Author Topic: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab  (Read 5899 times)

Offline Mungo Baobab

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Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« on: March 29, 2011, 02:45:40 PM »
This story is set about 52 years before the events of SW: Episode 1-The Phantom Menace. I am going to try my hand at fan-fiction. No promises on how well this story will turn out.


Star Wars
Emergence of the Sith

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

This is a peaceful time for the Republic, but not for the Jedi Council. For generations the Jedi have been dispatched by the chancellor of the Galactic Senate as negotiators and keepers of the peace in various political circumstances.

During a recent trade dispute, the Jedi were asked to remain uninvolved by the Supreme Chancellor Nican Vimic. As usual, high-ranking Jedi Council members graciously agreed to the request of the Chancellor.

One Jedi Master is secretly walking a dark path and does not see this situation in the same light as his fellow council members. He and his master believe it is time to eliminate Chancellor Vimic so the Sith can once again emerge and rule the galaxy…
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 05:26:38 PM by Mungo Baobab »

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Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2011, 02:57:40 PM »
+++++Part One+++++

The council sat in the circular shaped room located atop the highest spire of the Jedi temple. The discussion about the recent trade dispute between two small industrial worlds, located near the outer rim, had reached an alarming level.

“I tell you this is only the beginning,” exclaimed Sariss Koth! “If this continues, I fear it won’t be long until he tries to eliminate the need for the Jedi Order all together in regards to matters of peace and politics in the Republic.”

Jedi Master Ki Rahn sat across the room from Koth. He had listened in silence, starring at the floor, as Koth criticized the Chancellor’s actions. Lifting his head, he offered his thoughts, “Sariss, you know the Jedi Council is not a part of the Republic’s governing body, we simply serve the Senate and office of Supreme Chancellor by request. The Chancellor decides how political matters should be rectified and the level of our involvement. We have no authority over his office.”

Sariss, with a furrowed brow, hastily replied, “Then maybe WE should be the governing authority in the Republic.”

Time seemed to stop.

Sariss glared at Master Ki Rahn through his deep blue eyes. The wrinkles in his forehead clearly displayed his irritation. Koth was the youngest member currently seated on the Jedi Council. Many perceived he was wise beyond his youth, yet his frustrations seemed to be taking control.

Ki Rahn focused on the force. Over and over he recited mentally, “There is no emotion, there is peace,” and quickly released the temptation to lash out. Speaking in a calm steady voice. “Master Koth, I am concerned. The political viewpoints you have advocated and the feelings you display tread closely to the dark side.”

Yoda’s voice again filled the room, “Sariss, be calm, at peace, control your emotions. Through them, hard to use good judgment it is.”

Master Koth stood and walked quickly toward the chamber doors. As the doors slid open, he stopped, paused and spun around to face the council. “I have heard enough! You are all blind! The Chancellor is a threat to the Jedi, you will see the truth” Koth yelled! With a swift turn he walked out of the council chambers.

Ki Rahn rose from his seat and moved toward the door, “Sariss wait,” he cried, but his words evaporated into the air.

Yoda looked at the floor, “Great anger I sense in him.”

“Should I go and talk with him,” Asked Ki?

“No,” Yoda replied. “Time to calm his anger he needs, then…talk with him we will.”

Ki Rahn turned, walked back and slumped down into his seat, “I have a bad feeling about this.”
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 03:30:30 PM by Mungo Baobab »

Offline Mungo Baobab

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Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2011, 03:12:10 PM »
+++++Part Two+++++

Sariss Koth walked into the hanger. He looked around for a moment, and saw no one. Moving toward his ship he sensed a presence.  

A deep, rugged voice echoed from underneath a nearby vessel, “Evenin’ Master Koth, good to see ya! Can I help ya with somethin’?”

It was the hanger mechanic, a Corellian, named Miles Ruskin. Koth stopped turned around and began to walk toward the origin of the voice. Miles rolled his small, pudgy frame from under the ship. He was known as one of the best mechanics on Coruscant, which is primarily why Yoda had gone to great lengths to secure his services.

“Need me prep your ship for a night flight, it’ll only take me a few minutes” asked Miles.

Koth quickly responded, “No, Miles, that won’t be necessary. It is just a quick errand. I will only be gone for a few hours. Besides, you keep these ships in wonderful shape, I am quite sure my ship can handle the flight.”

Mile Ruskin beamed with pride.

“Thank ya Master Koth, I always give it my best. But ya sure I can‘t give her a once over,” he enthusiastically inquired?

“I am sure everything will be fine,” Koth said in a polite and encouraging tone. “Please, don’t let me keep you from your work.”

Still glowing with pride, Miles Ruskin turned to happily resume his work. “Well, okay! Have a safe flight!”

Sariss Koth drew his lightsaber.  Koth thought for a moment about what he was about to do. He was no threat, yet Ruskin had to be eliminated. Ruskin could track Koth’s flight and destination and his master’s orders had been very clear; leave no loose ends, no matter how insignificant. He ignited the bright green blade. When Miles Ruskin heard the snapp-hiss, he froze and then slowly turned around.

“W,wh,wha…wha…what’s g,g…going on Master Koth?”

Koth glared at Ruskin feeding on the little man’s fear.  The mechanic knew something bad was about to happen then the friendly grin on Ki’s face transformed in to an evil smirk. Miles turned as quick as he could to run from the Jedi, but it was no good.

In one swift motion, Koth jumped toward the mechanic and swung his lightsaber in a downward motion.

Miles Ruskin fell to the floor.

Koth powered down his lightsaber, took a deep breath to relax himself and felt a new strength fill his being.  The dark side was indeed powerful, just as his master had told him.  A smile came to Koth’s face. Quickly he turned and walked to his ship.

As his ship exited Coruscant’s atmosphere, Koth transmitted an encrypted message to his Master:

BEGIN MESSAGE: Jedi Council did exactly as you predicted. The Jedi Order is weak. En route to destination. Will make contact upon arrival. The force is with us Master. END MESSAGE
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 03:30:15 PM by Mungo Baobab »

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Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2011, 03:29:39 PM »
+++++Part Three+++++

Early morning on Coruscant, the center of galactic civilization, was always beautiful. The sky, as usual, was filled with the flow of non-stop activity. The city-covered surface was home to the government of the Republic and the center of commerce. A plethora of businesses, both legal and otherwise, operated on this planet. The giant sun rose on the horizon. Master Curch Denas enjoyed the view as he and his apprentice stood in the moving elevator.

“I have a bad feeling about this, Master,” said Jared Rand.

Curch chuckled.

“It isn’t funny Master.”

The padawan stood next to his master in the elevator as it moved upward toward the council chamber. Jared was one of the most gifted young padawans Curch Denas had ever seen, from his perspective anyway. This young one already stood eye to eye with his master, was an excellent swordsman and, if he could ever master his control of the force, had tremendous potential. Yet, he could sense the anxiety his young apprentice was trying to hide.

“Control yourself. You always get nervous when we go before the council,” Curch said in a friendly, comforting tone of voice.

The elevator stopped. Jared took a deep breath, closed his eyes and exhaled.

“Relax,” whispered Curch.

The doors opened. They stepped out of the elevator and walked down a short hallway to a set of double doors. As the doors opened the hallway was filled with sunlight. Squinting, Curch and his apprentice walked into the council chamber. As their eyes adjusted, they saw two familiar figures seated, amidst the other empty seats. Curch and Jared walked to the center of the room, faced Ki Rahn and Yoda, and bowed.

“Hmmp, hmmp, welcome Master Denas, young Rand,” said Yoda, through a slight chuckle. “Young Rand, mind your master’s instruction. Release your anxieties you must.”

Frustrated, Jared glanced at his master.

“Don’t look at me, I arrived the same time you did,” jested Curch.

The padawan hung his head. “Forgive me for my lack of control masters, I will try to do better,” said Jared sadly.

Pointing at Jared, Yoda spoke in his usual authority, “this, never forget young padawan, do or do not, there is no try!”

“Yes, Master Yoda.”

After a slight pause, Master Ki Rahn turned the conversation toward the matters at hand.

“Master Curch, the reason we have summoned the two of you is because we have a very serious situation in regards to one of our own.”

“What type of situation,” asked Curch?

“Master Sariss Koth has become began down a dark path,” explained Ki.

Curch and Jared stood silent in shock.

“Disbelief, I sense in you both,” said Yoda.

Curch offered his thoughts, “You are indeed correct Master. I have known Sariss Koth for many years. I was even his padawan for a short time before he was chosen for his term on the council. It just doesn’t seem possible. What happened?”

Ki Rahn began, “Yesterday, during a discussion on the recent trade dispute, the entire council, with the exception of Master Koth, agreed with Chancellor Vimic that it would be in the best interest of the Republic if the Jedi did not get involved in this situation. Koth seems to believe that Chancellor Vimic is some sort of threat to the Jedi.  He became enraged and stormed out of the council chamber. Later that evening, he went to the hanger, killed the mechanic Miles Ruskin and left the temple.”

“An error in judgment I made by letting him leave in such anger. If stopped him yesterday, I had, alive Miles Ruskin would be,” confessed Yoda.

Ki Rahn looked toward Yoda, “It was an error in judgment that the whole council agreed upon, my old friend. We are all accountable.”

“Is there any indication of either where he went or his intentions,” asked Curch, who was still struggling with this news about his former master?

“This, we do not know. However, this troubling information we do know, secretly studied the darkside Sariss Koth has,” said Yoda.

Another shockwave struck Curch.

Ki Rahn continued, “After discovering the death of Miles Ruskin it became very clear that we had a grave situation on our hands. After seeing what Sariss did to the mechanic on the security tapes we conducted a thorough search of Koth’s living quarters. Hidden behind a wall panel was a personal journal which revealed his studies into the darkside of the force. This information was not gained from studies in the Jedi archives and it seems he has been studying for quite some time. “

Yoda then spoke, his eyes facing the floor, “blind we have been to the darkside. Great trouble for the jedi Sariss Koth could create.”

“We want you and your padawan to pick up the investigation. Find Koth and bring him before the council. He is to be expelled from the Jedi order and stand trial for the murder of Mile Ruskin in a Republic Court. Use any resources necessary under our authorization,” said Master Rahn.

“Yes Master. We will begin immediately,” affirmed Curch.

Yoda then dismissed them, “May the force be with you.”

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2011, 03:41:17 PM »
i'm not a big Jedi fan Mungo   but i tell you  im lovin this story! i think you have perfectly captured the essence of these characters  ,the writing is top notch, i look forward to the next part
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline Mungo Baobab

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Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2011, 03:44:27 PM »
+++++Part Four+++++

It was the middle of the day. A silver air-speeder wove through the Coruscant traffic. The driver slowed his speed and gently docked the speeder. A hatch on the side of the taxi opened and two robed figures exited into an older area of the city.

Jared walked next to his master, but he was, however, confused. Why had they left the temple? He wanted to ask Curch where they were going and why.

As they walked further and further passing one old building after another, Jared could no longer hold back his questions. He had to find out…something…anything. “Master, how are we going to locate Koth? It is a big universe and he has been gone for almost 20 standard hours, which is quite an advantage. We have everything we need at the temple to begin our investigation; I don’t understand, why we are here?”

“You are correct, my young padawan.” Curch replied, “We could indeed begin our investigation at the temple, searching records, searching in Koth’s living quarters, meditating, etc...However, I believe I have a faster solution to finding his whereabouts. When I was Koth’s padawan we investigated the assassination of a senator’s son. During the course of the investigation, we met a…a visionary…you might say.”

“A visionary,” Jared inquired?

“Yes, though he was not a Jedi, it seemed the force was very strong with him and obviously the source of his abilities.”

Jared, not fully satisfied with the answer, continued, “We are obviously going to see him. Does the council know about this…visionary?”

“No. AND…they don’t need to know. We were given the councils authority to use whatever resources necessary to find Koth,” explained Curch. “If it is my methodology you question, I could temporarily reassign you?”

Jared felt as if he had been stabbed. “I’m sorry Master. You are much wiser than I. Please forgive my disrespect. I just have a bad feeling about this whole idea.”

“Jared this seer could use the force in ways that would take most Jedi a lifetime to discover. He could see things, places, and events; he could even see the future and the past with tremendous clarity. When we explained the circumstances surrounding our investigation he used his abilities to help us. His information was totally accurate and helped us to find the assassin. Until my time of meditation last night, I had almost forgotten him.” explained Curch as he wandered through his memories.

“Do you believe this seer is still on Coruscant or even still alive, Master,” asked Jared?

“Let’s hope so my young Padawan, he may be the quickest way to locate Koth before it’s too late” explained Curch.

Jared then moved to his next area of concern. “What will we do if…when, we find Master Koth,” inquired Jared?

Curch stopped, turned and looked into his padawan’s eyes. “I do not wish to fight a friend and former master. Hopefully, we can persuade Sariss to see he is wrong and come back to the Temple, without incident. But, if he will not return with us, then I will do what I must.”

After walking a short distance, the two of them came to a door attached to an ancient pagan-like building. Curch pressed the comm system to alert someone to their presence.

“May I help you,” squawked a young voice through the speaker?

Curch answered, “Yes, I am Jedi Master Curch DeNas. We are here seeking help from a very talented Muun that used to live here named Shaal Amor. He once aided my former master and I in an important Republic matter and I have come again seeking his council. Does he still reside here?”

“Oh a jedi master. We don’t get many of your kind around here. Yes the master is still with us and would be glad to help you. What type of payment will you be using,” asked the distorted garble?

Jared’s jaw dropped and his voice blurted out, “Payment?”

The voice crackled back, “Yes my friend. Even a person with special talents must purchase food to eat, clothes to wear and pay for the roof over his head. Not all citizens of the Republic are subject to the great luxuries of life.”

Jared grew quickly frustrated, “It seems no one does anything out of the goodness of their own heart anymore. You would think people would want to assist two…”

Curch lifted his hand silencing Jared, “Please excuse my padawan…I can offer one thousand Republic credits now and four more later, with the condition that the information is accurate. You must understand we Jedi have limited resources as well. If this isn’t enough, we will just be on our way.”

There was a short pause and the voice squawked its response, “That is less than the standard fee, but…I believe we have time to quickly squeeze you in.”

The door slowly opened to reveal a dark hallway lit with torches. At the end of the hallway was another door. As they moved down the hall, the door opened revealing a young male, about 17 years old, dressed in dark servants robes.

He looked at the two Jedi and smirked, “the Master will be with you in a few moments,” and then silently exited the room.

Jared leaned over and whispered into his master’s ear, “friendly, eh?”
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 04:15:08 PM by Mungo Baobab »

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Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2011, 05:35:28 PM »
+++++Part Five+++++

A tall robed figure emerged from the darkness. Jared Rand and Curch Denas watched as he made his way to the table where they waited.

“I was told there were Jedi here asking for MY help. Well, well, it’s been a long time since a Jedi has sought my advice,” echoed from the muun’s raspy voice.

“Shaal Amor, sir, I am Master Curch Denas and this is my padawan, Jared Rand. Several years ago you helped my former master and I solve an investigation of great importance to the Republic. Now my padawan and I seek your assistance in another urgent matter. We are trying to locate another Jedi Master by the name of Sariss Koth. Our time is very limited and I believe you might be our best hope of finding him…rather quickly,” explained Curch.

The old man chuckled, “Yes, I know YOU believe I can help, but, the young one has…’a bad feeling about this.’”

Jared sat stoically glancing at his Master and then toward Amor.

“No worries young one, I am not offended by your skepticism. You aren’t the first to feel that way and certainly won’t be the last. But, since your time is precious, let’s get right to the point. I sense your former master is on an evil path. Darkness surrounds him like a fog,” said the old man.

“Can you tell us where to find him or what kind of problems could arise from this situation,” asked Curch?

The old man closed his eyes in silence for a few seconds, “It is difficult to see his plans. His path is filled with darkness.”

Jared turned toward his master, “Master, forgive me for being disrespectful, but I don’t think we should continu…”

With a cackle Shaal Amor erupted, “Aha…ha, there…there you are! Thought you could hide from me did you?”

Amor opened his eyes as if he was awakening from a dream. Tilting his head slightly Shaal spoke, “The jedi you seek, this Sariss Koth, is still here on Coruscant. The outcome of the path he has chosen is beyond my sight. However, this I can tell you, his path crosses with the Chancellor of the Republic.”

“Are you positive,” inquired Curch?

The old muun replied with a nasally yet firm tone, “Master Denas, nothing is ever certain, the future is always in motion. I can only give you the information my vision provides.”

“What in the blazes is Koth doing?” Curch thought to himself.  

Curch smiled at the old Muun, “Thank you once again for your help sir. I will return with the rest of your payment once our task is concluded. Jared, come, we must move quickly.”
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 05:37:14 PM by Mungo Baobab »

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Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2011, 06:27:18 PM »
+++++Part Six+++++

Sariss Koth awoke from his sleep. He had been hiding out in an abandoned factory which was one of his new master’s properties on Coruscant. It had little comfort but gave Koth a place to lay low until he was contacted.

He reach for his tunic and realized it was not where he had placed it before lying down. In its place were a set of black garments and a new lightsaber. His master must have had them delivered while he slept. Picking up the items he saw a small round holo-pad. Almost as if the object knew Koth was looking a small light began to flash in sync with a  small beep. He activated the small round pad and a bluish hologram appeared in the shape of a familiar robed figure.

Koth turned toward the small hologram, bowed his head and began to speak, “What is your bidding my Master?”

“Koth,” crackled the sinister voice on the opposite end of the tranmission, “We must start phase two quickly. Because of your actions we must now eliminate several Jedi as well as Vimic. I will transmit the names of those who must be eliminated to your ship. This is an unexpected turn of events, however, our plan can still move forward.”

Koth sat silently for a moment.

“Sariss Koth, I sense something plaguing your thoughts,” cracked the hologram.

“Are you certain we need to provoke the jedi? Wouldn’t it be more productive if we cou…”

The hologram emphatically interrupted, “DO NOT second guess my instructions, Sariss Koth, only do as you are ordered, is that clear?”

“Understood, my Master. Are there any further instructions,” asked Koth?

“No, your performance has been acceptable, my apprentice. See that you continue to follow my instructions…without question. Once these few pitiful jedi are out of the way, move against the Chancellor. Only then can we begin to institute a shift in power. Contact me when after you have completed your task, is that understood,” asked the holographic voice?

Koth bowed his head slightly further and responded, “Understood, Master.”

The holographic transmission faded.

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2011, 07:55:55 PM »
Very good thus far!  It reads well, and has a compelling story arc.  Keep it coming!

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2011, 04:59:28 AM »
Very nice Mungo!

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2011, 08:29:06 AM »
Really sweet!

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2011, 09:09:03 AM »
Reads great to me, on the front page.

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2011, 10:10:35 AM »
Nice work on this story!

Offline Mungo Baobab

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Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2011, 02:48:36 PM »
+++++Part Seven+++++

Once again Jared Rand was nervous.  He and his master were waiting in the temple courtyard for Masters Yoda and Rahn.

"Jared, you really must learn to relax," Curch teased.  

The padawan squinted his eyes in frustration. Curch could sense Jared's anxiety even without using the force.

"Why can't we tell them? I just don't understand why you can't just tell them about the old Muun?"

Curch and Jared had had this conversation several times already, however it was clear that his padawan was not happy. "Young one, I will tell you one last time, the source is not the issue, it is his techniques which could cause us trouble. Even though he was willing to help us, he is a force user who was not trained by the Jedi. Some on the council might see only the dark side of the force and we don't need that kind of interference, at least not now. We must find Koth before he does something rather rash. Now...for the last time DO NOT bring it up again or I will have you serve a month in the archives with Master Nu!"

Jared sat quietly for a moment and then he and Curch began laughing in unison.

"OK, OK, you have made your point. Please don't send me to assist Master Nu. Not again."

They both laughed again.

"Always good it is to hear an apprentice and his master laughing together."  It was as if Masters Yoda and Rahn had appeared out of thin air. "Good for the soul laughter is. Makes young Rand less anxious it does."

Master Ki brought the conversation back around to matters at hand. "Have you found out anything regarding Koth?"

Jared stared at the ground. He bit his tongue while remembering the last time he was sentenced to serve Master Nu.

« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 11:02:04 AM by Mungo Baobab »

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2011, 12:14:28 PM »
where have i been !! this is awesome !