Author Topic: X-Men: Destiny  (Read 1390 times)

Offline Phatty

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X-Men: Destiny
« on: December 14, 2010, 08:29:45 AM »
I just saw the trailer for this game, and it looks like it can prove to be pretty wicked!  From what I read and saw in the trailer, it appears as though you get to customize a character, train as a mutant, and make your own choices on how you progress.  I'm thinking along the lines of KOTOR or similar, a choose your own adventure type game.  I hope this comes out for consoles like Xbox360 or PS3!

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Re: X-Men: Destiny
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2010, 10:47:01 AM »
sounds good

Offline Phatty

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Re: X-Men: Destiny
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2011, 08:11:54 AM »
So, I preordered and bought this game with high anticipation.  What I got, well, I don't know yet.

It's being billed as an RPG game, though most of the decisions and directions are preordained.  Yes, you get to choose from one of 3 newly "awakened" mutants.  Yes, you get to decide if you want to follow along with Cyclops' X-Men, or Magneto's Brotherhood.  However, you get to make that choice several times, so you can go back and forth all you want.  And the maps are not very open, you MUST go the way they have it laid out for you to complete it.

I found overall game play to be pretty easy.  I finished it in less than 8 hours overall.  Granted, I began on the "New Mutant" difficulty setting, but I'm playing through on the "X-Man" setting the 2nd time and am having very little problems with it.  Granted, when you "Continue" after the game is complete, you start at the beginning of the game with all of your powers intact, so it's a bit easier.  The Villains are tougher to match, but still not that hard. 

The graphics are ok.  I'm not overly impressed, because I've played better.  They're not the worst, by far, but some of the animations aren't as clean as they could be.  The sound is pretty nice, no complaints there at all.

In order to complete the game 100%, you'll HAVE to play twice.  Some of the "X-Genes" (enhance your powers with other X-Men and Brotherhood powers) are only available if you do side missions and challenges.  The problem is, you have to do them with an X-Man (X-Men Faction Points Gained) or a member of the Brotherhood (Brotherhood Faction Points Gained).  If you're trying to stay on the good side or the bad side, you'll miss some of them.  On top of that, sometimes you have to choose which character you'll follow on a mission, and again lose that chance to get an X-Gene. 

As for the 3 different players you can choose from, I really don't think it makes much of a difference on which one you choose to begin with.  Probably dialogue, but the goal is always the same.  There are only 3 sets of powers you can choose from: Density Control, Energy Projection, or Shadow Matter.  Once you choose one of those, you will eventually earn 3 upgrades to that power and a Finishing Power.  Each upgrade, you have to choose between two different powers on that level.  So, there are 7 powers overall in your power set, and you have to choose 3 of them, with the final one being only one option.  Not bad, but they are even more powerful when you choose an X-Gene to amplify them...

The X-Genes come in 3 different categories: Offensive, Defensive, and Utility.  You can pair, say, Pyro's flame powers for Offense with Emma Frost's Diamond Form for Defense and Psylocke's Shadow Dash for Utility.  In addition, you can find various versions of other characters uniforms for additional boost, such as Wolverine's costume (tailored for your character, you won't look like Wolverine) to increase your health regeneration.  If you combine one single character's uniform, offense, defense, and utility, you'll have an additional X power, you'll be stronger and more amplified.  This is perhaps one of the coolest aspects of the game, as you can really put together some great powers and be pretty powerful.

Overall, I'd say the game is fun, though I'm not sure it was worth the $60 I paid for it.  I always get pissed off when I buy a game for a vacation, something to take me awhile, and finish it in one day.  Sure, I still want to play through with the other characters and power sets yet, but after awhile, I can see it getting very tedious by the 3rd or 4th playthrough, especially if I want to collect 100% of the findable items.  Buy it used if you have the opportunity and save the money.

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Re: X-Men: Destiny
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2011, 09:07:30 AM »
Ok, so I've played the game all the way through 3 times now, using each character once and each power set once.  I used Energy powers with Grant, Shadow Matter with Aimi, and Density control with Adrian.  I've played completely X-Man, and completely Brotherhood, and a bit of both.  You get very little change in things either way.  Aimi is the quickest of the 3, and Energy powers are the best, in my opinion.  Shadow Matter comes in 2nd, followed by Density Control.  I found Density control to be clumsy, missing your target often.  Energy powers had the best upgrades, with the final power able to clear entire areas nicely.  Shadow Matter's best power comes with the 2nd round where you can fade in and out of the shadows and attack up to 12 targets at once.  That power alone makes short work of any "boss" fights you have.

Once again, the game is entertaining, even though it's brief.  I finished my 2nd game and started on my 3rd game, and was only 1 stage from completion on the 3rd round after a mere 4 and a half hours.  I'd definitely pick it up used, as paying new prices isn't worth it, really.  Fun, but needs to be a bit tougher, a lot longer, with more complex puzzles to solve.  All in all, it's a button mashing brawler game with set maps, making it impossible to get lost at all.

If anyone is interested, I'll sell the PS3 game plus game guide for $40 shipped.  PM me with any questions.