Author Topic: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office  (Read 53676 times)

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2009, 05:35:13 AM »
LOL. Love  the writing style here. It does keep one involved. I will only say one thing, getting something complete is a lot quicker than having to find the pieces over time. I can be done, as I have with a few walkers, but I still wouldn't say a few dollars saved was worth the attention I gave to finishing up the complete vehicle. course I have been called a little eccentric by some.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2009, 06:19:52 AM »
LOL. Love  the writing style here. It does keep one involved. I will only say one thing, getting something complete is a lot quicker than having to find the pieces over time. I can be done, as I have with a few walkers, but I still wouldn't say a few dollars saved was worth the attention I gave to finishing up the complete vehicle. course I have been called a little eccentric by some.
I certainly didn't say that, Shawn. ;D

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2009, 07:00:30 AM »
I went back and looked - figuring in shipping, the incomplete one is just over $15 and the complete one is $26.  But the guy w/ the incomplete one has a couple of other things I'm interested in...

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2009, 07:07:11 AM »
I went back and looked - figuring in shipping, the incomplete one is just over $15 and the complete one is $26.  But the guy w/ the incomplete one has a couple of other things I'm interested in...
That fact could certainly sway my decision, were I in your shoes.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2009, 11:10:42 PM »
First thing out of the bay this morning, Maintenance had an issue.  Someone in Transportation had landed a cargo skiff on a hydro-line, fracturing it and shutting down the hydro-supply to a swath of Residential units, including mine.  We managed to get that taken care of fairly simply, but it involved a shuttle run by one of the techs for parts - nothing on the Station fit that line!  Several of us discussed the issue and feel the line may need to be rerouted and/or replaced with a heavier grade to prevent a recurrence.

I spent most of the day sequestered in Workshop-2 trying to get things rearranged for Manufacturing to open up a facility.  Maintenance has been using the 'shop for storage of a variety of power-tools, but that may have to change.  It appears there is more stuff than room!  We got the storage and display facilities satisfactorily relocated.  I'd been worried about the power routing, but that turned out to be a non-issue, thankfully.  All that remains is to move in the actual assembly platform.  That of course will likely require the resources of two moons and a mining colony!

After we dealt with that not-so-minor issue, I managed to finish up a client's project.  He's got an antique cargo-hauler he's trying to sell, so he wanted me to put my talents to use on his behalf.  Well, I guess we'll see.  He gave me all the info he wanted to have listed, but for some reason, my terminal had connection problems for a couple of days.  Finally, I tried setting it up in a different part of the station and voila...everything worked...eventually.

I did pick up another protocol droid via the Holonet.  It was another of those "too good to pass up" deals.  It should fit right in with the bundle of hardware I ordered from Clonehead.  In fact, I heard from him today.  Said the goods were heading this way by courier and that he'd tossed in "something special."  I think I'll keep my blaster handy when the shipment arrives, just in case.

Oh, and I also stumbled across a "massive pile of parts from many sources" that keep places like this up and running.  The broker was up front about not knowing what she was offering, but that there was "plenty for everyone!"  I did see what looked like a pair of load-lifter clamp assemblies - complete with arm servos and housings! - that looked promising.  If they are the *only* things that I can make use of on the station, I'll feel I have accomplished something!  Besides, the spacers we get always seem to be scrounging for parts.  I'm sure anything I can't put to good use here can be fairly easily sold in the market.

Now, I have to say, I've so far foregone the Side Gunner present to myself.  That was partly done to acquire the pile of parts.  I figure realistically, I won;t be able to use the entire load.  I'm hopeful that I can recoup a significant part of my expenditure by reselling whatever I can't use.  In my dreams, I make enough to cover the cost of the parts *and* buy a Side Gunner.

Tried out a can of Krylon "Fusion" paint on an older GI Joe fig today, just to see how it would work out.  Not a bad deal!  I used the Olive Drab from their Ultra-Flat Camouflage line.  They say the Fusion line is supposed to work better on plastics.  Well, I think I can agree there!  I'll have to look and see if they have anything other than the ultra-flats as Fusion paints.  I'm betting it would do well as a base-coat on vehicles primarily, but on figures too.

Found pics of the updated GI Joe Skyhawk over the weekend.  Joe Goes Mini-Rigs!  That's something I can applaud, being a mini-rig junkie.  I have an old Skyhawk - another auction win - that is not in "flyable" shape that should fit right into a dio set at Tanner Dane's Downtime Station.  Well, once I hit it up with some Light Ghost Grey or whatever it was that I used.  I think it would make an excellent Imperial airspeeder.  Well, they updated it and appear to have given it an actual solid "glass" canopy!  Very impressive.  Of course, I still need to figure out what sort of landing gear it would use instead of skids...

The Yakfinities challenge running thru June 30 is "Teams."  Boy have I got ideas for THAT one!!  Obviously, two are Fixer's crews - one a bunch of ragtag tramp-spacers, and the other the ex-Imperial Bartan and Fixer's droid minions.  My next thought was to do an Imperial Sharpshooters squad from WEG's Imperial Sourcebook gamebook.  Then there's a bunch from an as-yet-unwritten Fixer piece - a 222 pit-droid who is working in a docking-bay, handling starship maintenance & overseeing a fleet of smaller droids, like the "caution-yellow ActionPacker" cleanup droids from the Naboo accessory pack.  It would be kinda neat to have all the droids painted up in company livery.  That idea is almost more of a dio than a straight "Teams" idea, tho.

Bren has a nice approach going with a bounty-hunter team.  He's got two armored guys, qualifying for the "Team" concept, but I'm going to suggest an Intel geek - some sort of Slicer character.  Should be interesting to see what he can pull off on that one.

Well, that should do for now.  Maybe we can get the assembly platform relocated tomorrow...

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2009, 04:34:11 AM »
Your and Brendon's team projects sound more and more interesting. I like the sounds of that Skyhawk project, as well.  I take it that other load of parts were Star Wars parts?

Offline DocOutlands

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2009, 06:32:26 AM »
It looks like a mixture of a lot of different lines.  The seller admits to having no idea.  Talk about yer grab-bag specials!  Here's the link to the auction - pic isn't big enough for *me* to identify much of anything...

Yeah, another of my 99-cent wins.   ;D  I see a bunch of vehicle bits and pieces...should make an excellent scrapyard dio.

But really - the main reson I grabbed this one - those grasper-claws!  I've got a binary load-lifter design that I *desperately* need arms for, and those guys look like they'll fill the bill.  woot!

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2009, 07:19:50 AM »
I see the arms. Man, there is a little bit of everything, there. You and your 0.99 cent wins. I'll bet that you type 0.99 into the ebay search engine, don't you? :D

Offline DocOutlands

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2009, 12:56:30 PM »
it's that Scottish skinflint in me showing!

Well, emboldened by yesterday's apparently successful test of Krylon's ultra-flat black Fusion, I checked out a local WalMart for what other Fusion colors might exist.  Wow - "brown metallic hammered"!!  Where's that box of POTF2 guys?  I gotta experiment...

Also found 8 YARDS of bead tubing on a clearance rack - it is action fig-scale HOSES!!!  Black and brown vinyl tubing, SUPER flexible!!  99 cents!!  (joking - it was actually an even dollar)  But WOW - I mean can you imagine TWENTY FOUR FEET of hoses??!??  I'm excited by the possibilities!! (obviously)  Also picked up a Matchbox forklift to experiment with.  Hey - load-lifters gotta use *some*thing to shift freight!  They only had one - I need at least one more, maybe three.

Ok, now that I am back from town, I need to see if I *have* a Sebulba fig...

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #24 on: May 14, 2009, 09:34:30 PM »
The assembly platform hasn't yet been moved.  However, Workshop-2 is absolutely ready for it, once Housekeeping and Manufacturing get together on clearing out Workshop-1 so that the Platform *can* be moved.

I tell you, the past two days have been crazy ones.  Or was it three?  Probably three.  I started out with a migraine on the first day and got only a little bit accomplished.  I did manage to secure some prototyping and manufacturing supplies.  Bren and I looked at the parts we'd need to build his Fig-3, a Dug Slicer.  Looks like there were 3 different Dugs released, all of which have potential in various areas (primarily in arm position or outfit).  We're trying to figure out how we can hang accessories off him - there's not much to work with!  I'm thinking an Airborne Trooper's sachel. 

I picked up some masking tape, "metallic brown hammered" fusion spraypaint, some 8 yards of craft tubing that will replicate conduit, and a fork-truck.  Hey - a load-lifter has to have something to shift loads.  Oh, and I got another Cmdr Faie.  I'm thinking that is the Imperial Commando.  My version, anyway. 

I took his rigid hood off today and shot it down with fusion OD Green.  It's drying in Workshop-2 as I type.  It looks promising.  I'm going to start with a large-scale splinter-pattern, I think.  Something like Brit/Dutch/NZ DPM or Rhodesia's brushstroke.  Those are nice-looking - and effective - patterns.  After that, I'm trying to figure if I want to go poncho/cape or just kama.  If kamas, I'll try one from a GalMarine first.  A poncho or cape would have to be built up from scratch, but might look better.  I'm sure there's some number of older rigid capes and such that I could appropriate and redecorate.  I want to try and leave the armor untouched, unless maybe to recolor the brown accents on the original figure.  One thought on a partial cape would be to use the "cape" from a Boba Fett fig and repaint it appropriately.  If I go with capes, I'm sure I'll use one or two of the Fett wraps.

Imperial Sharpshooter squad or Imperial Commando squad.  Prolly Commandos.  The WEG gamebook has a description of Sharpshooters already.  I think they only have helmets and breastplates.  So, GalMarine or Snowtrooper body with more "uniform-y" arms and legs for them!  Lots of At-St helmets, then...  I want to use a sniper-plate from an Airborne Trooper or a Cmdr Baccara on one of the figs and give him the "swept-back" rifle from an AT-ST Driver or McSnowie as a sniper rifle.  That would make a nice change from the IG-88 or - Maker forbid - Barrett.  I have one Faie holding the South African sniper they used as the pattern for the Halo sniper.  No magazine.  We'll give it a try and see how it goes in the build-up phase.  I'll prolly post a pic of it tomorrow for quick feedback from the 'Yarders, at least.  I think it might be different enough to pass.

Yesterday got hosed first by Zoological needing critter maintenance.  The feeding facilities for the dairy herd had been judged...inadequate, so I had to overhaul that segment of the Station.  Then one of the tenants needed help with a cargo-lighter.  Finally, I spent a lot of time repairing the main landing pad surface.  Recent solar storms had eaten away the surface, leaving it barely useable and most definitely dangerous. That kept Bren and I going late, but it made a distinct improvement.

Most of today was spent with Housekeeping in Workshop-2, getting it ready for the Assembly Platform.  Everything went very well, even if it did take far longer than I would have liked.  As I said previously, once Manufacturing and Housekeeping get together on clearing off the platform, we can move it.

I also did some work with Bren on our commo-array.  We'd upgraded some units recently and needed to test them out over the local system.  Generally, everything went quite well and we are pleased overall with the progress in that area.  I talked with one of my consultants and he made some suggestions for improvements I could make for the shuttle systems.  Fortunately, they are relatively low-cost and should give a fairly high return on investment.  Some of his suggestions, however, had to be relegated to "later on" after the Station sees a bit more profit.

Well, tomorrow I figure I'll get Marketing in to shoot some sample holos of the Faie fig I've got going - I'll put the painted hood on the one holding the rifle and then swap out rifles.  That way, I can see how things will go.  Will likely throw in the other Faie as a spotter.  Wish I could find one of those Macau "GET FIVE FOR 99 CENTS!!" auctions, featuring Cmdr Faie.  Oh...I'll grab Bren's Faie as well, since he's pulled the soft-goods off his.  Have three squadmates working up a good sniper hide.  Prolly break out some Protech stands and get out in the dirt for one while I'm at it.

I looked at some vintage Hoth playsets - Turret/Probot and Imperial Attack - as potential diorama/display shelves.  Would it be sacrilegious to repaint them into, say, Geonosis red-orange?  Or something else like that?  I need to retreive my T/P set from the old 'Station next time we are thru there and see how well it holds the new figures.  They do make a nice rocky-looking set, tho.  Repaint them in a granite look, maybe...

My block of Sculpey seems to have ruined.  It had no give at all and tended to crumble when I squeezed the edges.  Blast.  Another thing on the list to get/replace.

Well, that's enough of my ramblings committed to photons for now.  I've already got a lot to do tomorrow, so I best get rested up for it.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2009, 05:16:26 AM »
You certainly like that spray-on color, don't you. Your sniper squad ideas sound promising.
  sorry about the migraines. Sinus trouble??
Sounds like you have been busy. I was wondering where you had gotten off to, yesterday.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2009, 05:17:43 AM »
Nice reading Doc, you have a great style of wit in your postings........

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2009, 09:10:40 PM »
The 'Station seems to be the host of an Omiglian Spewkworm infestation.  Something like 40% of the station population is infested right now, including two of my minions.  If they don't get better soon, I may have to shoot them.

Rebe is supposed to have gone and checked out gravcycles during her mid-shift today.  She's wanting to add something for cross-training outside her running regimen.  I'm hoping she finds one she likes.  Bren has expressed an interest in one, as well.  Rebe said he could use hers when she wasn't on it.  I suppose they will need to schedule opposing workouts, with one running while the other cycles.

I managed some more work on my two Teams entries today.  I put paint to one side of the foundling cloak for the sniper team and primered an entire ASP-7.  The droid will most likely get a burgandy body with a metallic blue face as its "swoosh" to fit in the lineup.

The cloak actually fits under the Faie headwrap better than the Labria cloak did, which was a pleasant surprise.  I'm not sure if I should trim the headwrap or the cloak, at this point.  A four-man team would give me a bit more room to play with slight individualizations among troopers, as I'd like to add a rangefinder to one and a flip-up macro-visor to another.  Backpacks will most likely be EVO Trooper packs, where visible/equipped.  At least one will be carrying a light repeating blaster, courtesy of the 4LOM fig which I'm reverting to a protocol unit.

Reminds me!  His paint is FABULOUS!!  Masking was great, with only a light spot of misting on top of its cranial dome.  I looked over my colors to see what I might use for his head.  I discovered an "Olive Pearl" acryl I plan to use on his eyes.  Should give them a nice metallic faceted look.  Still not sure on the overall cranial, tho.  I left it primered, figuring to find a nice color to use, but I'm coming up blank.  The purple acryl I found doesn't sit quite right.  I don't think earth tones are the way to go, either, and a black face would make him look like a copy of an RA-7 "death star droid."  So, I'm stymied for the moment.  A pearl-white might make an interesting choice, but I don't know how that might look as an accent color on the fig.  I need to figure out some sort of reception desk for it to stand behind.  A micro-dio of sorts.

I'm trying to pick out 3 or 4 smaller items I want to use as my first mold-masters.  I have so many I want to do, that I'm confused as to where I should start!  Well, I *KNOW* I want to make a "senate droid-cam" as one of the first items.  I will likely also use the Endor Rebel w/ goatee as one of the items.  The flip-down visor has to be one of the earlier items, as several of my designs need one.  I might toss in a helmet from someone, just to round things out. 

I need to mold an R2 head.  Or two.  I need them - or something suspiciously similar - for James' ball-shaped astromech project.  I want to use one of the pivoting R2 center foot pieces so the lil fig will have some sort of articulation.  I'm thinking about drilling attachment holes in the surface to allow the insertion of tool arms from the FX6 and Sith Attack droids.  Having a pop-up scanner and extending scomp-link arm would be added plusses.  That bloody figure is getting complex!  But I mean really - why make a fig that is little more than two R2 domes stuck together with a monopod base?  There's no play value in that.  Start adding arms and scanners and NOW you're cooking!  So, dangit, I gotta sacrifice a full-blown R2 unit for the scanner part and mold up something that looks like a scomp-link.

I got another Dodonna fig on thEbay today.  There's another doctor for my RMSU-7 team/dio.  Now, if I could just work out the surgical beds...  I also picked up a pair of protocol droid arms and a head for virtually nothing.

I have a lead on an old Trade Fed scout-tank.  Someone knows I like the smaller armor and slipped me a note.  Gent has a number of other things I like, inc. a barely-used protocol droid.  Might see about dropping some creds his way, if no one beats me to them.

Spent part of the day making a shuttle run to pick up consumables for Zoological.  Ended up catching a deal for Botanical while we were there.  Spent some time in that zone after we returned, checking the coming crops.  Hung out with the minions a good bit, too.  Overall, I guess I can lay down tonight with a clear conscience.  Maybe I can get a little done in Workshop-2 now, since the day shift is over and most everyone is settling in...

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2009, 05:17:02 AM »
Once again, great style. Interesting read. Hope to see more pics of those great customs.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #29 on: May 21, 2009, 05:34:05 AM »
Lovin it, Doc. Sorry to hear that the family is sick or part of it, anyway.