Hello, family and friends! In just two short months, the
Production Platform 3 page picked up its 100th like, thanks to Wookieballs Customs (now we're at 104!). I'm thrilled to see so many talented and known names of the collecting and customizing world show up in the list of folks who have taken the time to check out and like our page. In case you aren't aware of it,
Production Platform 3 has a storefront where we offer a growing array of resin castings for action figure customizers and wargamers. If you haven't checked it out yet, take a few minutes and go look around. We'll wait.
Back so soon? I'm pretty sure you liked what you saw – even people who aren't into action figures have confessed to being at least a little impressed by our offerings. What I'm hopeful of is that as you look around our Facebook page and the storefront, you've thought of at least one person who would love to get ahold of the stuff we make. Eventually, we're sure you'll let that someone know about us.
But we are terribly impatient! We'd like you to tell them about us NOW! And to encourage you to do that sooner rather than later, we've decided to hold a contest. More exposure means more browsers and more browsers means more buyers. To help get more people looking, we need help. To get help, we need to offer some incentive. How about a shot at winning a “Cargo Bay Starter Set?”
If you help us spread the word about our Facebook page and get us to 150 likes, we'll hold a drawing to award a Cargo Bay Starter Set to one of our lucky fans! And not just a boring old white set, either – the parts will be molded in a variety of colors! There's only one catch.
We have to hit 150 likes by midnight of May 31st, CDT. That's a little more than 3 weeks away. We picked up 100 likes in right at 8 weeks. If you help spread the word, I am confident we can double that pace to pick up 50 more in just under half that time.
In fact, I think we can do better than that. For every additional 50 likes (200, 250, etc), I'll give away another Cargo Bay Starter Set. Sound good? Then spread the word...