Hmmm.. No this will work!” Oddly shaped, the minister of science laid beneath a desk on his side. Reaching up his finger prodded in the dark until it flicked a peculiar little switch.

The glow of the saber illuminated odd thick bubbles which sank from ceiling dispensers. Dense in both color and weight, their behavior was very strange. Bly’s squad began entering the room from behind Aayla. Kindi chuckled to himself, “Heh heh heh… This is a peculiar use ..for sanitation protocol. All the same!” Crawling, he made his way to a shelf that slid open very narrowly. When Rash became aware of his compatriot slipping through the wall with a crate of mixtures and data; he bolted to force his way through too. The two pressed to open and close the door on one another. “I’d get down.. if you want to make it out!! You can’t come in! This door.. is the trigger!” Rash was taken back by the sudden betrayal, but in reflection, if the situation was in revers, Rash’s action would have been the same, “You ARE a mad man!”

Gabrel Kindi clarified as the hidden panel slammed shut, “NO! Not a man--- a scientist!”

A bubble popped against Bly’s gloved hand. The chemical was oily and smeared with ease. He thought to himself, quickly analyzing its properties. This was a chemical used to fight contaminant hazards in critical facilities! “GET DOWN!!” his voice coarsened from the force of the air pressing through his throat. Aayla dropped to the floor as did Rash, who wedged himself under a work station. The Jedi’s instincts paid off when a miniscule ignitor triggered the bubbles, encapsulating fuel, which by then filled the air.

“Down Snapper!!! NOW!” The trooper being yelled at had unwittingly strode into the trap, “Ohh Skrag__”

Quicker than any clone could react, the spark burst the nearest bubble! Each acted as a catalyst creating a chain reaction that spread quicker than a breath. Anything higher than 1 meter off the ground was instantly enveloped in raging fire! Flames quickly developed a life of their own; spiraling, burning uncontrollably, and consuming air faster than it was available.

Bly looked up. His armor laid flat against the floor. Flames thickened! Aayla surveyed the situation; her cough worsened. Eerily, the rapture of flame above continued its cleanse without a sound. Every surface touched by oil burned hotter and hotter until the material seared on a molecular level. A mysterious toxin dripped heavily from the silent belches of fire. Her commander’s visor starred directly at her, reflecting the orange lambent above. “General, crawl your way to the hall! Our scrubbers will gives us a few extra moments time!”

The crisp, white dress she wore darkened with grimy sludge every movement. She crawled with the armored squad following quickly behind, their armor collecting much. Grazing her elbow, Aayla’s face turned in the direction of an outstretched hand, fingers spread far apart! Briefly the struggle continued until the hand relaxed, collapsing to the floor! It belonged to that of clone trooper, Snapper. His armor blackened from mid-thigh up. Snapper’s body glove, though fire resistant, stood no chance against the catalyst continuing to bubble against the festering skin. Even the charred armor was noticeably deformed from exposure to such great temperatures; its edges curled and boiled in a shroud of raven smoke. Each trooper paused for a brief, silent salute. In war, that was the most that could be given without risking oneself.

“Almost there..” Aayla’s lekku laid close to her body, the wavering light of the hall guided her. Heat vented through the door, dispersing to manageable levels. She observed the surroundings after clearing the door, “Oh no..” her voice sank. Bly and his troopers continued crawling from the inferno, their armor  singed. “What’s wrong General?…Oh..” The clone commander had regained his footing beside his general and was now looking down at a series of blast shots which held Aayla’s gaze.

Declan Bonteri lay propped against the warm stone wall. Four small rings continued their amber blaze through his shined ceremonial armor. His eyes rolled to the side before opening. “What betrayal.. is this..?” Bonteri coughed before attempting to breathe deeply. His voice, now weak and raspy, tried with futility to overcome the soft gurgle that made its way up his throat. A small trail of blood seeped from the man’s lips, staining his beard. Struggling up the wall, Bly moved toward him to provide first aid. To their shock, he back in revulsion, uncertain of any previous allegiance! “..treach..ery!...” Bonteri whispered. His body slid down the wall. Finally resting against the rock floor, the group saw the extent of the man’s mortal wounds which bellowed smoke from his back.

“Leave him for now Commander Bly. We can only make matters worse for him.” In an ironic turn, Aayla’s senses became tormented through the force for the separatist’s confusion and angst.

“We need to catch Gabrel Kindi before he makes it off world! Bly, your communicator.” Her blue hand held the sides of Bly’s communication device.

Bo-Weep Weep!                Bo- Weep Weep!

“Yes Jedi Secura?” The Jedi master’s voice calm and collected as expected.

Aayla and her troopers already began running back to their Arquiten cruiser, “We have a tumultuous situation unfolding Master! There are chemical weapon elements escaping the palace to an unknown bunker. We can’t allow Kindi to escape with them! He is in league with Dooku”

A’ Sharad Hett’s pilot leaned over from his perch in the cockpit, “General Hett, we have a set of ships powering up on the scanner! Speeder Class sir!”

Clones of the 327th within the gunship raised to their feet abruptly. “Finally!” many thought upon seeing their commander’s raised fingers swirl in a circular mount-up gesture. “Looks like we’ve got your ships Secura. Find your way back to the Regulator! I’ll pursue Kindi and undo this lab!”

“We’ll get back then rendezvous at the bunker!” Her voice raised over the sounds of their feet running down the hall; their previous steps retraced.

“Pilot: Detach and pursue!”

“Right away sir!” the co-pilot replied. The pair coordinated the docking brackets for release. Loud clatters shook the gunship with the clamps’ release. Heaving engines propelled the larty forward from between the prongs of the Arquiten cruiser, Regulator.

A trio of red blips pinged on the scanner. “We’re about to lock on ‘em sir!” In charge of weapon systems, the copilot utilized his aiming mechanisms diligently.

“NO! Not yet. Just keep them in your sights! Do not allow them to gain any awareness of us pilots.”

Nodding, the pilot acknowledged, “Will do sir! Won’t be too hard in this desert.”

“Cuh..uhg!” Sanjay Rash regained consciousness. Propping himself up, Rash coughed repeatedly. His lungs felt filled with smoke. After a quick gander at the surrounding wreck, he slithered from beneath the station and observed how fortuitous his luck had run. Though Rash survived, the precariousness of his situation was all too tangible! His boots lightly splashed in the muck coating the floor. By then the fire had diminished to sparse embers scattered across the room. A crisp line on the wall showed the drastic effects of the cleansing counter measure.

Rash reached for the sidearm previously used, but it lay melted beyond use above the counter. He wondered to himself; how could he make it out of this position as Count Dooku had jaunted? It seemed Rash’s dreams of the throne were dashed until he saw something. Terribly burned, a clone trooper lay sprawled across the floor. “Well..this could be useful” he murmured to himself.

His hands wrapped beneath the shoulder straps of the clone trooper’s chest armor. Rash tugged the corpse towards the door until his heel clicked against the doorways raised lip. Looking down the hall, he saw another squad of commando droids patrolling. Rash quickly turned the other direction, but dropped the clone out of sheer shock!


Rash’s fellow delegate from Onderron lay feint. His consciousness swayed in and out. Rash knelt beside Bonteri. Blaster wounds no longer glowed, but their piercing damage had been done. Bonteri’s gaze fell upon Rash who was unsure how to act due to the recent motion to place him under arrest. “Can I ease you friend?”   

Bonteri’s body grew more rigid and heavy. “The cause.. the cause is..fals.. Mina – my love..” The general struggled with every fiber of his being to convey the most important messages in his heart and mind. Tightly his fingertips clasped the silver, ceremonial armor plates adorning his shoulders. Unclasping them from his uniform, Bonteri held the family heirlooms to his slowly beating heart. “Lux.. fight ..on…son…..” His eyes glazed as though a tear were close to unraveling down his cheek, instead, his final breath gave way.

Sanjay Rash took in hand both metal shoulder plates then rose to his feet. “Droids! This way! Carry these two and follow me.” Cold machine digits reached down, lifting the two bodies from the heated rock. Their purposes remained unknown…

Engines of the LAAT roared at heights far enough above leaving the sands below undisturbed. Beneath the nose, many meters ahead, speeders kicked up easily spotted trails of sand that lingered in the crisp air. The evading culprit had no idea his trail was now tracked. Kindi’s path was direct across the dunes and rolling topography. Far ahead a large cloud grew from the ground up. Swirls of sand caught in another gale!

Ahead, dual stone edifices starkly jutted from the sea of sand. The speeders’ pace slowed the closer they came to the dark tanned spikes. Where most exposed rock was worn down by unrelenting tussles of wind and rock, these pillars remained jaggedly shaved.

Gabrel Kindi’s speeder approached his hidden chemical lair. A sly sneer bloomed across his eerie grey skin. Thoughts of his success made his smirks irresistible! Familiar secret walls grew more visible.

Suddenly, five automated defense turrets rose from the sand! Gabrel threw up his arm to protect his toxic case! “NOO!! I’m an ally!” The defenses opened fire in a frenzy of red, sporadic blasts. Beams fired over Kindi’s head towards the sky. “What? No! How could they ..have followed! FIRE!! FIRE!! FIRE!!! Keep them OUT!!”

Hett’s spoke when the first laser blasts speckled the gunship’s cockpit window, “Surprise is up gentlemen! Take aim and remove those turrets.”

Lieutenant Havoc’s voice shouted above the clatter of weapons being equipped, “Ready up troopers!” Fingers tightened then lifted the familiar pistols from his holsters. “This is what we get for waiting! Scrap em!!” Targeting computers beeped furiously making locks with marked targets on the ground.

“Missiles away!” Both pilots unfurled a hail of weapons from the gunship’s armament. Projectiles mounted beneath the wing launched with a screeching hiss! Their trails glowed a hollow blue; speeding ahead of the gunship toward the automatic turrets. Each explosive device met its target, shredding apart on impact. Without shielding, all defenses were dismantled in the coordinated flurry! Bursts of flame burped from below hurling droid shrapnel pluming into the sky. Smoke stretched away from flickering flames that emanated above the sand; winds pulling in waves.

“Droids!..Droids..Keep them out! Fight them off” Waving frantically, Kindi’s hand motioned his escort to turn and fight. From the bunker’s door marched a number of hulking super battle droids flanked by their lanky B1 predecessors. 

Kindi’s speeder skidded to a halt as close to the hatch as possible in order to avoid the unfurling bursts of shrapnel! Awkwardly shaped, one leg swung high above the back pads, helping the scientist to roll off the side. His gate, an obstinate hobble, demonstrated it had been quite a while since having to run. A’ Sharad Hett’s hand pressed into a panel beside the blast door triggering both to open simultaneously. Speeding air aided in each blast door’s great weight pulling into their open position. Instantly, light flooded the open bay holding the squad of Star Corps troopers.

“Attack them!!” hissed Kindi as he retreated behind a bulkhead. His eyes curled from the side of a nearby barrier. Morbid curiosity made him linger! Square and ungainly, the gunship approached! Green lasers beamed down from the chin guns furiously pelting the sand and any target standing between. Each impact tossed hardened chunks of crystalized sand reeling into the sky!

Nearing the ground, the snout of the gunship raised. Intently, troopers gripped the bar above their heads to maintain footing during the steep shift. Lieutenant Hazoc leaned over the edge of the gunship’s base board firing his pistol, “Now lads! Quick line it!! GO GO GO!! We’re on it General!”

“Let’s Hit em!”  Thick, black ropes dropped from the flanks of each bay door.

“EAT LASERR!!!” Clone troopers clad in white armor, speckled in blast scars and yellow paint, slid down the lines with ease! Their weapons cut loose blue lasers with every meter of their descent.

“On the right!! SMOKE EM!” Thudding to the ground, their pace paused only an instant before starting a forward sprinting assault! Each covered one another while hurrying towards the bunker entrance. One step at a time brought them closer to danger, but further from open ground; a much deadlier nemesis.

Rockets fired from an upgraded B-2 slammed into a stubby sandbank splashing a burst of shrapnel into the air, “I’m hit in shoul…UHG!” A clone trooper’s voice cut short by a series of hot, red lasers riddling his chest. Lifeless, he fell to his back.

“Stag is down – PUSH UP on the right! Tighten up! Hit em hard on the left, MOVE!” Hazoc dodged while dashing forward. His pistol rattled off a series of shots in quick succession. B1’s collapsed in response to each well aimed shot. Another trooper ran with a heavy weight in his step. His Z-5 rotary canon quickly felled the bulk of droids still standing between the troopers and their objective.

Kindi snickered at the apparent success! His eyes glimmered when the unsuspecting clone troopers verified each droid was not going to stand again. He had been looking forward to using a recent gift from Dooku.

The squad’s pathfinder led the way over tattered metallic corpses. Something remained satisfying about that scent; the scent of frying circuitry. His body twisted giving the “clear” signal to Hazoc before looking above to the gunship, “All clear sir!” Hazoc raised one arm to his side then motioned with two fingers. Each trooper moved; weapons alert. Returning his gaze to the gateway, the pathfinder noticed several glows in the dark of the hatch, “Sir, do you hear that hiss?”

Kindi slowly backed away from the hatch while two pairs of jetting B2-RP’s rocketed passed! Rapidly the quad flew through the door. Jets mounted on their backs screeched with propulsion output increasing their agility. Both arms extended launching a dense barrage of fire into the clones cutting down the pathfinder “Down!” “Sir there’s no cover!” “Not these agai – AHHHG!” …then two others.

Checking left and right, the pilot failed to acquire a firing vector of the incoming droids. “General, I can’t hit them! They’re right beneath us!” A laugh burst with giddy excitement from the causeway! Kindi had never seen combat and reveled in its carnage, but he had also never seen a Jedi Master…
« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 01:11:44 AM by TheIRISH Rogue »
Writer of all things this in that.
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Re: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 8/25/15
« Reply #54 on: August 25, 2015, 02:40:22 AM »
Time to get this update on the front page.

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 8/25/15
« Reply #55 on: September 25, 2015, 11:58:13 AM »
Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Oasis Calm -- Volume V    Part 2 (Finale)

Having checked left and right, the pilot failed to acquire a firing vector on the incoming droids. “General, I can’t hit them! They’re right beneath us!” A laugh burst with giddy excitement from the causeway! Kindi had never seen combat during his life and reveled in its carnage. He had also never seen a Jedi Master…

Lasers pelted the ground and chased troopers! The squad remained unable to take out the metal giants. This was not due to the B2’s nimbleness, but to the lack of cover which denied clones a place to organize kill box. “Keep the FIRE up and MOVE! One spot is as good as the next!” Urgency was not something Hazoc plead for, but it was heavy in his voice, “Three men down!”

Hett’s braided hair gust across his shoulder as the Jedi walked to the center of the gunship’s empty bay. Wind blew harshly against the raised, leather collar. His next move was swift, taking one then two quick strides; hurling himself over the edge. Gusts tussled about his body whilst leather flaps of fabric wagged behind him. Kindi watched from afar as the figure fell to what must be certain death! The scientist’s eyes swelled when A’ Sharad Hett’s arms spread apart; a pair of glowing green beams spawned from his grip. Hett’s plunge was nothing but graceful; perfectly aimed between two of the air born B2 super battle droids. They did not see him coming. Regardless, they never had a chance!

Hett’s body spiraled with arms stretched out! Both sabers dismembered the intended targets with ease! Each cleaved piece softly thudded against the sand below. The other pair of B2s became aware of the Jedi when their comrades’ digital signatures dropped offline. Light hums swelled. Their jets spun their thick, top heavy torsos to acquire the new, high level threat.

“Eliminate the Jedi.”

“Roger roger.”

The deep, affectless droids spoke to one another. Both arms aimed straight down; their jets boosters brought them into ideal firing positions. Master Hett stood in his defensive saber stance, waiting. Each fist of the droids cut loose rapid chains of blaster fire! Kindi chanted to himself as though a podrace unfolded.

Hett dashed right effortlessly; his body one with the sand. Crystal blue eyes peered up from beneath a focused brow. His right saber parried dozens of shots, sending red blasts back into the air. Clone troopers watched his left arm deflect a well-aimed shot, then curl back. Sharply it projected out, bursting forward rapidly! Green pierced the air. Hett’s saber lanced the first B2 causing an eruption of metal and hardware to shower the troops below.

Holding its place, the lightsaber then spun, spiraling into the second B2. Its hails of fire paused. The saber sank through its firing mechanisms. With a step forward, the tan shrouded Jedi lobbed his second saber toward the lightly grey stripped B2 whose eyes flickered. Green penetrated the lower abdomen and up through the droids back shoulder! The propulsion systems sputtered.

A’ Sharad looked ahead, undaunted. Standing tall, he strode beneath the droid that continued to hover in place. Clone troopers took to their feet, beginning to walk in their General’s flanks. Hett’s hands flexed through the force, tearing the droid apart in the sky before powerfully bashing the hulked mass to the ground! Wistfully, sabers glided back to the palms of their master, spiraled fleetingly, then latched to his belt upon deactivation.

Kindi stood stunned by what had unfolded. With such a grand mathematical mind, it did not take long for the scientist to compute: no matter what droids were in "The Cavern", they could not stop this pursuing threat! Only something terrifying in his lair might stave the Jedi adversary. After a quick about-face, Kindi waddled deeper down the hall. Worried, white eyes looked over his should, the sight only caused greater panic. Hett’s tattooed face and collected demeanor haunted Kindi.

Hazoc looked to the Jedi, “So… got something about flyers that makes you flex like that? Or do you always show off for the “shinnies”?”

“That wasn’t for you Lieutenant. Distress can be a tool against those who previously thought it exclusive to them- Knowledge they are nearly undone.”

“Heh.. you mean fear?” Hazoc’s voice lightened with Hett’s use of psychology. Hett’s only retort was a silent glance.

Using a remote to activate a bulky set of gears to close the cavern’s gateway, Kindi fled to his laboratory. Large clanks smacked, pulling the entry way closer to securing closed. It could only stall them, but that might be enough for him to escape...or worse!

“General, he’s closing the hatch! If that locks, who knows how long a breach will take! …If that’s even possible..” Hazoc sprinted towards Kindi’s trail! Hett joined the race; raising the gunship on the comlink, “Pilot, lodge the LAAT against the door!”

“Already on it sir! Will do what we can, but move fast!” Squeezing his controls, the pilot maneuvered his larty towards the tightening gap. His co-pilot remained uneasy due to the density of the door, “Is this even going to work? Those gears might crush us!” Pilots of the 327th Star Corp were used to running missions of a dire sort. “We only need to buy them time to get through. Let’s do this. Buckle up!” Momentum behind the gunship was easily gained once the thrusters were punched into action. A blast of thunder rumbled! Seats shook violently with the shuttering power engaged.

“Deactivate all weapon systems! Let’s not blow ourselves up!” Subtle whines inside the gunship were audible whilst numerous systems shut down. With mere seconds to act, the craft dove down sharply. Teeth clenched. The pilot wrenched his control stick sharply, back to the left with one hand. The other jammed the throttled into full force, then pulled back equally as hard.

This chain of events caused the gunship to bellow before its metallic belly screamed against the bases rock covered, metal floor. Pressure applied its weight against the starboard wing! Groaning, the skin wrinkled before popping to condense on itself. The door marched on, popping and squeezing until the front hull and rear gun were pinched. Strongest part of the of Gunship was its long, lateral keel.

“Move, move, move!” The pilot shouted! Each pulled an emergency handle to blow out a side compartment releasing the canopy. Both rolled out of the cockpit and into the Separatist base. Hurrying, each grabbed a blaster off the rack inside the larty’s armament bay. Stress popped rivets and seams, pushing the exoskeletal armor passed its proven test point.

An opening remained in the bay, for the time being. A’ Sharad Hett stepped through the space he had meditated in less than an hour prior. Cold plates waited on the other side of the improvised partition. “Well done pilots. Remarkably so.” The pair snapped to attention, “Thank you sir!”

“Tread lightly.” Hett’s focus persisted, he saw the necessity of prudence over error. “Doubtful Dooku anticipated us finding this asset, but we need to be careful.” Boots softly tread over metal plated floors. This base was similar to many others, modular in its construction. Other labs Hett liberated had similar layouts. Entire sections built elsewhere then quickly constructed on site allowed more time to be spent on camouflaging the operation.

Suddenly, the furthest corridor brightened. Again and again, each compartment flicked on florescent lamps. Hazoc’s voice whispered, “He’s powering up the generators General. Time is no longer a luxury..” The Jedi raised his hilts, “I agree.. lets move!” Boots thudded, each picked up the track previously started, unaware what they’d find around each bend. Hett’s breathing was nearly nonexistent. Turning corners, left and right. Troopers splintered off as needed to secure new sections.

The base was fairly linear making the task to clear it straight forward. Troopers stopped to analyze and scan, but most of what they found were pieces of tech or vials that contained substances yet to be weaponized. “We’re in luck General..” Hazoc’s voice reported in, “..this lab is being prepped. It’s not fully operational. No support staff! Any droids found are being dealt with.”

Hett had left a trail of battle droids in his wake, but no sign of Kindi. He continued to search. Fear lingered in the hall. The Jedi honed in on the residual emotion; the scent of his prey. A voice garbled from Hett’s armored communicator, “Sparks found a data pa… concern. High and toxic substances …rived a fe.. weeks ago, …t we haven’t found ….yet. We’re en route ….  ….. po…ion now! _____” Silence dropped over the prevailing static.

A tall door, wide apart, straddled the hall. Inside, plants of all types thrived, dozens of tanks held who knows what. Control panels, screens, holograms, lab stations -- scattered across the room in a glow of organized chaos. Tenderly, Hett walked with his saber in hand. Above, odd inscriptions covered the pillars and beams. Air itself grew stale and heavy. A column of boxes fell to the floor! Kindi stood sniveling behind them, clearly attempting to make use of a hatch marked, “Emergency.”

“You weren’t meant to leave Kindi. That’s generally the separatist way.”

“Save…save your lies, Jedi! You..You have no idea where you are…or..or who you address!” Kindi raised up from his knees. The frightened nature morphed into blind stubbornness. There’s something to be said for a corned creature standing its ground.

“Gabrel Kindi: Actually, one of my lesser known dossiers. You weren’t on our radar until after the Naboo incident. Given your profession, affinity for the confederation, and family ties to Dr. Nuvo Vindi. It’s an irrefutable combination. Your cousin resurrected the "Blue Shadow Virus" of the most deadly in the galaxy. The assassinations bore similar, fast acting symptoms. Only thing is, you haven’t harnessed it.”

“Nuvo wasn’t.. the only ..success of my.. family!” his speech fragmented with his rise in emotion. His hands trembled with anger. “He brought life back to the blue shadow virus..yes…but mine is entirely from...from scratch! How to use it! How to.. employ it.. is a.. different matter! You know.. what happened. The way their.. veins turned black.. the agony of DEATH! More test subjects! The galaxy..will bow with trepidation!”

Kindi watched a squad of troopers run towards the lab door. Hazoc shouted to Hett, who quickly had gained his admiration, “General get out of ther..” but his voice was cut silent by the activation of some type of ray shield. “More test subjects.. in time. Naïve little test tube organisms!” Kindi emphasized with a glint of determination, “but first.. I deal with you!”

“Jedi are not merely dealt with Kindi. It’s not too late to turn yourself over. Undo the damage of your projects. Dooku played his hand, and he has left you with nothing.” Hett’s steps took him closer and closer to Kindi. A fat droplet of sweat glistened, trailing down the alien’s pasty forehead. “Stop! Not another step! Or…or I’ll..” Without grace, Kindi Clumsily attempted to push a crate in front of the force-strong human.

Screeching, the box ground to a halt far from the Jedi's foot, the intended target. Hett drew his second blade, the proximity disappearing between them heightened the scientist’s frantic effort.


The tattooed Jedi’s steps immediately halted, “Don’t.”

“You.. let me.. out of here.. Or we all DIE!”

“We do not negotiate with terrorists Kindi.” 

“I am a SCIENTIST! These spores will kill you.. and your clones!! Who knows what else.. if the walls.. are breeched!”

Hett’s demeanor remained calm, undaunted by imminent death. Meditation largely provided his continuous state of tranquility woven to a sense of purpose. “Your death would soon follow. Put down the trigger.”

“I won’t!! Noo.. instead.. instead I think I’ll make my escape ..over your raven-veined.. wiggling corpse. These spores will hold you at bay. This will release them! So stand your.. men down! I am passing! NOW!”

Surrounding the room was a sterile bay lit by blue glows of containment beams. Behind was a flurry of what seemed to be magnified pollen spores; a test weapon. Their fuzzy texture was to cling on a breeze easily upon dispersal in the sky. Kindi could not be allowed to leave at any cost!

“Make way!”

“You will not be leaving this room Kindi.”

“Over your dead body!” Kindi’s sweating thumb pressed down against the switch. The subtle hum of the containment field only became noticed once it had ceased. Kindi pulled a mask from his thick coat; laughing sickly all the while. Though the air was still inside the room, the filtration system caused minimal assistance which the flurries grabbed hold. Slowly they floated with no rhyme or reason into the room, their deathly traces trailing a powder behind.

“NOOOO!!” Hazoc let out a shout, his fists pounding against the wall! “General, we’ll get you out of there!”

Hett deactivated his sabers, latching them again to his waist, “You will do no such thing Lietenant. I will let him pass.”

“General, we can’t! You know what will happen if he makes it out.”

“HA HA HA HA HA! Too late Jedi! I can’t control.. these spores yet! OR..maybe that's the BEAUTY!! Either way...I'm leaving.. over your body.. then over those clones. Its the virus! This.. is merely the cure.. of this war's scourge.” Kindi’s mask fogged up with every boorish laugh.

Hett’s eyes closed. The cloth shrouding his chest barely fluctuated from how shallow the man’s breath became. Without a visible sign, the spores lingered mere inches from the Jedi. The fortitude of his meditation undulated the poisonous spores in place. Slowly they drifted away from A’ Sharad Hett. Kindi made a sprinting hobble toward the Jedi, misinterpreting Hett altogether. Exerting little effort, Hett raised a pair of fingers from their perch against his knee, hurling the rotund scientist back across the room. Kindi’s body smashed against his desk before hitting the floor with a thud. A tiny creek was the only noise that carried through the air after the impact.

A’ Sharad Hett’s eyes opened slowly to see the Faust male rolling erratically. Raising to his feet quickly, Kindi’s body language was that of sheer horror! Hett’s eyes opened to reveal a splintering crack through Kindi’s lifeline. “How could you?!”

“Now you can pass..” Hett’s voice softly spoke. Kindi’s brow pursed in his first moment of sincere confusion. At a loss of words he continued rushing to clog the crack with his rubberized glove. Color flushed away from his already bland skin. Soft bristles of terror overcame Kindi the more he moved. A soft creak grinded sounded from the glass across his mask, “You.. you can’t let me die!”

Spores continued to surround the two, the threat remained very, very tangible. Hett maintained his fortitude, but softly conversed with the frantic engineer, “So says the murderer.”

“But, you’re a Jedi! I am merely a scientist.. you must see the position I was in.. the orders.. the threats!”

Chilled eyes looked on, “I do see. Darkness shrouds all your work. Saving you - sentences the innocent to death..”

“We all have.. parts to play Jedi!” Extending, the crack grew with another creek.

“Not anymore Kindi. Yours resides here beneath the sand.”

“NO! You can’t just…”

“THIS fate was constructed by yourself. We DO have parts to play; saving you is not mine.”

Clone troopers looked on through the ray shield, uncertain what was unfolding aside from what was visible. Kindi unwittingly continued applying pressure and in his fear, squeezed the glass until it fractured with a pop! From his throat a high pitched squeal burst! The spores spiraled around him in the turmoil. His gasps enticed the sensitive spores closer with each vast inhale.

Looping and drifting the toxic cloud encroached. Cornered behind a table, Kindi held his breath, but it was too late. Small particles floated into contact against his skin causing him to wail again! Instantly darkness spread through his veins! “AHHH!!! NO NO NO NO NOOOOO!!! I didn’t fini.>AHHHH!!” Kindi’s body flopped to the floor, his muscles tense beneath his loose skin. His gaze flared and fixed upon a rubberized glove laying on the floor. That which betrayed him.

 Foam bubbled from the corpses lips, pooling beneath his face.

 Hett continued to sit on the floor with his legs folded in front of him. His back remained to the ray-shielded entryway. Hazoc ordered his men to keep him posted, turned, and made his way back to the surface.


 “Over there! Take us to the smoke Captain!” Aayla’s voice was loud across the quiet, but focused bridge.

A clone officer raised his arm to a right angle, “Captain Sightreh, the scanners a picking up very light readings. There is a presence, but depth is playing games on the sensors.”

Sightreh’s arm remained behind him when his right hand lifted to direct the pilots, “Take the ship down. Prepare the landing gear, but do not pipe down the engines. This is a touch and go.”

Aayla Secura quickly motioned to Commander Bly when stepping down from the command deck. “Keep the hatches open.” Bly led the way to a door on the lower hull. After a series of beeps the door slid apart. Bright, blinding light bounced off the approaching dune the closer the Regulator hovered above ground. “Be careful down there General. Already have had enough close calls for one day!”

The Jedi’s smile bloomed, her hand held the door frame while her eyes gauged the distance to the incoming ground. “On a Separatist world with no army group and a series of assassinations, it could get a whole lot worse if we don’t hurry.” Bly’s countenance remained undaunted, “We’ll be here General. Bring back the lads.” Aayla’s response was a simple nod before hastily rappelling down.

Shady smoke continued bellowing from the gunship wreckage which held open a large blast door. Her blackened, stained dress dragged against sand with each step. The smoke stuck to her lungs the closer to the gunship she came. Concealed behind rising ash, a form was barely visible. Hazoc pushed through the smoldering wreckage. Swaying back and forth, the clone trooper’s hand pushed smoke away from his filters while he coughed. Rushing to his side, Aayla helped steady the soldier, “Trooper, are you alright? Where is Master Hett?!”

Hazoc regained steady breathing, but his voice remained coarse. “Not bad sir! Just sand in the filters.” A harsh cough broke his sentence. “He’s in a tight spot! Follow me sir, but take a deep breath! Smoke is filling the facility quickly.” Aayla’s arm pulled the trooper back to the smoking entrance without further hesitation, “Then hop to it trooper!”

The pair rushed through the larty carcass and down into the Confederate facility. Once fluorescent lights became clouded in the murky smog. It loomed in the rafters and grew lower with the passing of each minute. “General: Kindi is dead, but he released the toxin with Hett still in the room! If the door is breached, the vacuum will pull the spores out of the hall. If that happens, there’ll be unknown blowback for the system! We’re dead in the water..” She remained silent with Hazoc’s words whirling in her mind. “..Dead in the water..” Smoke lightened, lingering in the higher sections of the facility. The bulbs glowed starkly in contrast. Her eyes tightened, halos clung to every shinning surface.

A small cluster of clones stood facing the ray shielded laboratory door. “..Master Hett..” Hazoc’s voice belted the ears of his squad, “Aten-hut!” Instantly the squad backed away from the door. Their bodies sharply snapped to attention in two thin, but tightly spaced lines. Aayla paced to the door. Her friend and mentor sat calmly with his back to the door. He could sense her presence before she arrived.

With their communicator’s transmissions being garbled with interference and a shield that blocked sound, their situation was futile. Aayla’s mind reveled and thrashed searching for ideas to cheat fate! Master Hett’s calm grew through his meditation. He reached to her cognizance. The Jedi’s demeanor cooled. No Jedi enjoyed the thought of defeat, but becoming one with the force as a concept each grasped at a young age, some easier than others. Aayla often refused to allow an easy defeat, this was no different.

A sense overcame her blue skin. Warmth shrouded her body, pushing the cold of fear away with its taunts. Master Hett sought her through the Force, reinforcing her doubt. She calmed as she prepared herself with the realization that his life was the cost to keep the spores from spreading what horror had been experienced earlier that day. A vision of Jedi, clone, and varieties of species all succumbing to the tainting, black vein virus. Her finger tips stretched as she leaned against one side of the door. Unwittingly a jagged edge caught the skin of her forearm. With a quick reflex, the female Jedi’s arm pulled back, but her glance zoomed in.

Small and hardly noticeable, Aayla Secura looked closely at the askew metal fragment. Her studying revealed it to be another of Kindi’s countermeasures. Hett sensed her shift in emotion; hope. The idea growing in her mind was the best chance for his survival, but remained steeped in risk. Hazoc stood closely behind Aayla continuing to look over her shoulder. Static flared over the communication chamber of all personnel with a communicator.

**Krrsh** “Gen…l, We need….  … move now! Seppies Incom…” **Krrsh**

Hazoc looked behind and up the ramp to a sight of encroaching smoke. Bulging puffs billowed their direction rapidly filling the hall; cutting down their time. “General, if you’re going to try something- we need to do it now!” Aayla’s finger pressed across the hidden switch activating the room’s mysterious ploy. It’s pressure fought her finger until the spring popped into place. Each trooper watched on as the ceiling began filling with another substance. Aayla sighed as the familiar black bubbles rapidly released from the scrubbers filled more and more space. Spores churned from current shifting in the room. Their sensitive fibers gravitated towards the fuel. Each collection of toxic molecules became doused when their momentum submerged each core. Her finger pulled the small lever back from its pressed position. A brief pause lived long enough to demonstrate the lack of effect the switch had over the river of cleansing fluid!

It continued pouring out at a much faster rate than the room Aayla had previously escaped from. Within minutes her view of Master Hett was obscured. Sweating palms pressed against the ray shield. Undulating fluid covered her view. Short clicks were all that brought the end. Fire erupted without a sound on the opposing side of the ray shield. Crimson and auburn flashed against the visors of each trooper. Bright flickering blazes amplified themselves in the glossy terror of Secura’s blue eyes. Her mind still held her recent escape from such an imminent death nearby, but this was different. Flames licked the ray shield from roof to floor.

As fast as it had begun, the rapture died away. When the final spark extinguished itself, the ray shield’s whuurr ceased. Smoke shrouded the laboratory. Holodisks were melted to tabletops, any plants that existed simply did no longer, and all the metal surfaces now carried a heavily scorched char. Grey smoke lingered through the door way. Two shades of smoke closed in, mingling in the upper most reaches of the bulk heads. Aayla stepped into the silent room. Her foot didn’t click, but stepped into the black sludge of broken down material. A gust blew the fog past her shoulders and out the door! Blue lekku flapped from the robust gust.

Unhindered light illuminated the laboratory once again. A’ Sharad Hett stood from the floor, surrounded by scorched blackness except for a small circle. He stepped out slowly. His hand comforted Aayla’s shoulder in a gesture of appreciation. “Thank you for your quick thinking Aayla.”

The clone troopers were beyond impressed, but Aayla followed nearly in disbelief. “How..”

“Hazoc, what’s our sitrep? I can’t imagine we’ll be unnoticed for much longer.”

“Broken communications have been arriving in blips, but the Sightreh and Bly are eager to get us airborne. Doesn’t sound good Generals!”

“Sturdy your breath, let’s get to the surface, NOW!”

Troopers and Jedi both took large gasps, filling their lungs. They charged into the dark cloud and began the choking ascent from the facility lowest lab. Clones used filters to keep their pathway visible. No sight was needed for the Jedi; effortlessly leaping over obstacles. A gust of heat pressed against Hett’s face. It gave him the indication the burning gunship was just ahead. His boots sounded a familiar clacking as they all stepped through the bay. The next instant blinding desert light blazed their eyes!

Thunder boomed from the Regulator’s engines, lulling on the ground. The ships landing gear pressed heavily into the shifting sands. Commander Bly and a squad ran to those exiting the facility to steady their paces. Bolstering each other’s balance, clones aided one another up the Arquiten light cruiser’s steep boarding ramp.

Hett looked back to the gunship’s wreckage, “Commander Sightreh, be sure to handle that gunship before we leave. This operation was unavoidably messy.”

The officer’s voice was heavy, “Commander Bly has that handled. Debarkation should be immediate. There are incoming Separatist signals descending through the atmosphere as we speak!” As mentioned, Commander Bly approached the pair of Jedi holding a detonator, “Lets get out of here generals.” His thumb pressed the circular red button setting of a chain of explosions that tore through the gunship and upper hall of the entry hallway! A bloom of flames, smoke, and sand plumed in the air then settled into an ever growing crater. Commander Bly and Hazoc jogged up the ramp, activating its lift mechanisms. The commander’s voice shouted over the comm, “Captain, we are loaded and sec’d! Lift away!”

Aayla remained bewildered at Hett’s survival. Troops accepted that he did so because he was a Jedi, but Secura couldn’t put her finger on it. “Master Hett, how did you manage to… how did you survive?” The two made their way up the ramp and headed toward the bridge. Hett looked to Aayla’s concerned eyes, “An oasis lies at the core of each Jedi. No matter what our environment: a sandstorm, fleet of ships, a war; finding calm within focus determines your reality.” Aayla sighed, “I see that fire didn’t cleanse your knack for philosophy one bit!”

Hett stepped through the bulkhead, “Apparently not Knight Secura. My father, Sharad Hett, trained me to hone focus by pressing my meditations to coincide with the sandstorms Tatooine. Eventually I found how that fortitude was useful in insulating me from the barrage of stand.” Aayla was curious to learn more about Hett’s Oasis Calm. “..and the cleansing catalyst?”

“Much the same way. As for this mission Secura..”

“You were right master. It’s hard not to get sand in your boots during a maelstrom.. this war is tearing the galaxy apart. Even when separatists reach out for peace..” Aayla remained troubled by everything that had unfolded so rapidly during their mission to Aarognar. “This is going to be a pretty hefty report..”

Hett entered the bridge as the cruiser pressed beyond the atmosphere. The sky turned black; hues of blue and tan fading behind. “Captain, get us into hyperspace before we’re cut off and intercepted!” Sightreh tapped his navigation clone on the shoulder, “Already underway. Coordinates locked – take us in the lane, activate the hyperdrive!”

The Regulator soundlessly burst from its position into hyperspace! Behind trailed a cloud of sand particles where the ship was last. Separatist war ships lulled suddenly now that their prey was gone. Fast away on a track to a core world, heavily defended by the Republic. This quarry wasn’t worth the clash that following would bring, but Sanjay Rash was hard at work turning his hard luck around. 

__________________________ Back on Aarognar ______________________

A hologram illuminated Sanjay Rash’s face. Crammed in a small craft, the Onderron delegate turned to face the blue figure, none other than Dooku himself. “Soo Rash.. it seems you’ve begun turning this catastrophe to your advantage.”

“Those Jedi gave me everything I needed to. With the help of a few droids, I framed the facility destruction to look like a strike team penetrated the blockade, attacking a health laboratory. Tragically we lost Kindi, the Science Minister seeking to cure many different ailments. So, will you keep your word to supply my ascension to the throne of Onderron?”

“You have demonstrated cunning. Confederation resources will be allocated to your coup shortly, but if you FAIL me… your fall from such esteemed position shall be the least of your concerns.”

Rash’s voice quivered with both fear and eagerness, “Sometimes by losing a battle, you discover a new way to win the war. My cause will prevail.” Eyebrows of Dooku perked up, “..Your cause?”

“The the Separatist’s! Onderron will be brought into the fold of the Confederation. Thank you Count Dooku.”

Dooku’s gaze starred down at Rash before leaving him again in Darkness. He leaned back into his pilot’s chair watching the streaking stars of hyperspace. His eyes fell to his lap. In his hands, two ornate, silver shoulder plates. Behind him the body of his fallen comrade, Declan Bonteri.

Again the hologram was activated. A tall, slender woman moved into the message holding a data pad. Her voice was soft, “What a surprise Sanjay! Lux just left for the academy. I wasn’t expecting an update from the delegation so soon after your leave.”

“Apologies for the unexpected timing Senator Bonteri, but it could not wait…” Rash’s voice cracked.

“What’s wrong? What’s happened?!” Her kind concern skyrocketed!

“I’m sorry Mina.. He was felled during a Republic incursion, but I assure you…We WILL have retribution!”
Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 9/25/15
« Reply #56 on: September 27, 2015, 03:54:45 AM »
Cool deal, let me go share this while I have the time!

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 9/25/15
« Reply #57 on: October 03, 2015, 02:58:55 PM »
Awesome mate ,great way to tie things together
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...