Author Topic: The Bothans  (Read 10457 times)

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The Bothans
« on: December 17, 2009, 12:49:52 PM »
INFO: Bothans (pronounced /'Bafin/) were furry mammalian anthropoids, about 1.5 meters tall. Hailing from Bothawui and several colonies, Bothans differed in facial appearance and body structure with canine, feline, and equine features. They were known for being master politicians and spies, craving intrigue and subterfuge.

RACE: Bothans
HEIGHT: 1.4 to 1.5 Meters Tall
SKIN: Varies (mostly browns and creams)
DISTINCTION: Mood sensitive fur, canine, feline, and equine features and facial appearances.
LANGUAGE: Bothese (spoken), Botha (written)

Bothawui was a cosmopolitan planet, located in the center of Bothan Space of the Mid Rim. It was the homeworld of the Bothan race as well as a major hub for information trafficking. It was also the center of the Bothan Spynet, widely agreed upon to be the best network of information gathering in the the galaxy. The Imperial name for the planet was Bothawui Proper.

Bothans (pronounced /'Bafin/) were furry mammalian anthropoids, about 1.5 meters tall. Hailing from Bothawui and several colonies, Bothans differed in facial appearance and body structure with canine, feline, and equine features. They were known for being master politicians and spies, craving intrigue and subterfuge.

The Bothans were members of the Galactic Republic from at least 4,000 BBY, but likely from a significantly earlier point. Through numerous conflicts, most notably the Galactic Civil War, the Bothans remained officially neutral, although their famed Spynet always played each side and commercial interests sought profits.

The Bothans were famously credited with stealing the plans to the second Death Star during the Battle of Korriban, enabling the Rebel Alliance to destroy the battlestation. They played a large role in the founding of the New Republic and in the development of its government.

Bothese was the name of the native language spoken by Bothans, where Botha was the written form.

Bothan culture was guided by the philosophy and principles set forth in the ancient text The Way by Golm Fervse'dra. In this "Bothan Way", the pursuit of power and influence was paramount. Thus, individual Bothans put their own political and economic success above all other concerns, and as a species, Bothans put their own advancement ahead of other intergalactic interests. The volume of backstabbing, subtle character assassination and political maneuvering in Bothan society was dizzying, and resulted in many species stereotyping Bothans as untrustworthy.

In times of crisis, the focus of Bothan society shifted to a survivalist state known as "ar'krai". When engaged in ar'krai, all fit Bothans volunteered to defend their species from impending annihilation. The last calling of ar'krai was during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion after the death of Borsk Fey'lya and the practical defeat of the New Republic.


Immediate Bothan families were organized into large clans, which were the more important social unit in Bothan society; family and clan loyalty were equally important as power accumulation. Clan association was denoted as the last component in a Bothan name.[2] For example, the name Girov Dza'tey would mean that Girov was his given name, Dza his family name, and that he was of the Atey clan.

The Bothan Council, a representative body of selective Bothan clans, was the primary governmental body of the Bothan people. Renamed the "Combined Clans" during the New Republic era, the body was still commonly referred to as the Council. At the height of the Galactic Civil War, the council comprised representatives from 608 registered clans.[2] A constant flow of new clans petitioned for membership with the numbers soaring during crises like the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. At the head of the Council was the First Secretary, who led the council from their headquarters in Merchant's Square in the capital of Drev'starn.

Beginning with the Clone Wars and continuing after the fall of the Galactic Republic, the Council absorbed many of the Bothan political bodies, such as the Bothan Independent Treasury, seeing them as wasteful, corrupt and inefficient. Highly centralized, the Bothan Council governed all social, political, economic and security issues of Bothan life.

The Bothan Diplomatic Corps was one of the few government organizations to survive the culling, and was in fact expanded. The Diplomatic Corp operated as a branch of the Bothan government, and held the responsibility of furthering Bothan ideals through diplomacy. Its agents met with the leaders of other worlds, forged treaties, and represented Bothawui in the New Republic, to ensure that Bothan ends were served in any alliance.

Although Bothan Space have been prominent members of the New Republic and the Galactic Alliance that replaced it, Bothawui joined the Confederation in 40 ABY after the assassination of several Bothan citizens on Coruscant by the order of Jacen Solo, and the revelation of a Galactic Alliance plot to invade Bothan Space.

Although Bothawui remained neutral during the Galactic Civil War, the Bothans maintained a small defense force to protect the planet, along with Bothan colonies and economic interests. Aside from a figure-head governor and a small garrison of Stormtroopers, there was little Imperial presence. Both Imperial and Rebel Alliance intelligence, by a mutual, unspoken agreement, decided to let the planet serve as neutral ground, where they could engage in their clandestine activities without risking open conflict. Bothan soldiers and officers were trained at the oft-mocked Bothan Military Academy.

Despite official neutrality, the Bothan Spynet played a significant role in military operations throughout the war. Bothan spies acquired top secret codes for the first Death Star and delivered them to rogue Imperial Moff Kalast, who in turn handed them over to the Rebellion. Hundreds of Bothans would be personally slaughtered by Emperor Palpatine for their treachery. Later, under the leadership of Koth Melan, spies provided information to the Rebel Alliance, and were crucial in securing the plans to the second Death Star.

After the Empire subjugated the Bothan worlds, Alliance General Bob Hudsol organized many Bothans into a resistance movement that eventually overthrew the Imperial garrison.

As Bothan involvement in the New Republic increased, so did Bothan military advancement. From 4.5 ABY to 8 ABY, the New Republic Defense Fleet maintained a Bothan-only Bothan Combat Response Element as a quick response force, giving early experience to many future Bothan New Republic officers. By 25 ABY, Bothans such as Traest Kre'fey held high ranking posts in the New Republic military, and Bothans had developed several warships, such as the Bothan Assault Cruiser.

When the Second Galactic Civil War began in 40 ABY the Bothan government joined the Corellians. The Bothans began to build small, fast frigates to aide the war effort. Mon Calamari Admiral and Chief of Staff Cha Niathal stated that the Bothans had theorized a new fleet tactic: smaller, faster ships instead of heavily armed but inherently slow Star Destroyers.

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The Official Star Wars Fact File 19 (MID2, Planets of the Mid Rim)
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Bothan Names on (article)
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The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
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Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Squadrons Over Corellia (Card: Anticipate Aggression) (Picture only)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Squadrons Over Corellia (Card: Vital Strike) (Picture only)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Squadrons Over Corellia (Card: Deflection) (Picture only)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Galactic Hunters (Card: Perservance) (Picture only)
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Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – The Shadow Syndicate (Card: Weapons Drill)
The Essential Atlas
Yom Argo in the Databank
Tereb Ab'Lon in the Databank
Garm Bel Iblis in the Databank
Bothan in the Databank
Dash Rendar in the Databank
The Death Star II in the Databank
The Empire in the Databank
Borsk Fey'lya in the Databank
Talon Karrde in the Databank
Nelvaan in the Databank
Karie Neth in the Databank
Nym in the Databank
Orrimaarko in the Databank

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 10:18:48 AM by Cimter »

Offline Cimter

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« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2009, 09:52:51 PM »

Early history
The planet was an old member of the Galactic Republic, having joined years before the Great Sith War. Bothese was one of the languages from which Basic developed. The Bothans colonized many nearby worlds, such as Kothlis, and Bothawui became the capital of Bothan Sector. The Bothan Spynet also dates back to the days of the old Republic.

During the turbulent time of the Great Galactic War, the galaxy faced a deadly threat in the form of the resurgent Sith Empire which began conquering system after system. In 3,671 BBY, after a string of victories in the Outer Rim, the Sith turned their attentions to the Bothawui system with the intention of conquering it. This culminated in the First Battle of Bothawui where a squadron of Imperial warships attempted to conquer the planet - however, they were ambushed by Republic forces who achieved their first victory in the Great Galactic War.
The First Battle of Bothawui during the Great Galactic War

Fortifying the planet with a planetary shield generator, the Republic left a garrison force to protect the world which they did from a renewed Sith attack who deployed ground forces to take the Bothan homeworld. It was only the heroic sacrifices of hundreds of Jedi Knights and Republic soldiers who fought against impossible odds. The Republic defenders were killed in the struggle but the losses they placed on the Sith Empire forced the enemy to retreat.

In the years preceding the Clone Wars, the planet was represented in the Galactic Senate by Polo Se'Lab. It attempted to remain neutral during the Clone Wars. Despite its neutrality, a battle took place in the system. The forces on the ground were tired out after hard combat, when a fleet of Munificent-class star frigates entered the system to reinforce their own troops. Anakin Skywalker used a strategy for stopping them that saw AT-TE walkers deployed on local asteroids to ambush the warships from behind. The Munificent's unshielded sterns were bombarded.

Galactic Civil War
While officially a part of the Empire during the Galactic Civil War, the Imperials maintained little presence on the planet, apparently having decided that the world was little threat. A figure-head governor and a small contingent of Stormtroopers was the only outward sign that the world was under supposedly Imperial governorship. During the early years of the conflict, Imperial Security Bureau Agent Mar Barezz intercepted Rebel agent Tiree at Mesa 291 on Bothawui while Tiree was recruiting support for the Rebel Alliance, but failed to capture or kill him.

Both the Imperial and Rebel Alliance intelligence services apparently decided to let the planet serve as neutral ground, where they could both spy on one another with no open conflict.

Despite its neutrality, upon learning that Bothan spies had acquired the Death Star plans and given them to rogue Imperial Moff Kalast, who in turn delivered them to the Rebels, the Emperor traveled to Bothawui with two Royal Guards. The Emperor personally slaughtered hundreds of Bothans. Learning from one begging for his life that the plans were to arrive at Tatooine, Palpatine dispatched his servant, Darth Vader, to the Tatoo system to retrieve them.

Shortly before the Battle of Endor in 3.5 ABY, the Bothan Spynet and Spynet leader Koth Melan discovered evidence revealing that the Empire was transporting a freighter supposedly carrying fertilizer from Coruscant to Bothawui, when it fact it was transporting a closely guarded computer core containing plans to a top secret Imperial construction project. Luke Skywalker, along with Dash Rendar, traveled to Bothawui to aid in the capture of the information.

Accompanied by Rendar in his YT-2400 light freighter, the Outrider, and twelve BTL-S3 Y-wing starfighters piloted by eleven Bothans sympathetic to the Rebellion and Alliance pilot Ace Azzameen, Skywalker, in his personal X-wing, led an attack to intercept the freighter as it exited hyperspace on the fringes of the Both system. When the squadron intercepted the freighter, named the Suprosa, and demanded its surrender, the ship unveiled its heavy armaments and shields. Before Skywalker and Azzameen could disable the ship, the freighter had destroyed six of the Y-wings. After the computer was secured, it was taken to the Bothan colony world of Kothlis where a special team would attempt to decrypt it.

After a series of conflicts with the Imperial Navy immediately thereafter, the plans were finally delivered to the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Independence, where it was revealed that the plans were the construction details to a new, more powerful Death Star. It would turn out that the Emperor had intentionally allowed the plans to fall into the hands of the Alliance in order to lead them into a trap at the Death Star II construction site over the Sanctuary Moon of Endor, where he would finally destroy them once and for all.

Post Civil War eras
The planet was a founding member of the New Republic, although long represented only indirectly by Senator Borsk Fey'lya of Kothlis. When Fey'lya was elected President of the New Republic, Bothawui was again represented directly in the Senate by Mak Sezala.

During the Caamas Document Crisis Bothawui was the subject of many anti-Bothan riots. Leia Organa Solo and Han Solo were caught up in one of these attacks at a record center. Han was blamed for killing one of the rioters, though it was really an Imperial agent.

As the crisis escalated, General Garm Bel Iblis was stationed over the planet. When he and the New Republic task force had to leave, the General left Corran Horn and Wedge Antilles to guard the planet's shield generator from anticipated subterfuge. The duo met with Moranda Savich, an employee of Talon Karrde, who was also attempting to stop such an attempt. The trio was only somewhat successful, as the Imperial Intelligence team led by Drend Navett managed to bring down the shields, resulting in the Second Battle of Bothawui.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Bothawui and the other worlds of Bothan Space were protected by the Fifth Fleet of the New Republic Navy. This kept the Fifth Fleet out of much of the actual fighting, as Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya wanted to make sure that his home sector was safe. Still, the Bothan people served in the war in many roles, from soldiers and naval officers in the Defense Force to intelligence operatives. Their most notable contribution to the war was the famed Bothan Assault Cruiser, a powerful warship that served in New Republic fleet and later the Galactic Alliance Navy. In 26 ABY, Kyp's Dozen moved to protect the planet following the Battle of Ithor.

The world was an important member of the Galactic Alliance, though extreme fundamentalist views of some Bothans in regards to the defeated Yuuzhan Vong would cause some friction. In 40 ABY, although originally hesitant to ally with Corellia in the Second Galactic Civil War, Jacen Solo's mass assassination of Bothans on Coruscant caused them to prepare three cruiser fleets for Corellian service. The Galactic Alliance was quick to dispatch a scout screen to the planet in order to monitor the fleets. However Sith Lady Lumiya not only persuaded intelligence chief Tathak K'roylan that the GA had conclusively been behind and backed the assassinations, but also arranged for the scout screen to be disabled. The Bothans were able to send their fleets to Corellia and there they helped break the blockade. Following this outbreak of hostilities, Bothawui became a founding member of the Confederation. At the end of the Second Galactic Civil War Bothawui had rejoined the Galactic Alliance. In 43.5 ABY, Tiurrg Drey'lye was a senator representing the Bothawui Sector as well as being the head of the Senate Unification Preparations Committee for the Unification Summit.

In the Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire many Bothans with influence on Bothawui were offered prestigous positions within the new Empire, to ensuthe their loyalty to the new order. Imperial Intelligence operated closely within the Bothan Spynet, gathering information and looking for any sign of treason from its members.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 10:19:08 AM by Cimter »

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Re: The Bothans
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2010, 06:48:05 PM »
I really like the Bothans and had been wondering about them as a child since Leia said "many Bothans died to get this information" I also want to make a few of these and one of them will be that first reference photo.

Offline Cimter

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Re: The Bothans
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2010, 07:24:48 PM »
Interesting L.E. I would like to see you do this one, and you never know and this goes for anyone else on any of the Alien Races it may appear as the main picture this is not in conjunction with the little comp I am running because there is plenty of Aliens to still be done.

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Re: The Bothans
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2010, 09:44:20 PM »

Offline JediMindtrix

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Re: The Bothans
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2011, 07:30:48 PM »
those are great customs.  ;D