Author Topic: Glorbes Vehicles (Sherman and Panzer III Tanks, p. 12)  (Read 42826 times)

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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Desert Skiff p. 2)
« Reply #30 on: December 09, 2013, 06:51:47 AM »
Wow, your creation is better than the Hasbro release anyhow. I am off to bring this to the masses.

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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Desert Skiff p. 2)
« Reply #31 on: December 09, 2013, 12:10:38 PM »
Your work is amazing.  I did manage to score a Tatooine Skiff off eBay, but yours is far superior.  The detail is great, and the scale of yours is way better.  There is no way you can fit a smuggler, a Wookiee, a Jedi, a scoundrel and 4 skiff guards on the Hasbro release without it looking like a Benny Hill skit.

I need your specs, if ever I start doing vehicles.  The Barge is an intimidating first project, but a skiff....

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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Desert Skiff p. 2)
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2013, 02:22:20 AM »
Fantastic! words fail me mate  the weathering is superb! and the fact you make outta next to nothing is mind boggling !!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline Siths Herald

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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Desert Skiff p. 2)
« Reply #33 on: December 11, 2013, 11:30:19 AM »
Beautiful work.  I may have missed this in an earlier post - how does this scale compare to the Hasbro version?

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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Desert Skiff p. 2)
« Reply #34 on: December 12, 2013, 05:42:38 AM »
Beautiful work.  I may have missed this in an earlier post - how does this scale compare to the Hasbro version?

That's a good question for our podcast tonight with this great customizer, live at 6:15PM Eastern folks!

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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Desert Skiff p. 2)
« Reply #35 on: December 12, 2013, 07:06:48 PM »
Beautiful work.  I may have missed this in an earlier post - how does this scale compare to the Hasbro version?

I have to admit that I'm not quite sure how the scale compares...they look close to the same size, but I think mine might be a tad bigger.

Thanks for the kind words everyone, and I would like to extend a big thanks to Tamer and Lucasclone for inviting me to do the was  a blast!  One thing that came from it was a discussion of some earlier work I did with vehicles...I had made several large scale scratchbuilds for my 6" Star Wars customs that I haven't posted here, mainly because I consider them to be a bit too "early" in my learning process.  But then I thought...what the hell!  The next few posts are copied and pasted from my thread on the Fwoosh forum, so some of the context might be off (being that the posts are going on 8 years old and are from another forum), but the WIP process is included for a few them and I didn't want to miss anything. 

Here they come...

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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Desert Skiff p. 2)
« Reply #36 on: December 12, 2013, 07:08:26 PM »


Thank Hemble for this one.  As soon as I saw his kick-ass Diorama featuring the old POTF2 chicken walker, I knew it was in the cards.  This project started at work last week, on my lunch break...I had a pen and some wrinkled pieces of paper:

Next was the basic construction:

Believe it or not, the detailing and buildup of these legs has taken several days to do...I have an all new appreciation for what the model makers at ILM accomplished...and my bargain basement version is a grossly simplified imitation!  Anyway...

Check out dem gams!

I also constructed the base for the legs and head from three 'boxes' made from styrene.  I then screwed them and the legs together:

And here it is with the unattached and undetailed head and a 6" Judge Dredd figure for scale reference:

The final product:

Its funny...the color is actually not what I intended.  The spray can said 'camoflage', but the cap was this really nice beige-green color.  It ended up being this very green, military color...but I actually really liked the way it looked, so I stuck with it.

I trimmed down the head and rebuilt it to look a little closer to the original model in terms of shape...its still way off, but closer than what it was before.  The front laser canons are mechanical pencils mounted onto a couple of plastic craft canisters.  The side blasters are fodder items that I've been dying to use on something for a very long time.


Much like the TIE Fighter, I couldn't stand to have the vehicle without the appropriate personnel.  In this case, I went with something closer to an AT-AT pilot, since the AT-ST is just a grumpy looking guy with a helmet and goggles.

He's made from some ML parts, with cloth and leather uniform, styrene chest armor, and an original sculpt helmet fashion from epoxy putty and vinyl.


I wanted the c0ckpit to look like a cramped tank interior, and also wanted it to be a bit stronger in look and design than my TIE and X-Wing interiors.  The control panel is decorated with odds and ends, as are the walls.  The textured grating is from a small dollar store plastic basket that I cut to size.

Further details:

Thanks for looking!
« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 07:15:45 PM by glorbes »

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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Desert Skiff p. 2)
« Reply #37 on: December 12, 2013, 07:09:56 PM »

Well...I made an X-Wing, so I HAD to make a TIE without the other just makes no sense.  Once I had locked down the Hamster Ball suggestion in the Shop Talk section, I started constructing the supports and the wings...but the problem was that I had nobody to fly the darn thing when I finished it.  So, I made a pilot:

The parts list for him is kind of irrelevant, since I basically assembled him from bits and pieces.  There's some Hush Catwoman, SMC Daredevil, Deadpool, and a few other odds and ends in there as well.  The helmet is an original sculpt in epoxy putty, with hosiery from a Mr. Freeze figure.  Cloth and Fabric make up the flight suit and flak vest.

Like my stormtrooper, I used vinyl to make the sharper edges of the helmet details by layering panels.  I decided to add silver trim to the edges of the panels to make them stand out a little more.

Here he is with his bud:

And now the TIE Fighter itself:

This ended up being even more time consuming than the X-Wing, and I'm not sure why.  The wings took a very long time to assemble, since there were so many individual steps to get a clean look to the whole thing.

There is much less detail on my version than the one in the movies, partially because I'm lazy, and partially because I kind of liked the simplified look without all of the "greeblies" sticking out every which way on the wings.  Who knows...I may decide to devote more time to detailing, but I'm happy with how it looks for now...this thing was enough work as it is.  

The c0ckpit was really annoying, since I had to fit a bunch of very imprecise pieces into a round structure...lots of trial and error to make the limited detailing fit.

I'm really happy with the proportions of the wings to the ball...the Hasbro/Kenner toy's wings always looked to small, and I wanted to make sure that my version seemed a bit more accurate in that regard.

Here are the X-Wing and TIE Fighter together:

« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 07:16:34 PM by glorbes »

Offline glorbes

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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Desert Skiff p. 2)
« Reply #38 on: December 12, 2013, 07:11:38 PM »

The X-Wing is, for me, an iconic toy from my childhood.  The version that I had when I was really young was from a yard sale or a flea market, and as such was missing the plastic canopy.  But that really didn't matter…I still loved it.  I did manage to get a complete X-Wing when I was ten (thanks Brad), but it still sort of stands as a very significant toy in my childhood memories.  

Which leads me to this project.

I found a place called Industrial Plastics that sells large sheets of styrene for the same price that I was paying for a tiny piece at the model shop...which of course drove me absolutely insane.  As is the first order of business when a new avenue opens to me, I started to think how this discovery could be used for customizing purposes.  Now, I've been kind of burnt out on figure customizing, so I thought it might be cool to branch out from my juice bottle rocket ship experiment and tackle something more...involved.  My first thought was to make a Batmobile (which I still intend to do, by the way), but then I realized that Star Wars provided an equally compelling wellspring of inspiration.  Thusly, I decided to make a "toy" X-Wing in the same vane as the original (but perhaps a bit more detailed and grittier).

I'd like to state that the finished product is very inaccurate to the source material, and that I, in many respects, cut corners with regard to recreating the models as they actually appeared in the film.  I'm also mimicking the proportions of the original Kenner X-Wing toy, but scaled up to 1/12 scale.  In the former case, I'm claiming "artistic license" the latter case I'm claiming homage to that beloved toy of my childhood.  Do you buy it?  ;)

The basic structure is large pieces of styrene with some support struts used in back half.  I basically worked out the size I wanted, drew the pattern on the styrene, cut the first shape, and traced it to create the opposite side. Lots of cutting and fitting followed, since I had no set plan for what I was doing.

I used ordinary Testor's model cement, since its designed to fuse model kits which are made from styrene that has been molded...the thickness of the sheet is 1/16", which is a great size for both stability and for cutting purposes.  I've worked with thicker pieces, and its just way too difficult and dangerous to use.  The basic structure that you see above turned out a lot sturdier than I could have ever hoped for.

The engine nacelles are some PVC plumbers parts that I eyed at a hardware store...the plumbing aisle is a treasure trove for this sort of thing (I also picked up the parts I'm using for the laser cannons there too).  I built support struts to attach the nacelles to the wings and the side of the fuselage.  I'd like to mention that I wasted several nights trying to engineer a functional "s-foil" mechanism that would allow the wings to open and close.  After a lot of frustration, I gave up and decided to just have the wings permanently "open."

The wings are hinged, but as I just wrote, are permanently set in the attack position.  The placement of the wings and nacelles are a little too delicate for my liking, but have stood up pretty well to handling.

For the surface detail, I"etched" the panels into the styrene with an exacto knife, and sanded down the surface.  These lines did get lost during the priming stage in some cases, but they provided at least some guidance for my final paint job.

"Etched" panels:

Artoo had to be removable (since it always annoyed me that he wasn't in the original toy), and I may still do some interior detailing to the back section. When I was a kid, I used the battery compartment of the Kenner toy as a place for Luke to store his accessories, so I may try to make some sort of hatch along those lines later on.  

Here's some further progress on the X-Wing...this kind of project is a helluva lot more time consuming than a custom figure!

Basic structure complete:

C-o-c-kpit details:

The seat is a professor X wheelchair, and the surrounding structure is a wierd X-Files figure accessory.  I was sweating about doing the c-o-c-kpit, but I think is provides a decent looking base for further details.


And a patchwork of panels:

Whether its too extreme a variance of color or not, I'm not sure, but I kind of like the way the varying shades look for the panels.

The finished product:

This was by far the most time-consuming and expensive project I've ever attempted.  It took over two and a half weeks to complete, and I spent about $50 in supplies for this monstrosity.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 07:17:13 PM by glorbes »

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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Desert Skiff p. 2)
« Reply #39 on: December 12, 2013, 07:13:27 PM »


This one was a real challenge.  Not that the other vehicles weren't, but the design of the Snowspeeder is a little more complex, and required some real trial and error to figure out.  I learned quite a bit from my mistakes on this one (and trust me...there's plenty!), and I hope I can avoid some of them on my next project.

Anyway, here are some work in progress shots:

This is the basic structure.  I started with a rectangular box for the c0ckpit (can we please get this friggin' word taken out of the word filter?), then developed the rest of the structure outward from that point.  Once the body was constructed, I puttied and sanded the heck out of the thing.

Next up was the detailing.  Panels were made using paper-thin styrene, with small rivet holes drilled in with the tip of an exacto knife.  The harpoon gun is a modified Tom Jane Punisher machine gun that has been anchored to a handle inside the c0ckpit with a screw to allow it to swivel.  Odds and ends were used for various details.


Now, because all I had for a pilot was a girl-Luke, I needed another Rebel pilot.  I thought that this would be a perfect opportunity to make an alien figure, and my first instinct was to make either a Mon Calamri or a Rodian...I chose the Mon Calamari.

Mon Calamari Rebel Pilot

I suppose it could be Ackbar earlier in his career, still duking it out with the grunts on the front.  ANyway, the base figure is a LOTR Gondorian Soldier, with hands from a Stan Winston Studios monster's hands.  The head is an original sculpt in Apoxie Sculpt, with some wire whiskers.

Its a Trap!!!


I stuck pretty close to the film's final design for both the ship and the paint job...primarily because I just really like the Snowspeeder, and wanted one at this scale.  There are some serious unintentional diversions from the filming models, primarily because I wasn't paying attention during some crucial points in the construction, but I'm relatively happy with the overall impression.

The hull was hand painted with a mixture of grey and white acrylics, and was weathered with a combination of washes and faint drybrush effects.  The paint job was almost as time consuming as the actual construction.

The c0ckpit was a letdown, because I really should have painted and detailed it BEFORE I made the rest of the ship around it...there are bare patches of white inside where I couldn't reach with my brush.  Next time, I'll detail and paint the interior first.

Panel Detail:


...and Bottom

The Crew:

« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 07:18:04 PM by glorbes »

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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Old 6" Builds from 2007 p. 3)
« Reply #40 on: December 13, 2013, 03:31:54 AM »
Wow, what a great batch of posts. Had to get that TIE on the front page. So wanted to use that AT-AT Driver which is really cool too Bruce. Thanks for talking with us last night. Off to share. All of this is just great and too scale. I don't see why you even bother with Hasbro anymore!

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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Old 6" Builds from 2007 p. 3)
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2013, 05:40:26 PM »
Bruce it's awesome to see some new work from you buddy and it's great to see some of the older vehicles and figures as well.


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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Old 6" Builds from 2007 p. 3)
« Reply #42 on: December 14, 2013, 08:42:12 AM »
Had to get that snowspeeder and pilot builds on the fp too.

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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Old 6" Builds from 2007 p. 3)
« Reply #43 on: December 14, 2013, 08:49:06 AM »
Incredible!!!  Especially dig the younger Ackbar... damn, that's so cool! 


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Re: Glorbes Star Wars Vehicle Builds (Old 6" Builds from 2007 p. 3)
« Reply #44 on: December 14, 2013, 09:50:31 AM »
 i have no words that will do this justice except.......just amazing !!!