I have three pics here of some orders that I shipped out today.
The first is for an ebay customer and was an order for 5 hollow ee mando buckets with rangefinders. I was running a bit late getting this one out so I included another mando bucket with rangefinder, a deluxe mando chest armor piece, and a sandtrooper ammo pouch for free.
The second is for a shipyarder whom I owed a hook-up anyways where I was also late in delivery and provided a compensating hook up of free parts. The order was for 6 slip-on clone training armor pieces and you can see all of the freebies.
The third is also for a shipyarder where I was also running late in delivery that was for 4 gm backpacks and 3 hollow arf trooper helmets. Here, I also compensated my tardiness in delivery with a multitude of free parts.
Sorry that I was so late, guys. I have been just swamped at work lately and it has been eating into my parts-making time.
Keep this in mind, shoppers. While I always throw in freebie parts, when I am running late on an order, the freebie pile gets bigger.