Imperial Review > Marvel Universe

Fantastic Four "Future Foundation"

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Boy, I sure do love my new camera!  The image quality is leaps and bounds above what the old camera did.  So I put it to good use and took pics of a LOT of items today.  The first of my reviews is the Future Foundation 3-Pack.  4-Pack, really, if you count HERBIE.

First off, you'll notice nothing new about them other than their costumes.  Frankly, I've never really been a fan of the Fantastic Four, but I AM a sucker for new costumes.  These new costumes come after the death of Johnny Storm, a.k.a. The Human Torch.  Spider-Man actually fills in the 4th spot, and is getting his own action figure in his Future Foundation costume later this year.  I also like white uniforms.  I don't know why, but they just look really cool to me.

The molds for these figures aren't any different than the regular, single-carded versions of the same characters.  In typical fashion, Hasbro has used weak, cheap plastic so that the limbs are already bent in odd ways, making them difficult to stand.  Nothing unusual, and sadly has become the norm.

Low points said, I love the look of these figures.  I'm not going to give them a grade or score, because I bought them simply so that I have a Fantastic Four team, and they have cool new white uniforms.  I know, I'm kind of a simpleton sometimes.  In any case, here are my images of the Future Foundation!

Cool photos, I passed on this cause I really want Sue in her original FF costume (she is the only reason to buy it).

Minor point, the Thing is not the same as the last pack, The foundation one is a repaint of the single carded release, the regular one is a repaint of the secret wars comic pack version.  The only real difference is SW has trunks and Single card had long paints which is a minor thing IMO.  Both really stink. 

seen this pack in the clearance isle at a walmart the other day. I didnt check the price but remember watching the cartoon with Herbie when I was a kid.

LOL!  Clearance?  Already?  Figures.  For whatever reason, my Walmarts in my area never put things like this on clearance!

Yeah these never really had a chance to sell, I saw them for $15, still couldn't bit the bullet for one figure. 


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