Author Topic: The Oswaft  (Read 2837 times)

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The Oswaft
« on: January 16, 2010, 09:17:40 PM »
INFO: The Oswaft were intelligent, transparent, manta-like creatures that lived inside the ThonBoka nebula in the Centrality.

RACE: Oswaft
HEIGHT: 500-1000+ Meters Across
SKIN: Clear
DISTINCTION: Natural hyperspace travel
LANGUAGE: Intense, information dense language

The ThonBoka nebula was a sack-shaped nebula in the Centrality full of gases, organic molecules, carapace creatures and interstellar plankton. Its name translated into Basic as "StarCave Nebula." It was home to the sentient Oswaft species, manta ray-like creatures that fed on the nutrients inside the ThonBoka.

The nebula could only be entered from one side and contained three blue-white stars in the center region that surrounded the only architectural structure in the nebula, the Cave of Elders. This cave was made entirely of precious gemstones processed by the Oswaft, and was a scale model of the nebula.

Rokur Gepta tried to destroy the ThonBoka, but was thwarted by Lando Calrissian during the Battle of ThonBoka.

These gigantic creatures spoke an intense, information dense language and were able to make hyperspace jumps. They had brains that took up approximately two-thirds of their massive volume, and found tasks like deciphering encrypted Imperial communications codes trivial.

Young adult Oswaft could be half a kilometer across at the wingtips, and the Elders of the species were at least twice that. Oswaft grew throughout their lives. They had tentacles on their undersides, and two sensory projections on the front of their bodies. They could fabricate objects like gemstones from elements in their environment. The Oswaft were naturally transparent, but became opaque when they died.

The Oswaft tended to be cautious creatures and never left the safety of their home nebula. Thus, they remained in isolation from the rest of the Galaxy at large for millennia. Their only explorer was Lehesu, an ally of Lando Calrissian and Vuffi Raa. Honorific syllables were added to an Oswaft's name as they grew older and more influential, and the ruling Oswaft Elders had names of six to nineteen or more syllables.

In 3 BBY, Emperor Palpatine tried to exterminate the Oswaft because of his distrust of an intelligent alien species of significant population that could make hyperspace jumps at will. An armada of 500 capital ships under the command of his local ally Sorcerer of Tund and Centran Scrivinir Rokur Gepta blockaded the ThonBoka Nebula.

The armada's Carrack-class light cruisers were modified to contaminate the interstellar plankton that inhabited the nebula. Help came in the form of Lando Calrissian and a mysterious droid species known as the Silentium, who led the Oswaft against the Imperial fleet during the Battle of ThonBoka.

Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka (First appearance)
Rebel Dawn (Indirect mention only)
Lando Calrissian: Idiot's Array (Mentioned only)

The Essential Guide to Alien Species
The Essential Chronology
Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The New Essential Chronology
The New Essential Guide to Droids
"A Campaign Guide to the Centrality" - Star Wars Gamer 5

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.