Author Topic: RC's (Republic Commandos)  (Read 3715 times)

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RC's (Republic Commandos)
« on: May 12, 2011, 03:02:06 PM »
Clone Commandos were elite military units of the Grand Army of the Republic.  Most often assigned to missions in squads of four, they were assigned to the "tough" assignments;  covert infiltration, sabotage, demolition, and assassination were standard tasks for the clone commandos.  Some commandos were shown to be far more independent than thought, deserting when Order 66 was initiated without killing their Jedi Generals and/or Commanders.  Clone Commandos were assigned DC-17m Blaster Rifles, that included interchangeable attachments, such as reg., sniper, anti-armor, and a DC-15s side arm.  Of the four members of the unit, there was one sergeant, one demolitions trooper, one sniper, and one communications trooper.  The training of each varied slightly, but all clones were trained in the same subject, no matter how intensely, incase of field casualties.  Known weapons and equiptment included the following:    DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon Systems, Katarn-class commando armor, E-Web heavy repeating blasters, Accelerated Charged Particle Repeater Guns, Accelerated Charged Particle Array Guns, Improvised explosive devices, Bore bangs, Flash-bang grenades, EMP grenades, Shotguns, Geonosian force pikes, LJ-50 concussion rifles, Knuckle plate vibro blades, Night Ops Armor,TIVs,DC-17 hand blasters (Seen used by RC-1138), WESTAR-20 blaster pistols, Kaminoan saberdarts, Garrotes, Commando recon droids, Remotes, Ribbon charges, Hydraulic shearing machine, DC-15s side arm blasters, Bowcasters, Wookiee Guided Rocket Launchers, EMP disruptors, Detonation packs, Thermal detonators, EWHB-12 heavy repeating blasters, Wookiee rocket turrets, Geonosian Elite Beam Weapons,Kamas, Miniature bacta tanks, Thermal detonator tape, Bacta sprays, Heads-up displays, and Dampener aerosols.  Clone Commandos were trained by training sergeants, as well, mostly Mandalorians hand-picked by Jango Fett.  This elite group, the Cuy'val Dar, ensured the troops were trained for ANYTHING they would face on the battlefield; at times, though, men died in live-fire training exercises, which made the others strive to survive.  (The rare commando squads that were "original" by the end of the war were charished.)    Known Clone Commando Squads: 
Blue Squad,
Theta Squad
White Squad,
Aiwha-3 Squad
Bravo Squad
Gamma Squad
Kilo Squad
Delta Squad
Omega Squad
Veshok Squad
Aiwha Squad
Aquila Squad
Aurek Squad[13]
H.O.P.E. Squad
Ion Team
Manka Squad
Naast Squad
Orar Squad
Vevut Squad
Yayax Squad
Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic of the United States of America
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Offline Darth More

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Re: RC's (Republic Commandos)
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2018, 04:15:28 AM »
Wow, thank you very much for this precious information on Republic Commandos! I didn't know there were so many different Squads named!

- Philipp