Author Topic: Moronarama Custom Figures  (Read 61725 times)

Offline Tamer

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #345 on: May 31, 2023, 03:01:31 AM »
Wow, another great batch. Off to share.

Offline Starchaser

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #346 on: May 31, 2023, 12:13:28 PM »
Some more great figures. I, too, like the Ithorian and the Chadra-Fan. The back-stories are great! Hope these sell well ;D

Offline Moronarama

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #347 on: September 19, 2023, 11:37:14 AM »
Long time, no see.  I made a new batch of customs for your enjoyment.

Tamer added eBay link:

BL-002 “Blue Two” – Security Droid

Boss Krako had originally purchased six custom Centurion Class security droid, BL-001 through BL-006.  Over a 15 year period he had lost all but BL-002, Blue Two.  They had all been made identical, but some how Blue Two had been able to process information faster and learn quicker, allowing him to outlast his droid brothers.  Now Blue Two was as recognizable at Boss Krako himself, striking fear into the hearts of the Coruscant Underworld.  For 15 years they had come at him and for 15 years Blue Two had repelled their every scheme.

Head is from a Skylanders Chop Chop.  Torso is Marvel Ultron.  Arms are Imaginext Buzz Lightyear Zurg.  The hands are Marvel Legends Iron Man and Buzz Lightyear.  Legs are Iron Man 3 Ghost Armor.  The pistols are Final Faction.

Crossock Ket – Weequay Jedi

Crossock Ket sat in the lotus position and waited.  He reached out with the Force and found connection the teaming life of the planet.  He could feel the leaves and roots of the trees and plants, the insects crawling in the ground, the animals creeping in the undergrowth, the birds flying above.  He reached out meters and then kilometers, as far as his sense could stretch, searching.  Then he found it, a crying infant.  A child strong in the force.  Crossock Ket stood and made his way to the village, his waiting now over.

Head SW Weequay.  Torso, arms and legs are SW Anakin Skywalker.  The hands are SW Saesee Tiin.  Ponytail is from Pirates of the Caribbean Tai Huang.

Doc Goza – Gand Doctor

Doc Goza washed his hands and waved his hand over the head sensor to shut it down.  The surgery had been hard, but the patient, a young Twi’lek girl, did well and was now resting.  In the Outer Rim, good physicians were hard to come by.  Instead, you often got underqualified hacks if you were lucky, and devious con-men and butchers if you were not lucky.  Doc Goza was one of the good ones.  But he had his secrets.  Like many out here, he was on the run from a life in the central planets, trying to make up for a bad past with an honest future.  Time would tell.

Head is SW Kenner Zuckuss.  Hands are SW Legacy Zuckuss.  Torso, arms and legs are SW Anakin in Peasant Disguise.  Satchel is GI Joe Red Star and rifle is Bass Pro/Cabella/Adventure Wheels.  The head light is part of a SW lightsaber.

DSV-103 “Buster” – Service Droid

Buster used the prybar the force the panel off and then went to work salvaging the control boards from the hyperdrive.  This is what DSV-103, aka Buster, did, day in and day out.  The Ord Mantell salvage yards were beyond massive, piled high were derelict spaceships, speeders, walkers and million other tons of junk.  Buster has been dismantling his cruiser on his own for nearly a month.  He likely had another two months before he was done.  Such was the live of a salvage droid.

Torso is toy train tanker car.  The arms are Fallout T-60.  The hands are Mighty World.  The base is diecast toy tank.  The face is a Buzz Lightyear I.V.A.N.  The back pack is Barbie.

EC-9-2 – Battle Caddie Droid

EC-9-2 has worked for five different bounty hunters, hauling weapons and gear, since he was originally activated in 52 BBY5. He’s luckier than most droids, his first master equipped him with a secured back up memory, so that even if a new master wipes him, he can run reupload his full memory. All those years of combat experience and observation … well that’s why he’s outlasted five masters. Never underestimate a good battle caddie.

The head is SW Ned-B. The torso is SW Pit Droid. The arms are SW Battle Droid. The lower part is a Matchbox buldozer with lits of greebles. The rifle is Fortnite.

El-Vee Fortoosix – Neomorph Jedi
An Star Wars/Aliens Mash-Up

El-Vee had no eyes to see, but the Force allowed him to see.  He could feel, hear and smell the coming Battel Droids, but also he could sense their mechanical absence in the fields of the Force.  Like shadows on a sunny day, the droids has no presence in the life teaming life around them.  El-Vess planted his feet and ignited his lightsaber.  The time for battel was now.

Head is an Aliens: Prometheus Neomorph Minimates.  The scarf is Marauders Gun Runners.  The rest is SW Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker.

Festus Gool - Ranat Smuggler

The small freighter lined itself up and landed on the small asteroid.  Quickly the captain, Festus Gool, shut down all the power and went dark.  Moments later a patrol of tie fighters swept by skirting the edge of the asteroid field looking for the runaway freighter.  It was no good, their sensors could not find it and they dared not to enter the field in their fragile fighters.  Festus thought to himself, "Outwitted you fool imps again."  He smiled and went to check the cargo.  Thirty crates of enriched spice.  Not enough to retire, but maybe enough for a vacation.  Festus smiled to himself, he loved the life of a smuggler.

Head is Boss Fight Studios Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S.  The torso is an anime E.V.A. suit.  The arms are SW Kuiil.  The legs are Imaginext Buzz Lightyear Darby Steel.  The back pack is a SW Battle Droid.  The rifle is SW Shoretrooper and the Axe is GI Joe.

Futaang – Triclops Resistance Pilot

The A-Wing lurched as the blaster fire penetrated the starboard shields and damaged the thruster.  Futaang knew he was no match for the advanced Tie Interceptor, but he wasn't ready to give up.   The Tie Interceptor had some kind of scrambling that was preventing his missile lock, so he still had a full complement of 12 HM-22 concussion missiles.  Reaching below the dash he found the controls to the launcher hatch and crossed the wires.  The bay doors open and the missiles began the dead-drop in the wake of his small craft as he pushed hard forward in a straight trajectory.  The Tie interceptor swept in behind Futaang for the kill, but never saw the drifting munitions.  Futaang turned his head to watch the Tie fighter explode.  Now his set his mind on limping back to the fleet for repairs.

Head is an original sculpt in Apoxy Sculpt.  The rest is SW Pilot Asty.

Kavaacho -  Omikyr Bounty Hunter
A Star Wars/Dungeons & Dragons Mash-up

Kavaacho stood motionless amongst the trees, his head slightly cocked to the right.  He could hear his quarry scrambling through the under growth about 100 years ahead.  The Trandoshan was breathing heavy and wounded thanks to the deadfall Kavaacho set a 1/2 mile back.  The trandoshans had come to trophy hunt in the lush forest of the planet, but they had made a fatal error.  Normally Kavaacho hunted for bounty, but today it was for revenge.  His aunt and young nephew had been scapled and left to rot along with a dozen other villagers.  Kavaacho's father called and Kavaacho came.  Three of the Trandoshan's heads now adorned the village fence, and Kavaacho was about to add a fourth.  Kavaacho readied his sickle and rushed into the woods.  It would not be long now.

Head is from a Schleich deer.  The torso and arms are Jar Jar Binks.  The bottom tunic is SW Clone Trooper Training Fatigues.  The legs are Lanard C.O.R.P.S.  The gun is SW POTF2 Dengar, the sickle is Fortnite.

Olivandra Otiz – Mirialan Bounty Hunter

"Would you care to dance, sweetheart?" the burly Togorian asked.
Olivandra Otiz eased her squinted eyes over to the alien from beneath her broad brimmed hat. "No, thank you," she replied cooly.
The Togorian slammed his fist onto the table, spilling the drink. "You think you're too good for me, darlin'? How about you get up and dance?," he growled.
The was a rustle of skirt and a long-barreled silver blaster appeared in Olivandra's hand and pressed itself into the Togorians gut. The Mirialan whispered to the Togorian, "I said 'no.'  You best take that before you’re drawing air from the wrong side of your lungs."
The Togorian whimpered and backed away.  Olivandra blasted him in the knee just for good measure, and he went down screaming.  A woman on the outer rim had to learn to be clever and ruthless if she wanted to survive.

The head, lower arms and legs are SW Bariss Offee.  The torso and upper arms are SW Cad Bane.  The hat is Pirates of the Caribbean Barbossa.  The skirt is SW Luminara Undulli.  The belt is SW Han Solo.  The holder and pistol are Chicken Friend Toys Dime Store Novel.

Ralquo – Gand Thora Bounty Hunter

Ralquo trotted behind the small Chadra Fan, his crew leader and captain, Timino.  Timino had caught the scent of their quarry, a fat human wanted for forging Imperial travel documents.  Ralquo groaned inside.  He knew Timono only brought him on this run so he could carry the obese skip trace back to the ship.  It seems all he did these days b   was heavy lifting.  He'd joined the crew to learn the bounty hunting trade and all he'd learned was to lift with his legs and how to ice a sore back.  But a job was a job and Ralquo likes this better than farming the swamps on Gand.  At least he was getting to see the galaxy.

Head is a SW Undead Geonossian.  Eyes are made of beads.  The torso is SW Momaw Nadon.  The arms and legs are Lanard C.O.R.P.S.  The pistol is Fortnite and the knife is Batman.

Raul Pene – Chiss Rebel Operative

The patrols on Corellia had been doubled and Raul Pene was worried.  His mission hung on him slipping past the guards and uploading the modified specs into the engineering computers.  Modifications that would make the new Star Destroyers vulnerable to snub fighter attacks on their shield generators.  This would give the Rebel Alliance the advantage in coming battles.  But with the heavy guard, things weren’t looking good.  Raul Pene hunkered down and waited.  The time would come and this mission was too important to fail.

Head is GI Joe.  The torso, arms and legs are SW Cassian Andor.  The jacket is SW Finn.  The gun belt is Marauder Gun Runners.

Senator Grouphus – Reptilon Minister
A Star Wars/Dinosaucers Mash-up

Senator Grophus reviewed Sentaor Amidala’s proposal a second time and he could not deny what it said. It was clear the Chancellor was plotting something terrible. The Senator from Naboo was not sure how Palpatine was going to manage it, but the evidence was undeniable. He opened his com to call his assistant when he heard the door behind him open. “Ah, Plesio, I was just trying to reach you …” but the blaster bolt cut him off. Plesio messaged is contact in the Chancellor’s office that the Reptilon vote had been secured.

Head is a dinosaur toy.  Torso, Arms & Legs are SW Orn Free Taa.  The collar is SW Captain Tarpals.

SK-T3 “Tall Boy” - Astromech Droid

The speeder belched and SK-T3 was covered in exhaust soot ... again.  SK-T3, or Tall Boi as his boss called him, had just gotten himself an oil bath the night before and hoped he might keep his joints clean until the next week.  He honked a low dissatisfied honk and moved to access the engine port for diagnostics.  SK-T3 found the problem and readjusted the fuel mix.  This time the speeder fired up clean.  SK-T3 could feel the carbon grinding in his gears and honked low again.  There was no justice n droid life.

The main body is the barrel is a cannon from SW Moroff.  The top and upper ee are from a Mastermind game.  The legs are R2-D2 conencted with vinyl screws.  The lower leg is from a SW IG-88.

TZ-896 – Droid Pirate

TZ-896 sharpened the blade of his sword while he waited for the airlock to connect and open.  As first mate of the Steel Claw he always boarded first.  Two modified Battle Droids and Astromech modified for droid fights waited with him.  They all crewed for Cap’n Gonk as parts of and all droid pirate team.  The plan was simple: TZ-896 would make his way to the command deck and demand surrender.  If the crew refused the Astromech would shut down the bulk head and vent the whole ship to space.  No muss, no fuss.  He might have to gut a few meatbags on the way to the cockpit, but otherwise these were always bloodless affairs.  Organic bodies in space freeze and don’t bleed.  The airlock hissed, it was showtime.

Head is some binocular thing I found attached to a SW Battle Droid head socket.  The  torso, arms and upper legs are what I think are X-Men Cable.  Lower legs are Captain America.  The sword is Pirates of the Caribbean Blackbeard and the pistol is Lanard C.O.R.P.S.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 03:08:48 AM by Tamer »

Offline Starchaser

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #348 on: September 19, 2023, 02:53:23 PM »
Nice to see you back! Another great batch, all with good stories. I like the composition of your Reptilon. "Blue Two" is great, as is the pirate droid. I like the design of the Mirialan a lot. Great paint job on the Ranat!

Offline Moronarama

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #349 on: September 19, 2023, 03:01:00 PM »
Nice to see you back! Another great batch, all with good stories. I like the composition of your Reptilon. "Blue Two" is great, as is the pirate droid. I like the design of the Mirialan a lot. Great paint job on the Ranat!

Thanks, man.  I'm going to try and sty more active.
These were a lot of fun to make.  The Mirialan is my favorite.  Reminds me of a picture I saw once of a female Mexican revolutionary.

Offline Darth More

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #350 on: September 19, 2023, 11:02:02 PM »
I admire how you always come up with such creative names for your characters. Crossock looks great! Olivandra would be awesome to see in Mando Season 4 to bring back that Space Western vibe.

I hope bounty Hunter Kavaacho will have revenge on all the butchers out there and slaughters them the same way. And Raul Pene will have to go to my list of customs that I have to copy some day. I have a few Andor figures left and he’s just a perfect civilian in my book.

Awesome lineup once again! Thanks for sharing!

Offline Moronarama

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #351 on: September 20, 2023, 07:10:44 AM »
I admire how you always come up with such creative names for your characters. Crossock looks great! Olivandra would be awesome to see in Mando Season 4 to bring back that Space Western vibe.

I hope bounty Hunter Kavaacho will have revenge on all the butchers out there and slaughters them the same way. And Raul Pene will have to go to my list of customs that I have to copy some day. I have a few Andor figures left and he’s just a perfect civilian in my book.

Awesome lineup once again! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks, Darth More.  I like making background characters, they were always some of my favorites from the films.  I really dug the Tales of the Bounty Hunters and Tales of the Mos Eisley Cantina where they gave them each their own story.  I decided that Kavaacho needed to be a riff on Bambi, the only deer story I could think of :)

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #352 on: September 21, 2023, 03:07:41 AM »
Wow, what great customs. I couldn't download the daggone images thanks to the new google feature or windows or whatever. It was adding some download category into the image so I couldn't load em into facebook, but I got it on the front page! Awesome.

Offline Moronarama

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #353 on: September 23, 2023, 05:04:27 AM »
Wow, what great customs. I couldn't download the daggone images thanks to the new google feature or windows or whatever. It was adding some download category into the image so I couldn't load em into facebook, but I got it on the front page! Awesome.
Thank you, Tamer.  There was a picture on FB, so something must have started working.  Thanks for all your hard work around here.

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #354 on: September 23, 2023, 05:07:57 AM »
Yeah, I had to use the snipping tool on one of the images. Don't know whats up, but these images are adding some new words to the end of the jpg affix that doesn't allow them to show up as images.

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #355 on: October 25, 2023, 10:41:36 AM »
These are all great! Very creative!