Author Topic: mini fan fiction episode 5 commander dense diary entry 2 geonosis  (Read 1791 times)

Offline beige-4

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the ditches were being dug when the first mortar came . i looked at my freinds , my brothers , i knew what they felt but we had to put a brave face on i thought . i dazed at the mud spraying from the craters being made my mortar shells , my mind switched as i saw b1 battle droids appear in veiw , we all started firing are blasters , sarge was barking orders telling zee-el to go towards the tree a few yards away from me , my dc needed to be reloaded so i got my mag out and patched in a new one while pinkie slipped next to me " hey , is that a sith , he looks a right nonce he heh !" exclaimed pinkie as he took a potshot at the sith , the sith deflected the bolt as if it was army rations . pinkies blaster bolt soared back to his head and splashed his brains on my left shoulder and left side of my chest peice . his last words i remember were " sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"  . the battle raged on my brothers were taking heavy losses dez was down and jazz was injured , a jedi who mistreated punch leapt in the battle feild and started cutting down droids untill that sith chopped his right hand of all he could do was look at his hand as battle droids blasted him one hit his horn ( as he was nasert ) one hit his other hand and he was starting to run back when i put my crosshairs to his head and my blaster zapped and the jedi fell to his knees muttering " how could you dence , how could you dence " in a loop a battle droid blasted him in the back . i threw a grenade over the battle feild shouting " get back to raxus primes droid depot " i suddenly realised that i was the only one not wounded on my side i looked at the sith 25 yards away and thought what the hell !
i grabbed two pistols from the dead seargent next to me and jumped up to the ground and shouted " live to die rustys " and ran towards the sith firing rounds into the droids blasting me. one bolt hit me in my shoulderknocking my armour pad clean off. i picked my mini-knife out of my belt and threw it at a droids neck  bullseye ! the last droid stood in my way , i shot it's head clean off its neck , i then ran towards the sith , he ignited his saber,i blasted it out his hand and got another mini-knife out and threw it at him , it hit him in the plate of his jagged chest armour and droplets of crimson dripped out of the wound , i looked at him and got my blaster and shot him he then tried a force trick and threw the orb type air thing at me i ducked out the way and looked at it hit a clones head making it to explode i saw the second lightsaber blazing red as he swished it at me , i jumped out the way but he swished his lightsaber up making a scar i will always be wounded with , he then tryed to elictricute me using force lightning , i withstanded it and gently picked another mini-knife from my belt and threw it at his hand chopping it off , i then dug out another knife and threw it at his rebreather cutting his supply of air things , he started breathing heavily but i weren't a nonce i got my blaster and gave him a double-tap to the head . his body fell limp next to my feet as the life was sucked out of him . i walked back to my dicth and sat down my helmet must of fell off because it weren't on my head , i looked around the trench " bloody good work killing machine " grunted zee-el  , " pheww , your still alive " i replied " you just killed a sith that was bloody heroic mate i thenk zeltrons will be pileing on your flab of a head " screeched  zl " meh hero meh it was easyy " i bragged " heh ehe heh your in for a medal maybe a promotion mate " he shouted
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 11:27:04 AM by beige-4 »

Offline beige-4

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Re: mini fan fiction episode 1 ( lt . dence diary title battle of colonrado )
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2010, 08:59:30 AM »
please comment

Offline beige-4

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Re: mini fan fiction episode 2 ( holonet news )
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2010, 11:45:09 AM »
hello there watchers im Zara ihkjon and this is holonet news!
Rodia has been plagued by the new invaders called the ...
erm guy's what are they called ?
vuhhzan vong i think
okay the vuhhzan vong has plagued Rodia with a plague from the times of the old republic . the blue shadow virus
the grand jedi master who destroyed both death star's has been giving statements to are reporter

hello zara im here today with jedi luke skywalker , luke what is your veiw on this war ?
it's not going well for us but with the force we will thrive .
okay, what will you do for Rodia ?
we are bringing in the supply and medical ships for Rodia . all we can say is that we hope for survivors

thank you jun on other new's rebel fighters on the plant of iguy have assasinated senator tol pukio of their system .

well there isn't any new's to be told so just wait for the pewind if you missed anything . this is zara ihkjon and holonet saying see you next time .

Offline beige-4

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Re: mini fan fiction episode 2 ( holonet news )
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2011, 01:15:48 PM »

“Hello there citizens of the republic” beamed grare julika “today we have news of teres IV joining the senate with senator frej gopol” “on other news a freak solar storm has hit gerekol in the 58jon system”  “ causing severe damage and radiation leaks at the merr-sonn arming factory’s. coruscants red saber is helping with fund raising for gerekol “ “please donate!”

Offline beige-4

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Re: mini fan fiction episode 2 ( holonet news )
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2011, 06:07:20 AM »
 “Ahhh I remember geonosis” …

“And that’s it mostly.” I Said as I switched off the holo-pad. “30 minutes guys” beamed longhorn the “door opener” “good I can’t wait to crack some metal” grinned Z.L. Are armour was all shiny but I reckoned when we came back are armour would be pretty dirty. The doors opened to reveal the harsh waste land laser beams were flying everywhere and more gunships were landing “go go go!” I screamed. Running towards the arming factory I saw a droid battalion on the horizon attacking the 67th artillery troop’s I shouted into my comm. Set “2nd company go help the 67th” I rushed towards the arming factory and crouched behind a rock spire. My men did the same. I peered over the rocks and saw a battalion of droids coming down the valley. I saw Z.L nodding at me. And immediately he jumped out of cover and started blasting droids with his z6 rotary cannon. “COVER FIRE!” he shouted. Omeg squad quickly took position and started firing at the droids. I jumped out of cover and started to sprint towards the enemy with flak, Biscay, pinkie, snipe, tar, healer, tick, and half of briik squad. We all started blasting droids out of are way and I saw tar being shot in the arm and healer crouching next to him and helping him up. The droids pounded on and scored a few kills but are casualties were much smaller than theirs. The droids were pouring from a small valley.” Any moment now” I muttered. 5 seconds later a squad of clones with modified blasters came out of the valley behind the droids and started blasting the droids from behind. I saw Z.L swing his cannon around smashing droid head cases. He dropped his cannon and jumped on one of the droids and ripped out it’s circuits and threw the droid to the ground and pulled out a machete and started to rip apart close by droids, finally he picked up his z6 and started blasting again. The droids lay on the floor with blast marks all over them, most coming from Z.L’s cannon. “Sir! We have found a short-cut which will make are route towards the factory much faster” beamed one of the spec ops team “alright. Send the rest of your team to the caves where the geonosians are, get scalpel to command the team as your coming with me sergeant” I said “pleasure to be on the team sir”. We ran through the tunnels as fast as we could but near the end there was a nasty surprise. Geonosians covered the exit! We were caught straight in front of them. They garbled some odd language and then pointed their sonar blasters at us. Z.L and Biggy leaped in front of us and began clearing a path with their cannons. “MOVE!” I shouted as we galloped towards the geos we shot and killed most of the drones but some ran away. We walked out of the tunnels with are weapons on our shoulders expecting to see the 4th and 5th company greeting us but to our surprise we looked into the eyes of several hundred b2 battle droids and a squad of destroyer droids “ move back” I silently mumbled. We just managed to back walk to the entry of the tunnel when the destroyer droids started to blast at us. two of the x-0 squad members villa and tripe stayed back and fired their weapons at the converging droids while we made are escape I heard they kept the droids at bait for 30 minutes before villa died. Tripe being shot 6 times came limping back to bring the news. He probably ditched his cannon because he only had a pistol with him. Sgt. Acre of briik squad pushed him towards a corner and started to talk with him, suggesting the name “numb” to tripe. “Wait a minute where is healer and tar?” I shouted, there was no answer. We pushed on and to our delight found another tunnel leading right towards the factory we celebrated once we saw 4th and 5th company taking down the factory next to our target factory. We did what we did and the weird thing is there was no droids in the factory… well after that we sat down and ate some rolls and rations waiting for are evac…

Offline beige-4

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Re: mini fan fiction episode 5 commander dense diary entry 2 geonosis
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2011, 11:27:16 AM »
But danger came back as we saw remnants of the spec ops team fighting they’re way out of a tunnel. Following on their heels were at least 2 battalions of droids mainly b2’s. There was a daze of flashing lights and I tried to get up, there was a searing pain in my chest, warm and sticky was the only description for the liquid dibbling down my chest. My head lolled side wards as consciousness drifted away the last thing I saw were tick, pinkie and snipe being caught in a nearby explosion… I awoke and the first thing I saw was Biscay being shot in the back “arghh!” I shouted as I helped myself up and grabbed the nearest blaster. I fired blindly as the droids came close. Sgt. Acre came by my side and started to fire droids too “sir, we thought you were dead” said Acre “casualties?” I asked, fearing for the worst “some from a few squads but dead… tick and snipe didn’t make it” gloomed acre “frak!” I screamed at the loss of my squad members. Kicking a droid on the floor in the abdomen and blasting it’s head off I moved towards the next one suddenly I let out a gasp as I saw Z.L in the dead pile! I ran towards him tears streaming and placed my hand on his shoulder and said “you were a good soldier mate. Damn scrap metal” his head moved and I gasped and his hands reached up to take his bucket off to reveal his face “get your hands off me! I’m alive its okay. Jeez” again I gasped and shook my head with relief “you crafty bastard”