Imperial Creative Engineering > Dioramas

Help for my first diorama

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Hey buds !

I've been planning to make my  own 'Hoth command room' dio for ages and ages  but sadly never took off !

Well i'm planning to start with it nex month and i do have some questions!

*1   What figures should i include? ( i already have R3-Y2 which is pretty rare and i need a general Rieekan too for the 'Holo screen)

*2 How should i make the computer consoles?

*3 How should i make the walls? I've been thinking of that yellow insolation foam and painting it white because the texture seems good for snow/icey walls.

I will post pictures if i start !

Cheers and thanks alot!


Check with Jules (Hangerbay) he's the man when it comes to this stuff. White foam parts that are then shaped and covered in plaster are what everyone uses mostly for organic wall types.

There are some GREAT examples in the dio section =) Sandcrawler comes to mind!


You have probably chosen the most difficult diorama you could attempt, I gave up on the idea as it was going to be too difficult to put together.

The best Hoth Diorama I have seen was by the Professor, you'll find images on this forum, I think he used Polistyrene packaging.

Check out his post for ideas.


Mate thi sis a very ambitous attempt especially for a first dio, for the figures I think any off the Hoth figures would be good to use and for the computer consoles make them from cardboard and foamcore these would be the easiest materials to use.

For the walls the guys are correct use foam as the base and when doing the snow you can use plaster of paris which is very easy to use.  Just remember when applying the plaster let it start to dry then get a wider brush and lightly dip into some water and run it across the wall,  doingthis will give the wall the texture as thou the walls have been cut using some sought of machine.


Very hard dio Hoth I've been trying to stay away from there. My kids been pushing me and I bring up Clone Wars and the conversation is over. If you want the decals for some of the computers I have them good luck


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