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My fellow cellar dwellers,

  I need to vent about something that is irking me. I have been a subscriber to SWTOR for a little over a year now. It is my first experience into the PC gaming world as a whole. Here is what I have come up with. I love the story line, the graphics, the options, and the excitement. What I don't like is the general attitude of fellow gamers. Correct me if I am wrong but PC gamers as far as the SWTOR community is concerned is terrible. I do not claim to be the smartest person on the planet and every now and then I run into a speed bump in my gaming experience. I humbly reach out to my fellow gamers for advice or tactics and I get nothing but sly remarks and attitude. All those top level gamers refuse to help the little guy. It put such a bad taste in my mouth, I unsubscribed to the game and forever banned PC gaming for good. What do you think? Was and/or is your experience anything like mine? Let me know what you think.
I know this for one thing. ISY has no attitude involved with it's site or members. My experience with PC gaming only solidifies my commitment to this site. I told you I was going to vent. If I have offended you my apologies. My intention was to only voice my experience. Keep on collecting!!!

You haven't offended me in the least, matter of fact dealing with online folks like you have described was one of the reasons this place was created. Kinda sad to hear you are dealing with people like this in our hobby. Unfortunately, I run across a few from time to time too and if stiffens my resolve to continue to do what we do.

I wonder if anyone else here plays that? I am sure they would help. I have always meant to try it, but my online time at a  minimum everyday it seems and what time I have needed to be spent here doesn't leave the Tamer much time to try that out.

I like the point you made Tamer about your resolve. I am going to look at my particular instance and alter my resolve as well. That shed a new perspective on the topic. Thanks.

Now I would be a liar if I said sometimes those types of folks don't get me down. Still, after a few folks almost ruined the hobby for me because of a similar stance on something that should be fun I just had to not deal with those folks. Today I simply refuse to deal with anyone that doesn't let this be fun for me. This is a hobby, its supposed to be fun. How some folks try to use it to troll and spread negativity is beyond me, but you will have those types of folks everywhere I have found. I have found its hard for them to flame if they have no audience. ;D

As a moderate to hardcore MMO player for about 10 years from 2002-2003 to 2012 I can tell you that the your experience is the norm sadly. Many many gamers PC ones especially have a very elitist attitude when it comes to any form of help or community. Look up old Fires of Heaven or WoW guild drama if you want to see the depths of which some gamers are willing to go. Well beyond random in-guild hook ups in real life ruining marriages.

I played MMO's for so long I got numb to it. I was that elitist A-hole after a year or so of playing when I really started hardcore raiding. After a while I couldn't be that cold to newcomers and I took a lot of heat from my fellow guildmembers for it to. Ostracizing someone because they were nice and helped or gave something out shows you how barren a game filled with thousands of people can be. Like Tamer said when they start making it un-fun (SWG:NGE) I go. Hence why I don't delve into Everquest nor World of Warcraft anymore.


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