Author Topic: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS  (Read 5191 times)

Offline CHEWIE

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The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« on: June 12, 2013, 08:41:27 AM »
After a much longer wait than I had hoped, the latest chapter in The Enloe Trials is complete.  I started working on customs for for this around 6 or so months ago, and the diorama sets too -- but life in general pushed things back further than I would have liked.

Anyways, here's the latest chapter - but if you haven't read the previous installments, it might be helpful to do so.

The Enloe Trials Prologue: The Baron's Crusade
Chapter 1: Seeds of Insurrection
Chapter 2: Atrocity

Feedback, as always is very welcome.  Even if you don't like what you see.    bbfet

The Dantallion...flagship of Imperial Baron Tylin Gere.

In the recent months, Tylin has waged a secret war... he attempts to locate an ancient Sith artifact that is now in the hands of Badoo Corba terrorists.

He has destroyed Rebel outposts...

...and shown no mercy to his enemies.

He has even ordered the execution of members of Rykrof Enloe's family and blamed it on the terrorists...

...all the while, unaware that the Emperor has been monitoring his progress with great interest.

...while the scientists in the employ of the Badoo Corba pursue their own agenda.

Now, Tylin's Star Destroyer approaches Naboo.

On the surface, Imperial Stormtroopers patrol the capital city of Theed.

Meanwhile, Alyssa and Caldin Enloe are escorted to their new residence.

Alyssa is very concerned for the well-being of her son and does not understand Tylin's intentions.

Knowing that Tylin is set to arrive at any moment, she checks on Caldin.

"Why don't you check out your new room?" Alyssa smiles.
"Down the hall, last room on the left."

"This place is great!" the boy exclaims.
"Wait until Dad sees it!"

"I hope I'm not intruding on anything," Tylin then says as he enters the home.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" Alyssa asks Tylin once her son has left the room.

"You were unhappy aboard my ship," Tylin replies.
"I thought you may be more comfortable here, back on Naboo."

"Yes... it's better," she admits.
"But we can't go on like this. I need to speak with my husband... now."

"I'm afraid that's not possible," Tylin frowns.
"If we open a communication channel, his mission will be jeopardized. It could even get him killed."

"You know how dangerous the Badoo Corba are," he continues as Alyssa turns from him.
"Just look at what they did to your home on Urelia. Poor Josser... and Palom..."

"Please... leave me," Alyssa frowns.
"Caldin keeps asking about what happened to his grandfather... I need to be alone when I explain things to him."

"Just know that Rykrof is doing the right thing by going to Dathomir," Tylin offers.
"These are hard times for all of us, but while your husband is enacting revenge, my men will be here to protect you and your son."

"You know I have always cared deeply for you, Alyssa."

"And I have always loved my husband," she carefully replies.

"Of course. Rykrof is a very blessed man," Tylin smiles as he senses her discomfort with the conversation.

"Now... I must be going. If there is anything you need, please inform the security team outside. They will be on constant guard duty for your safety."

Far across the Outer Rim, the obscure world known as Dathomir is avoided by most travelers...

...meanwhile, Rykrof Enloe's strike team has landed on a small island in the southern hemisphere of the planet.

Encamped at their landing point, Freelo and Traedon Cusiro wait impatiently for Rykrof to report in.

"In my opinion, this place is cursed," Freelo whimpers as he observes the surrounding forest.

"I don't really care about your opinion, Freelo," Traedon sneers.

"If there's one person not cut out for this mission, it's you."

"How rude!" Freelo replies.
"I'll have you know, I've become quite the marksmen!"

"Is that so?" Traedon smirks.

"Can you two quit the bitching please?" Doksin asks.
"I'm trying to work here."

"Mind your own business," Traedon warns the trooper.

"Now, fish-face... let's see what a great shot you really are."

"Draw your blaster."

"Uh... I..." Freelo hesitates.

"Just what I thought," the former bounty hunter laughs.
"Still a puss."

"What's the problem down here?" Rykrof interrupts as he approaches the camp.

"Ain't no problem," Traedon smiles.

"There better not be," Rykrof warns.

"Listen," Rykrof adds.
"I'm risking a lot allowing you to be part of this team, Traedon."

"Easy there, Commander," Traedon grins.
"We're all on the same team here."

"Master Enloe," T-3PO interjects.
"Kala Mly Shundi shut down his commlink.  I'm afraid he may be in trouble!"

"His last reference point was about two kilometers north of our location," Traedon points out.
"We should check this out."

"That's what we get for splitting up our scout teams," Rykrof grumbles.
"Traedon, why don't you two come with me and we'll see what's going on?"

"Go ahead sir," Doksin offers.
"I'll stay back with the droids."

The trio then set off into the wilderness...

...unaware of what dangers may await them.

"Stop," Traedon whispers.
"Up ahead... look at that..." he nods.

Ahead of the group, an Imperial Stormtrooper slowly plods through the forest.

"What are Stormtroopers doing here?" Rykrof whispers.

"I can get off a shot, before turns around," Freelo eagerly offers.

The trooper then begins to slowly sway back and forth.

"Don't shoot him," Rykrof whispers.
"We might be able take a prisoner here..."

"I don't know about that," Traedon tells him.
"Something's not right."

Just then, the Stormtrooper turns toward the group...

...revealing a bloody, decaying face!

"Prisoner, MY ASS!" Traedon shouts as he raises his blaster.

Then suddenly, Kala Mly Shundi appears from the trees above!

...and in one swift motion, he decapitates the man!

Rykrof and the others stand in silence as they attempt to comprehend what they just witnessed.

"Great work!" Caller shouts as approachs the group.

"Tachu nota!" HK-88 agrees as he appears from within the forest.

"I hope that didn't startle you," Kala tells Rykrof.

"What... just... happened?" Rykrof stutters as he approaches his Jedi friend.

"I'm afraid we are in for more than we bargained for on this island," Kala says.
"The contents of the relic... are no longer dormant."

"Did Tylin tell you about this?" Kala asks Rykrof.
"Did he tell you that the Badoo Corba had used the relic?"

"No!" Rykrof insists.

"Used the relic?  What are you talking about?" Traedon asks.

"We ran into two more of these things earlier," Caller says.
"The artifact we're after is responsible for this."

"...the relic that the Badoo Corba took was said to contain remnants of an infectious viral agent that attacks biological tissue... and transforms its victims into what you just saw," Kala explains.

"My senses tell me the Badoo Corba scientists have been unable to contain the virus," Kala continues.

"They may be in an even more desperate situation than we have found ourselves in."

"Whoa... if they learn how to weaponize this, there's no telling what they could do," Rykrof tells the group.

"Tylin must have sent a strike force here to recover the relic before he forced you into this mission," Traedon offers.
"And these... Stormtroopers... are what's left of his team."

"Damn... something's jamming the commlink signal," Rykrof then realizes.

"The Badoo Corba must know we're here," Kala tells him.
"We don't have time to go back for Doksin."

"Time is of the essence," Kala continues.

"...we must find the Badoo Corba stronghold before nightfall."

"I agree with the Jedi," Caller says.
"...and I don't think we want to run into any of these things in the dark... especially not when they're in a group."

"Alright," Rykrof concedes.
"Let's get moving."

That evening, back at the camp, T-3PO nervously approaches Doksin.

"Sir, I've been trying to contact Master Enloe," the droid frantically announces.
"But the commlink isn't working!"

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about," Doksin assures him.
"The Badoo Corba don't even know we're here."

At that moment, R4-22 squeals a frantic warning... something emerges from the trees.

"That man... something's wrong with him," T-3PO observes.

"It's a nightmare!"

"Get behind me, get behind me!" Doksin shouts.

The group quickly falls into a panic as they become surrounded...

"Curse my metal body, I dropped the commlink!" T-3PO cries.



« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 11:10:09 AM by CHEWIE »

Offline Tamer

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 07:08:58 AM »
Wow. Gonna give this a new read, but here are my thoughts so far on just such hard work. I really have to hand it to the photo-novel folks who spend so much time building the custom figures, dioramas, and then spend so much time putting together the camera shots and then all the image editing to add in the dialog. The work they do for us is just mind staggering and we here at ISY want to thank CHEWIE and all the photo-novelists in general for sharing them with us.

I will share more comments about the story later as I aim to just relax (its storming outside) get a good cup of something to drink and take my time with this one. Thanks again Justin for sharing this with us. I am gonna make sure it stays at the top of our Front Page and Facebook Pages today.

Offline Kualan

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2013, 07:49:58 AM »
Very nice stuff Chewie! I have particular admiration for your awesome scenery-building. The detail and craftmanship at work really helps with the immersion.

And Kala Mly Shundi is all kinds of awesome. Love the design and the character. Keep up the great work!

Offline Tamer

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2013, 08:16:28 AM »
Wow, I love the continued storyline of Death Troopers. I really enjoyed that book and its follow up Red Harvest. I absolutely love seeing SW Characters show up as zombies and must admit I have a few in my own collection. So you had me at zombies period.

Now, I like this relationship angle you have going on with the Baron and Alyssa and think there might be some fun to watch her perhaps outsmart the ole Baron down the road. I also like the fact that the Emperor and Vader are monitoring this too. For me, this is the type of story line I had hoped they would do for the live action tv series we had heard was coming out. My fingers are still crossed for something like this for the new Disney Anime if they just make it not totally geared toward kids. I think this plot and story line would fit brilliantly into their time frame. So good to go on the story line, the action is good, and your sub plots perfect.

Now as far as the custom figures I love the zombies, each one a masterpiece. I also love the fact that you didn't over gore these if that makes any sense. I have seen some folks get overboard when applying blood and gore. I know they are zombies, but I still don't like too much of that. Matter of fact I didn't see anything I didn't like for your custom figures really. I am wondering if perhaps now that they know there are zombies are they gonna get better armor or beskar gam? I was also wondering if there were any ground vehicles given to the group? AT-STs or perhaps even speeder bikes? From what I know of Death Troopers (spoiler alert) they can even operate machinery.

Your dioramas are superb too, especially the planet scenes with just enough trees, grass, rocks, etc. thrown in to be perfectly believable. I could easily see that one used for quite a few new adventures should you do more. I also thought your Naboo House was pretty daggone spot on too. Loved all the colors in it and small details like the bread on the table. I can't wait to see what the terrorist base is gonna like like.

So I like it a lot. About the only thing I would have changed is throwing in a speeder bike or two or perhaps an AT-ST but figure you had your reasons for that too.

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2013, 10:12:59 AM »
Wow.  Just wow.  Looks awesome!

Offline Tankster

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2013, 11:59:36 AM »
You are inspiring me to make a Desolation styled photo story with this kick butt story and cool shots!

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2013, 06:04:42 PM »
Very nice!  Great photography, environments and color!

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2013, 06:32:14 AM »
Thanks for the very nice words guys and the awesome front page support Tamer...

Also, Tamer, I'll respond to your feedback in greater detail soon - later today, is my plan. 


Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2013, 04:14:22 PM »
Oh heck yes! Awesome work on this! Love the customs and dioramas you have created. All the small details really make the scenes for me! The paint work on the troopers is just outstanding! Really enjoying the story line too, great stuff man!

Offline TK6540

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2013, 04:55:54 PM »
Wow! the story really gripped me keep up the great work

Offline nickeltcd

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2013, 09:24:32 AM »
All i can say is THANK YOU!!!!
 I love your story line, i can't wait for the next chapter.
You do an excellent job in your story telling and  charateres and scens are greatly detailed : excellent ;D

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2013, 05:27:11 PM »
Mind blowing chapter man, I absolutely loved it. I cant wait to see more.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2013, 11:29:52 AM »
Thanks everyone for the support and nice words.

For part of this, I am trying to continue the idea behind Red Harvest and Death Troopers, and I will attempt to tie things with those novels some - but it's also kind of my own take too, but will be without stepping on the toes of established EU. I'll also try and make sure that I don't overdo the whole zombie thing... zombies are popular in the entertainment world these days but that's not why I've included them, it's part of an overall plot/storyline as I attempt to build the characters of people like Tylin Gere.

The next chapter or two will focus on Dathomir, and Rykrof's struggles there.  It's going to be more adult aimed for a while, which I hope is okay - but I kind of feel like at least 90% of the only people reading these are adults anyway these days. 

Making the jungle scene was a lot of fun - really not very difficult, but time consuming. The homestead was much more difficult and aggravating.  I think it turned out okay but I had hoped for it to be more elaborate -- something that I'll try and improve upon in the future.


Offline CHEWIE

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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2013, 11:36:31 AM »
Wow, I love the continued storyline of Death Troopers. I really enjoyed that book and its follow up Red Harvest. I absolutely love seeing SW Characters show up as zombies and must admit I have a few in my own collection. So you had me at zombies period.

Now, I like this relationship angle you have going on with the Baron and Alyssa and think there might be some fun to watch her perhaps outsmart the ole Baron down the road. I also like the fact that the Emperor and Vader are monitoring this too. For me, this is the type of story line I had hoped they would do for the live action tv series we had heard was coming out. My fingers are still crossed for something like this for the new Disney Anime if they just make it not totally geared toward kids. I think this plot and story line would fit brilliantly into their time frame. So good to go on the story line, the action is good, and your sub plots perfect.

Now as far as the custom figures I love the zombies, each one a masterpiece. I also love the fact that you didn't over gore these if that makes any sense. I have seen some folks get overboard when applying blood and gore. I know they are zombies, but I still don't like too much of that. Matter of fact I didn't see anything I didn't like for your custom figures really. I am wondering if perhaps now that they know there are zombies are they gonna get better armor or beskar gam? I was also wondering if there were any ground vehicles given to the group? AT-STs or perhaps even speeder bikes? From what I know of Death Troopers (spoiler alert) they can even operate machinery.

Your dioramas are superb too, especially the planet scenes with just enough trees, grass, rocks, etc. thrown in to be perfectly believable. I could easily see that one used for quite a few new adventures should you do more. I also thought your Naboo House was pretty daggone spot on too. Loved all the colors in it and small details like the bread on the table. I can't wait to see what the terrorist base is gonna like like.

So I like it a lot. About the only thing I would have changed is throwing in a speeder bike or two or perhaps an AT-ST but figure you had your reasons for that too.

That's very nice of you that you like the storyline/plot and think it's thought out enough to actually be something that would be entertaining for television.  I know it sounds stupid probably, but I honestly feel that if I had gone a different direction with my career (and had some major breaks), that I could have had some sort of role as a director in the media industry.  I was too scared of taking the chance and leaving everything behind so I didn't go that route in life.  So this is my little piece of living that dream.

Yeah, I am also in the camp that when showing zombies, it's not needed to go nuts with the bloody stuff.  I think the more subtle the blood and gore, the better it can be... I don't want to rely on it to move the story forward.  I want the story to be what interests people.  Which ain't easy of course - most of us have short attention spans - we like to look at a custom and move on.  So getting someone to read through an entire chapter, and then actually share some thoughts?  That's tough!

Will the group get better armor?  Maybe - if there's time -- but you will see an AT-ST in the next chapter.  That's already in the script.   :)

Again - thanks for the support and the front page attention.  It means a lot.


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Re: The Enloe Trials Chapter 3 - REVELATIONS
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2013, 11:11:49 AM »
I can definitely see you making a great director. You never know, you may still decide to go that route later in life. I would sure see your movies. I like the direction you are taking this story and look forward to seeing your next chapter. I can't wait to see if you zombify up that AT-ST.