Author Topic: The Cragmoloid  (Read 1252 times)

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The Cragmoloid
« on: January 01, 2010, 09:30:08 PM »
INFO: Cragmoloids were a large, pachydermoid species from the planet Ankus in the Unknown Regions near Ord Mantell. Members of this species were rarely seen outside their homeworld, except in Imperial work camps.

RACE: Cragmoloid
HEIGHT: 3 Meters Tall
SKIN: Grayish
DISTINCTION: Pachydermoid

Ankus was a planet on the borders of the Mid Rim near the Unknown Regions, not far from the Mantellian Savrip homeworld. Covered with rocky, rolling plains, it was the homeworld of the Cragmoloid species, who were enslaved by the Empire.

Massively built, averaging about 3 meters in height and in excess of 200 kilograms, Cragmoloids had small, bloodshot eyes, tusks which could be used as offensive weapons, large flap-like ears, and thick leathery hides topped with coarse, stringy hair on their heads. Their most prominent feature was a thick, muscular trunk on their face which functioned almost like a third limb as well as a nose. They could live up to 400 years.

A point of pride among male Cragmoloids are their tusks, which are also the cause of the species being hunted to near-extinction, as they are quite valuable and numerous hunters risk the massive creatures' ire just to get a hold of them. As a result, many off-planet Cragmoloids saw off their tusks to prevent these hunters from killing them, but the resulting humiliation caused by the loss of such a status symbol amongst their people can be overwhelming.

They were an extremely clan-oriented species, placing great value in being around family members and friends, and could sink into a deep depression if separated from them. Most free Cragmoloids located away from their homeworld lead a wandering lifestyle, either becoming scouts or going into partnership with traders. Despite their strength very few became mercenaries, due to their distaste in the use of gratuitous violence. A few, however, joined up with the Rebellion in hopes of freeing their planet from Imperial tyranny.

Preferring to be direct in their responses, most Cragmoloids were quick to anger—especially if they encountered subterfuge and trickery, which they saw as dishonorable. Their native language was Cragii. The gambler Rooty was a Cragmoloid.

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I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.