This is another 1:18 invader vehicle; Heavy Siege Tank Tracked, WIP
Not much to look at right now. This will look bigger to point where the turret doesn't consume the model. Granted turret is purposely large. Each part is being built as a individual component.
Still working on the turret. Built up the turret walls. The turret will have gantry on the side. Front turret; need to redo the measurements and angles. It will have launchers in the turret.
Rear turret; two part build. Rear wall with hinge components (wiring, hoses). Second part MLPS system which raises/lowers from rear of turret.
Sides of the tank will be extended with armor/functional panels. Weapons installed.
Front of tank: will be beefed up and using movable panels. Finish crew cab.
All including the lighting and panels. Need to print the decals for the panels.