fellow shipyarders unfortunatley due to a catastrophic collapse in my financial position(far far worse than last year,my marriage is also disintergrating as a result)i am forced to sell a few items ,the situation is absolutley dire and my health is failing rapidly
first up is my shadow gunship
£80+ shipping
£45+ shipping
PayPal only .
N.b. all my stuff is loose but pretty much complete with the odd exceptions.
i will also be selling my entire bust-ups range,12" figures and maybe my action fleet vehicles.. plus others...also maybe be selling my entire movie clone army ,if anyone is interested please P.M. me ....help me imperial shipyarders...your my only hope...
12" figure list : (not sure how much to ask for these ,i need to raise funds quickly so i'd rather sell in lots but thats not set in stone)
Electronic Jango Fett
Darth Maul
Jar Jar Binks
(please note that these arent sideshow or medicom i think they are "collectors edition type)