What's up with those decals? Did you make them yourself, or are they from a kit?
Hey, thanks again to everyone who has just come by to take a look and left a kind word or two. I really appreciate it..so much so that I've been walking around here like I'm Superman.
To answer flaccid's question about the decals...I set my own in photoshop or illustrator, I work as a graphic artist so I usually just size out some circles and such and then set up my set according to those dimensions.
I have to sit down and figure out what I'm going to do with the N-1 fighter (and thanks for those who reminded me what it was), but I may just stick to some black markings similar to original. Or hell, I may just deviate and go nuts and mark it all up with stripes and access panels.
For those interested, you can go to decalpaper.com to order some sheets. You can get them in packs of 10 or 20 sheets and usually run about a 1.00 a sheet. Testor's also has a decal spray for the paper. But as a caution..spray those sheets in a well ventilated area or you'll be found an hour later just wandering through the neighborhood in a daze. You can print the sheets with any ink jet printer so nothing really special is required to make them.
I'm also starting to ntice a few of you that I have been watching on YouTube for awhile. It's good to meet all you finally and can't wait to see what some of you have up your sleeves now.