Author Topic: Anyone else notice big retailers are not stocking alot of Star Wars figures?  (Read 2174 times)

Offline dax415

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I stopped collecting for last 2 years and started back up recently because I was trying to find EU figures.  I've noticed at Walmart, Target, Kmart, and even Toys R Us don't have as much stock as before.  Furthermore, unless you are there the day they stock figures, its even worse to find a figure you are looking for.  Is it just my area doing that or is it all over?

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Pretty much all over from what I have heard and seen.

The problem lies in the case assortments. Take TPM Wave for example, Hasbro failed to remember when they launched these figures during the movie premier years that they stalled mid line. For the anniversary of TPM, and the relative success of the vintage line at that point even though distribution was a problem they made huge amounts of them and then put them in large quantities in subsequent cases. The result was a glut of TPM Figures on the pegs and even when they sold the subsequent new cases that were able to be put out then were left with those TPM Pegwarmers. We are still seeing them. There are probably still hundreds, if not thousands of cases of the later vintage waves that will never see the light of day other than being sold to discount chains (like the Naboo Fighter and Tuesday Morning Stores) and this pretty much doomed a line that could have continued indefinitely.

In the midst of all that mismanagement you have the brick and mortar stores who can't put out new product and order new product until what is on their own pegs is sold and that just never happened due to those TPM Pegwarmers. From what I have gleaned from my friends in the know they were forced to cancel a ton of case orders because they didn't need them. They still had product on the pegs and for them SW was the big dud of the year. It was better for the stores to focus on figures from upcoming movies and new lines than SW which of course has a price point that is usually much higher than any other AF Line.

So, now they are all leery of Star Wars if not Hasbro altogether. Hasbro is taking a gamble that they can reduce the points of articulation, perhaps knock off a dollar or two of price, and get some confidence back in the line. That and the hope that a new six inch line will start a whole new round of collectors and completists. July and August are gonna probably be some pins and needles months for Hasbro for if the line fizzles at brick and mortar retail those same stores aren't gonna order in their usual case assortments for the X-Mas rush. If this happens I do not forsee good things for Hasbro SW. I mean lets face it, this is Hasbro's return to the proverbial drawing board. Personally, I had wished for a new line (if we had to part with the vintage line) with case waves that were more indicative of all the movies (perhas less TPM) and only announce at most the first three waves. Then, they could see where they were at with enough time in advance (I still don't believe that year and a half from design to factory to pegs bull hoey) to see where they needed to focus the other four to five waves (I wouldn't have had more than that) with the case assortments for those being repacked with favorites from the first three or proven winners from the vintage waves a year or two before. That would probably have restored faith in the line.

That being said, from some of the in hand shots I saw of the six inch figures they look awesome for the most part, but I just don't see folks buying one of each (even though there are only four per wave) at a twenty dollar a price point.  One also needs to remember that we have seen a SW Hasbro haitus for how long? I think some folks may have moved on to other SW Collecting pursuits (vintage, GG, Sideshow, Kotobukiya, etc.) as the quality of some of those is just mind boggling.

So there is my wordy explanation. From one humble collector in a rather large universe. ;)

Offline dax415

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I gotta agree with you.  The reason I left SW collecting was that the figures were horrid.  I really didn't like the phantom menace toys and wondered why in the world would they try again given these figures were peg warmers.  The only thing that pulled me back was the EU figures, most of which sell for exorbant prices on ebay.  I hit 5 Walmarts and 6 Targets to look for the figs, but came up empty.  I don't know about anyone else, but the current wave of figures for the most part are dead to me.  Doesn't Hasbro ask the fans for their imput anymore?  It would save them a lot of monies if they pumped out figures we actually wanted instead of retreads of a dead line of figures.

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I haven't really heard anything from Hasbro (through their PR Firm) for months now. I really don't think they care much about what we think if I had to be honest. They will always say these are toys and are made for kids not us (collectors). They also say kids don't care about articulation.  When we used to do question and answer sessions with Hasbro I thought there were some of the neatest things and we got some of the best product out there. We would never have seen tha AT-TE without those Q and A Sessions. We asked some of those stupid why questions and didn't give em much wiggle room. I miss those q and a's.

Offline dax415

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Speaking of movie figures, have you guys noticed the Superman and Iron Man figures?  Talk about POS.....I was curious and asked several different employees of Walmart and Target about how good they move.  They either laughed or said that its been on the shelf since the first got it, more so with the Superman stuff than the Iron man stuff, lol

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Yeah, same with my stores. One would have hoped that them sitting on the pegs would show them that the SW Line will fail horribly if they do this as lets face it those crappy figs are still gonna be higher than most other lines. 5 POAs will not work.

Offline dax415

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I haven't really heard anything from Hasbro (through their PR Firm) for months now. I really don't think they care much about what we think if I had to be honest. They will always say these are toys and are made for kids not us (collectors). They also say kids don't care about articulation.  When we used to do question and answer sessions with Hasbro I thought there were some of the neatest things and we got some of the best product out there. We would never have seen tha AT-TE without those Q and A Sessions. We asked some of those stupid why questions and didn't give em much wiggle room. I miss those q and a's.

Kids not caring about articulation is idiotic......they always made modern GI Joe figures with a lot of articulation.  When I was a kid my friends and I stepped up the purchases of GI Joe's once they had new swivel arm battle grip and made the improvements so the hands wouldn't break.  Wouldn't surprise me if the end of the Q and A sessions correlated with the down fall of their product line.

Offline Tamer

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I couldn't agree more on your comment about the q and a's ending with the decline of the product lines. The fan sites were feeding them tons of great product ideas. Realistically they ought to come back to them.

Offline Phatty

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My stores haven't stocked anything new since January... of 2012.  I'm not even joking.  I'm glad I stopped collecting Hasbro entirely because I'd never find anything without resorting to online eTailers or eBay.

Offline Tamer

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My stores haven't stocked anything new since January... of 2012.  I'm not even joking.  I'm glad I stopped collecting Hasbro entirely because I'd never find anything without resorting to online eTailers or eBay.

Pretty much the same point I am at too. I am still looking for a couple vintage figures in the form of the EU Characters I couldn't get. Amazon is about the only place one can find a decent price every once in awhile.

Offline wraithnine

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the problem is Hasbro only hears what it wants to hear , well  Hasbro if YOUR listening(which i very much doubt) a company that stops listening to its customers  eventually doesnt last very endeth the lesson.
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline dax415

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the problem is Hasbro only hears what it wants to hear , well  Hasbro if YOUR listening(which i very much doubt) a company that stops listening to its customers  eventually doesnt last very endeth the lesson.

Couldn't agree with you more......this is Advanced Dungeons and Dragons all over again.  The head of the company felt the customers would buy anything they put out, they even stopped pre testing their own product.