Author Topic: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad  (Read 2968 times)

Offline republiccommando1164

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The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« on: August 03, 2010, 08:58:59 AM »

Kamino 32bby....

I open my eyes, I dont know anything who I am what I am all I hear is that soothing voice. I breath...."Welcome, little one. This is your first day. Your designation will be RC-1164. We expect great things from you".

2 years later... I sit their in the class room next to many just like me I learn. "You have been born into dangerous times. A sharp mind will be the key to survival. But as often as not, it will be your inherent physical traits that win the day."

 I stand at the range in line with my brothers. Sergent Vau inspects us teaches us how to kill. I take place at the range and I fire at the target every shot on center...."And in this regard, you will be superior to your more common brethren. For you are a commando, something truly special".

I stand in the line and walk up to the bench my helmat the T the mandolorian T our heritage... our mark...."Your weapons, your armor, and most importantly, your brothers."

I run for cover the rounds aint real but the pain is Fi fires an anti-armor round at the approching enemy, tam fires from cover, jay aims and fires and I lead my brothers ....." The aipha of our world hunt in pods to bring down much larger prey. So too, will you join your brothers and become fierce hunters for the Republic. Now, join your pod, and embrace your destiny as their leader. Join Tiba Squad: Delta 79, your foundation, an intelligent and deadly solidier; 05, the heart and soul of your team; and 63, one of the fiercest hunters of all your brethren. You are each a piece of a whole person, and the Republic will call on you to defend, and give your lives if need be."

I stand in line with my squad, the rain pelts of our armor the thunder, the lightning hypes us, in my helmet the unified voice of my brothers all of us booms 

Kandosii sa ka'rta, Vode an.
Coruscanta a'den mhi, Vode an.
Bal kote, darasuum kote,
Jorso'ran kando a tome.
Sa kyr'am nau tracyn kad, Vode an.

Kandosii sa ka'rta, Vode an.
Coruscanta a'den mhi, Vode an.
Motir ca'tra nau tracinya.
Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a.
Aruetyc runi solus cet o'r.
Motir ca'tra nau tracinya.
Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a.
Aruetyc runi trattok'o.
Sa kyr'am nau tracyn kad, Vode an! "

Vode an brothers all our heritage our souls....

A gunship lands infront of us another commando climbs in. I know him anywhere Fixer, I wave he acknowledges and his gunships takes of to be replaced by another, Bosses my friends he climbs in nodds to us and the cycle continues.

Ours comes down now an eger looking soft shell stands in the troop bay waving at us.

"Tiba squad.... Lock and Load" and we embrace our destiny.

Offline wraithnine

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2010, 09:05:56 AM »
that was superb
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2010, 03:36:10 PM »
Dark...very dark....

I like it!!!

Offline beige-4

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2010, 10:06:05 AM »
to qoute a certain song '  baaaabyyy i think im capsizzzinng ' lol that was great

Offline republiccommando1164

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2010, 04:24:56 PM »
Geonosis: Baptism by Fire

RAS  Vengance...... 22bby

We sit in the gunship for the entire journey to geonoisis our advisor CT-1229 brifes us. We are to board a an enemy core ship. I look over the scematics of the huge sphere like structure. Close quarters Tam aint gonna like it.

Fi sits there disasembling and reasembling his pistol. Tam I can hear snoring on the comm link. Jay is silent and adjusting his jet pack. I look over the plans again we have to land at the rally point and take a convoy of AT-TEs to the core ship and board from there. Outside I can hear the clanking of the tanks.

"Why do you want the jet pack?" Fi asks Jay
"To gain the advantage destroyer droids cant aim up" he says back

It makes sense the man always does. Tam looks up from his silent meditation just for a moment then returns to the inner sanctum of his mind. What goes on in your own private thoughts is the only thing your squad dosent know and some times when it comes to Tam I think thats for the best.

Then the pilots voice is heard by us all. "Ready lads droping in 5-4-3-2-"

I brace myself. Then my stomach moves the lights flikker through the narrow slits in the gunships door till like a flash bang a blinding light of geonnosises sun gleams through. I can hear explosions blasters and the LAATs engines. I look through one of the slits A gunship carrying  a tank gets blown to bits. Geonosian fighters fire on us as we descend. Where the hell is our fighter support. Boom another gunship goes down.

Please dont let us be next please dont let us be next. All that training learning pain and loss for what to be shot down by a bug no that aint happening to us and sure as hell not my men. I feel remorse for the guys that dont make it poor sods. I notice something then every ones looking out the slits at the vast battle iwaging. Ships thousands of them are in the air. But where the hell are our fighters. Then I see them in the corner of my eye torret fighters dozens of them start firing at the bugs fighters.

Wait no ones talking why is no one talking. then I realise they are afraid ....... am afraid the most elite commandos in the galaxy are afraid of doing our job. What do I do do I get us talking what do I do ? I feel the sweat dripping down my back. The adrenaline pumping in my blood ..... am afraid yes but also ....I've never been so alive.

I turn to my men , the pilot says we are there in 15 seconds.
"You feel it to dont you Dar?" says tam

Is he joking does he know have they been talking about it on private comms.?

"Yes I feel it.... Tiba squad eta in 5 "

I count dowmn the seconds the gunship moves like its being reined in the doors slide open and we take our first steps on to the dusty red clay of geonosis.

Offline gwest

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2010, 04:53:06 PM »
That's really impressive.  Good job.

In the first chapter, the song that is being sung, could you post an English translation?

Can't wait to read more.

Offline wraithnine

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2010, 05:04:59 PM »
this is excellent!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline republiccommando1164

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2010, 08:21:58 AM »
Landing Zone Bravo2 Charlie, Geonosis , 22by .........

Tiba disembarked from the gunship and took their first steps into Hell. Around them lay the unmoving corpses of many clone troopers.Crys, blaster fire and explosions could be heard. Dar looked towards the spire a downed core ship was in the middle of the battlefield its wreakage providing much needed cover to both sides.Bodies and burnt out chasis littered the field. Dar stood looking for a while then an explosison of enormous scale knocked him to the ground.  He stamered to his feet to see what it was. To the left of the spire was a bug artillery piece and it was tearing any advance byeyond the downed core ship to bits. After watching the specticle for 30 seconds Tiba moved up to the main command post.

A clone captain stood there yelling orders to his subordinates.
"Oh oh captain in command" Fi said
"Which means the commander is most likely dead" replied Jay
"Is dead, his  bodies lying on the floor" Tam said

"You guys are a little late to the party" the Captain said
"Sir Tiba sq-" Dar started
" I know who you are its just you aint gonna be taking a core ship any time soon, son" he gestured to the ruined ship " Seps were gona take of and some saber jockey figured that blowing the ship up right on top of us would be a good way to "deny the sepratists assets" little bitch didnt think that blowing up a freakin ship over a bloody battle was a bad idea thou . Now look at the damn place, the commanders dead most of the other officers are to and Ive got two friggin AA emplacements down there tearing my men to parts and that bloody jedis gone missing. "
" Sir any thing we can do" Dar asked knowing the answer.
"Got a few jobs for you sergent, firstly I want you to get someone on that comm over there and find out where the hell your convoy is"
"Sir is our convoy not here yet?"
"No friggin soft shells up in space dropped our tanks too soon just as well you aint takin a core ship, second of all I got wounded down there at the core ship I want you to help them out most of my medics that went down there are eating dirt right about now and another thing KILL THOSE FRIGGING TURRETS" he turned and looked through his binocs then turned again.
"What you waiting for a written invitation get sa move on troopers" he yelled

Dar turned to the squad.
" Right Jay get on the comm, Tam snipe out any hostiles down by the core ship Fi me and you are going to blow up some bugs, once you two hear a big boom you head to the downed core ship and RV with us for our advance on the second turret and bring medical surplies. Copy"
"Sir yes Sir" came the familar reply

As Dar and Fi made their way to the turret emplacement dar knew Fi was smiling and he knew what he was gona ask next.
"So sir do you want a big explosion or a bigger explosion?" yep hes smiling
" A big ball of firte and a few burning bugs would be nice mate" he replied
"Oh so a huge explosion hold the life coming right up sir"
Am gona kill Scorch one day Dar noted.

Offline republiccommando1164

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2010, 06:12:57 AM »
22bby Geonosis, Sepratist Battery position

We run, Fi mtches every pace with me we bolt for cover and dive behind the rocks to our left. We are less than 50 meters from the gun and I can hear the bugs reloading. Do we take them now in the hope they dont get to fire or do we wait till they shoot. Fi taps my shoulder.
"Sir see that crevice over that busted SBD" he says pointing
"Yep... perfect place for a bomb dont you think?" I know hes smiling.
" Actually sir I think this gun could level the other position maybe we should blow that one before this one" he says. Good idea and he knows it is.
" You just want to shoot the big gun dont you?"
I look at the position "okay mate on 3 we rush them okay 1-2-"
Both of us yell "3!!"
And we're of both of us run like possessed demons firing at anything dumb enoghe to show its face. I run behind the gun and drop the bug on the turret . It screams and goes down in a pool of orange blood, two clankers turn on me abandoning the MG they were maning I kick one back and before I could turn on the other Fi jumps up over the edge of the position and rips its head of.
" They really dont make things like they used to" he chuckles as he fires on another bug trying to flee.
Wise arse am deffinitly blaming Scorch.
"Where were you" I ask
"Planting the bomb"
" Okay well what you standing about for blow up that position"
" Yay" he says as he clambers up on the turret. " Locked and loaded ready to fire at the ....the"
"Cat got your tongue"
" I dont know what to say....ugghh"
"Fire the damn cannon!"
And boom the bugs clearly never heard of overkill. The other postion goes up in a ball of flame, I can see  bugs screaming in pain and whats this ... droids are retreating to the spire?
"Ugh dar did Fi just blow up that position?" Tam asks over the radio.
"Did he say a one liner"
"Nope he couldnt think of one"
" Well if you werent so pushy I could of got one"
Then a new voice enters the comm system"By the force son that was a hell of an explosion haha good work Tiba now blow the other one  HaHa" The captains laughing?
"Well hes in a good mood' Fi says
"Well you did just blow up a deadly enemy position so Id say so " Jay says over the comm
"Maybe drinks are on him"
"Can it Fi... Jay what about the tanks?" I ask
"They are about fifteen minites away saber jockeys wanted to use them to secure sector 1. But the Seps had pulled out"
The arena? " Werent they just at sector 1 aboout 2 hours ago?"
"Yeah but they wanted their deads bodies." he replies
"Think they'll do that for us?" Fi asks
"No I dont" replies Tam " Sir are you goin to blow thatb position already battles not over yet"
"Okay meet us at the core ship, Fi lets go"
Both of us run out of the position and back to the core ship. We're there first, Fi pulls out the detonator.
"Fire in the hole" he yells.
BOOM!!! the sep gun position goes up in flames. I
"I love this job sir" hes smiling under that helmet, I know it but then again .... so am I.

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2010, 08:12:56 AM »
Wow, superb story mate!
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline republiccommando1164

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2010, 09:08:50 AM »
Comm Room, RAS Prodigal Knight, Geonosis Sky....... 32 bby

<Hailing from commando squad cleo>...........(file number 567.342 bravo)
Recieving transmission 1.....2......3.....4.....5........23.......56......78.....98......99......100 percent
<unidentified clone commando> Bravo Charlie .....(static)
<transmision lost>
<Commando Squad Rem sent to reinforce.... possible jammer will establish comms ASAP>

<Hailing from CT-1098-3247>................(file number 567.343 bravo)
Recieving transmission 1.....2......3.....4.....5........23.......56......78.....98......99......100 percent
<CT-1098-3247>  Mayday, mayday droid forces overrunning position 39 alpha requesting imediate ..... ( blaster fire).... imediate support (screaming in back ground) Theres to many of them .... need to fall back .... (blaster fire) requesting imdiate bomber support......(blaster fire<unidentified voice in back ground:My legs ....My legs>) Heavy casualties requesting support imediately.....(blasterfire<unidentified voice in background: Fall Back.... Fall Back) We could use a jedidow- <screaming><gunfire>...................
<Transmission Lost>
<Gunship wing bravo 46 sent to location with detachment from 362nd infantry group

<Hailing from CT-2371-5567>................(file number 567.343 bravo)
Recieving transmission 1.....2......3.....4.....5........23.......56......78.....98......99......100 percent
<CT2371-5567> requesting gunship pickup Both myself and VIP  Senitor Amadalia are stranded at grid Charlie 3 echo 8
<transmission closed at source>
<Gunship 5932 sent to pick up with infantry squad 40932>

<Hailing from CC-478>................(file number 567.343 bravo)
Recieving transmission 1.....2......3.....4.....5........23.......56......78.....98......99......100 percent
<CC-478> We've located a  droid factory in grid  bravo 4 charlie 5 approximately 21 km from landing zone bravo2 charlie requesting commando squad for infiltration. I havent the man power to go in there will offer commandos complete support. The factory is sending units straight out to battle. Will engage enemy forces until commandos infiltrate theen will provide a diversion Out
<Transmission closed at source>
<Checking for availble commando squads in area>
Gamma squad..... engaged with destruction of core ship
Delta squad...... Jammed engageing droid foundary
Tead squad...... not operational <2 men wounded 2 walking wounded thire 3 all evac on the way gunship 451>
Tiba squad .......mission aborted....< core ship destroyed prior to landing supporting assault on main sepratist spire in sector..... availble for mission>
<Hailing RC-1164> Roger will do once battle won here over>
<Transmission closed>

Offline wraithnine

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2010, 12:39:30 PM »
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2010, 07:42:16 PM »
Hey you added Gamma Squad in your story! Thanks and well done!
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline republiccommando1164

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2010, 12:37:39 PM »
Landing Zone, Bravo2 Charlie, Geonosis,22bby,....

Tams Journal

"Uggh its my leg sir" he tells me "Clanker nearly tore it of me"
Blood covers the troopers armor the pristine whiote now a combo of blood and sand. His face is pale and blood seps out of his mouth.
"Leg my shebs trooper" I scan the mass of bodies for a medic luckily I see one . "Oi medic" I yell " man down ova here"
"Men down all over the place what do you want me to do?" he replies
"Patch him up!" I reply
"With what? Friggin sand look commando I have no bloody bacta am outa everything bandages, bacta, pain-killers. If you can get me some of the stuff Ill gladly help every one here but since you cant shut the hell up!" he replies quiet angerly for a white-job.
"Dont get snotty with me shiny-" I start
"You calling me a shiny?" he laughs " Hate to tell you this you over-rated primodonna but your a shiny too"
Okay now its getting serious. Am gonna break his nose. I take 3 strides across to him until I can see my self in his eyes. Then someone grabs me .
"Cool it boys" Dar says  "We're all testy so dont let your friggin emotions get the better of you'" he looks around " And that goes for every single one of you" hes right he always is.
"Sorry Vode" I say to the medic. He nods and walks back to a wounded trooper.
"heard you guys needed some supplies"  someone says. I turn to see the captain from earlier standing there with a strecher. " sergent" He bellows at Dar,"tell yourr boy that fixed up that radio hes a life-saver literally" .
"Please dont sarge Jay would get big headed" Fi says. Where the hell did he come from.
"Bite me" Jay replies over the comm. " Sarge I found the way in to the factory that 478 was talking about"
" Okay boys get going" the captain says.
"yes sir but what about the spire?" 64 asks
"Sa=ergent Ive got a friggin convoyof at-tes and troopers behind me and you guys did the hard work so we'll blow up the spire you lads get going. Ill see you with 478 once you make that factory go boom now move out commando"
So we move out and run across the plains of geonosis leaving behind a scene of medics, stomping walkers and burning bugs.

SAuthors note
Sorry lads I wasnt really in the mood for this chapter so i just tried to get it over as quickly as possible. Id like to say I could continue but next week am working in a store for a festival. so it may be a while before I can continue. Hopefully tomorow I can give you a much better chapter. BTW the next one is gonna be awesome.

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: The Chronicles of Tiba Squad
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2010, 08:45:50 AM »
Good read.
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?