Author Topic: Items needed to start ebay selling?  (Read 1718 times)

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Items needed to start ebay selling?
« on: July 28, 2009, 07:47:30 PM »
I figured you guys would know what I would need to start? What do you guys recommend in a postage machine? I have a few boxes, but figured I would let the experts let me in on what I would need to start selling.

Offline Clonehead

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Re: Items needed to start ebay selling?
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 08:51:21 PM »
I dont weigh or print my own postage, buddy, but alot of people do. I prefer to keep my rapport with the local postmaster and his cronies fresh. We end up helping each other out sometimes.
  As for boxes, tone down your thinking on the ultimate protected shipment for your parcels. Simple good packing in a smaller box will save you money in shipping costs. Start saving your plastic walmart bags for packing material. used bubble wrap is good as is the thin foam sheet that alot of electronics come wrapped in. I have a collection of foam packing from various purchases I can use as the need arises and have saved foam popcorn from previous received shippments. For MOC figures, a cereal box works pretty good.Sometimes I will cut them down smaller to save on shipping.

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Re: Items needed to start ebay selling?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2009, 09:39:51 PM »
A good camera & steady hand.  Learn to use the macro setting - prolly looks like a flower on your settings menu.  Take plenty of pics until you have some GOOD ones in focus and well-lit.  I also suggest a white-box.  I think someone posted a link to making one over on RS a few weeks back.

I promise you - a GOOD pic and accurate title WILL bring you more hits and bids.  If you are selling Star Wars toys and listing them in the Star Wars categories - WHY do you need to put "Star Wars" in the title, hm?  That's 9 letters you can use to better title your auction.

Clint, have you tried asking at local furniture or electronics stores for styro or sheet foam?  That just occurred to me.  I need to ask the local furniture store about foam for dios...  ;D

Write your description up in Wordpad or something first, then save it and  c&p it into the description area.

Keywords in the title are your best friends.  Have I mentioned that?  I grabbed an Aayla Secura for $3 this week, because his title was "loose female jedi."  Now, I'll grant she's hot, but I don't know about loose!  ;D  I watched two other auctions for the SAME FIG go over $8 each - loose - because they both had "Aayla Secura" in the title.  (he also had a really crappy, underlit pic of the fig - he didn't do himself ANY favors in that auction)

Include the line/group/whatever they call it in the title - POTF, POTJ2, VOTC, Saga, OTC, etc.  I want some of those neat "force effect" pack-ins that came witht he Saga Yoda, so I look for "Saga Yoda" and can weed out the other yoda incarnations.

Make it a note in your description - remember, the one you saved earlier? - that you recycle packing materials *to save your customers money*!  If you don;t have to buy the material, you don't have to charge s&h!

Forget the postage meter - that's what the folks at the PO get paid for.  Unless, that is, you live so far out in the sticks that driving to the PO is a major hassle or if you just can't get there during the day.

Take your pics as flat/square to the subject as you possibly can.  I hate trying to decipher which fig it is third from the left in the top row because the camera is tilted in such a way as to make identification impossible.  Same for flash-glare.  Use a light-box and extra lights so you don;t need the flash.  Glare sux.

Good titles, good pics - that's all you need.  IMO.

Offline Clonehead

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Re: Items needed to start ebay selling?
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2009, 10:08:32 PM »
Doc is right about the importance of good pics. Remember that alot of people will shop with pics more
Than the description. Some people cla that a good background color is important. I find that blue or green are the most
Don't forget to use a tracking number to ward off most of the us scammers.
Multiple pics per auction are a plus. If it's a moc item, take some pics of the back of the packaging also.

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Re: Items needed to start ebay selling?
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2009, 05:23:22 AM »
Good thoughts guys. I will try to incorporate most of this.

Alas for me, the post office is quite a few parsecs away so I have a feeling a digital postal scale would be better so I can get an accurate shipping quote and just print out the postage label and have em pick it up either at home or work. Another bad thing about my post offices is they close pretty much the time I get off work so even getting to them is hard.