Author Topic: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 4/30  (Read 20296 times)

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Shifting Tides: Volume 1

“A leader is a dealer in hope.”

Beams of light shone brightly through the thick Kaminoan skies. A very rare sight to be seen thought the republic officer who arrived been ordered to the planet by the Chancellor himself. Standing alone on the wet platform looking towards the sky, a low rumbling could be heard in the distance. From the clouds burst the hulls of Acclamator Class Cruisers. Their low rumbling rowing into thunderous roars as they near the platforms, lowering both tremendous landing gear and ramps.

A small white trooper blur slowly paced down the ramp of the nearest cruiser. His helmet different from any other the officer had seen prior, “Captain Rex I presume? It is an honor to finally meet you. Major Haide Valhallen sir.” Rex removes his helmet, “I’ve heard of your exploits major. You’ve come to the right legion, but sadly at a turbulent time.” Responding with a slight optimism, “Well, lets hope this review turns that around. The battle record of the 501 is an illustrious one..Umbara.. was an isolated incident.”

Valhallen raises his comlink, illuminating a glowing blue hologram of Kamino assembly ground. “I’ll forward to you the meeting assignments for your legion. For field review, I’ve selected various elements of the legion and have consolidated them into Salvo Battalion. Though I am overseeing the drill personally, I’d prefer the battalion commander to be selected by you Captain.” Rex nodding as a trooper walks up. Saluting and removing his helmet, Valhallen is shocked to see a heavily scarred face of trooper with charcoal colored hair. The trooper reaching forward to shake hands with his new Major while in a coarse deep voice introducing himself, “They call me Commander Halifax.” Their hands firmly clutching one another in mutual respect, “As for me commander, my call sign is Vallen. A little clearer over the comlink chatter than having to worry about the “H”.” The officers reassured by Vallen’s light nature and confidence.

A horn call sounds out, echoing across the assembly grounds, calling the troopers to order. Hundreds of troopers forming a sea of white and blue raise their helmets to their heads. “Aten- Hut!” the voice of Halifax filling the air. In an instant the sea of troopers snaps into attention transforming from sea to precise lines making visible the divisions between various squads and companies.

Halifax stands up on a platform able to be seen by all in attendance-

 “Five hundred and First, You have made the Republic proud. Your record is not tarnished by the events of Umbara. Though we sustained heavy casualties, we WILL come back from this. We have before, and we shall yet again! In the coming days the 501 will be sent on several routine exercises where your performance can be evaluated. Salvo Battalion, I introduce to you, Major Haide Valhallen of Corulag Academy.”

Silence plagued the air. The singular clicks of Vallen’s boots echoed through as he walked, erect in posture, to the forefront. “At ease gentleman.” Raising both of his hands, gripping his helmet, he lifts it off, bowing his head to remove it with ease. Vallon’s neck straightens. The sense of shock laced with suspicion overcomes the silence. A slight murmur can be heard through the ranks. Until now, clones had not been under command of anyone other than clones and Jedi. Was this just another aristocrat’s son?
The side of Vallen’s mouth raised to a slight side grin, his eye brow held a scar through the right side, but his eyes were sharply focused; his eyes were blue with gold surrounding the center.  

“Though I was sent here by Republic Command, it was with distinction I accepted.” Taking a slow deep breath, Vallon took a moment to gather his thoughts, “Yes, Umbara was a tragedy, do not let it become a moment that defines the legacy of this legion. The 501st has been divided temporarily for assessment and separate eval missions to be carried out in conjunction with a variety of other units. Let me reassure you, this is only temporary, however, Salvo battalion has been optimally set up to uniquely create spearhead offenses and rapid deployment.”

What had started as grin, disappeared. The aura of the assembly was heavy with emotion as each soldier struggled to take in everything Vallen had just mentioned. Pausing again it was clear something needed to be done to prevent morale from crumbling within the battalion. As if he was on the battlefield this was the moment Vallon seized.
“Lads…remove your bonnets..” The assembly pulled there helmets. The same face was on every soldier, but their scars and tattoos were a testament that each trooper had fought through their own hell. “I studied the art of combat and the use of war since before the academy. To be a successful general one must known himself, the enemy, and his troops. To clear the air I am no aristocrat! My last post was with Commander Baccara and his marines. The lives of my soldiers have value and if we must trade them to the enemy…we will ensure it costs them dearly!! Now then..until we receive our orders, treasure the time you have to relax. Lads.. “Til the last nail.” …Salvo Battalion..You are dismissed!”

Again, the synthetic tone rang out across the hall. The troops began to fall out of order to the barracks. Rex followed by Halifax approached Vallen. “To be honest, I was half expecting you to be a product of nepotism, but its good to know my men are in the hands of a capable soldier. They need this.” Rex pats Vallen’s shoulder plate.

“I’d like to learn more about the men in the battalion. Captain and commander, allow me to buy you both a round of drinks.”

The three turn from the presentation balcony and begin to walk down the brightly lit Kaminoan hall…

This is an on going work. Digital Comic will be in the works as well. Feel free to let me know what you think. Hope you enjoyed!  
« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 07:23:00 AM by TheIRISH Rogue »
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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Clone Trooper Fan Fic ARC
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2012, 05:25:36 AM »
Great start. Time to go get this on the front page.

I went and nabbed a pic I found on Deviant Art for the fp story too.

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Clone Trooper Fan Fic ARC
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2012, 09:28:50 AM »
Ha ha ha! That's awesome! Thanks mate  ()rr

I'll crank out the next volume within the week.
Writer of all things this in that.
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Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Clone Trooper Fan Fic ARC
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2012, 11:46:58 AM »
Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Shifting Tides: Volume 2

“War is an uneasy business. Escape it when you can.”

          The three officers continued down the luminescent corridors of Timira City. Every element of the hall was white to human eyes with slight hints of blue, pink, and pink hues. As the door before them swirled open, it divided into three segments; the first curling to the ceiling while the other swiftly slid down into their positions within the floor. Looking to his left, Rex’s attention was stolen by a gap in the wall which revealed a view of hallways undergoing further construction. “They’re expanding the cloning facilities here as well as Tipoca City. Its apparently a result of an executive order from  Chancellor Palpatine to explore more “efficient” cloning methods.” Vallen intuitively answered before Rex thought to pose the question. 

           Rex’s eyes pursed together as he strained to see what details his vision could reveal. He knew the army needed to be expanded in conjunction with the fact that the original strains of DNA, provided by Jango Fett, were getting harder to replicate without defects. The captain wondered why an executive order straight from the top had been made when all that was necessary for an expansion of forces, was a simple speech followed by a senate committee vote. His brow rose, releasing the internal debate from deeper thought. Turning to Halifax and Vallen, “The more troopers we have, the harder we can take it to the Seppies!” “Ha ha ha, Hazzah to that Captain.” Vallen said, his signature one sided grin revealing itself as they continued.

            They stepped into their officers’ quarters, the walls starkly contrasting the brightly lit white walls that dominated Kamino. Halifax looked at the walls curiously, “Is this a new officer upgrade? Yes or no, I’ll enjoy not having to sleep in my helmet when I’m home.” The trio laughed in agreement. Rex smiled as he laid down on his cold rack, crossing his arms behind his head,  “Complaining has never been my strong suit, but having the use of my eye lids…this is good..” Vallon, nodding his head, “I wasn’t sure what you’d prefer being born here, but we can’t afford for your eyes to adjust and readjust due to our quickly approaching deployment. Never hurts to grab up a few scraps of metal from the construction area though.”


             A red flashing light blinks on the hologram table at the center of the room. Vallen approaches the table pressing down the button with both middle and pointer fingers. Clicking into place, the humming and crackling of the hologram begins to become visible. Rex and Halifax snap quickly from their bunks and draw near the table. A hologram of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker appears. “Rex. Commander. Its good to see you two after receiving the battle reports from Umbara. I should have never left the battle.” “It’s a war General..” Halifax struggled to finish the sentence, but found himself unable to find logic in the actions of Krell. Rex quickly interceded, “..and war determines which of the strongest will rise..which was us sir.” “As always Rex, your perseverance sets a high standard for the 501st as well as myself” calmly said the hologram. “Me too Rex!” a playful voice blurted from beyond the hologram as Ahsoka popped her head in the blue message, delivering a lighthearted smile.
             Skywalker continued with the briefing. “Alright. Your next mission will be executed by the Major, who has my consent to utilize full operational command second only to Rex and myself. Your mission is as follows: The cruiser, Formidable, will be arriving to pick up Salvo battalion in a day or so. The battalion’s arrival in the Ubese system directly corresponds with the ongoing negotiations taking place on Ator. Master A’ Sharad Hett and Knight Sakiko Ryuuzaki are meeting with the planet’s current regime to discuss terms of Republic guardianship. Since they are an inner core system, it is necessary that a presence be there to serve as an early warning system for Coruscant. Simply rendezvous, demonstrate minimal presence, bring the Jedi back, and a post will be set up if all goes well.”

             “Consider it done General.” Rex said confidently with a nod towards the glowing blue figure pictured above the table. “I’m glad. The task couldn’t be in more capable hands. May the force be with you.” “And you sir!” The three said as they snapped to attention. The blue lined figure of Anakin fading down into the table leaving a void in the barren room. “Concise and to the point. Best Jedi for briefings.” Halifax states as he turns to his rack removing the armor from his forearms. “A bit like you in that way” Vallen said lightly causing a smirk from Rex, who was unsnapping the connectors on his chest plate. 

“Lets get that drink, shall we?” Vallen inquired, throwing on his cleanest shirt adorned with the 8 pronged emblem of the republic.

---------------------------------------------Some time later -------------------------------------------------------------

             The bass of the music could be heard from some distance as the officers approached the club. When they finally reached the door it promptly opened belching music towards the officers.

             A pair of clones carrying a third appeared through the flashing, strobbing lights. “Commanders on deck!” shouted one, snapping to attention which was a little awkward while holding up the weight of the clone in the center. The other followed suit, helping the third into position solely for the fact he was in-between. “Major, Might as well get through introductions now.. I present to you, your flight crew.” Halifax said with his arm extended, his palm open towards the three. “The pilot, Valkier”, a spitfire and sharp looking trooper who had a knack for running close air support missions – “Main gunner, Flak” who raised his head long enough to look up and make the point, “My missiles are the thunder! …The explosions..right? They go boom.” Valkier sharply turned his head towards his comrade, whose arm was slung behind his neck, “No no no no, it’s the engines of the “larty” as we swoop in. That’s why our squadron has the reputation as the thunder of this battalion.” The third clone weighing, “and I’m Sergeant Kano.. somehow I always get stuck babysitting. Last time was shinnies on Flak.” To which Flak stood up, “I am no shiny!” “ONLY a shiny would make a bet with Valkier about his flight skills.” added Rex who motioned with his hand to carry on. “Rex, though you’re not a shiny, major..I would not recommend getting into a betting match with those two. Their competitions is what makes them one of the best crews. They stay sharp in the field, I will guarantee that.” – Giving a slightly disapproving look towards Halifax for choosing such a moment for an introduction.

             Rex looked through the crowd for a table. “Major!” a voice exclaimed from the side of the hectic room. “This is Boomer, my closest friend and leading ARF trooper.” Rex states as the clone strolled up to the forefront. “Sir, though these are uneasy times, your speech did make a difference to many of the lads. If you need anything from the ARF’s, we’re ready. Speaking of which!” Boomer quickly turned to the table which instantly became vacant as the men sitting there stood from the seats. “Hotsh, Pike, and Shine” Boomer stated motioning to each trooper as he identified them. “You’ll figure out the names in no time!” said shine with glistening smile.

             The troopers moved to an adjoining table and continued talking about the broad base of the mission at hand.

             Music pulsed and provided a sweet aura with which to escape the war. Halifax had little to say. It was clear he was enjoying letting his guard down. During the course of the evening, Troopers often came up to the table to meet the Major, if not to see how he measured up in their mind. This may daunt various commanders, but he was confident his worth would quickly be seen in the field. Waitresses dressed as fem troopers perused through the room ferrying drinks and carrying on with the clones. One blue twi lek in particular had been hovering around the table where the commanders and their growing entourage were sitting. Her skin was unique in that it also bore several brightly colored green markings down her tails. The small amount of show armor she wore prevented any conclusions about the extent of her markings. The green, illuminated in the dark light, made her movements enchanting. Just her walking pulled intrinsically at cords deep within every individuals being.

             After emptying her tray she sits down on the leg of Pike. The two are enthralled with each other’s company, often leaning into each other’s ears to speak over the music. More often than not, laughter soon accompanied. To Vallen the room became silent as he watched for a moment as the two completely  detached from the war. He yearned for peace in the galaxy…mostly so these men who had only ever known war, could live and experience what they were fighting to preserve.

“WHAT’S so DANGEROUS about a routine mission to pick up a few Jedi?!? It’s just in the core?!” ---

The words snapped Vallen from his thoughts. All conversations in the room ceased as all eyes scrambled to find the source of the foolish words, soon becoming fixed on the Twi Lek fem trooper. Vallen looked at the company of mixed emotions surrounding him. Questions like these served as both bad omens and reminders of failed events  of the past.
The major rose up from his leather seat in the lounge accompanied by the bewildered eyes and ears. Holding his glass high, “Commander Trauma, Master Halsey, to Devron,… and the fallen!” The tables of troopers all stood with glasses in hand, “To fallen brothers.”

         Though it was a solemn toast, it was a hail to the sacrifices of those who were sent on seemingly routine missions only to be swept up in events larger than themselves. Occasions like this occurred with platoons or companies who were dropped off in a system to prepare  listening posts such as the infamous Rishi Moon incident.
Following the toast the aura of the lounge became stale. The thought of war speared its way through the galaxy wearing heavily on their minds. Vallen stood up, Captain Rex placing his hands on the table to follow, but the major placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m going to get an early start  prepping some plans. Please captain, enjoy what semblance of a reprieve you have earned.”

Rex settled back into his chair…      Read or see more of the future characters!! Thanks for taking a look. Any feedback or insight would be awesome!
Writer of all things this in that.
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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Clone Trooper Fan Fic ARC
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2012, 12:11:48 PM »
excellent i really enjoyed reading this !
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Clone Trooper Fan Fic ARC
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2012, 11:47:47 PM »
Thanks mate! I update with a new volume each week in episode format.

Glad you enjoyed it!  ()rr
Writer of all things this in that.
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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Clone Trooper Fan Fic ARC
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2012, 05:16:04 AM »
Nice,  back on the front page.

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Clone Trooper Fan Fic ARC
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2012, 12:44:46 PM »
Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Shifting Tides: Volume 3

“To succeed in war, you must know your army as well as yourself.”

   The shadows of Vallen’s dreams quickly receded as he rolled over within his bunk to deactivate the alarm. Beeping instantly being silenced by the swift application of force to the button. “If you’re that swift on the battlefield…I think we’ll be in luck if anything goes wrong.” Rex said climbing from an elevated bunk. Vallen rose up, the data-pad being used to plan out the mission slid down his chest landing back in his hand as the other rubbed his eye. He had spent many hours the previous night, organizing the orders to be disperse upon arriving at Ator.

   Halifax’s bed was already vacant. “Good morning to you as well captain” Vallen suggested as he pulled his shirt down over his head. The two began walking the corridors, trekking down to the main mess hall. Walking through an observation deck en route, they looked down at the various sparring and simulations which were being run by both rookies as well as veterans.

        The distinctive armor of Halifax could be seen from the deck, his kama flapping as he paced down the line of shinnies, newly reserved for the 501st. “I’m sure if this glass wasn’t built to buffer the continous thunder, we’d here his orders all the way up here” Rex spoke in jest, a small smile making itself known. As soon as it had come, it slowly disappeared, “..He was there on Geonosis; a baptism of fire that trained us all more than any simulation.  Hal will make sure they are as ready as they can be. Best guardian any batch of shinies could ask for right there.”

   A short while later the two were facing one another at the head of a lengthy metallic table within the expansive dining hall. Adjusting to food on kamino hadn’t taken much effort for Vallen. Though not everything was identifiable, it was lean while being packed with nutrients and protein to boost the troops’ fighting bodies, the primary weapon of any army. Within a matter of meals he felt improvements in conditioning, muscle memory, target practice, and lessening fatigue.

“So why 1 pistol Haide?” Rex inquired, remembering back to the Major’s first appearance on the platform a few days earlier. Through his own experiences, the other clone commanders all carried dual pistols modeled after Jango Fett’s own personal fighting style. “Duals are good for suppressive or close quarters, but not for much else. If my rifle fails, I prefer a single sidearm to remain agile and accurate…besides it’s a 2- stage trigger. If squeezed and held it can match the firing rate of any pair of your DC’s..” grinning with satisfaction before ending, “..a habit adapted from my academy days.” Rex was curious,  but stubbornly replied, “Now that is useful, but I’ll be sticking with my dualies! Haven’t failed me! HaHaHa!”

Beep! Beep! Beep!! Beep!! Beep!! Beep!!!

Vallen’s wrist comlink blinked as the alarm crescendoed in volume with each alert. Putting down the fork from within his hand, he pressed down upon the green square.. “Major Haide Valhallen” his voice sharply spoke. Pausing briefly, the methodical soft, dictating tone of a kaminoan voice came through the small speaker.

“Good morning Major. The Formidable and accompanying frigates have emerged from hyperspace. Have your clone troopers prepared for disembarkation at 1900.”
“Yes ma’am! Consider it done.” Vallen again pressed his comlink as he grabbed his tray and stood from the bench. “Captain, prepare Salvo Battalion for boarding. I want the men moving on as soon as the pads touchdown.”  “Right away sir!” with a nod Rex moved with haste to retrieve his armor and weapons from the locker. His afternoon just became a busy one.

Vallen finished snapping the last of his armor plates on his shoulder, walking into the armory. A clone and Kaminoan quartermaster saluted. “I see you already have your sidearm Major. Anything else?”
With his helmet held beneath one arm, “A rifle with ascension cable attachment if you please.” Quickly pulling one off the rack the quarter master snapped on the shoulder strap and handed the weapon over the counter. “Thank you sirs as always.”  In response the clone quartermaster excitedly yelled “Make em eat laser sir!”
        The final door between Vallen and the rain maelstroms of Kamino slid gracefully open. The white corridor clashing with the dark, gray blue hues outside. Watching the torrent unfold before him, Vallen pulled his bonnet over his head while securing his blasters sling over his shoulder. Looking up the behemoth structure of the cruiser Formidable towered over the platform. As he approached closer, drops of rain halted their attack upon his armor, being blocked by the expansive cover the Acclamator was providing. The loading of the battalion’s of  600 troops was heavily underway. Sergeant Boomer and Kano jogged up!

“Pleasant day sir! Squads are ready for action and are 80 percent loaded! Heavy gear is loaded and the Walkers are being secured presently sir. Last of the LAAT’s are landing as we speak! The captain would like the main CO on the bridge immediately sir!” Boomer harkened through the rumbling of the tremendous engines of the ship. “Affirm Rex and Halifax that they have this down brilliantly! See that your men are settled and ready for their mission briefing at 0.800. Get some rest sergeants, that is all for now!” Vallon’s voice projecting through the commotion as he climbed the boarding ramp. “Yes SIR!” the two echoed before bolting of in different directions.

           The lift doors opened behind Vallen as he turned to walk out of them. Navy officers rushed about as they prepared the necessary checklists for departure. Entering the central bridge, Vallen saluted both Rex and Halifax as he strode towards the main viewing deck. Standing before the glass windows, peering into the rain, stood an erect naval officer with jet black hair. Turning to face the approaching clone, unknowing it was Vallen, the officer raised one eye brown, “I didn’t realize a war had broken out on this frigate..”

“Attention on deck!” Halifax shouted, unwilling to deal with any disrespect intended or not. Every soldier on the deck snapped into attention halting every task at hand.

The silence was deafening as Vallen removed his helmet. “Major Haide Valhallen. Primary CO of Salvo Battalion and this mission.” Bewildered only for a moment, the captain’s eyes spread apart. “My apologies Major, I have not readily seen many..of your state..donning their armor. My name is Nero Casadrian Meritus, Captain of the Formidable.” “At ease lads! As you were.” Vallen shouted across the bridge, the hustle starting again on cue.

“I’ve already forwarded my 4 plans for Ator to your pad Captain Meritus. Do read them carefully.” Arrogantly Meritus spoke, “Is such a quartet truly needed for a pick up mission. To be quite honest, I don’t see the need to send more than a Consular ship to this “meet and greet”.”

Vallen slightly shocked at the snide remark, again reminded of the ease with which the aristocracy had begun to infiltrate ranks of commissioned navy commanders, firmly emphasized to the captain, “Do you need reminding that there is a war on? Regardless of the current status, this is a military mission with possible ulterior motives…operations never go according to plan, so you WILL review the prescribed mission briefings.”

“As you wish, Major…Bridge officers, lift us off this water world already!” Meritus barked as he turned from Vallen.

   Vallen made minutely uneasy by the captain’s apparent overconfidence beckoned Rex to his side, “I want you to send the Consular Frigate, Conciliation, to Altar to begin a planet scan and alert us of any situations for when we emerge from the hyperlanes. I do not want us arriving totally blind. I appreciate this Rex”

“Yes sir! I’ll patch through the orders now.”

“Major.. Is it acceptable that we begin our deployment?” the Captain asked standing several windows from Vallen. “Begin lift off, then rendezvous with our convoy. The Conciliation will meet us there.”

Meritus turned to the crew located in the sunken pits of the bridge, “Initiate launch sequences, seal all hatches, and fire the engines.”

The hulking ship lifted from the platform, its mechanical legs retracting into its grey body. Blue light exploding from the propulsion systems lurches the Formidable forward through the clouds with ease. Roaring engines match the thunder as the ship angles up, ascending into shadowy thick clouds…

Writer of all things this in that.
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Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Clone Trooper Fan Fic ARC
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2012, 12:47:51 PM »
Here is a link to a commission piece I had made to introduce Vallen and a glimpse of events to come. Its a fantastic work, co-created with artist Joe Hogan.

The future graphic adaptation will have this quality. THINGS TO GET EXCITED ABOUT!! :)

 ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr ()rr
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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Clone Trooper Fan Fic ARC
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2012, 02:29:52 PM »
Looks great and am lovin the story if you can give me an impression of Vallen in his armour with helmet I will try to turn him into figure form
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 11/21
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2012, 02:41:26 AM »
Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Shifting Tides: Volume 4

“For a plan to succeed, you must dedicate yourself fully, or it will falter.”

          The blue, white of hyperspace brought a silent calm as time and distance became fused. Vallen enjoyed the darkness of space, but this brightly lit chaos blasting past the Acclamator made him leery. Uncertainty lied in wait on the other end of that hyperspace lane. Throughout the Clone Wars, a poor or unlucky exit from a hyperspace lane allowed the Separatists to get the jump on Republic forces, smashing them to oblivion. Space or ground, Vallen and Rex were ready to take the fight upon the enemy.

          Standing at the viewing platform only several windows from one another, Captain Meritus turn to Vallen, “I have taken a gander at the notes you sent me. Wide ranging in tact, but demonstrate far higher detail than a standard clone is capable of following.” Raising an eyebrow in response, Vallen was not eager to hear his orders nitpicked apart. He determined they were sound and set the standard high for his troops to follow. “I hold republic troopers to high levels Captain. An esteemed unit such as the 501 won’t have any problem, besides, the orders are not to be given in they’re entirety.”

“Sirs! We are approaching Ator. Exiting hyperspace in 2 minutes. The countdown has begun.”

“Captain Meritus, open comm channels. I want the planetary scan begun immediately and initial reports from the Conciliation upon their arrival.”

Vallen walked along the thin metallic floor separating the gunnery and bridge technicians to the situation table.

 “Halifax, put the 501 on standby” he stated, motioning in a two fingered gesture. As the standby alert was issued cruiser wide, the bridge underwent a metamorphosis from previously being a calm room to the hustle as the necessary guns were manned and systems were raised. Vallen’s gloved hands gripped the edges of the table; his eyes looked before him as his head raised, peering through the windows as the blue, white blur quickly dissipated to the familiar black void with speckles of far away star systems.

Directly ahead, Ator, an ecunopolis of tremendous proportions. A planetary city much like a younger version Coruscant was single large city, however, the main difference was it had a few patches of sprawling fields and lacked the numerous level upon level construction which Coruscant had undergone for centuries. Looking closely the planet almost seemed to be a metallic sphere with portions emitting glows of light from various districts shown blues, violets, greens, and gold.

The thuds of the following escort ships could be heard as they too emerged from hyperspace. “As thought Major, the space surrounding Ator is clear of Separatist signals” reported Meritus hinting his reservations were correct prior to launching, snidely adding, “Will your armor still be necessary?”

Bweep Bweep--- Click*

A small hologram of rose from the center of the command table. The clone captain of the consular ship, Conciliation, snapped to attention, then saluting. “Sir, though we have yet to find obvious signs of the Seppies, upon closer examination..there are a few..peculiarities.”

“What have you found?” The hologram continued. “As we arrived I powered up our planetary scans immediately before coming out of light speed to get a jump on any possible Seps. Forwarding what we found.”

On the table a blue version of the planet rose. “We began with the capital where the Jedi are supposed to be and saw this.” For a few seconds a large red blur could be seen before immediately disappearing. Rex approached the table, “Now, that is odd.” Adding in his thoughts, “Could be a trap..” Halifax murmured roughly.

“This is nothing more than a technical flaw. This happens from time to time as the scanners cycle from planet to planet leaving residual “ghosts.” Nothing to be frightened of and certainly nothing to mobilize for.”

“Upon contacting the planet we also noticed a bad sign. For a planetary city civilian communication is normal, but military and government channels are filled with chatter. The chatter is just repeating though, it isn’t filled with anything.”

Rex, standing tall next to Meritus, turned his attention from the report. “Well Major, the call is yours.”

Taking a moment to contemplate the evidence and consequences to his next move before speaking…. “Call Salvo Batallion to arms. Raise combat status to full alert! I am deploying with A company, Halifax with C, Rex with Company B- Platoons 1 ta 3. You’ll have your orders on the ride down..Steadfast til the last nail!” The two saluting, harkening back at Vallen, “To the last nail!” as they hurried from the bridge using their comlink gauntlets to organize the departure.

    Meritus’ eyes rolled. “A flair for the dramatic, but I’ve seen army groups deploy after such ghosts. A full planetary scan will sort this out. Then we’ll aid them in cleaning up the chatter.” “No Captain. You will continue to hold orbit here, monitoring the planet. Complete that scan, but I want this convoy holding its position!” He finished as the blast door closed behind him, Vallen running to deploy on his gunship.

Boots echo as their heels pound the floor. Every trooper throwing their helmet on. Indication lights in each hall throbbed red. Vallen hit the flight deck and jogged to his companies section of the hangar.

“Flying amongst the Thunder today major?!” Flak shouted as he climbed into his cockpit. Valkier saluted, “Sir, I can guarantee the right down will be smooth, but once on the tarmac…well anytime you need help, just make a call for us!” His voice was barely audible over the loud rumbling of all the LAAT Gunships as they powered up. The rumbling vibrated Vallen’s very chest. Lifting his helmet, shouldering his rifle, the Major was the last to step aboard the gunship. His left hand raising to grasp the hand rail, saluting the ground crews while the ship raised from the ground, the heavy door closing, the blast doors sliding shut over the thin vertical view ports.

A flurry of gunships burst from the haul of the cruiser, Formidable. Gunships carrying both troops and ATTE’s approached the planet’s capital, the known position of the negotiations between Jedi Master, A Sharad Hett, Saikiko, and Ator’s representatives. The gunships grew smaller and smaller from the Formidable’s Bridge. Meritus smiled. “Disperse the fleet for optimum scan yield.”

A clone officer paused, “But sir, the Maj..” The Captain sharply cut into the sentence before he could finish. “I am the commanding Navy officer here! I will place these ships as I deem fit. I don’t care if you have to send each ship to a polar end of the planet..make it happen!”

The fleet began to split apart as orders were received. One light assault cruiser and two Arquinten light cruisers were in each of the two groups dispatched.

“We’ve cleared the atmosphere sir!” Valkier’s voice came through the gunship speakers as he opened the flak doors. “No contacts?” Vallen asked curiously. “None.”
Raising Halifax and Rex on the comlink, “Execute tactical insertion order No. 2.” The planning Vallen had spent so much time plotting before leaving was coming into use. With space secure, any more reinforcements would come with ease if needed. The flurry of gunships separated as they followed their orders. Company A continuing toward the capital districts, Company B setting up a nearby headquarters/ staging area while most of Company C stayed airborne on reserve, scouting for signs of the mysterious red blur from the briefing.

   Thunder squadron’s gunships hauled into the main citadel. Valkier’s voice again came through the speaker, “Good hunting!! Green light in 3..2..1..GO GO GO!” The heaping doors wrenched open. ATTE’s touched down in a defensive arc in front of the Citadel in the main plaza. The clone troopers ran or jumped from their gunships; leaping behind trees, blocks, or structures. Taking up unknown defensive postures. Vallen was uneasy about this…as his platoon marched toward the entrance…there were visible signs of damage to the plaza. Melted statues, blast marks, explosions had clearly ripped through the hulking walls.. The closer they walked the clones found a handful of dead. “Major..some of them are ours..” Whispers murmured across the soldiers…their eyes sharp. “Companies A and B..Secure this building!” Major Vallen ordered.

He turned looking into the countless towers, brightly lit with advertisements and neon signs. Searching from window to edifice for any clues for where the attack came from.


A sharp hiss that ended in a thud was heard across the courtyard.


A clone trooper fell lifelessly to the ground, his helmet nearly broken in two. “Sniper, Cover!!”

The order was followed by those not nearest the citadel. To move forward companies A and B sought cover within the government building. “Breach!!” explosions around the building were felt through the floor as they burst into the government building. Vallen shouted, “Locate that sniper!”


A trooper was thrown from his perch on the top deck of an ATTE. Vallen rushing to his side.. “Gus has been hit!! Medic!!” yelled Shine. Kix ran over escorted by Tup and Jesse who knelt next to the wounded trooper. The phizzling of the round could be heard while it seared its way deeper through the armor.

sssuuWHAAT!!         SSSUWHAAT!           ssssWHATT!!

The shot quickened with the same accuracy, dropping soldiers randomly across the courtyard.


“This is Hotsh! I think I’ve got a fix on the shoots’ positions. I’m marking up the towers now sir!”
“Engage all hostiles!” Vallen ordered, standing from his position in stark defiance of the death being delivered. His rifle raised, the stock snug against his shoulder, the trigger smooth as he pulled until – BLAST! A sharp blue laser fired, slamming into the chest of a sniper barely visible causing him to reel off the side. Vallen’s rifle seemed guided to their targets, but this wasn’t the time to reflect…Fight on! As the courtyard emitted blue blasts fired from the republic troopers, red lasers began showering across from the streets. “Finally an enemy we can see! Clankers sir! Straight ahead!” Shouted Sgt Kano as he pointed from his ditch.

“I need Thunder to clear out tower 1 and 2 of those snipers!” The call from Vallen brought the LAAT’s which had just dropped the troops back into the heat of events. Flak’s voice came through the line, “Alright lads, let’s make this quick! Ha ha ha!” Followed by Valkier’s --- “Building 1 crew 1,2,3 while the rest strafe run on building two…LETS MAKE IT THUNDER!!”

The LAAT’s flew in close, their sound growing and growing! They flew just over the courtyard, arcing up towards the towers, their chin guns tearing apart windows while the bubble turrets laid waste to balconies and side walls which were hard to reach. “That’ll teach em! You’re all clear Major.” Valkier flew his gunship down between the two towers…his squadron hovered in a line around him, all opened their doors to expose a gunnery clone holding a rotary cannon. Tails of light blue shredded apart the battle droids, tearing limb from body. “Damn Clankers!! Get some!!” a trooper hollered from his position.

The doors closed and the gunships were off and returning to their circling pattern. The clones cheered with their quick victory in the courtyard. Vallen quick to move to the next task lifted his wrist, “Be keen men! Can I get a report on the securing of the building Sgt. Boomer?”
“Sorry we missed the fight sir…I’ve found…I’ve found the Jedi..”

(To be continued..)
Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)

Offline wraithnine

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 11/21
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2012, 03:18:00 AM »
another stupendous chapter! am loving this story  very well written
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 11/28
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2012, 10:46:19 AM »
Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Shifting Tides: Volume 5
“For a plan to succeed, you
must dedicate yourself fully, or it will falter.”

“I’ve found the Jedi! …sir?..I’ve ..the ..Jed..” Boomer’s com channel faded in and out.

Running towards the towering edifice of the parliament building, centered in the courtyard, Vallen twisted around, waving his arm to follow suit, “Hotsh and Volley squad, on me!” They grouped near the entrance. He crawled over one of the walls that were waist height, the squad quickly closed in. Looking upwards the atrium of the lobby within the government building was tremendous.

Glancing across the space, he found bodies of clones who had died where they fought. Volley squad spread throughout the room investigating what they could. Vallen knelt to the ground, his hand grazing the soft debris...heat continued to radiate from the smooth marble fragments. “Still warm to the touch sir?” Trooper Shine inquired as he approached. “Some pieces seem hot, but where’s all the glass?” asked Tank, a new trooper to the squad; his rotary cannon resting over his shoulder while his helmet torqued in curiosity. Shine continued, “This couldn’t have happened too long ago. I’ve only seen this type of damage done by cruisers to one another in space. Looks as though a few blasts came from the exterior…but most of this damage is blown from the inside out. No glass.. cuz it all melted.”

Hotsh neared a lift shaft. “Pike help me crank this sucker open.” Pike silently walked to the door Hotsh was arduously tugging. Slowly pulling his knife from his shoulder plate, the clone raised it above his head and with both hands Pike threw his weight into the crack of the door. “What the?!” Hotsh barked as he jumped back.

A slight grumble was heard from Pike’s helmet, his body forcing the blade deep through the double doors. “Haaareh!” The grittiness of the rocks within the track made a slow grind as the clones heaved the door apart. “Well done.” Vallen spoke as he looked up the shaft. “We better not take the stairs in case those explosions caused any structural damage.” Pike nodded, wiping the blade across his armor before pushing the knife within its sheath again.

Tank walked towards the assembled squad. His helmet was off, eyes wide apart while his brow wrinkled. “We wouldn’t have had too much luck with that idea Major” wiping his wet brow as his back slid slowly down the wall, “…the stairs…they are littered with bodies of civi’s who tried escaping the lobby.” Vallen stood before the trooper, “On your feet lad. We will mourn for them, but unless we act now, this may be for not if we can’t find those Jedi. Hold firm troopers!” Hotsh offered an open hand to the rookie, their hands clasped as Tank was pulled to his feet.

Vallen stepped off the floor into the shaft’s black void, the jet pack’s blue flames ignited preventing him from drifting down. Flickering, the boosters engaged sending him up the pipe steadily. One by one, the members of Volley squad followed.

Continuing the ascent within the bowels of the structure’s elevator shaft, Vallen utilized his comlink. Slowing to a hover he latched on to a cable on the shafts side. “Valkier, come in. Valkier, do you read me?” Though there was slight static the transmission came in uninterrupted, “Thunder  01 reporting in sir! How can I be of service?”

“I’d like you to scan for a group of our troopers or search for any contact from Sergeant Boomer.” Valkier quickly replied to the order, “On it sir! Flak, get to it.”

------------------------------------------------------Mean while in the atmosphere---------------------

Captain Meritus stood at the bridges main strategy table using his hand to toy with the holograms of the planetary scan. A navel clone officer stood at the table to report, “Captain, the cruisers Reproach, Stability, and Thrasher have reached your set waypoints and are continuing their scan. Upon completion should I bring them back?”

The captain cooly drifted in speech, only perking a single eyebrow, “Leave them where they are..”

“But sir the Major ordered we stay united in our pos..”

Meritus abruptly interrupted, turning to the officer within inches of his face, “Do not question my leadership again officer.”

---------------------------------------------------------------Back on Atar ------------------------------------------------

“Major Vallen, Thunder 01 reporting.”

Still clinging to the side of the shaft, the Major raised his arm, “Lets have the news pilot.”

“Boomer has set up defensive positions on the 39th floor. Two Jedi indicators are present as are a handful of other organic signatures.”

“Thanks for the diligence! With me lads.” His voice carrying down the tube, the troopers ignited the jet packs as silently the venture up continued. Again the squad reached a bulking door, but unlike the last, this was partially already open. A large 3 was visible on the left door while the faded semblance of a 9 could be seen on the opposing metallic flap.

Blue ignition flames turned white as they thrust forward, Vallen’s rubberized heel touching down on the floor. His reflection visible on the polished ground. Hotsh soon followed with Shine and Pike; while Tank, who finally arrived, stumbled through the door, his shoulder slamming into the wall. Regaining his footing, he looked up to find himself subject to the gaze of his entire squad. Shrugging, he lifted the rotary cannon, walking past the bemused clones, “What?! The tall heads didn’t exactly teach us how to zip around with these things.” As he chuckled and turned the corner he was immediately faced by an improvised barricade behind which six 501st troopers trained their sights quickly. “Hold!” Boomer shouted.

The clones of Volley squad climbed over the desks which had been piled over one another erecting a two tiered wall. Vallen leapt down off the barrier last. Standing up and removing his helmet, Boomer greeted him with a synopsis briefing while they walked down the twisting hall, the footsteps in quickened tandem.  “General A’ Sharad Hett and Commander Sakiko are relatively unscathed, their senate guard detachment did not have the same fortune. They fell among our brothers which belonged to Hett’s company. Suffice it to say, they have a lot to fill you in on.” Halting at the entrance to a conference room, Sergeant Boomer snapped to attention, saluting as Major Vallen stepped through the passageway.

The dim light flickered for a moment as power within the building weakened. At the table stood the venerable Jedi Master Hett. Sharad Hett’s eye’s met Vallen’s as he was observing his heavily tattooed face. “You have brought with you a welcome reprieve Commander. As you’ve surely noticed, the situation here is not as it should be.” “To say the least General.” As Sharad Hett continued, Vallen could not help but look past Hett’s shoulder to the figure clouded in shadow. Meditating the figure was shrouded in the haze of the room with only a beam of light illuminating the lower portion of her face. He could see she was slightly smiling. Something rarely seen in combat, especially from a Jedi. As quickly as the smile had been noticed it vanished; from the darkness to white piercing eyes appeared peering straight into his.

Shocked he quickly reengaged in the conversation with Master Hett. … “They attacked with no warning, laying waste to all in sight. It mattered not who they struck. As we defended the building, precise locations were hit with concentrations of droid fire…they seemed to horde and use numbers to overwhelm a single position after which a ground quaking explosion or two would quickly follow. We retreated to corridors we could better hold, that’s when they hit the lobby. Almost 10 blasts were heard..what a tremendous loss of life in a single moment.”

Looking again to the shadows, the figure previously seen there had vanished. From the fade she emerged on his flank. Hett, feeling Vallen’s distraction through the force decided to formally introduced the duo, “Major Valhallen, I present Jedi Knight Sakiko Ryuuzaki. This was her mission until the situation began to deteriorate. Hence I came.” Her eyes so focused. Vallen had never seen her race before, human like, but not. Her ears extending far beyond, drawing to a point as they punctured her raven brown hair. Throughout the waves, her hair had locks of blue which vibrantly shown in the light where she stood. One lone, vertical, blue line cut through each of her brow. Vallen was curious in the meaning behind these marks.

An explosion rocked the building. Hotsh rushed into the room, “Major, the perimeter is under attack! We must leave now.” Vallen turned to the two Jedi, “We must get you two out of this building and aboard the Formidable to salvage this situation. I’m not sure how firm this structure is.” Calmly Hett acknowledged, “We will follow your lead.” Boomer began to run down the hall. What few wounded troopers remained were being picked up by Volley squad and ushered down the countless stairs. They stifled their groans of agony, pushing through the pain.

Pike sprinted down the last landing of the stairwell and firmly kicked through the exit! Light shone brightly through the doorway with a flash, momentarily leading to blindness as each pair of eyes fought to adjust quickly. Rumbling could be heard as ATTE’s walked into defensible positions within the courtyard. 6 ATTE’s began forming a large defensive arc, a seventh walking backwards from the main gate.

“Return fire!!” Halifax’s course voice sounded through all comlinks, immediately followed by ripping gunfire and loud replies of the walker’s heavy cannons. The wounded sought refuge in the closest walkers. The main gate of the complex erupted in a whirlwind of fire and smoke. Battle droids and droideka’s began pouring through accompanied by a showering of random rockets. Red and blue lasers lashed to and fro from the faceless enemy. As one droid fell apart, another took its place. From the fog of clanking metal came sprinting and dodging five battle droids closely resembling a commando droids in the way they moved, but all lacked a blaster of any type.

Vallen’s eyes struggled to focus as they ducked and evaded bolts fired, serpentineing almost unpredictably.  They ran straight for the backward walking 7th ATTE! “Take them down!!! TAKE THEM DOWN!!” he cried out. Reaching the walker simultaneously, the first droid clamored up the middle leg of the ATTE, punching the gunner from his seat with one strong hit, the second and third running straight beneath the tank, while the fourth sprinted and leapt into the air. His metallic digits sprawled out as they cracked through
the pilots glass window with ease.

 “Roger! roger!” Beep Beep!

Instantly the walker was torn into oblivion, ripped from every direction by the massive explosions caused by these few droids. The republic forces who bore witness, even gunship crews,  were stunned by the carnage as the metal skeleton of the behemoth faltered to the ground, collapsing to a mere pile of smoldering scrap. The refuge of the walkers now seemed like a horrible idea to Vallen, He charged forward with his squad, the Jedi following their lead, “Form a forward line and solid suppressing fire!! Do not let the droids get near the walkers!” Clone troopers steadily advanced, those with jet packs rapidly taking the wall back into their control.

The Jedi lunged into the thick of the droid force! Hett pulling from his waist two green light sabers as he used the force to leap up, then plunge into the ground sending a rippling shockwave impact tossing droids on impact. With every spin, countless droids fell into pieces. Hett threw his saber using the other to reflect lasers. While his hand was empty, He manipulated the force to pull and push droids into one another before recalling his thrown saber back to its proper place.

Closer to Vallen stood Sakiko whose blue blade nearly looked white as she sliced through a dozen B2 battle droids with a controlled flurry of strokes. Sakiko was able to block and attack at the same time not wasting more than a single stroke per enemy. There was a sizable gap forming between her saber and the droids as she cut swaths through them. He ignited his jet pack rapidly becoming airborne to cover her. Pulling the trigger of his rifle..Click…the charge was empty when his feet hit the hard ground. Throwing his gun aside Vallen swiftly lifted from his single holster a side arm, quickly dispatching three droids in what he deemed Sakiko’s blind spot. The droids rushed her…she suddenly collapsed to the ground, catching herself as they fired over her she pushed up with a single arm. The other became out stretched; her fingers rapidly flicking out straight…from each, a propulsion of the force caused the droids to reel, falling atop of one another. Vallen too was thrown, but quickly regained his footing. His eyes met hers only for a moment as she winked…then continued to lash through a row of clankers with ardent focus.

The combination of laser fire from the clones and prowess of the Jedi enabled Republic forces to retake the courtyard perimeter. The thick firefight ceased for the time being. The droid attack halted..ruined in smoke and metal. A deathly silence permeated the uncertain victory. “Boomer, get me Captain Rex on the line. We need to get the Jedi back into space.” “Right away sir!” the ARF trooper shouted as he finished hooking up the last connections to the long distance relay. The Jedi knights, Halifax, and Vallen began climbing their way into the belly of an ATTE which was made the command post in the center of the defended courtyard.

Circling the tactical hologram table, the blue forms of Rex and Captain Meritus began to take form. “Rex, how are your forces?!”

Rex, seemingly unaware of any commotion, “Well Major! We’ve established a beachhead for evac if need be. How are negotiations?”

“You don’t know? We’ve been engaged all afternoon..”

Rex’s hologram, with elevated concern, leans closer “What?! NO! We’ve been solidifying our position and building positive repour with the locals. How many casualties and have you found the Jedi?”

“We’ll get to that. First off, Captain Meritus, How have you not witnessed any of this?”

Arrogantly Meritus explains his blatant disregard for the Major’s initial strategy, “Well sir, after you left, we began a planetary scan. The blips we saw..we simply thought were errors due to the planet magnetic and droid population. Some spots are just patchy at best...”

Vallen sternly grinding his fist into the table, “Captain, I order you, turn the light cruisers towards the hyperlane immediately!”  

“Uhg, Major, this is ridiculous. They are currently at the poles for scanning farther scanning, but if I must I will recall them. I warn you it will lengthen the scan time.”

Vallen past aggravated closes his eyes, stands erect, speaking calmly through his frustration, “Meritus, the threat is NOT on the planet. We’re fighting an expeditionary force that was here prior to the Jedi! IT’S A TRAP!”

The navel captain both shocked and in disbelief steps back from the table.

A naval officer hurried to the side of Meritus, “Sir! We have incoming signals from hyperspace. Two Seperatist Destroyers and several frigates!!”

Stunned Meritus slowly turns to his crew, “…ra..ra…Raise the shields and get us turned about!”
« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 10:48:21 AM by TheIRISH Rogue »
Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)

Offline wraithnine

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 11/28
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2012, 12:08:48 PM »
another superb read!  very well done Blake
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Clone Wars --Changing Tide- Post Umbara Fan Fic ARC *UPDATED* 11/28
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2012, 02:23:45 PM »
I really appreciate it! Thanks for checking back in!

 ()rr ()rr ()rr
Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)